PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Ihiblish.'d every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Huffiap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Hroad Street. Kdenton, N. C. -1, .JL... * Cutlim . Peru association^? —>• t J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor HECTOR LUPTON’ , ..Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On,. Voar „ 51.60 Six Months. SI.OO Entered as second-elass matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3. 1879. _ Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc,, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY. DECEMBER o, 1946. THIS WEEK'S BIBLE THOUGHT WE HAVE FREEDOM TO CIIOOSE SIDES: Hut ho that denieth me before men shall be denied before thr angels of God. Luke 17:9. Meeting Many Should Attend No little amount of publicity has been given by news papers and radio to the proposed program: of the North Carolina Good Health Association in an effort to lift. North Carolina front the mbarnissing low position among other states regarding health Conditions. In every forward'movement there :s hound to he some ‘biection and the proposed program is no different than other urgent movements in that there are and will be those who object to the idea. Not much comment either , for or against has. been tieard in Chowan County, but on-the eve ot opening a j hospital, which has been in the minds of many ChoWan , t'ountv people for many years, there should be reason i for otir people to become health conscious. - ;■ ,1. Clarence Loary. chairman in Chowan County for ; •he Good Health Assoeiatiou. has arranged for a meet ing to be, held, in the Chowan Court House Wednesday night of next week, which should: attract; a capacity house. The principal speaker for the occasion will b, Harry B. Caldwell, who. is executive secretary of tile . North Carolina Coed Health tcsoc atidn. Mr. ( aldwell , is weli acquainted with health conditions in the State , and is well posted on the plans ami purposes of the Good 1 Health Program, so that he should be able to pass oiit-j first hand information. ■■■'■*'. \ There is no argument that every person should be m • .rested in better health conditions, so that if there ar* those who are not iii sympathy with the proposed pro gram. they, should attend next Wednesday * lnffeting and become enlightened on sem, phases whieh may mat be altogether clear. A great deal of interest has been aroused-throughout;, the State and Chowan should, especially in : view of the j, long local hospital struggle, have a large croud on hand to learn as much as possible about what is being- pro- ; yos»*o. Shooting Stopped, But- This week a large group of canvassers are a: uor m the interest of raising Choxvan County's 1 S(i quota of 51,500. This amount is less than half of- what was raised in the County last year, but there is some belief 'that the smaller amount will, be much harder to 'raise t his year. It is tr ie,;ha- actual • g has cased but. never •heless.there iir. s.uHlmi'lioirs ff men and women in the j armed forces whose lie - \vuh<*ut doubt hcdire tv.or, . monotonous by the very fact that they are riot occupied with the business of actuallv lighting. Phey deserve -n e consideration and iSO -■ n cs wiU. without doubt, make life happier for many, of them. '• Os , "ur— the d -a- g: eat now as :t Was be fore illi.ims a.-r- disci a-ged. biß neither is the amount ; of money askid (Towns: ('.•ur.ty me' every previous quota and it should riot fall,by the way-stdi :>"« •> fa ir.g to raise the 51,.'.n0. E. W Spires, just a< busy ,s.•••many -tlier poop', •greed to serve as chairn a; and - hopeful that >• v ditiops Wiir make it unnecessary to conduct another drive next year. He, naturally, h pes Chowan will its quota and that will be d ine in record time. Th:- ean otily b, a, i s • ■•! if.*■' • d\ .; ■ ... share,-'which v ' not place a burden on any particular person'-ar.d .<• r* • il: hi realo as n f the goal in re ird tin'-. Ye«. -y. w.«r o', er. tv it tnat.dn.s ip a • .-a: that • rest u i h ■ - should : rv< terminated tip' shoeti-ng, . '..Those so cited, therefore. -■ fid be. ready to make their ■ trihut n. t! s saving time for thi ranVass rs. who are sacrificing their time and energy, so that 'he drive rail lie . •• o eted in very short order. Duty To Vote Attention is called to.the.election to be held through out the Saturday, .when AAA committeeinen will be chosen. This should i»‘ a matter of vital inter'.-' to every farmer In order to name men -who haw; the con fidence-«f ail. Ail too often no part is taken by some in such, affairs, and .these ..very people are first to criticize what is done by those who are put in charge of affairs. It is not only a privilege but a duty falling on all farmers and they should go to the polls and vote for the men they think are best fitted for the place. ITOYLAND OPENS I QUINN’S wH I including chairs, tables, etc. jj make good his I QUINN FURNITURE Q. | ]|(r CH'iVvAN 11 i.'KALl 1 , KIT..MON. N. i. i 111 IBsPAA. DECEMBER 5, 1946. I Heard & Seen By “Buff” 4 Old Man Weather played a Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde stunt the early part of this week, for on Sunday it was '■plentv- warm enough for folks to sit out on front porches, but bv Monday morning it turned so cold that "the sunny' South” felt more like a winter day up Canada way. In fact the mercury dropped to around the freez ing point, so that a lot of people hurriedly put on their long-handled drawers. And if the truth were known, I expect even Miss Lena Jones dug up her red flannels. o— • For several days now it has been sort of difficult for ( me to recognize Hob Marsh, assistant county agent. It s all because Bob “mowed" off his moustache. Well, may be with the scarcity of so many things he doesn’t need a soup Strainer these days. Anyway, it s funny how much different a few hairs make on a person’s face. Gosh, it reminds me that 1 need a shave myself. Josiah Elliott was rather surprised Monday morning. Apparent Ivi he makes his initial stop at The Herald of tice on his' monthly round to collect bills for Byrum 1 Hardware Company; "What do you want in here? 1 ; asked as he poked his nose in the door before 1 got started to argue with a typesetting machine. “What do you think 1 want with this hand full of bills?" he re plied. "These are not press passes to a college football gaum, you know." All of which meant that 1 had to stop and. write a check before Joe. w as willing to leave. Ain't these bill collectors persistent ? Mayor Jerome Flora of Elizabeth City was among tin ■officials attending the district meeting "f the League "f Municipalities' is the Court lions.- .Monday, and wa. | telling about a . stop he. made on the way over. He i stopped to watch a peanut picker in operation and after | 1 looking at the thing for a while, asked a man standing i nearby "How far is it from here to Kdenton?” live fellow replied, "Well, it used to be 20 miles, hut now ' that everything ..else has gone up so bloomin much. I reckon it is about 25 miles." Where’s the QUA 1 A. S. HoUoWoll oil Monday took his scat as a t ounty ■ Commissioner, succeeding the veteran commissioner. A. j | Boyce. Mr. Boyce, incidentally, was at the meeting i when it opened to wind up a matter to which he was ap ! pointed to attend some time ago. Chairman West Bv rum had a few kindly, remarks -to make regarding ! both, telling Air. II oil owe! I that he was filling the shoes i * of a very good commissioner and that he (Byrum-) felt i satisfied’that Mr. Hollowell would in turn also make a| : good official. Friend Hollowell is rather warni-natured.: I ha; he had jumped into his long-handled drawers before 1 coming to the meeting, and I expect the other com mis-< .-’oners did the same thing. f. Vi.: -o~—r —’■» . And speaking about the commissioners, theywere paid j off for a whole year's work Monday. Os course. Friend ItoMowell was paid for only one meeting, so it will be a long time until he gets another check. F-onr bucks nei meeting they get, plus mileage. If I'd be West Byrum. j ! and A. S. Hollowell, I’d walk or drive around the block a number of times before going to the meeting and then collect mil. -age. It looks as though Santa Claus has been hanging around the fire station. In the rear of the place a whole gang of toys are scattered about a table and on the floor. I All of which means that Captain Dick Hall, has aid . j some response for old toys to. be painted or repaired f ,v r , ! distribution among poor children for ( bristmas presents, j Cap’ll’ Dick derives a lot of pleasure in tinkering w the old teys. so if you have any around the bouse of riff j re use, jet him have 'em and he'll do his part to help ake - .* youngster happy oi Christmas morning. Since receipt, and printing of this week's High School News.which haste do With speeches on the Good H-alt-h . Urogram, I’ve been informed that two colored students. Theophiius Barker and Lula Kelly, have prepared vert: good'- papers oil the subject. The papers .Will, no dmiht. in read at various meetings of colored people: Which s: a reminder that a meetingwill be held iir the Court House Wednesday night of-next week. When every person interested in better health conditions is j urged to attend. Harry B. Caldwell, executive secretary j of the North Carolina Good Health Association, will '.he •he principal speaker, and will present facts and infer- : ati.hi yhich should be of interest, to all. .1, E. t l-'.ats I Blades of Elizabeth City didn’t suffer b> | arriving ;i little late at the barbecue dinner for tow;} arid county iV’icials attending the Leag’Vi' - f Murvipa 1 . :ii-.. meeting Monday night. Fats put in his appearance : at toe Bri-sbyti-i-ian ''hurch at hist about the time o' o • all bad d eating. The ladies hurried)} fitted! hum -i w a i*-:' plate to replace the cold plate at the table, i and before he had gotten started good, about half a | d".t' n uiijs(.|| plates began to head his way. .Gosh, ,it,| ’ .eked as though he might nave been a big eater, hut I before he finished the first plate, he said. “I’ve got enough, please icecn am." O- "h. yes, don’t forget that Christmas Seals are now on j sale to raise funds with which to fight tuberculosis. The things cost only a penny each. Have you bought your share? It's a very easy and inexpensive way in having a part in combatting this disease, which is po inspector of persons. Buy some today! Governor Os Rotary On Official Visit To ' Edenton Club Today i (Purpose of Meeting to Advise and Assist Club’s Officers Kdenton Rotarians will welcome 1. M. Bailey, Governor of the 189th Dis trict of Rotary International, at the regular meeting of the club today I (Thursday). Mr. Bailey succeeds John A. llidnies as district governor, his district now including '36 Rotary | clubs in Northeastern North Caro lina. Governor Bailey is a member of the law firm of Bailey. Holding. Lassiter A Langston in Raleigh, and is a member of the Raleigh Rotary Club. Mr. Bailey w ill visit the Ed- nton Rotary Club to advise and assist President C. W. Overman and Kich ard N. Hines, secretary, and other officers of the club on matters per taining to club administration and Rotary service activities. He is *i-e of the 157 District Gov , ernors of Rotary lii’ernational who are supervising the activities of some 5,801) Rotary Clubs with more than I a quarter of a million members in 73 j countries and geographical regions j J throughout the world,. Today, this world-wide service or- j i ganizatioi: continues to grow in nuin | bers and in strength. During the ! last fiscal year. 404 new Rotary Clubs Were organized in 12 countries of the Americas, and in Australia. | Belgium, Burma, China. Czechoslo- 1 vakia. Denmark. England, Federated; j Malax Ntates, Finland, France, j I Greece. Hong Kong, India, Ireland. I j l-uxembotlrg. New Zealand, Norway. ; Portugal.. Straits. Settlements. Swed-, | eiu The Netherlands, The Philippines I and Wales. Wherever Rotary Clubs are located, their, activities are similar to those of the Rotary Club of Edenton because j they are based on the same general J objectives- the promotion of better ; j understanding and fellowship among ebusiness, and professional .men. eommui’ity betterment undertakings. I raising the standards of business and], professions, and fostering the ad I vancemen! of good w ill, underst: •' : mg and peace among, all the pe‘pU | of the w orld. jp’d Bond Post Plans To Peneniber Vets In Hospitals With Gifts Members of Ed Bond Post of tin American Legion, at their .meeting ! Tuesday night, decided, to send | •i’hr -t p- '-o-t Serifs to veterans ill 'hospitals lather than make a contri- I but ion to the Red -Cross for the same ; j purpose. The post also decided 'to j 1 send (lowers to all -Gold' Star M-nli- . | ers in the county. In order to reach all Gold: Star, Mothers, as well as veterans now. io hospitals, their names should be. for ward d t > Wader Holton at once. P 1 ; hop* d - i -w 1)1 h.- overlooked, so • anyone knowing.', of a Gold Star Mother or veteran now hospitalized i should let Mix Holton have the: names arid addresses. ! _______ : Greetm" Cards For All Occasions -at - - Campen’s ( JEWELERS ! ' ’ A n n o uncin g THE OPENING OK Mrs. Mollie 1 i Hawkins’ 1 CASH ANI) CARRY i GROCERY i. North Broad Street FULL LINE GROCERIES I i AND MEATS -: . ■■ -. i IS YOUR LIVER ! CRYING FOR HELP bacauw of constipation or faulty di gestion? If you feel bilious, sour, bloated with gas, headachy, blue, ’ grouchy, you may be putting too big a burden on your liver. Retained un digested food becomes putrefactive, causes toxins, which overload the liver, keeping It from working prop erly. Then is the time to relieve your tired liver by letting Calotabs help nature sweep the putrefactive and partially digested matter from your stomach and intestines. Nothing acta Just like good old Calotabs. Use as di rected. 10c and 25c at your druggists. Take CALOTABS Appointment Os 1947 j Tax Listers Approved Chowan County Commissioners on Monday approved the appointment of tax listers for the county as recom mended by Tax Supervisor I’. S. Mc- Mullan, all of whom will receive the same salary as last year. In the First Township Mrs. Annie ( McMullan will, be the lister, the sal ary being sffiiii; T. A. Berryman will serve in the Third Township at SIOO, and C. W. Barker in the Fourth Township at SBS. No lister was named for the Six'- j ond Township Monday, hut Mr. Me- | Mullan will make an appointment j within a few days. ‘ ■Pm mm m mm m mm m i NOTICE i 0 I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT I HAVE TAKEN OVER i i rHE MANAGEMENT OF THI: f ! NU-QURL BEAUTY SALON i W YOUR CONTINUED PATRONAGE WILL % $ BE APPRECIATED $ | I/./. WORK C.CARAXTEEI) SATISFACTORY | Open Daily 0:30 A M. to <> P. M g CALL 1 jo FOR APPOINTMENT J \ BYRD j || FOR THE BEST j I Meats T ) VISIT US t RUSSEI L’S MEAT MARKET | . FORMERLY W IL WHITE’S MARKET) ! 407 South Broad Street WESTERN STEAKS AND ( HOPS f Also a Complete Line of Native Meats | And Poultry 1 LIMITED SUPPLY OF £€\ per | \ CORNED SHOULDERS OLa C He | W. E. RI SSELL (Former G.1.) Prop. ] * STOP AT I s ! CHERRY’S RESTAURANT ! FOR 0 STEAKS CHOPS SEA FOOD J i REGULAR DINNERS 0 SANDWICHES OF ALL KINDS * 0 SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE J ; OPEN SAM. - CLOSE 9P. M. > 0 OPIOSITF. POST OFFICE KDENTON | 0 WHEN IN MANTEO 0 (0 l« >- - 0 0 CHERRY’S CAFE 0 t ope Y ALL YEAR 0 ROANOKE ISLAND MANTEO, N. ( mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ml i I [ THERE'6 NO "lF5' OR I'buts" ABOUT IT— GOOP | rrpSTv, SERVICE PREVENTS | BRB ' K " PW ' NS ' , | I > Ii Case histories prove it! Von avoid the necessity of big x i. 5 J! repair jobs on your car by letting us take care of little ones X < > f o as fast as you can drive in! We've got # the men and the % ■ > V ! I equipment to do the job right! $ | ALBEMARLE MOTOR COMPANY ; | West Hicks Street Edenton, X. C. j ;; YOUR FORD DEALER * | HEADACHECI Opidiai Mfhw A ape«li«f ■ from beadadM and ataral|i*. Mftb jOBF J Follow iimtkil M label. jgfj SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS C AMPE N ’ S .mmmmmmmmm n