Bible Schools Close In Upper Chowan Splendid Enrollment at Great Bridge and Warwick The Rev. W. C. Frahcis reports two very successful daily vacation Bible schools which have been held at Great Hope Baptist Church and War wick Baptist Church. Sixty were enrolled at Great Hope, with an average attendance of 53, the climax being very interesting commencement exercises at the close of the school. The Warwick school closed Friday night with many parents and friends in the community attending. The en rollment was 101, with an average at tendance of 92. Funeral Held At Tyner For Joseph T. Boyce Funeral services were held Thurs day afternoon of last week for Jo seph T. Boyce, 71, who died at his home at Tyner Wednesday, July 31. The services were held at the home, with the Rev. W. C. Francis, pastor of the Rocky Hock Baptist Church, officiating. Burial was made at the homeplace. Surviving are his wife and several children. l’allbearers were Vandy Boyce, T. T). Boyce, X. B. Dail, Archie Asbell, W. W. Nixon and F. J. Ward. r INSURE | I CANNING | LsuccessiJ > RUBBERS And follow instruction*in lb* Ball Bluo Book. To get your copy ■ t ! ami 10c with your name and addre** to— | iAil MOTHERS COMPANY, Munci«, Ind. j /" ■■ s TAKE.... Greenfield’s MILKY WAY To Better Health XOBODY OUTGROWS TIIE NEED OF MILK GREENFIELD DAIRY EDENTONj N. C. r. O. BOX 550 j , v . . —r w i t The whole world owe* a debt of gratitude to America’* young farmer*. These young people, 4H Club and FFA member*, are serving nobly in the merciful war against starvation everywhere. Our young farmers have staked a great claim for a peaceful, happy and prosperous future. ▼e know they will use modem rural telephone service to help them make that bright future a reality. Norfolk & Carolina Tel & Tel. Co. t —————■—————— | WELFARE REPORT) I One hundred persons in Chowan County received old age assistance • during July, the amount distributed being $1,528. There were also 13 . cases of aid to dependent children ' who received $410.60 and . six blind cases who received $129. During the month S7O was spent for general Velief and $521.35 for hospitalisation for seven persons. ’ Service cases included six adult ! parolees under supervision, 10 child ' ren receiving individual service, six ' adult mental cases on probation under supervision, 10 received medical care , from the Veterans Administration in , cooperation with DPW, one referred ; to the crippled children’s division and s two referred to hospitals at a semi charity rate. p ■ ; Edenton Ice Company Adds Iron Fireman To Its Equipment Line The Edenton Ice Co., authorized iealer for Iron Firemen stokers in this area, has announced the addition of Iron Firemen oil burners to its luminous flame heating equipment : line. As part of its postwar expansion program, the Iron Fireman Manufac ■ turing Company has introduced two , oil burner models and added self-fir ■ ing furnace units to its line of pro ducts in order to serve the entire heating field. • The Edenton dealer will merchan dise domestic sized oil burners in ad , dition to stokers. Territory to be ser ved includes all of Chowan County. ATTENDS CONFERENCE Miss Edna Wilkins attended the conference of the Northeastern dis trict of Home Economics Vocational teachers at E, C. T. C., Greenville, July 311 to August 2. Miss Catherine Dennis, State Supervisor of Home Economics Education and Miss Mabel Lacy, Northeastern District Super visor, led the meetings. Miss Wilkins is Home Economics teacher at Chowan High School. Classified and Legals IFOR RENT TWO-ROOM FUR nished apartment. Apply 201 W. j Queen St,, Edenton. AugSc j FOR RENT—BS-ACRE FARM AT; Tyner. All cleared and in high i state of cultivation. Good li-ronm house and outbuildings. Near! church and school. Will furnish tractor fully equipped. Available January 1. See J. P. McNider, Chapanoke, X. 0. augl .5,15,22 pd Greeting Cards For All Occasions —at — Campen’s JEWELERS •— — 1 .^”‘"'----1' THE CHOWAN HERALU, EDENTON, N, U„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1946. FOR SALE—MILK BOTTLES AND caps, all sizes. Try our Milk Chow and see the difference. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store. “The Checkerboard Store.” ltc START A RAWLEIGH BUSINESS. Real opportunity now for perma nent, profitable work nearby. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCH-68-K, Rich mond, Va. ltp FOR SALE MAN’S BALLOON tired bicycle. In good shape, newly painted. Ralph Saunders, Tyner, N. C. ltp FOR SALE—ONE 20-FOOT FRE hauf trailer, 6-foot stake body. Good condition. Cheap. C. B. Mooney, Edenton, N. C. Aug1,8,15,22,29pd PLAN NOW FOR YOUR FALL garden. We have a new shipment of seeds and garden fertilizer, also Garden Dust with or without DDT. Halsey Feed & Seed Store. “The Checkerboard Store.” ltc FOUND—A REMEDY FOR KlD ney and back ache troubles. Try KIDDO—97 cents. Money back guarantee at Mitchener’s Pharm acy, Edenton. july2s-aug29pd FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS Made with crushed stone to pass government specifications, we believe this to be the best block being made! in North Carolina today. Before you I use any blocks, see ours. Our blocks are as near as your phone—we deliver anywhere. New Bern Building Supply Co. New Bern N. C. ■ Phone 3143 Tarhoro Concrete Products Co. Tarboro, X. C. JUST RECEIVED A SMALL SHlP ment of Stock Minerals for your stock needs. See us today. Halsey Feed & Seed Store. "The Checker- j board Store.” ltc I WANTED—WHY WORRY IF AF- i flicted With Any Known Skin j Disease. Ask About V-J-O. Mitch- j ener’s Pharmacy, Leggett & Davis, j exp. Jan. 16, pd. j Radio Service i For quick arid dependable radio service, call THOMAS j JACKSON at Hughes-Holton i Hardware Store. j Jackson Radio Service We Carry All Kinds of Parts Which Are Available i r*l x | I' Sell Y our Tobacco I ON THE —— | WINDSOR MARKET “WINDSOR—THE MARKET WITH OPPORTUNITIES” ( Sales Open Monday, August 19 1 Farmers Warehouses 1 and 2 | WILL GIVE YOU A SALE EVERY DAY j These Warehouses Are Equipped With New Baskets, Trucks, Scales and I I The Best Warehouse Helpers Available to Serve You ? I N e WE WILL BEGIN RECEIVING TOBACCO ON } FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th f BRING US YOUR FIRST LOAD! 5 * ' r To Get You the Highest Market Price Will Be Our Greatest Interest | Farmers Warehouses 1 and 2 | WINDSOR, NORTH , CAROLINA 4 Charles Sawyer, Manager l George Mardre Bond Gillam } $ f LOST—BIRD DOG, WHITE MALE English setter. Finder please no tify Lieut, (jg) Paul Chappell, Ty ner, N. C., and collect reward. Augl,Bpd HELP WANTED—MAN OR WO man physically able and willing to serve 300 customers on local route. Average SSO weekly. Write The J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Rich mond, Va. Augl,B,lspd 1 —* Fly Spray A FLIES! FLIES! Get ’em with PURIINA ftt SP9O FLY SPRAY. Gets 90-100% kill. Won’t stain. R&BBtfN HALSEY FEED m35 SSkj & SEED STORE Edenton, N. C. North Carolina, In The ; Chowan County. Superior Court Audrey L. Ward, Plaintiff, vs. Merrill L. Ward, Defendant. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will hereby take notice that an action en titled as above has been commenced |in the Superior Court of Chowan J County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute divorce | from the said defendant upon the grounds of abandonment and separa- I tion for the statutory period of two years; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in the Court House in Edenton, N. C , within twenty days after September 7, 1946, and file a written Answer or Demur to the relief demanded in the j Complaint in said action, or the plain ! tiff will apply to the Court for the I relief demanded in said Complaint. | This 3rd dav of August, 1946. (s) E. W. SPIRES, Clerk of Superior Court. | Herbert Leary, Attorney, j Aug8,15,22,29hl ! North Carolina, j Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY j Under and by virtue of an order of | the Superior Court of Chowan County, , made in the Special Proceeding en titled, “Lizzie Lee White, et als vs. j Susanna M. Hayes, et als,” the un dersigned Commissioner will on the 1 31st day of August, 1946, at twelve 'o’clock noon, at the Court House door in Edenton, N. C,, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at public j auction the following described real i property: ! Situate and being in Number Three I Township, Chowan County, on High way No. 37 leading to Belvidere and is bounded on the North by lands of Spivey and Reubin Blanchard; on the East by lands of E. Bunch and F. Parks; on the South by the old road and White lands; and on the West by Trotman Spivey lands, containing sixty acres, more or less. Dated this July 26th, 1946. HUBERT EASON, Aug 1,8,15,22 Commissioner. North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LOT The undersigned will on Monday, the 19th day of August, 1946, at 12 o’clock noon at the Chowan County Court House door in Edenton, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash (reserving the right to accept or reject any and all bids), that certain parcel or lot of , land, situate in Edenton, Chowan I County, North Carolina, and bounded as follows: One lot lying on the South side of Cemetery Street (now School Street), and extending along said street thir ty-three (33) feet and bounded on the North by said street, on the East by lot of Isaac Paxton, on the South by the lot of Penny Johnson and on the ' EXTRA TASTY BREAD! BECAUSE IT’S FULL-STRENGTH this active fresh Yeast goes right to work. No waiting—no extra steps! And Fleischmann’s fresh Yeast helps make bread that tastes sweeter, is lighter, finer-textured every time. |p Y£)u BAKE AT HOME —be sure to< get Fleischmann’s active fresh Yeast ■ with the familiar yellow label. Depend able America’s time-tested favorite % for more than 70 years. PAGE THREE West by the lot of Elijah Hathaway, containing one-fourth (%) acre, more or less; said lot extending back from said street one hundred sixty-five (165) feet to lot of Penny Johnson, which said property was conveyed to Solomon Haughton by deed from Henry Iredell recorded in Book C, page 52, Chowan County Public Reg istry, and being the same real estate conveyed to Chowan County and the Town of Edenton by 0. D. Moore and wife by deed recorded in the Public Registry of Chowan County, N. C. Dated and posted this 16th day of July, 1946. CHOWAN COUNTY, By Board of Commissioners. TOWN OF EDENTON, By Town Council. J. N. Pruden, Attorney. J u 1 y 18,25, Aug 1,8,15 SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPEN’S