PAGE EIGHT PERSONAL ITEMS Mrs. William A. Graham, who has spent the last two months in !>tirhn.iii. returned tii her homo. Wessingtoh House, on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. John Fletcher loft their home. IVandon, Wednesday, for California, where they will spend the Winter. Logan Klimit and Johnny Ashell returned to Norfolk University Sun day night after spending the vy. . k end with their respective par-ms. Friends of; Col. John S. Carter, at one time eoritsanding officer of; the Kite.; n Naval Air Station when ;• If tour Hose BUsUp- Spoils Sleep Tonight Surprisingly fast, Va-tro-nol works right J Adak e Restful whore trouble is toopen up your clogged \-|nVn* s nose—relieve stuffy transient conges- ; ■ : tton. You'll like the way it brings relief. (NOTE: Va-tro-nol is also grand for 'X) / relieving snitfly. sneezy distress of head UB OBA a ||A| V colds.) Follow directions in folder. Ww% I MmF lw wwßl .. . GIGANTIC SALE! Winter Coats and Dresses j Vt /PRICE All Wool Suits formerly to $39.95 yi /price wonderful, wearable wools, to wear now and for many months to come; dressmakers, cardigans, classics... important winter colors... misses’ sizes. not every style and color in every size... but a huge selection, so come early! The Betty Shoppe Edenton, N. C. was iHvuph d h\ the Marines, will he 1 interested U know that he has re 1 enlisted in the Marines and is now stationed in China. Corporal Fester Ashley, who is stationed at Fort Monroe. Ya.. i> visiting his parents. Mr. ami .Mis , t Lather Ashley . Mrs. .1, ;Fllullhip. Mrs. Wayiand Bateman, of Cross Hoads. Misses Elizabeth Hurdle, Barbara t'happell ami Dorothy Rutflap spent Monday ill Suffolk. Ya Mrs. C. T. HpUghtit* spent Wedm s , day in Cornpoake w ith her brother and sister n latv. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 . 1 .assiter.. THF CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, DEt EMBER 12, 194(1. ' 1 I Christmas Seals ... Your Protection Against Tuberculosis j Edenton Schools Close For Two Weeks Holiday i '/■>.■ —, School teachers and children will enjoy a two-weeks holiday over the ( 'Christmas season, the Edeiitoh schools I planning on closing next Wednesday. ) December IS and reopening on Wed ■ nesday, January 2. DIME SOCIETY MEETS DEC. HI The Dime Society of the Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night, De cember 111. with Mrs. B. F. Francis. ! Due to the revival services there was no meeting in November. ATTEND ANTIQUITIES MEETING Members of the l’ninel Room Com mittee of the Chowan County Court House who attended the Society for Preservation of North Carolina An tiquities meeting held in Raleigh last week were David Warren, chairman, Mrs. Charles P. Wales, Mrs. Itiglis j Fletcher, Mrs. Sidney McMullan, Mrs. R. P. Radham and John W. Graham. Almost Science, in its endless energy, has | devised a soapless soap. It is almost automatic that the selling slogan will j, be "No soap."—Detroit News. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks ami appreciation for the ox-j pressions of sympathy and kindness rendered us during the accident and death of our husband and father, jH. Lane. Also for the lovely so-a offerings and cars loaned. —Mrs. 0, H. Lane and family. Pd Greeting Cards For All Occasions —at— Camnen’s JFAVKf ERS I 4 lEheadacke Capudin« relieves headache * ast because it s liquid Its m ■ grcdicnts are already dissolved ■ P —all ready to begin easing the pam. It also soothes nerve ten- jfl sion due to the pain. Use YrWFITi fVn only as directed. 10c. 30c. 60c. | IKdiiKdlTi PIPIS9SHBBBB9HHHR TAYLOR THEATRE NO!. I’ll CAROLINA Vi e Have the Shi)'** Today (Thursday) and Friday. December 12-13 Vivian Leigh and Claude Uains in “CAESAR AND CLKOI’ATKA” Saturday. December 14— Jimmy Wakely and Lasses White in •SONG OF THE SIKKKAS" Sunday. December 13— Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake in “BLONDIK KNOWS BEST” Also Special Short “TRAFFIC WITH THE DEVIL” Monday and Tuesday. December 16-17 Paul Muni and Anne Baxter in j “ANGEL ON MY SHOILBER" Wednesday, December 1H— Double Feature Evelyn Ankers in “QLEEN OF BI RLESQI E" Also I Jean Gillie in “DECOY” Coming December 19-20 “TWO YEARS BEFORE TnE MAST" Sale Os Automobile Licenses Lagging Car Owners Urged to Buy at Once to Avoid Last Minute Rush According to Miss Goldie Layton, j branch manager for the . Carolina j Motor Club, sales of HUT automobile license plates were lagging up to ’ Tuesday of this we* k. .Miss Layton ' says sales are trailing last year at the same time andurges automobile owners to secure their licenses at j once if they do not w ish to be iiicoil- j | venieiiced by the usual Hast mttuite rush. The license plates must he displayed mi automobiles by January ; 1. Miss l.avton’s is open from : a. tn. to 4 p. tn. every day except 1 i Saturday, when it■ closes at noon. 1 ' ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allen of Green ville. N. C., announce the engage ment of iheii daughter, Helen Joyce, to John Lester Forehand. Jr., son of ,Mr. and Mrs. J. I .ester Forehand. The wedding will take place Sat'idav ! afternoon, December 21. at 4 o’clock in the Edenton Baptist Church. Mr, and Mrs. Allen and family j have resided in Edenton three years t and only r< cetitly moved to Green-: I ville. After their wedding Mr. and j i Mrs. Forehand* will reside in thej home formerly occupied by the bride’s parents. | SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS GAM PEN’S : a a a ft ft ft ft ft ft tft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I ! * | * Heavy and Light Coaster a: Assorted ;* 5 Scooters Stake Wagons Tricycles 1 j© ft*- n i'lp jj 3 Electric Toasters Radios Electric Clocks g |l Rorctfere MM. Oiinaw.r, H.ntMg Ctotlies || £' * Fire Sets Hot Plates Elec. Irons Sportswear S m J; MANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS - COME AND SEE $ 1 Byrum Hardware Co. I jjj “EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE AND SUPPLIES ” jjj jjK Edenton, N. C. Suffolk. Va. S Help Fight Tuberculosis —Buy Christinas Seals! VISIT OUR OYSTER BAR We Are Now Ready to Serve You Fresh Selected Oysters the Way You Like Them PHONE US FOR SPECIAL PARTIES DIXIE GRILL Phone 113-W |. T, (iIHHS (ÜBSON BRK'KLK l£T\ ,fiom vhete I sit Joe Marsh Who G#f* Off Easiest— Men or Women? Maybe you saw thal pal om rta has the easiest life—mea or wom en? Os coarse, the men voted that the women did, aad the woaien vice vena. It -would be the mate in oar team —take any family. Thad Phibba envies hb Missua spending the day at iiome, with no hot office to at tend to. And Sue envies Thad hia luncheons with the boy*; and hia evening glass of beer with friends (while she cleans up the dishes us the kitchen). Os course, nose of It gees very I .T W ;;W-V.-ThWi C 1946, UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, North Corollna Com»itU© Suit# 606-607 Insurance Building, Raleigh, North Carolina. deep. Thad knows way deep down that the Missas has plenty of work raanlag a house; and Sue knows Thad> friendly glass of beer is well denerved relaxation after a long hard day’s wo*. Prom where I sit, most husbands and wives may grumble now and then—but they know in their hearts it’s a case of live and let live, give and take, that comes out pretty even in the end.