PAGE SIX ra l)r. John \\ Magee l«‘ft Monday for his home in Brock Haven, Miss., af ter visiting Ins .sun, Warren Magee anil Mrs. Magee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles f RusselL He was accompanied he m by Mr. and Mrs. ' Warren Magee ami little daughter. Susan, wfio v% til make their home in M ississipp Thomas Cross dr., has returned to porter Military \eademy. Charleston, S. C. after spending the spring hole lays with I s ; a:■> lits, Mr. and Mrs. T. Y. Cross, Chief of T'ohre .!. It I'aniiei of Greenville was i visitor in Kile,tit-mi Monday, bei: g ~ a iiuess in Sap' • b>r Court. Mr, am! Mrs. .! .1. Morris ami Mr. rod Mrs. Raymond (jtiillen of Berlin. Md.. were -Week : a guests "t Mr. r:d Mrs. Raymond Mansfield. M jss .• igi< ii ffler returned t<• Mars Hill, Coll ego to resume her stu dies. after.spending : the. -spring holi days with her parents,;.Mr. ami Mrs. M - !,. Hoff . r Miss Joye. Harr. !! has returned' t" Mat's Hilh College, where she is 1 student, after spending the holidays, .with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.-Lou is Harrell. Mrs. W it. Phelps; and' two daugh t.-rs of (treeiiviho, \ C., spent tin week-end w ith her sisters,. Mrs. W. R. Goodwin. and Mrs. T. I!. Williford, and t" visit h r ■: "th.or. Mrs. (, li. MiM / S^Jl itss V W) PJOUBLE] LtolaJ NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS ' The Following - Schedule Will Be Carried Out For Rabies Vaccination In Chowan County: Monday, April 8 , i I. t I’. ring's" Store, Gliden 8: ;o q:oo A M. i j I) Ward. Sign Pine 9:15 10 9:45 A. M Arthur ByriimS Store, An. and Kylund Road Fork to to 10:50 f Beecher Ward's Store. Rvland r 0:45 to 11:15 A M Hollow- II 1 vms Store. Crib-. Roads 1r:30to 12 :©ci. A'. M ; Tuesday, April 9 Cannon > terry Fishery 0:40 to 0:00 A. M Dillard - Mill 9:15 to 9:45 A. M. Belch- Store. Center Hill 10.00 to 10:40 A. M. I Evan- Saw Mill 10:45 to it:ls A. M ! Auction-., Block, Valhalla 1,0:40 to 12:0a A. M J Wednesday, April 10 •Henry Bunch s Store. Rocky Hock S: ;g tu 9:00 A, M. | Peek's Store, Rocky Hock 9:15 to 9:45 A. M. Road I '.rk.-. Marvin Wilson Farm, Green hall 10:00 to 10:40 Road Forks, (ireenhall and Paradise. /. \V Evans Estate Farm 10:45 to 11:15 A- M- | C T. Dixon Store, Hancock Station 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. Thursday, April 11 Clarence Harrell’s Store, Advance 8:50 to 9:00 A. M. Quinton Bass Service Station, Cowpen Neck 9:15 to 9:45 Neal Hobbs Store, Yeopm 10:00 to 10:30 A. M. Canaan Temple Church 10:45 to 11:15 A, M. St John’s Church 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. Friday, April 12 R. E Coffield’s Store, U S. Highway 17-A 8:30 to 9:00 A. M. Road Curve, Greenfield Gate 9:15 to 9:45 A. M. Town Lot. Corner Broad and Water Sts. 10:30 to 11:15 A. M. Chowan Storage Co., W. Carteret Street 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. Saturday, April 13 G. M. Byrum’s Store, Oakum St. 8:3040 9:15 A. M. Office Edenton Cotton Mill 9:30 to 10:15 A. M. Boswell's Store, Windsor Highway 10:30 to 11:15 A. M. Leary Bros Storage Co., Virginia Road 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. All dogs vaccinated on or before April 13, 1946, charges are 75 cents for each dog. After April 13, 1946, SI.OO for each dog. All house calls for Rabies Vaccination within city limits, $2.00 regardless of date. Dr. L. A. Deese VETERINARIAN I Cobb, who is ill at the home of Mrs. Williford. Mrs. Sophia hairless of Coleraiti. I and Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. White of . Colerain spent. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Williford. Mr. arid Mrs. It. fit Holldvvell and j family, attended the funeral of Mrs. Ilollowell’s brother-in-law Mr. W D. Taylor, in Norfolk Saturday Miss Winifred Holldwell, student at-, Wake Koi'eslCollege'; is Speliding t lie■' spring holidays with her parents. Mr. t a d Mrs. It. P. flollou.ei Mas, \\ . W. Taylor arid Jack Rob j orso'u of Ltohersonv rile and Miss Dot j Roberson. student nurse at General Hospital. Norfolk, were guest's of Vlrs, Tayior's daughter. Mrs. Wiihair. ■ S. htlliott;aiid- Mr. KHioft Tuesday i .lan es Miteheiiei:, student at l N( . Chapel Hill, was tile 'week-end guest of his parents. Dr. ami Vli s. .1, A. .VI liehener Miss Ruth -Itv run'-, student at Fair i'a\ Hail, Waynesboro. Vat. was, the • gU'-.-t of her parents, Mr: and Mrs. f I.'. S. ITyrum, during the spring ho|i.-j da vs,' ■ : ' . t T .Mis. .1. M Dan. ';, n.othoi •!' Mr- I■■ hii A. has returned to her I ia'ine iii Aiiarlotte afti'i' spending sev • ’ era I'.ohfl.s in IMoilin'.. Mrs. Henry Goodwin is gradually , . ree"vet"ing '.from an operation at Nor folk: tlenera! Hospital and is imw at Irorne. Mr. and Mrs. T. V". Dyrtiiu are vis- ' ting Major and Mrs, A. C, Lowell; at Sett Island,AhC They were accord ‘ d by Miss. Sara Sutton of Now ' City',', "l ",|. LM.AGKMKNT VNNOI NCKI) Mr ami Mrs. Herman White an ni'um e the engagement of their daughter, Minnie Perry, to John Kd •■var'd Hag i. VM.M -c. I S\, son of . Mrs. D, .11. liagood and the late Mr • iiagood of Birmingham, Alabama. The wedding will hi; solemnized in the j 1 Methodist Church on April 6 at *>:3o ;w hich Hie .public is cordially in.vit hi hit: class meets I’h* A bung: Wp'niat - Bible Class n eets Tuesday night ;tt the Baptist .Church at 7:30. Mrs,- M. M. Perry, pre • Id' ll!, urge- members to be ; present. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY. APRIL 4, 1946 Ed Bond Post Votes To Buy Everett Property (Continued from Page One) ism, preserve memories and incidents in world wars, inculcate a sense of obligation to the state and nation, combat autocracy of classes jutd mas ses, make right master of might, pro mote peace and good will on earth, as well as other Legion goals. I He told of the organization of the | Legion after veterans of the first ( World War were given a s(itt bonus and a kiek in the portion of the ana tomy w here it did the most good. He said he is opposed to any veteran or his family being penalized for service i rendered to his country and cited sev oral instances: where the Legion has stopped iii to help a veteran, a voter I an's widow atid. children. Tire .speaker said ho has seen the Legion grow and that ho was proud to tell newcmeis that they belong to a kliiu.uui'.ouo organization. He said ho was glad to see new blood coming* ! into the Legion, stating that new bu of the Legion membership is con p. -ed of World War II veterans, who will .help to sole i- problems. "W o ivi'iv soft eggs after tile la -1 war." said Judge Stevens, "when Avo scuttled our ships and reduced bur actual combatant troops to just, about, ' the size of the New York police force. We were accused of being .war.-blob i gers, but after being drawn into two j w ary unprepared. I w ould have liked ■j t" yell through a gigantic mega-; i phone, 'we told you so.’ Two times' wo have had time to prepare, but ; the next time, they will start with j us and w e will not have time to get ! 'ready. We will be monkeys; if we ah, ! low our country to bo defenseless, and i movements are already in progress to | do that vcry tlung." The speaker said that with, atomic j developments, a third world war may j j last not over 13 hours and in olos- ' ring Urged the Legionnaires to carry on. in peace for what they fought for in war. Funeral Held Sunday For Mrs. Mary Privott i Mrs. Mary Harrell Privott passed I away at her home Saturday after a j ' long illness. Deceased, daughter of | ' the late Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Harrell, ; was (iu years old! Funeral services were held Sunday I afternoon in the Rocky Hock Church with the pastor, the Rev. W. C.. Fra ncis. officiating. Interment was made in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, C. D . Privott, six daughters, Mrs. J. A. 1 Wiggins of Tyner, Mrs. W. L. Mardre | of Hertford, Mrs. I. S. Blanchard, j Misses Beulah I’rivott. Mary Pri CHICKEN EVERY SUNDAY FREE FRYERS FOR ONE YEAR You can get a fresh PLYLER FRYER from your grocer FREE each week for a year. Complete the following sentence in 25 words or less: “I prefer a PLYLER FRYER because No box tops, no labels to send in. Just write your entry on a penny postal card and mail to PLYLER Poultry Farm, Gatesville, N. C. Contest closes April 30, 1946. Each PLYLER FRYER is individually packaged in cellophane with the weight, price, hatching date and date of dressing clearly printed on the label. ALL PLYLER employees approved by State Board of Health, and dressing plant operations approved by the District Sanitary Offi cer. Each PLYLER FRYER is unconditionally guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory, or your purchase price refunded. Now Available At the Following Stores: EDENTON Goodwin Grocery Byrum Grocery WINDSOR Cowan & Heath Grocery CONWAY CLIFTON A. DAVIS JACKSON GEO. B. BURNETT POWELLSVILLE BARNES & SON ~ PLYLER POULTRY FARM - GATESVILLE, N. C, . vott and Anna Belie I’rivott of Edcn ton, and five sons, W. J. Privott of Tyner, C. E. Privott of Rocky Mount, 1,. W. Privott, E. E. I’rivott and C, A. Privott of Kdenton. Two brothers, W. A. Harrell and R. iT. Harrell of Kdenton, four sisters, 1 Mrs. N. W. Bunch of Ahoskie, Mrs. (i. H. Privott. Mrs. 11. L. Nixon, and j Mrs. J. T. Layton of Kdenton and j ! several grandchidren also survive. Active pallbearers were Robert Harrell, Carlton Nixon. Karl Harrell, Linwood Layton, George’ Privott, Jr., and Ervin Bunch. Honorary pallbearers Were A. F. Proctor. J. A. Webb Jr., John Bunch, , Roy Bunch; Mark White. Kllie Bunch, Worth i, ay ton, P. T. I’errv and I)r I. I'. Williams. TWO MASSES EVER Y St NDAV El tI’NTDN ( \ I HOLD (111 ECU At 0 and tl A. M., holy luasses start in St. Arm's Catliolic Church, each including Sermon (April 7 on Ihe Most Precious Flood of Jesus." Passion Sunday I. Holy Communion, concluding in -Jf> itiinutes, followed at ■' once by Sunday School, stated Father ! F. J. McCmirt, pastor, who invites i twerybody to ail.■ services.- Confessions start half hour, end five minutes be (fore services, Week-mornings: one ; mass. Communion, Rosary. Lenten j Fridays: >k p r . in: Way- of tile Cross, i j iienedietion. choir practice. j t I. ii j i i i 1 I RETAIL’ I i u 1 s,tv,R | AMBER I i IMPORTED BY y | ■ BACARDI IMPORTS, INC, N.T. | RUM • 89 PROOP ■ j 1 ELIZABETH CITY Love Brothers Market Pritchard & Davis Market M. C. Love Market W. E. Pappendick Market MURFREESBORO PURE FOOD MARKET AULANDER YELLOW FRONT MARKET Interesting: Affairs Planned At USO Club The Girls Service'Organization of the local USO Club is sponsoring a box supper social at the club Friday night at 7 o'clock. All members are urged to bring a gayly decorated lunch box with them, ready to be | chosen by some hungry sailor, sol- FARMERS, ATTENTION! If you need money to refinance your farm debts, to build, to purchase additional land or farming equipment, or to pay any farming obligation,-you should investigate the possibilities of * a Federal Land Bank loan made through the National Farm Loan Association. 4G interest—long term -mortgage may be paid anv time and interest stops. ! . .. R. R. PEARSON, Secretary-Treasurer Albemarle National Farm Loan Association 110 Mitchell Street, Telephone 237 AHOSKIE. N. ('. Also at,Production Credit Association office in Kdenton. V every Wednesday front 11 to 12 o'clock. S—— —— —S I Attention Motorist!! * A IT Come in and let us tune up your motor and tighten up your car for Spring and II Summer driving-. ★ | ji WE HAVE - | SEAT COVERS | j| STORAGE BATTERIES HORNS I I MOTOR BLOCK ASSEMBLY I | Chevrolet Trained Mechanics I I + I jB. B. H. Motor Co. i YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER l S. i; Phor>e 400 | EDEXTON. N ('. | I . dier or veteran. Next Monday night at 8 o’clock the GSO will also sponsor a scavenger hunt and all parties will gather for instructions at the club. A large turnout of personnel from the local base is expected and local veterans are particularly reminded that activities at the USO Club are also open to them. HERTFORD , J. C. Blanchard & Co. AHOSKIE Earley Super Market ( • * GATESVILLE WINSLOW & WARD J. M. EASON SUNBURV 1 ROUNTREE & RIDDICK WINTON RALEIGH FUTRELL GROCERY |