73 Peanut Farmers Have Seed Treated County Agent Empha sizes Advantage of Treatment A total of 73 Chowan County far mers treated seed peanuts at 11 places in the county last week. This work covered the treatment of approximate ly 725 bags of peanuts sufficient to plant about 1300 acres. A total of ap proximately 136 farmers and farm boys attended these demonstrations. County Agent C. W. Overman says an effort is being made to encourage y- 1— -V, TAKE . . . . Greenfield’s MILKY WAY To Better Health NOBODY OUTGROWS THE NEED OF MILK GREENFIELD DAIRY EDENTON, N. C. P. O. BOX 350 v- r ' HARD OF HEARING I). STEWART CARTER AUTHORITY ON DEAFNESS, WILL HOLD A FREE CLINIC FOR THE HARD OF HEARING AT HOTEL JOSEPH HEWES IN EDENTON Wednesday, May 29 l2 to 5 P. M. Come in for a personal consultation on your hearing problems— actually learn from a trained specialist, without cost or obligation, how you, too, can enjoy pleasant relaxed hearing again. This Hearing Clinic will be a demonstration showing how the great new Acousticon Hearing System answers the Government’s demand to meet each and every need of individuals—and to fur nish not just a hearing aid, but a complete hearing system. Super-Power Acousticon—Unipac (only one cord) with the tiniest batteries —Tom Thumb “B” and “R” cell "A rt -war inventions will be on display. This is the latest thing in POST WAR hearing. Weight seven and one-half (7 ] 2) ounces. ACOUSTICON RAY COMPANY 50,x Trust Building DURHAM, N. C. Phone N-0421 ACOUSTICON—“The World’s' First and Oldest Manufacturer of Hearing Aids” Send me valuable free booklet on post war hearing ' Name .. - I_2_ .y_. Address i s / I Vote For I I Weldon A. Hollowell I I For Prosecuting Attorney In The Democratic ft j Primary May 25th ft I Weldon Hollowell is ;i graduate of Wake Forest College. School of Law. cla-s of 1942. Following his graduation he was inducted into military service I, J spending most of his time with the fighting forces among the islands of, the B Pacific. Returning from Japan where he last saw active service he was re- B|j leased in February. 1946 and began the practice of law in Edenton. H . Weldon Hollowell was born and raised in the Cross Roads section of Chowan 1:1 County. He has the ability, the energy and the integrity to fill the office of Prosecuting Attorney with honor to the county as well as to himself. A vote H for Weldon Hollowell is a vote for clean, efficient administration of an impor- B tant county office. I HE SERVED US WELL DURING THE WAR I I LET HIM SERVE US NOW DURING THE PEACE I (This advertisement contributed by friends of Weldon A. Hollowell ) B J II [peanut growers to treat their seed , before planting, pointing out that in seed treatment demonstrations to date, I treated seed have increased the num ber of plants in the stand on an av | erage of 20 to 22 ■ t Chowan Home Clubs Meet Next Thursday The Chowan County Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs will meet on Thursday, May 30. This will be an all-day meeting with a Pickle Making Demonstration given in the Commun ity House, Cross Roads, by Miss Ruby Scholz, Extension Specialist, at 10:30 A. M., lunch will be served by the club women at 12:30, and the after noon meeting at 2:00 o’clock. Matures of the afternoon program at 2:00 will be an address by the Rev. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, May 23, 1046 C. W. Duling, Pastor of the Hertford Baptist Church, and County 4-H Dress , Revue under the direction of Miss j Virginia Bailey, Assistant Home Ag ent. The following girls will repre | sent their clubs in the Dress Revue: j Kdenton High School: Lois Harrell ! j and Audrey Lee Jones. Rocky Hock School: Arlene Harrell, , Doris Jean Nixon and Pearl Halsey, j Chowan High School: Sarah'Jordan, Faye Ward, Anna Lee Asbell, Audrey Pearce, Audrey Bunch, Anne Roger son, Dorothy Ann Asbell, Madge Copeland, Ima Jean Layton, and Shirley Elliott. Sara Sutton Assists N. Y. Plastic Official Miss Sara Sutton, niece of Miss Lou Brown and Mrs. Will Barrow of Eden ton, has been appointed as assistant to J. F. Nicholl, head of plastic fab rics development in the Lumite Di vision of the Chicopee Manufacturing Corporation, Chicopee officials an nounced recently. Nicholl said Miss Sutton will specialize in development of plastic fabrics for upholstery and similar products. Before starting with Chicopee, Miss Sutton was with the North American Philips Company, electronic manufac turers, New York, and the F. S. Crofts Company, New York. She is a native of Edenton, N. C., and a graduate of Randolph-Macon Women’s College, Lynchburg, Va. MASONS MEET TONIGHT The regular meeting of Unanimity- Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will be tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. All Masons are invited to attend. i Chids^fever mm to MALAR IAT ao* a MiMiAIOKIMn- *2 r *•*•... by ■—■»« laKala tm Y—rt ... try M [lflvl !TJ!g:SUUW Man Had Brick In His Stomach For 10 Years One man recently stated that for 10 years he felt like he had a brick in his stomach. This feeling was due tc the lump of undigested food he always had inside of him. He was weak, worn out, headachy, swollen with gas and terribly constipated. Recently he started taking INNER-AID and says the feeling like a brick in his stomach disappeared the second day. Bowels are regular now, gas and headaches are gone and he feels like a new man. INNER-AID contains 12 Great Herbs; they cleanse bowels, clear gas from stomach, act on sluggish liver and kidneys. Miserable people soon feel different all over. So don’t go on . suffering! Get INNER-AID. Sold by i all Drug Stores here in Chowan 1 County. adv. j Greeting Cards For All Occasions —at — Campen’s JEWELERS I Local Group Attends Red Men’s Meeting! A. S. Hollowell, Raleigh Hollowell, 1 j W. Jim Daniels and J. Edwin Iluf ! flap returned Wednesday from Eliza | both City, where they attended the meeting of the Great Council of j North Carolina Red Men. Raleigh Hol lowell and Bufflap represented Chow an Tribe of Edenton, while Daniels and Arthur Hollowell are officials of the Great Council. “LET GEORGE DO IT" Ask George Twiddy this question: How you can save S2O on the SIOO premium on your work men’s compensation. GEORGE S. TWIDDY Mutual Insurance FIRE - AUTO SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPEN’S I r■ ; j The Foundation For A Healthy Body The foundation of a healthy body is healthy feet, why suffer with tired, aching, burning, itching or sweaty feet, your face and body reflect the torture of every step. Massage your i feet today with PED-EX and get speedy relief. PED-EX is made from essential oils designed for foot sufferers. It is greaseless and stainless and gives quick relief to sunburn, bruises, dia per rash and tired aching, burning or itching feet. PED-EX is sold by all drug stores here in Chowan County in professional size only. adv 1 [ riCHTiHG me 1 T~ IS A WAR THAT l I J NE ' /ER ENDS . j < Everyone can serve in the war T tT against forest fires . . . and the | ] duration is from now on! Any- I 4 am one of us, by a thoughtless act of 7 mr " * i Wis carelessness, can cause a disastrous 1 | mm > forest fire. The most effective way ] < Moh€£4MtS to fight forest fires is never to start m one. Always remember that one j j Fire Fighting bad fire can wipe out hundreds of I The Bank of Edenton J “SAFETY FOR SA VINGS SINCE 1 894” 1 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION f MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM j J* VOTE FOR— A. S. Hollowell jfpik County Commissioner J . If elected in the Democratic ~ -llfPI well will serve the County to the best of his ability. Your _n-rirllff* JraSl vote and support will be great- y ly appreciated and ho-t of friends who believe that In- will make a good County p J| / Commissioner This Advertisement Paid For H\ c s '* 3 ’ Friends of Mr. Hollowell s EXTRA TASTY BREAD! y j BECAUSE IT’S FULL-STRENGTH - this active fresh Yeast goes right to work. No waiting—no extra steps! And Fleischmann’s fresh Yeast helps make bread that tastes sweeter, is lighter, finer-textured every time. , p y o|| g AKE AT HOME- be sure to get Fleischmann’s active fresh Yeast u with the familiar yellow label. Depend a 6/e America’s time-tested favorite \ for more than 70 y ear s. l|l|l \ / / ’**■** ■ -** ■*** ■»- -* PAGE THREE