PAGE TWELVE SOCIETY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tudor and son I Billy, of London Bridge, Va., spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hughes. Miss Blanche Leary, Miss Mamie Thomas Hogg and I>. B. Liles visited Mr. and Mrs. T. J. White ar Tyner last Thursday. Mr. and Mr.. 10. W. Spires left Sun day for Birmingham, Ala., whe- they are visiting their son-in-la \ ind daughter, Dr, and Mrs. A. M. Stanton. They expect to be away the re minder of this week, it being the first, vaca- IPENDERI SHOTW ELL_PI KITAN MARSHMALLOW 4-ounce Package 4/C si \shim: crackers HI HO ,: t 27c BLUE HEN CUT GREEN BEANS N 16c COMSTOC K PIE APPLES Y; 25c EARLY MORN MOLASSES g 35c I Sunbrrte Geanser 322 19c j Blu White F ™ s ° 10c Dazzle iLFUH Lifebuoy Soap 11c j FAMOUS FOR QL VI.ITY SINCE 1837 TETLEY TEA : >.ib: -id r* *1 Bdx Box 51c STOKELY’S CITRUSIP 46-oz. C an GRAPE JUICE COLONIAL 4ft Pint Quart Bottle Bottle PORK and BEANS hurffs 2 >oI Cans PEACH PRESERVES zigler’s 20-oz. hunt’s 2 »-<«• 15 c Ol K PRICKS WHEN AVAILABLE Sweetheart Soap 2 Regular Bath 1©„ Cakes Size AOt Octagon L.aundry Soap Per 'l#, . cake Vel Washing Powders 34c Super Suds 35c Woodbury Soap 2 23c j Hor) 2 19c IN OUR MEAT MARKET TENDER YOUNG, CUT-UP (READY FOR THE PAN) FRYING CHICKENS lb. 51c Prime Rib Roast £ 59c,® 53c j Veal Chops Shoulder 45c j Lamb ttoast 41c Ground Beef 39c STEP INTO OUR GARDEN EXTRA LARGE JUICY (46’s) GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 23c SNOW WHITE Cauliflower 2 5£ 33c CALIFORNIA LARGE JUICY Lemons JJ*. 2& FRESH MEDIUM SIZE GREEN TOP Carrots 2 11c GARDEN FRESH Spring Onions 2 3u f n o c r heH 17c ALL SIZES VALENCIA JUICY Oranges JJJ 47c 5 27c itiori Mr. Spires, Clerk of Superior Court, has had in six years. Miss Joyce Brunson, student nurse !at Norfolk General Hospital, spent | the week-end at home with her par jents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brunson. . jMiss Brunson was accompanied to Norfolk Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. William S. Elliott and sons, Billy and Warren and Miss Dot Roberson, i .'George Twiddy, H. A. Campen and Earl Goodwin spent the week-end at Nags. Head. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lupton and CLAPP’S STRAINED BABY FOODS . 4'-'-oz. q Can OC HEINZ TOMATO SOUP n-oz. <% O Can IZC WAXTEX Waxed Paper a i9c STERLINIi TABLE SALT 2 Y 15c O’CEDAR PASTE WAX Can 59c LONG ISLAND DUCKS il r 39c STEAKED SILVER SALMON Es 53c FRESH SAVOY SPINACH « S 1* FANCY GREEN TOP Radishes 2 B 7 o c r hc « 11c PTE CHOW.-.N HERALD, EDENTDN. X. C THURSDAY APRIL 24, 1947. son, Hector, Jr„ spent Sunday at Scranton, N. C„ visiting Mr. Lupton’s father, J. A. Lupton. They were ac companied home by Mr. Lupton’s sister, Mrs. Amanda Wallace. Miss Blanche Leary, Haywood Zieg ler, Jr., and D. B. Liles visited Mrs. J. D. Traylor and Mrs. Harold Yert in Washington, N. C., on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Byrum arrived in Edenton Sunday night af ter spending the winter at their home in West Palm Beach, Florida. On their return trip, Mr. and Mrs. By rum visited a number of prominent gardens and were very enthusiastic over their beauty at this time of year. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Trible. Jr., George 111, Paula Muse and Bobby Trible of West Point, Va., were guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Liles and Miss Mamie Thomas Hogg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Barrow and family returned home Sunday after a trip to see the cherry blossoms in Washington, D. (’., and also a visit with friends in Falling Water, W. Va., and Gettysburg, Fa. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stewart, former : Edentonians now living at Hampton, 'Va., spent the week-end in F.donioi; visiting f riends. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Graves of Portsmouth, Va., were Sunday guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Liles and Miss j Mamie Thomas Hogg. Telegram Contradicts Criticism In Texas (Continued from l’age One) ing purchased where needed; cash | [grants being made for transportation jin affected area where needed; thou- • j sands of welfare inquiries being ] handled daily. The American Red Cross has on the (disaster scene 42 staff members oti l'd er direction of Maurice Reddy, one of the most experienced disaster workers in this country. Workers will continue to assist local Red Cross leadership in meeting needs arising from explosion beyond the emergency phase into the field of rehabilitation on a family basis, including food; clothing and maintenance, building and repair, household furnishings, medical, nursing and sanitation, farm supplies, livestock and equipment, occupational training equipment and supplies. Too Late To Classify | FOR SALE—LARGE MIXED DAH lias, $2.25 per dozen. Named and labeled. $3.00. Such familiar names j as Jane Cowl, M. W. Wilson. Mrs. j 1. de Warner, Robert Scott and I many more. Available immediate lv. Mrs. Thomas Asbell, Tyner,' N. C. ltc YOUNG CHICKENS FOR SALE. Home grown, live or dressed. Hay wood Phthisic, Edenton. ltc PUREBRED COCKER PUPS,—3 months, blonde. J. D. Terrell, 200 W. Queen, Edenton. Itpd FOR SALE—IO4I Buick S danette. See O. B. Perry, Chowan Motor Co. 1 tc FOR SALE—YOUNG FRYERS, Av erage 2Q pounds each. See Harry A. Spruill, 217 East Eden Street, ltpd VALUABLE LOT FOR SALE—Lo cated on Granville Street between C. E. Byrum and W. A. Leggett. Approximately 02x125 feet. Apply Wood Privott, Edenton. Apr24Mavlc NOTICE TO HOUSEWIVES I will be glad to call for old maga zines, books and paper of any kind being thrown away. Frank Hughes, Phone 224-W’. ltpd Greeting Cards For AH Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS I s JACaVIN’S BANANA NECTAR _ - cV7 l i I^^Tiumnni too offlpgsßSpp* p«oo»«P^^ man AMBonmm CM A KIM N O 0» Mi MW,PA«JRMM ' Miss Judy Cozzens Featured In Lengthy Magazine Article Pictured in a current issue of the Times-Picayune Magazine of the New Orleans States is Miss Judy Cozzens, daughter of Mrs. W. 1. Cozzens. Miss Cozzens is shown at her desk in Teen Town, a recreational center for youngsters which has “grown up,” where she is the first full-time social worker with teen agers. That Miss Cozzens is admirably fitted for the position and giving en tire satisfaction to the New Orleans Council of Jewish Women and the New Orleans Housing Authority, sponsoring groups, is reflected in the complimentary remarks in a lengthy story accompanying a half page size picture of her. Miss Cozzens was for a time con nected with the Edenton USO Club in Edenton. j i vlf Men’s Fur Felt Hats $5.00 Genuine Panama Hats $5.75 Lee and Knox Hats SIOOO The Men’s Shop EDENTON . N . < . — ICLEARANCE All Ladies* Spring COATS and SUITS pB - .... ■\ [ /•;. :■ r / ; \’j ■ I Reduced To Cost I and Below Cost I For Clearance I Shop Early For Best I Selections I The .Betty Shoppe Edenton, N. C. I Aces Forfeit Game! ! ' Though the Edenton High School baseball team was sched uled to play a game with Kins ton High School on the latter’s diamond Friday afternoon, Coach Tex Lindsay was forced to for feit the game due to inability to secure transportation for the boys to Kinston. Coach Lindsay made a desper- i ate effort up to the last minute. 1 but was unable to secure en- I ough cars to carry the squad so ] Kinston to play. The conference j game, therefore, was obliged to be forfeited. j | Buy A Boyett Sprayer | Now And Be Prepared - —- IT WILL BE TOO LATE AFTER THE WORMS COME ❖ WE HAVE IN STOCK A LIMITED NUMBER Boyett Tobacco Sprayers A BOYETT SPRAYER TODAY and BE CERTAIN TO BE REAI)Y __ ! Byrum Hardware Co. El >F.XTO.\\ N. C. METHODIST SERVICES Preaching services will be held in the AJethodist Church Sunday night at 8 o'clock when the pastor, the Rev. H. F. Surratt, will preach on the sub ject “How to Resurrect the Con science.” Church School will be held at 9:45 A. M., and the Youth Fellowship meeting at 7 P. M. i SHEAFFER AND PARKER PENS CAMDEN’S