PAGE EIGHT SOCIETY NEWS Miss Rosa Asbell, a student at East Carolina Teachers College at Greenville, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George D. Asbell. Herbert Smith, Herbert Copeland, J. F. Duncan, J. H. Young, State Patrolman A. W. Welch and Herbert Smith, Jr., all of Ahoskie, attended the meeting of Unanimity Lodge, No, 7, A. F. & A. M., Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hollowell spent &reat Way to rslieve shiftiness, invite if nose Alls up S RO psp» Tbntyhrck if It's wonderful how a little Va-tro-nol up each no6tril relieves stuffy transient congestion. If you need relief tonight, try It! Follow directions in package. VICKS r l If J 1 • Whether you build or remodel this Spring, your house needs the very best paint job avail- j able—inside and out. We specialize in Atlas Paint products that save you money because they protect your home longer . . . never chip ... always look new. ❖ ■ i Byrum Hardware Co. | EDENTON X. C. K s IMS UMIMPUS «i HlOOf WW WIMHMWI I Wk £MrOAMER BLENDED WHISICIY nuitkiM UNITE! IISTIIIEIS IF ftMEtltt. IK, W «E»TO«IL*.t INSPECTION & ESTIMATE 1| ■ fi YEM BOWED WITHOUT OBLIGATION ] I 1 1 Mar "^ City, N. C. B ■ EXTEMUIUTIIB CO. Phone 1463 jj r. ■ ■,■'■*■■'■« : ' , t t the week-end in Norfolk, visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Luck and Ernest Jackson, former Edentonians, return ed to their respective homes in Nor folk Monday after visiting friends in Edenton. Mrs. George Smith spent the week end in Norfolk. Josiah Babb of Durham was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Elliott Saturday evening. Roy Jones, Aaron Berger and Roy Miller, residents of Indiana were vis itors of Mayor Leroy Haskett Tues day enroute to their home after a trip to Mexico City. | Miss Helen Dawson To Wed Henry A. White Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips Dawson of Eureka, announce the en gagement of their daughter, Helen j Elizabeth, of Chapel Hill and Eureka. | to Henry Alexander White, son of Mr. | and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr., of Edenton. The wedding will take place on ] March 16 in the Eureka Methodist ! Church. HIE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C. 'irfURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1947. Shelton Moore Among ECTC Honor Students Shelton W. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Moore, was among a group of students at East Carolina Teachers College to be honored at a tea given Wednesday afternoon of last week foi having superior records in scholarship in business education. Approximately 80 men and women students were guests at the tea. Miss Cora Bond, daughter of Mrs. E. W. Bond, representing student of ficers of Pi Omega Pi, was among the group who welcomed those who at tended the affair. BIRTHDAY PARTY Annie Martha Spruill was honor ed by her mother, Mrs. Ruby Spruill, when she entertained on Friday evening February 14th in honor of her 18th birthday. After numerous games and contests the guests were served refreshments. Those present and sending gifts | were: Beulah Blanchard, Dorothy Dail, Dorothy Privott, Hilda Perry, Janies Stillman, Shirley Norris, llun | ter Blanchard, Jessie Mae Lane, | Willard Goodwin, Helen Rae Privott. I Yates Parrish, Annette Oliver, Sam ! Y’asque, Thomas Paul Griffin, Jennie ; Ruth Nixon, J. D. I’eele, Helen Bar jrow, Larry Lane, K. W. Williams, j Lillian Privott, Gene Spruill, Edith | Lane, Lillian Williford, Nelson Leigh Nixon, Alice Williams, Edna Wil liams, Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Hardison, Jack and Billy Hardison, Lois Era- I minizer and Estelle Privott. The honoree received many nice j gifts. Dr. Clovis Chappell Methodist Speaker i One of the South’s most popular | preachers. Dr. Clovis Chappell, pastor |of the F'rst Methodist Church in ! Charlotte, and author of best-seller books of sermons, will he the speaker i on The Methodist Hour Sunday morn ing, February 2.'!, at B'3o Eastern Standard Time. Dr. Chappell has served nine of the largest churches in the Methodist Church and is the author of more than 25 books of sermons. His sub ject Sunday morning will he “The Beautiful Friendship.” The Methodist Hour is heard over stations WPTF, Raleigh, and WTAR, Norfolk, at 8:30 A. M. “I LOST 51 lb*.!" H lm* ii ■».(■ w«i*fci«i* KIM: laMpxwdtla.labM*. S!SgSBSSw§ 1% log tSjt»?MatylSclL BK|! Kef lS»e«r*>n. lot 14 *Ta ral* pounds aeeraft* la afaw WK'; week, with tbo A YDS VI to min Candy RadudoS Pisa. IjßKiqE No eirrcne. No dru*». No laxa- ■pyp : tiv*a.You don't cut out any meala, starches, potatoes,. m»ts «* butMr ”J? l Ms cut them down. Simple when you yw.** cwurAYDS Vitamin Candy a« directed. Abag: lutely harmleaa. 30day* supplytaHnuanaAYUS C 2.25. NOW. obona or call at I Leggett & Davis PHONE 67 (Tear Out This Ad as a Reminder} JACBUIN’S APRICOT (fawned BRANDY PRICE mgßm s >Bo «LWA^ WS 4m r, “ T iVSSAI ttigM ro woof \^oojg^' MAM AND IOTTMO IT CHARLES JACQUIN *t Cl*.. I*«. PHIIA„ PA. • UT. IM4 Laymen’s Day Sunday At Methodist Church i Laymen’s Day will be observed in , ihe local Methodist Church at the ] ■service Sunday night at 7:30 o’clock, the theme being “Stewardship In the Crusade for Christ.” Following the service, when the Rev. J. H. Miller, District Superintendent, will preach, the first quarterly conference will be held. All groups qf the church are requested to have their reports ready. Church School will be held Sunday morning at 9:45 and the Youth Fel lowship meeting at 6:30 Sunday night. ENLISTS IN ARMY William D. Mitchell, Route 1, Ty ner, has been accepted for a three year enlistment in the U. S. Army Air Force. Mitchell served three years in the Field Artillery during the recent war and saw service in France, England and Germany, He was discharged as a corporal in June, 1940, and was accepted in the same grade. Husbands —Wives! B Get NEW LIFE! Do you leel tired out? Do you «leep well7 Hu that old-time pep venlehed? Your blood may lack new Iron. Medical studies point out that up to 68S} of women ex amined—and many, many men hava a blood deficiency. Thank* to PEPTOTABS, you, too, may anjoy new life and pap. PEPTOTABS illmulatea atartllnf new vitality, pep. vim and vipor. PEPTOTABS must prova satisfactory or money will b# .refunded. Ask your drufflst lor PEPTOTABS. * % Greeting Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS l J Be Quick To Treat Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop If your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis Is not treated and you cannot af ford to take a chance with any medicine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to elp loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and neal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creo sote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the under standing you must like the way it quick ly allays the cough, permitting rest and »or you are to have your money (Adv.) 1 WIMT mDO I UNTIL YOU GAN ) SET A NEW CAR ■k |EW CARS ore still very scarce. It may be a long time f' J INI before there are enough to fill orders. Therefore I V;,'„ your present car —no matter what its age —is a very valuable |' piece of property. Treat it as such. m IF IT IS a DeSoto or Plymouth, we urge you to bring it In j|| r • V | for a periodic check and tune-up. This is an economical ill fj . H service and will surely save you money in the long run. And any time that work needs to be done on your car, remember Jjj \ that we have the special tools, factory engineered and in- | spected parts and trained mechanics needed to do it quickly ||||s 1 | and economically. fill' ! MAN MOTOR COMPANY Edenton, N. C. /JKI/approveoA^^ N BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Dr. and Mrs. Martin Wise ly, a son, on Thursday morning, Feb ruary 13,_ in Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City. SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CIMPEH'S I The former’s f« r “ m ■ 1 o uncle NciWtof* * H front v ncie ; e I ‘ Book of Experience ■ H "Os 0 “"th 250 ■ plllll to see w few rows and united up °° fgf| dressing on a 1 \^fi e n we check Y ■ Wt it off al>»f *Jiha, tbecom gtiit the results, If . fired above the fir -81l gotten any so - 0 pounds showed a t ■ ' which got *e 2 j^ tha t gotwas I ■ used to Ibdieve it J I ' 7/*ZWi/ c****** 1 B HITttATC «« 8001 . | USE... PINEE Cuts Sores Boms IT'S DIFFERENT— YOU'LL LIKE IT'