Hertford Now Leads| In Albemarle League Edenton Colonials Gain Peg By Going Into Fourth Place STANDING OF CLUBS Won Lost Fct. Hertford 13 8 .619 Colerain 11 1 .611 Windsor 12 8 .600 Kdenton 9 11 .450 Elizzabeth City ----7 10 .412 Camden -- 6 14 .300 During the week the Kdenton Co lonials moved from fifth place to fourth place in the Albemarle League standing, coming about by winning over Colerain and Hertford, winning over Colerain, splitting with Hertford and dropping a hard-fought game to Windsor Saturday afternoon. Hertford forged to the head of the league, while Colerain routed Wind sor from second place, so that Cole rain trails the Hertford leaders by only eight points. Windsor is in third place, followed by Kdenton, Elizabeth City and Camden, accord ing to games played up to Wednes-i day. Friday afternoon's game was a thriller when the Colonials won out over Colerain in the last half of the ninth inning. Griffin, on the mound for Kdenton, kept nine hits pretty well scattered except in the ninth in ning when the visitors hit. safety four times, netting three runs which tied the score that stood at 4-1 in favor of | Kdenton since the sixth inning. In the final inning Uete Everett reached third and came in on a hit and run I)r. Geo. T. Crawford CHIROPRACTIC PHYSIC.AN Specializes in the chronic and often called "incurable” conditions. CITIZENS BANK BLDG., EDENTON Phones: Office 434-W Residence 417-J Greeting Cards For All Occasions —at— Gampen’s JEWELERS JUST ARRIVED! •TPj-Inch x 72-Inch SLEEPRIGHT PADDED BOX SPRINGS Price RSI Grapefruit Juice 38c quart Salt, 100 lbs $3.00 ROND’S SUPPLY CO. Waller Bond, Prop. S. Broad St. KDENTON, N. C. TAM! THEATRE EDENTON, NORTH CAROLINA We Have 'he Shows j Today (Thursday) and Friday, July 18-19 Gary Cooper and Ingrid Be rein an in ‘ SARATOGA TRUNK” Saturday, July 20— ’ Wild Bill Elliott in “CONQUEST OF CHEYENNE” Sunday, July 21— Roy Acuff and His Smoky Mountain Boys in “NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS” Monday and Tuesday, July 22-23 Joan Leslie and Robert Sutton in JANIE GETS MARRIED” Wednesday, July 24 — Double Feature Jinx Falkenburg in “TALK ' i IT A LADY” ilso June Lockhart in “SHE-WOLF OF LONDON” Coining July 25-26 “TOMORROW IS FOREVER” play which won the game. The Colonials lost to Windsor on | the latter’s diamond Saturday after noon 3 to 2. Snooky Hollowell was on the mound for Edenton and pitched superb ball, but errors on the part of his teammates was responsible for the defeat. Again Sunday afternoon a large crowd of fans were thrilled when the Colonials defeated the league-leading Hertford Indians on Hicks Field by a 4-3 score. Hertford scored two runs in the second inning on t\vo hits and tallied another run in the seventh. The Colonials scored one run on two hits in the third and in the fifth in ning tied up the count. In the last half of the eighth the Colonials scor ed two runs on two hits and an error, which was enough to win the game. Garland Little for Edenton allowed only five hits, while Reeves for Hert ford was equally as stingy, also giv ing up only five safe bingles. On Tuesday night the Colonials put up a hard tight with Hertford, but was forced to take the short end j of a 2-1 score. Griffin was on the | mound for the Colonials. Schedule Os Games In Albemarle League To Close Os Season Directors of the Albemarle League have arranged and released the re mainder of the schedule of games which end August 25. The schedule follows: July 19 Kdenton at Camden. Elizabeth City at Windsor. Colerain at Hertford. July 20 Elizabeth City at Colerain. Windsor at Camden. July 21 Kdenton at Elizabeth City. Hertford at Windsor. Colerain at Camden. July 22 Colerain at Hertford. July 23 Elizabeth City at Kdenton. July 24 | Windsor at Kdenton. ( Hertford at Elizabeth City. Camden at Colerain. July 26 Windsor at Elizabeth City. Camden at Hertford. July 27 Kdenton at Colerain. Windsor at Camden. July 28 Kdenton at Camden. Windsor at Elizabeth City. Hertford at Colerain. July 29 Elizabeth City at Hertford. July 3(1 Camden ai Kdenton. July 31 Kdenton at Colerain. j Elizabeth. City at Camden. I Hertford at Windsor. August 1 j Windsor at Hertford. August 2 i Colerain at Kdenton. Windsor at Elizabeth City. August 3 [ .Colerain at Camden. August 4 Elizabeth City at Edenton, Colerain at Windsor. I Hertford at. Camden. , August 5 II Camden at Hertford. August 6 Windsor at Elizabeth City. August 7 I Kdenton at Elizabeth City. Camden at Windsor. August 8 Windsor at Colerain. August 9 I Edenton at Camden. Colerain at Elizabeth City. Windsor at Hertford. August 10 Kdenton at Colerain. August 11 Camden at Edenton. Hertford at Elizabeth City. Windsor at Colerain. August 13 Kdenton at Hertford. | Elizabeth City at Windsor. August | Kdenton at Hertford, i Camden at Elizabeth City, j Colerain at Windsor. ! August 16 j Windsor at Edenton. Elizabeth City at Colerain. Camden at Hertford. August 17 Hertford at Camden. August 18 Edenton at Windsor. Elizabeth City at Camden. Hertford at Colerain. August 19 Elizabeth City at Hertford. August 20 • Elizabeth City at Edenton. Colerain at Windsor. August 21 Windsor at Edenton. Camden at Colerain. August 22 Edenton at Elizabeth City. Colerain at Hertford. August 23 Camden at Edenton. Colerain at Elizabeth City. August 24 Hertford at Camden. August 25 Colerain at Edenton. Hertford at Elizabeth City. | Camden at Windsor. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1946. 1 Commissioners’ Proceedings ! The County Commissioners met Monday, July 1, 1946, with a full Board present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The following bills were ordered paid: M. P. Wilson, Judge of Re corder’s Court, salary, $100.00; J. N. Pruden, Prosecuting Attorney, Re corder’s Court, salary, $100.00; C. W. Overman, salary and expense, $166.66; Miss Rebecca Colwell, salary and ex pense, $115.00; George C. Hoskins, salary as treasurer, $60.00; J. B. Small, colored county agent, salary, $40.0(1; M. L. Bunch, bill and services, $74.18; Carolyn C. McMullan, super intendent of Welfare Department, sal ary, $180.00; Dorothy P. Helms, junior stenographer - clerk, salary, $95.00; Albemarle Hospital, bill, Mrs. Mary Bunch, 29 days at $5.20 per day, $150.00; Jean Sharpe, 11 days at $5.20 per day, $57.00; total, 40 days at $5.20 per day, $208.00; Nor. & Car. j Tel. & Tel. Co., June service Welfare ' Department, $5.13; Herbert S. Small, June rent, $40.00; Mrs. Carolyn C. McMullan, travel, $40.00; Dorothy P. ( Helms, postage, Welfare Department, ,$8.00; Hughes-H#lton Hardware Co., supplies, $1.96; W. J. Taylor, chair man Welfare Board, July l, 1945, to [ June 30, 1946, $24.00; W. D. Pruden, I member Welfare Board, July 1, 1945, [to June 30, 1946, $24,011; M. A. I Hughes, member Welfare Board, July 11, 1945, to June 30, 1946, $24.00; S. j Hobowsky, bill, $2.98; The Eastern j North Carolina Sanatorium, Mrs. W. IT. White and John Henry Welch to July 1, $33.85; Mrs. George Harrell, boarding home care Arthur. Byrum, Hallett Copeland and John Sutton, $60.00; G. A. Hollowell, bill, groceries for Tallu Bond, $10.00; the Albemarle Restaurant, bill, 70c; W. J. Taylor, school attendance officer, $50.15; Her man White, bill, care of prisoners, $113.12; Sheriff J. A. Bunch, bill and salary, $342.25; Parker Bros,, Inc., bill, $3.80; Joseph Austin, janitor. $40.00; Chowan County Board of Education, balance due for construc tion of teacherage at Chowan High School, $19,125.29; S. W. Moore, erecting and removing ballot boxes. *6.011; The Bank of Edenton, road and bridge bonds and commission due July 1, 1946, $14,658.60; Brown-Car-. ! ver Library, State aid to public li braries, $100.00; Shepard-Pruden Li brary, State aid to public libraries, ! $197.50; Postmaster, stamped enve i lopes. $69.76; Mrs. Annie W. McMul | lan, work in tax office in May, $24.00; 1 Parker Bros., office supplies, $31.00; I Mrs. E. B. Jordan, work in tax office in May, $12.00: Edenton Ice Co.. Inc., bill, $1,50; Walter B. Jones, office supplies,-$1(1.90: Edwards & Brough ton Co,, bill. 81.15; State Association l of County Commissioners,- donation. $10.00; Coll'■(•tor of Internal Revenue, withholding tax. $431.30; State Hos : pitnl at Goldsboro, bill, $8.60; Com mercial Printing Co., -bill, $10.14; | Owen G. Bunn Co., bill, $13.09; State '.Commission for the Blind, $37.93; Bertie-Chowan District Health I>< j partment, $208.35; Matilda Muth. --al ary, $30.44: The Chowan Herald, bill, $24.45; K. W. Spires, salary and bios, $162.00; Town of Edenton. E. & W. Department, bi11,'523:95; X. it C. Tel. & Tel. Go., bill. Home Demonstration office, $10.95; C. W. Overman, County Agent’s office, $4.85; J. B. Small’s office, $3.49; Sears & Roebuck & Co., bill, $12.01; Institute of Government, j $29.00; Dr. J. W. Warren, County I Physician, $35.00: The Daily Advance, | bill, ad iii Lost Colony edition. $25.00. By motion of J. R. 1 tele, seconded Iby A. ('. Boyce, that the salary of Mrs. Carolyn C. McMullan. superin j tendent of welfare, be raised from ! SIBO to S2OO per month. | By motion of A. C. Boyce, seconded ! Radio Service For quick and dependable j radio service, call THOMAS : JACKSON at Hughes-Holton [ Hardware Store. Jackson Radio Service We Carry All Kinds of Paris Which Are Available WHEELER & GIBBS SURVEY WORK OF ALL KINDS GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile and Hospitalization * Office—lo 6 East King Street EDENTON, N. C. PHONE: 177-J i -1111 by J. A. Webb, that W. J. Taylor be reappointed school attendance officer for the year 1946-1947. It was moved and carried that the County purchase a peanut dusting machine for the county agent’s of fice. The purchase price is $40.00, the check to be made payable to C. W. Overman. By motion of K. N. Elliott, second ed by J. It. Peele, that the County Commissioners authorize J. N. Pruden to prepare deed for the O. D. Moore property on Cemetery Street for back taxes. By motion of A. C. Boyce, seconded by E. N. Elliott that the countv tax rate for 1946-47 be SI.OO. By motion of A. C. Boyce, seconded by J. A. Webb that J. R. Peele be ap pointed to have repairs made at the County Home property. By motion of J. R. l’eele, seconded by J. A. Webb that the county grant j William Marcus White permission to obtain a beer license. The Board of Education met with the Board of County Commissioners for the purpose of appointing a mem ber of the ABC Board. Members of the School Board pres ent. T. W. Jones, R. H. Hollowell, 1. S. Leary. E. G. Blanchard and W. ■>. Taylor, By motion of T. W. Jones, second -d by A. ('. Boyce that R. F. Elliott be appoint'd a member of the ABC) Board for a term of three years. The following reports were ordered filed: Dr. J. W. Warren, county phy-* sieian; J. B. Small, Negro county agent: W. J. Taylor, school attend ance officer; Chowan County Welfare Board: Sheriff: C. W. Overman, county agent; Miss Rebecca Colwell, home agent; Treasurer; annual re port for month of June of Onnie S. Charlton, Negro county home agent. There being no further business, the Board adjourned. M. L. BUNCH, Clerk. Legal Notices North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOT The undersigned will on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1946, at 12 o'clock noon at the Chowan County Court House door in Edenton. N. ('.. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash (reserving the right to accept or reject any and all bids), that certain parcel or lot of ! land, situate in Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, and hounded as follows: One lot lying on the South side of , Cemetery Street (now School Street), and extending along said street tbir . ty-three (33) feet and bounded on the North by said street,: on the East by , lot of Isaac Paxton, on the South by the lot of Penny Johnson and on the West by the lot of Elijah Hathaway, containing one-fourth (U ) acre, more or less; said lot extending back from said street one hundred sixty-five (165) feet to lot of Penny Johnson, ' V— ■ ' 1 ✓ V CLOSING * OUT SALE OF ALL * Hardware And Kitchenware I » * ★★★★★ ★* ★ ★ i Sate Begins Thursday, Ends Saturday, July 20th THIS IS A BIG SAVING FOR YOU. .. SQ COME EARLY. i* EVERY ITEM SOLD AT RETAIL PRICES LESS 25 PER CENT. i JUST A FEW OF OUR MANY ITEMS Rakes - Hoes - Shovels - Plows - Hole Diggers ■ Axes and Handles - Saws - Building Paper - Tool Boxes - Paints and Kitchen Ware and Many Other Items —— « Jones Electric & Hardware Co. Edenton, N. C. South Broad Street k_ r which said property was conveyed to Solomon Haughton by deed from j Henry Iredell recorded in Book C, I page 52, Chowan County Public Reg istry, and being the same real estate | conveyed to Chowan County and tne Town of Kdenton by O. D. Moore and I wife by deed recorded in the Public' Registry' of Chowan County, N. C. Dated and posted this 16th dav of July, 1946. CHOWAN COUNTY, By Board of Commissioners. TOWN OF EDENTON, By Town Council. J. N. Pruden, Attorney. Ju1y18,25,Aug1,8,15 North Carolina, Chowan Countv. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of lE. W. Spires, Clerk Superior Court, Chowan County, N. C., in the Special Proceeding entitled “Gathelia Lee Rowsom an