PAGE TWO Scoutin* Around By PETER CARLTON MANY seek permanent homes in North Carolina. We’re list ing a few. Those readers interested can contact the Edenton-Cho wan County Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association. Jose Keyes, Route i, Lewis River, Pa., wants lodge near ocean. First interested in Lost Colony set-up and neighborhood. W. H. Craig, 68 years old, worth “in the neighborhood of $750,000,’’ quite active, wants to locate in nice town or city. Does not want to work, just live peacefully, Mr. Craig comes from 13 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, 5, Ontario, Canada. We might urge those who are interested write direct ly to the persons listed. o That certainly was a nice turnout | for the Farm Bureau meeting held in the armory last Wednesday evening. I A fair guess would place the number | present close to 350. The fish was j delicious, and the corn bread as good | as cake. A glad hand to outgoing President Will Harrell and all who served as officers. Congratulations to all new officers. o Charlie Overman, our County Farm Agent, gave a most inter esting talk on his trip to Cali fornia at the Farm Bureau meet ing. We, too. joined in the ex pression of pleasure relative to the position of Chowan County in Farm Bureau activities. Right on top! We might add that the Farm Bureau and many of the Home Demons!ration Clubs have endorsed the resolution for a new Chowan River bridge. o-—— . Talking of tourist homes, good j food, and a clean place to rest over- ! night! Mv wife and some of her! people stopped at a private tourist j home near Salisbury, N. C. The tale sounds almost like the one we spoke about recently. It was run by a little old lady. Her husband passed on and left her this huge home. She served ! biscuits and delicious food for only; fit) cents per person for the grown ups ! and 35 cents for my boy. And she' sat at the table as a gracious host ! urging them to >. at. (You could just ; help yourself from the serving dishes' and bowls). Needless to say, the good word will pass along to many others. And. of course, the woman does a good, business. We are happy that Kdenton tourist home proprie tors are bending every effort to cater i to the comfort of.tourists. We read in the papers recently of a child whose blood was removed from her body and new blood injected to save her life. It seems that the fath er’s and mother's blood were of two conflicting types and on three other SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPEN’S | I Park View Hospital School Os Nursing | Announces a Class For February, 1947 | 4 t 4 < omplete maintenance and uniforms furnished dur- I ing the three years’ course. f J; An al'osvance of Si 5.00 a month is granted, this to be 4 increased !ater. . 4 X x f \ candid te for the school must be 17’ S years of age. 4 of good health and character, and a graduate of an 1 accredited high school. t | Write For Application Blanks to I DIRECTOR OF NURSES 1 I PARK VIEW HOSPITAL 4 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 4 S~ ,; ' : '~ r ' Tr ' -tw.™ U WHERE DO WE Jf GO FROM HERE? St" i|| The cost of telephone operation is pylJr- 3 zooming off into space like a rocket I H ship. Equipment, labor and other \ \ costs are all following the general pattern of business. Our planned g expansions will increase our outgo far beyond our income. Do you blame us for asking, “Where do we * POan er *^* Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. 5 r / occasions their young infants died at j or about 19 days after birth for no apparent reason. Medical science was at a loss to explain. However, re- I cently, a young practitioner took a 1 specimen of the blood of both parents and discovered the above mentioned conflict in blhod types. When this | last baby was born, the blood was tested and the situation discovered to be such that of a blood mixture which i would result in the death of the new born infant. They rushed the child to a hospital and with an infusion of new blood the baby is apparently thriving. I was particularly interest ed in this case, because one of the babies which died a few years ago ' was to have been first called “Peter Starkey.” Husband Paul i Starkeyf,seems to like the name Peter Anthony»V%r their infant. But Wife Pauline La,ura disagreed and said so j in no uncertain terms, even asking this writer if he didn’t think the names were just terrible. In the sil i ence of the room. Husband Paul in formed her that she was speaking to 1 “Peter Anthony” Carlton. Os course, we all had a good laugh. The child was finally named Michael Anthony. He passed on about the nineteenth day due to the conflict in blood types of the parents. This writer was in | formed that Gabriel Heater gave an account of the strange case over the radio just recently. o Slim Sanders was in town to day looking over Hotel Joseph 1 Hewes. He’s going to take over * i and will arrive around March 1. ! Fd Schwarze will stay on until j Slim makes himself familiar with . j the set-up. We believe Slim and ] his wife will operate the hotel. Thev are presently operating one ! in Florida. All of which brings to mind that the city is certainly ! going to town on the baseball field preparatory to the arrival of the farm teams this March. Thev have the foundations of two . new dugouts laid and the infield has a layer of clay which will be j packed to make good playing. The Virginia Dare Hotel Garage in Elizabeth City sure was packing them in the other night. Tourists coming from the North packed the garage to the street —and at 75 cents a that’s not bad business. (Not figur -1 ing service to the cars, washings. I greasings, gas, etc.) Yes, sir, the “stackless industry” is surely a good name for the tourist trade. The State i of North Carolina is spending plenty i for advertising the beauties of the i State, and is planning to spend a tut. CHOWAN HERALD, Eite.M’oN, N. C.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY C, 1947 great deal more. We rather resented a recent news paper statement that North Carolina was not represented in the organiza tion of National Guard units and showed lack of interest. Our unit is waiting on the papers. The officers have already been named. This outfit is going to be a humdinger. We feel sure that there will not'be any trouble in recruiting personnel. There is a strong possibility that it will be turn ed into a tank company. Buff was remarking on how well this writer was fitting the role of a Chamber of Commerce secre tary, inasmuch as he alleges (Continued on Page Seven) Patrolmen Nip Fire In Bud At Laundry Promptness on the part of Patrol- j men R. L. Pratt and S. J. West about ■ 3 o’clock Saturday morning no doubt j prevented another serious fire at the Kdenton Laundry. While patroling, the officers noticed a small blaze in the laundry and upon entering through a window, discovered an iron ing board burning. Clothes were hur riedly removed from that portion of the building while the firemen were on their way, so that Fire Chief R. K. Hall estimated the damage at only i about $lO. Greeting Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS V__ 1 “I IlMd to Weigh BR IJO Lbs.!” N Mr*. D. M. HawkJrtt, Text* Now (he weighs 119 lb., a lo* of . 51 lba . thank* todelicioua AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing Plan. „ Mr*. Hawkina (119 I ha., at right) also lost 11 in. in waiat. 10 in. In . h,pe and 8 in. in bust- Your ex ' perienc* may or may not b. the ! earn* but try thia earier reducing ml it 1 plan. Very First Box Mint Show H \ ■ Result* or Money Back. *jj In clinical test*, conducted by BL I medical doctor*, non than - ■ J[J 1M persona lost 14 to 15 Hi! I*l pound* average In a few ’ *V, week* with theAYDS Vita- Hjf ! min Candy Reducing Plan. | No exercise. No drug*. NoUxative*. You don’t cot out aay meal*, starches, potatoes, meats or butter—you hat cot then down. Simple when you enjoy defkdoua AYD6 Vitamin Candy as directed. Absolutely harmless 30 days' aupplv nutritious AYDS $2 25 NOW -• -orc Cl - Leggett & Davis PHONE 67 | (Tear Out This Ad as a Reminder) Bring Voir FORD "back horn!” m i I ||| 0 ***"''' IN YOUR FUTURE Sg&k ESTIMATES FREE-USE OUR BUDGET PLAN SEE YOUR FORD DEALER ✓ - * . LOOK WHO’S COMING IN PERSON Old Dominion Barn Dance Gang THE TOBACCO TAOS THE CARTER SKIERS ’SS” MAYBELLE CRAZY JOE RADIO’S GREATEST ENTERTAINER LITTLE ROBERT FAMOUS COMEDIAN COUSIN ELMER FAVORITE COWBOY SAM WORKMAN WORLD’S BIGGEST LITTLE MAN I DELPHENIA —AUNT POLLY BUY THE KID AND ARLINE COUSIN HK MAPHIS Edenton High School Tuesday, February 11—8 P. M. SPONSORED BY THE STUDENT COUNCIL Admission ..30cand60c (Including Tax)

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