PAGE SIX |_Again AppointedJ Though the County Commis sioners at their January meeting j appointed Dr. J. W. Warren as County Physician, he was again appointed Monday at a joint meeting of the Commissioners and Board of Health. The ap pointment is for two years as of January 1, 1947. The Commis sioners previously overlooked the fact that the appointment is made jointly by the two boards. Dr. Martin Wisely’s name was proposed for the position, but Dr. Warren secured the majority of votes. As previously stated, the position is on a part time basis and will not conflict with Dr. Warren’s regular practice. BIKTH ANNOUNCEMENT COM and Mrs. James G. McCormick of Manchester, New Hampshire, an- I nounce the birth of a daughter, Mar- ; tha Lou McCormick, on Saturday, January 25, at Elliott Hospital. Mrs. McCormick is the former Miss Lucy Baker of Tyner, daughter of Mrs. : Emma E. Baker and the late George H. Baker, Sr. The presidential booms will begin to blossom but nobody knows what will happen in the next two years. Classified and Lefals WE HAVE TO OFFER, SUBJECT, to prior 6ale, 600 Barred Rocks, 500; White Rocks, 500 Rocks and Red! Crosses. These chicks are being offered at a special price for our opening season. Oh, yes, these! chicks are U. S. and N. C. State ap-1 proved. Feed Purina Chick Start- i ena and feed the best. Halsey Feed ! & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store,” Edenton. ltc' FOR SALE—ONE LATE MODEL j s'i foot Frigidaire, $125.00. Call | 465— W. jan3ofeb6c i WANTED TO RENT SIX TO i eight room house. Apply Ernest' Kehayes. dec 12 ts j FOR SALE—JERSEY AND GUERN sev milk cow, fresh last week. See H. T. Copeland, Route 1, Edenton, i' N. C. lt p >’■" rlt " 1 Greeting Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS j IFOR STRONG. HEALTHY TOBACCO PLANTS f ' USE 4 , WOOD’S TOBACCO BED SPECIAL I 4-9-3 j i, rfrs. 4 ‘ I |(i) Made from materials of highest quality. e (2 ) The Nitrogen is derived from sources as recommended by the Tobacco Committee for l use on tobacco beds and contain the usual amount of cotton seed meal. These recommenda- | tions as used in the formulation of WOOD’S TOBACCO BED FERTILIZERS have prov- f en their value in the past several years. (3) The Potash is derived from sources which are free from Chlorides, as Chlorine has > been found to be very harmful to the small tobacco plant. (4) WOOD’S TOBACCO BED FERTILIZERS are Non-Acid forming. 1 ( 5 ) They contain a considerable amount of Calcium, Magnesia and other secondary plant T foods and minor elements which have proven very beneficial to the growing tobacco plant. (6) WOOD’S TOBACCO BED FERTILIZERS are well-cured and well-mixed, this mak- I ( ing it easy to use with no danger of injuring the small tobacco plants. A i Your careful consideration of WOOD’S FERTILIZERS for your tobacco bed, as well t l as your entire tobacco crop, truck and general crops will be sincerely appreciated, and we as- 1 ' sure you that we shall always strive to please you and serve you in an efficient and courteous , c manner. I ► MANUFACTURED BY: Home Feed & Fertilizer Co., Inc. { i $ T Phone 66 f West Carteret Street Edenton, N. C. t > BEFORE YOU INVEST— I INVESTIGATE This opportunity for high pay, ad ! vaneement, security and service; to i your country. A rising profession for young men who can meet the highest standards. Recreation, sports, enter j tainment and travel opportunities in j this post-war field. Get full details, without obligation, at your nearest j Army Recruiting Station, 336 Caro lina Building, Elizabeth City. 'ltc. J WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN stock to supply you with your brooder house needs. Disinfectants, feeders, waterers, sun-ray cloth, Purina Startena and Check-R-Tahs. i- Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store,” Edenton. ltc LIVESTOCK MINERAL MIXTURE. Essential for all stock. $2.25 per bag. Halsey Feed & Seed Store.; “The Checkerboard Store,” Eden ton. ltc . WE HAVE A NEW STOCK OF flower and garden seeds. Let us j supply you with your needs. Hal-1 sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check- j j erboard Store.” ltc; BROODERS ELECTRIC CON-1 trolled with waterers, feeders, dropping pans, all attached. Ideal for starting your baby chicks in. Special price for brooder, chicks and feed combination. Halsey Feed ; & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store," Edenton. ltc; BUY U. S. APPROVED PULLORUM : controlled chicks shipped direct! from Hatchery to you under official label. Barred Rocks, Hampshire! Reds or Crosses $12.95 per 100; j Postpaid, shipped when wanted, i Seeley’s Chicks, Norfolk 10, Va. Exp feb27c 1 LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH ! your hog curing products this sea- : son. We will carry everything per- ’ taining to curing your meat. Halsey 1 Feed & Seed Store, “The Checker- ! board Store.” ltc | MALE OR FEMALE HELP WANT- 1 ed. Can you use an extra $5.00 | daily for 4 hours’ work serving 1 regular customers ? Full time work also available. W’rite Dept. S-3. j The J. R. Watkins Co.. Richmond. Va. JanJan23,3oFeb6pd WE HAVE A NEW SHIPMENT OF Purina New Improved Sow and Pig , Chow, also Hog Chow. Get a small ' order and compare the difference, i Halsey Feed & Seed Store. “The Checkerboard Store,” Edenton. ltc ONE FARM MASTER BROODER | for sale. 450 chick capacity. See j Sidney Spruill, Route Three. Eden ton, N. C. ltp j i ——j; i FREE! If excess acid causes youj pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges- .j J tion, Heartburn. Belching, Bloating. Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample | Udga, at Mitehener Pharmacy, ex Mar 6 pd THE CHOWAN HER A LI). EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6, 1947. I FOR BEST PRICES ON MONU ments and iron fencing, write direct for photographs. 44 years of con tinuous service. J. E. Dees Mem orials, Greenville, N. C. nov2B ts WANTED TO RENT—SMALL UN furnished apartment or small house in Edenton. Telephone Norfolk | 32916 collect. ltp j FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS Made with crushed stone to pass government specifications, we believe this to be the best block being made in North Carolina today. Before you use any blocks, see ours. Our blocks are as near as your j phone—we deliver anywhere. New Bern Building Supply Co. New Bern N. C. Phone 314.3 Tarboro Concrete Products Co. ’ Tarboro. N. C. j SWEET POTATOES FOR SALE— S2.SO per bushel while hey last. Broad Street, Fish Market, Eden ton, Janlfitfc WE HAVE A NEW SHIPMENT OF ; Vegetable and Flower Seeds, also j I your Vigoro Garden Fertilizer. Let ! us supply you with your needs. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The! Checkerboard Store,” Edenton. ltc WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP for assembly line of farm machin- j ery. Need three drillers, two bull- 1 dozer operators, three men for punching shears. Good wages. Prefer married men. M. M. Nixon Manufacturing Co., Edenton. Phone Center Hill 211. feb6,l3c North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing wherein J. L. Batton and H. B. Batton were partners, trading and doing business under the firm .name and style of J. L. Batton and Brother, in the Town of Edenton, North Carolina, . was dissolved December 5, 1946, by mutual consent of the parties. The business heretofore conducted by said partnership will, in the fu ture, be conducted by J. L. Batton & 1 Ilro., and the said 11. B. Batton will have no further interest herein, This sth day of December, 1946. J. L. BATTON, Feb. 6,13 H. B. BATTON. North Carolina, In The Chowan County. Superior Court. < Doris Jennette Momingstar, Plaintiff ] vs. Robert Paul Momingstar, Defendant, i NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant above named will i hereby take notice that an action en- j titled as above has been commenced ■ in the Superior Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, for the pur- j pose of obtaining an absolute divorce j from the said defendant upon the; grounds of abandonment and separa- , tion for the statutory period of two | years, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said ■ county, in the Court House in Eden j ton, N. C., within twenty days after ! February 28, 1947, and file a written j Answer or Demur to the relief de manded in the said Complaint in said | action, or the plaintiff will apply to | the Court for the relief demanded in ! said Complaint. This 28th dav of January, 1947. (s) E. W. SPIRES, Clerk Superior Court of Chowan County, N. C. HERRERT LEARY, Attorney. Jan3oFeb6,l3,2ohl NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator I of the estate of R. W. Leary, Sr., de i ceased, late of Chowan County, North | Carolina, this is to notify all persons ! having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to R. W. Leary, Jr., and Stillman Leary at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the Ist day of January, 1948, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to j said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This Ist dav of December, 1946. R. W. LEARY, JR.. STILLMAN LEARY, Administrators of R. W. Leary, Sr. Jan16,23,30Feb6,13,20c j North Carolina, In The 1 Chowan County. Superior Court. David Holton. Trading as Edenton Supply Company, Plaintiff, vs. General Implements Corporation, a Corporation of the State of Ohio, Defendant. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF; SUMMONS AND WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT General Implements Corporation, a : Corporation of the State of Ohio, the | defendant above named, will take no- j tice that an action entitled as above 1 ha 3 been commenced in the Superior i * Court of Chowan County, in which the ! plaintiff claims the sum of $559.30 1 based on a breach of contract by the 1 defendant, in that the plaintiff made!! a contract with the defendant for the j < shipment of supplies and implements,! 1 delivery to be made not later than j : March, 1946, and at the time of the j 1 making of the contract, the plaintiff deposited with the said defendant the 1 sum of $359.30, as required by the de- * fendant; that the defendant failed to I ship said supplies and implements in 1 accordance with the terms of the said 1 contract and now unjustly withholds 1 from the plaintiff the aforesaid de- I posit of $359.30 and for damages suf- j sered by the plaintiff for the afore said breach of contract, in the sum of ' I $200.00 and that the said amount is over and above all counter claims : known to the plaintiff. Said defendant will also take notice that he is required to appear at the j 1 J office of the undersigned Clerk of the j i Superior Court of Chowan County on • March 8, 1947, and Answer or Demur; j to the Complaint filed in said office, or ; plaintiff will apply to the .Court for ; How to buy television i • - set j Y Tl7i don’t know exactly what 1956 VV television receivers will look like. , > But we do know that— if you see a snappy 4 1 S4OO job that suits your fancy—there’s away you can buy it for just S3OOI ! There’s nothing shady about this deal. You’ll actually pay S4OO in cash... but only S3OO comes out of your own pocket 1 The trick is turned by buying U. 8. Sav ings Bonds niultufy —preferably on a Pay roll Savings Plan. For every $3 you put in, you get back $4 in IThe Bank of Edeiiton j< “SAFETY FOR'SAVINGS SINCE 1894? : If MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION ' y MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ' . , I ■*l ■I 1 . V- V— ** ■| | . -H' ‘iftrVtf -[/lr~inj|i iifPl < » ’ ’ » ; i* •••«•< - . the relief therein demanded. Said defendant will further take no tice that in said action a Warrant of Attachment against the property of said defendant has been issued and ; .the following property attached: j Three 13-ft. Fast Freeze Boxes, and that said Warrant of Attachment is | returnable before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court at his office in said County on March 8, j 1947. This 4th day of February, 1947. (s) E. W. SPIRES, Clerk of Superior Court of Chowan County, N. C. JOHN F. WHITE, HERBERT LEARY, Attorneys. feb6,13,20,27 J NOTICE OF SUMMONS North Carolina, In The Chowan County. Superior Court. | Before the Clerk Maggie S. Reeves and husband, Ar thur Reeves and Georgiana Skin ner, Plaintiffs vs. Charlie Stallings and wife, Maidie G. Stallings: Alpine Stallings Blount, widow of Thomas Blount: Leronia j Stallings, unmarried; J. W. Stal lings and wife, Stallings; Francis Stallings, unmarried; I’earlie May S. Bembury and hus band, Luther Bembury; Whit Stal lings. widower; husband of Mary Stallings, deceased, heirs-at-law of Mary Stallings, deceased; whose names and residences are unknown to the Plaintiffs and all other per sons whose names and residences are unknown to the Plaintiffs, j heirs of Mary Stallings, deceased, Defendants. The above-named defendants, Char- j lie Stallings and wife,. Maidie G. Stal lings, J. W. Stallings and wife, Sarah ; ! Stallings, Alpine Stallings Blount, J widow of Thomas Blount, and heirs at-law of Mary Stallings, deceased, whose names and residences are un known to the Plaintiffs and all other persons interested in or having any claim’ or right to the estate of Mary Stallings, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, will take no tice that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the Superior Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an Order of the Court to sell for par tition certain lands described in the Petition already filed in the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of said Chowan County, North Carolina; and the defendants last above named will further take notice that if they fail to appear before the said Clerk, as they as-e hereby required to do, on the 22n’d day of February, 1947, and answer or demur to the Petition filed in this cause, within the time allowed by law, the Plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Petition. This 22nd day of January, 1947. (s) E. W. SPIRES, Clerk of Superior Court of Chowan County, North Carolina. JOHN F. WHITE. HERBERT LEARY, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. Jan23,30Fcb6,13 North Carolina, Chowan County. ,„ , „ NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of Section 115- I 86, General Statutes of North Caro lina (1945) entitled “Sale of School Property,” the undersigned will on February 22nd, Saturday, 12:00 noon at the Chowan County Court House j door in Edenton, North Carolina, offer i for sale at public auction to the high | est bidder for cash the following real I estate, in First Township, Chowan County, State of North Carolina, to wit: Tract No. I—Beginning at an iron ! stake in the original southern line of j the Chowan High School tract 980 feet from North Carolina Highway No. 32 and running north 19 deg. 30 min. east 288 feet to the center of the branch; thence down the branch ; south 88 west 284 feet; thence south 16 deg. west 175 feet; thence south 68 deg. 15 min. east 235 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.37 i acres. j Tract No. 2—Sale of colored school property in Edenton Township, Cho wan County, State of North Carolina, to wit: That portion lying east of Norfolk Southern Railway, formerly owned by R. H. Dick and now owned by Chowan County Board of Educa tion. Said tract is 215 feet wide and approximately 1,275 feet long and contains 6.25 acres more or less. Bounded on the north by the Blades property; east by the O. B. Bunch property and south by the Marvin Jackson property. The Chowan County Board of Edu cation reserves the right to accept or reject all offers to the above de i scribed property. Dated and posted this 13th day of j January, 1947. CHOWAN COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. T. W. JONES, Chairman. W. J. TAYLOR, Secretary. Jan iQ~23,30F eb6 SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMPEN’S USE... PINEE Cough Syrup IT’S DIFFERENT— YOU’LL LIRE IT! a A— ten years. If you put S3OO in this year, you’ll ft get back S4OO in 1956. And that’s how you buy a television set... or help a kid through a college... or get yourself a cabin where the * fishing’s gobd. /. Millions of people—many who’ve never > • -j been able to save before—are buying Bonds '* - 1 on a Payroll Plan easily... automatically f ...painlessly. a - ' ; now on a Payroll Plan... or by buying Bonds v> ' regularly, through year bank or post office. ■ • , 'PT »' > ■ 1