Volume XlV.—Number 18. Stage Is Now Set For Town Election Albemarle League Officials] Adopt Schedule Os Games Through Saturday, July 12 Opening Game of Cir cuit Will Take Place Sunday, June 1 SIX TEAMS Edenton Colonials Play First Game June 2nd With Hertford At a meeting of the directors of the Albemarle League held in Edenton Monday night it was decided to open the 1047 season on June 1 and to play five games per week. A schedule of games was presented and subsequent ly adopted, with games through July 12, after which the remainder of the season's schedule will be drawn up. Some change in the schedule is no ticeable in that games in pairs are arranged, so that the same two teams 1 will oppose each other two days in | succession. There will be six teams | again in the league, these being Edenton. Hertford, Elizabeth City, Colerain, Windsor and Suffolk. Though the season opens June 1, the Edenton Colonials will not play on the opening day, the initial game scheduled to be played June 2 on Hicks Meld with Hertford. The fol lowing day the Colonials will play in Hertford. The directors are scheduled to meet in Hertford May 26, in order to iron out all minor details prior to the league's opening. John Byrum, manager of the Co lonials, is very optimistic, over ,tfce nrospects for another strong team. raharr Byrum, president of the .denton Club, as well as Manager Byrum and several other fans have been scouting for . players and feel that they have some very good pros pects. No statement as to the mem bers of this year's team would be made when The Herald went to press. Each team in the circuit will be al lowed to hire as many as fine non resident players. Baseball fans are rather elated over the fact that Lester Jordan, ace moundsman who contributed in large measure to winning the league cham pionship ' las year, will again be on the mound for the Colonials. Final PTA Meeting Os Year Tuesday New Officers of the Or ganization Will Be Installed Next Tuesday, May 6, the final meeting of the year for the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the school auditorium, start ing at 3:16. At this meeting the re cently newly elected officers will be installed and take over. Mrs. L. A. Patterson will succeed Mrs. J. Clar ence Leary as president. A feature of the meeting will be the presentation of an operetta, “The Old Woman Who Lived In a Shoe,” by members of Mrs. Ernest Swain’s first grade. In announcing the meeting, Mrs. Leary urges a full attendance. Church Women Meet In Edenton Friday Announcement is made of a meet ing of the United Council of Church Women Friday, May 2, at 4 o’clock in the Edenton Methodist Church. This will be a fellowship day for all Christian women in the com munity, so that all women are urged to attend. Former Local Teacher Escapes Injury In Texas Friends in Edenton will be delighted to know that Miss Sara MacDonald, a former teacher in the Edenton school, escaped the horrible tragedy in Texas City, Texas. Mrs. H. B. Jones on Monady of this week rec eived a card from Miss MacDonald stating that she, as well as a sister and brother, living in Texas City had not been injured in the explosions which killed hundreds of people. THE CHOWAN HERALD a aouM yxm/UK devoted to ram imtmmmmt* of cmowam oouan Three Marion Patients In Chowan Hospital That the Chowan Hospital is at tracting attention beyond the con fines of the county is reflected in the fact that three persons came from Marion, N. C., this week to be pa tients' in the local institution. The trio includes Mrs. Carrie Yancey for treatment, James Brown for a tonsil operation and Mrs. Albert Grayson for an operation. On Tuesday Miss Lucille Hall, man i ager of the hospital, reported 14 pa tients, and said everything at the hospital was “going just fine.” Eight Local Trust Funds For Upkeep i Os Cemetery Lots List Released By Mem bers of Former Ceme tery Association Mrs. R. F. Tuttle and Mrs. E. S. Norman, for many years connected with the Cemetery Association, which I about a year ago deeded Beaver Hill Cemetery to the Town of Edenton, in formed The Herald this week that eight people left in their wills provi sion for upkeep of cemetery lots, which trust funds are now available to the town for the specified purpose. Those who provided trust funds, as furnished by the above ladies, are as follows: Margaret Hunter ______ .i_sloo.oo D. W. Raper 100.00 Robert Van Deventer 100.00 J. E. Briscoe —,l 150.00 John Ward 100.00 Annie B. Norfleet _: 100.00 John C. Bond 100.00 J. A. Woodard left SSOO to be equ ally divided between his cemetery lot in Beaver Hill Cemetery and a lot in the churchyard beside the Edenton Baptist Church. R. F. Elliott Elected President Os Rotary George S. Twiddy Is the New Vice President Os Club New officers and directors of the Edenton Rotary Club were elected at last week’s meeting, when Richard F. Elliott was chosen president to suc ceed C. W. Overman. Gdorge S. Twiddy was elected vice president, with the following directors: Earl Goodwin, R. N. Hines, David Holon, and John A. Holmes. Twiddy and Holmes tied for the highest number of votes for director which determines the vice presidency, but Mr. Holmes, a past District Governor, stated that because he has served in every office of the club, he desired to withdraw in favor of Mr. Twiddy as vice president. The new officers will be installed at the first meeting in July. David Holton, chairman of the On to-San Francisco Committee, reported progress and the matter of sending a delegate to the international Rotary Convention consumed quite a bit of time. The idea of each member con tributing $lO toward the expense of the delegate was discussed and the club also voted to appropriate $250 toward the expenses. The delegate was nochosen at Thursday’s meet ing. At the close of the meeting the new directors elected Dr. George Craw ford as secretary and J. L. Chestnutt as sergeant-at-arms. Dr. Crawford succeeds R. N. Hines, who has held the office three years. Thus far the club, since its organization in 1925, has had only five secretaries, the late M. F. Bond, Jr., the late N. K. Rowell, John A. Holmes, Mr. Hines and Dr. Crawford. FIREMEN CALLED OUT Eden ton’s Fire' Department was called out Monday afternoon to ex tinguish a chimney fire at Morris Circle. Very little damage was re ported by Fire Chief R. K. Hall. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 1,1947. New Playground To Be Officially Opened For Children Today Members of Junior Wo man’s Club Will Act As Supervisors The new playground on Hicks Field, major project of the* year for the Junior Woman’s Club, will be officially opened today (Thursday). Members of the club wjll act as supervisors of the playground and for the present time the hours will be from 3 to 5 o’clock in the afternoons and Saturday mornings from 10 to 12 o’clock. After the close of school in June, the playground will be open both morning and afternoon. Moth ers are advised to send their children, especially the younger ones, only dur ing this specified time for their own | protection. / | Another measure being taken for the safety of the youngsters is the moving of the softball diamond from I the present site to the place formerly iused for the old baseball diamond. ; There,*the fence will serve as a back stop. Equipment includes two see-saws, a slide, sand boxes, basketball, tennis and volley ball. Two sets of swings, another slide and a drinking fountain are on order and will be installed as soon as they arrive. The club members desire to take this opportunity to express their ap preciation to the American Legion, the Chowan Motor Company, Hughes- Holton Hardware Company, the Eden ton Street Department under the su pervision of Frank Hughes, B. W. Ev ans, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bond, J. H. Conger and the many ladies in town who donated shrubs. Their invalu able support and aid will not be for gotten. Baptist Fish Fry At Base Friday- Night Originally Scheduled to Be Held at Edenton Armory The annual fish fry of the Young Men’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church will be held Friday night at the American Legion head quarters at the base. The affair, which will get under way at 7 o’clock, was originally scheduled to be held at the armory. Any who desire to attend but have no transportation are requested to meet at the Triangle or Cherry’s Res taurant by 6:30, from where they will be taken to the base to enjoy the affair. The annual fish fry usually attracts a large crowd, so that this year is not expected to be an exception. STORE WINDOW EXHIBITS FEATURES OF NATIONAL HOME DEMONSTRATION WEEK ' •< Attractive Displays Convey to Public Only a Few ‘ Outstanding Projects of Chowan County’s \ Home Demonstration Clubs t i The Chowan County Home Demon stration Clubs are observing National Home Demonstration Week by dis playing exhibits in several local store windows, thus presenting to the pub lic a few of the outstanding projects being stressed in the county. The display of Health and Nutri tion in Quinn’s Furniture store win dow is particularly important. It is necessary foi all to understand food value, as good nutrition is essential to good health. The display shows the well planned meals which are ade quate, and poorly planned meals, with a chart showing the amount these meals lack of meeting the require ments of a girl nine years old. A three-day dietary survey which was made recently in the Edenton and Chowan County schools indicated that only a few of Hie 100 children checked had adequate diets. It was found that too many of the group were not getting enough minerals and vita mins. This means that they should have more'milk, raw vegetables and fruits. These are the teeth, bone and blood building fooda and for better eyesight and nerves. Demonstrations on refinishing floors, and furniture were given in Home Demonstration Club meetings recent- Dr. Wm. A. Graham Named President Os Obstetrical Society Honored at Annual Ses sion Held at Southern Pines Last Week > Dr. William A. Graham, of Dur • ham, son of Mrs. W. A. Graham, was honored last week by being elected president of the North Carolina Ob ; stetrical and Gynecological Society at the annual meeting of the organ iza -1 tion held at Southern Bines. | The object of the society is to en courage the study, improve the prac tice and advance the cause of Obstet -1 rics and Gynecology; to promote and to encourage friendship among such ’ specialists in this State; through in ’itation to its. membership to grant recognition of special knowledge in obstetrics and gynecology to those who show themselves to be duly quali ' | fled; to help guide and promote better j work among younger men and general j practitioners who have not sufficient ' I time to devote to the study of this specialty; through organization to ‘help lower the maternal and infant ] mortality and morbidity in North ’ Carolina. Dr. Graham succeeds Dr. W. B. Bradford of Charlotte as president of the society. Protests Made To Cutting Off Trains Norfolk Southern Seeks | To Eliminate Pas senger Trains Considerable interest has developed in the Albemarle area relative to the announcement by the Norfolk South ern Railway Company that it will ap ply to the North Carolina Utilities Commission and the State Corpora-1 tion Commission of Virginia for au- j ■ thority tj discontinue passenger! trains Nos. 1 and 2 between Norfolk; and Raleigh. In a -statement to the public, the railroad claims a heavy financia 1 loss, saying that passenger travel has de clined almost to the vanishing point. Passenger earnings for the first three months of this year are 809 < less than for the first three months of last | year, the railroad contends. The com-! pany also argues that while gross earnings from the two trains dimin ishes, operating expenses continue to rise. An appeal is made for persons in j North Carolina and Virginia to write the two utilities groups endorsing the ( application to discontinue the trains.] However, strong protests have de-1 veloped in many of the communities I, served by the railroad. ly. The steps in finishing floors are t shown in the samples in the exhibit which will be in Hughes-Holton Hard- t ware store window. The “before and { after” idea is carried out in the un- t finished and finished furniture.’ On r exhibit is an unfinished chair and a i refinished one using cane for the back i and seat. The old finish was removed 1 from the chair, then the wood was i sanded, the cane seat and back were t woven, then the wood was finished ] with shellac thinned with alcohol. As- ( ter the finish dried it was buffed with s fine steel wool, and waxed. The different methods of food pre- ' servation are on display at Quinn’s I Furniture Company, showing the ’ equipment needed for steam pressure ] and water-bath methods of canning, 1 and for freezing foods. ( The correct and incorrect way of i pruning shrubbery is shown by charts 1 and plants in Byrum Hardware Com- : pany’s window. Shrubs should be < pruned so that they keep their na- : tural shape, and not sheared. Most flowering shrubs may be pruned just i after they bloom, evergreens several : times during the summer or early 1 spring, and roses during the early spring. An article on proper pruning : appears elsewhere in this issue of The 1 Herald. Dr. Wallace S. Griffin And r Jesse Harrell Enter Race As Deadline Ends Friday Night I Back Home I i Edenton friends will he inter t ested to know that Raymond Ward is now back in Edenton, a fond hope realized ever since he was taken to a rest home fol lowing the death of his mother over a year ago. | Raymond is being eared for by i Mrs. George Williams at her home on North Broad Street, just across the street front his old i home. He is happy to he hack » home among his friends and ex presses the hope that many will r call to see him. It is necessary 1 for him to remain in bed, having t wasted away to a mere 70 pounds j in weight, so that at present he } is unable to be wheeled around t town in his chair, i Rev. H. F. Surratt Chowan Chairman For Clothing Drive All Out Effort to Help | Suffering People In 28 Countries I In cooperation with the campaign launched by the North Carolina j Council of Churches to provide over seas relief, the Rev. H. F. Surratt, pastor of the Pldenton Methodist Church, has accepted the chairman ship in Chowan County. As a part of the statewide drive for clothing, bed ding and shoes for 150,000,000 suffer ing people, Mr. Surratt is appealing I to every person in the county to giy ] these items generously. The drive has been in progress throughout the State since April 20 and will continue until May 11, with the collection date in Chowan County to be set at a meeting of Mr. Surratt and his co-workers the latter part of this week to lay plans. The collec-! tion will in all likelihood be made ] late next week. Mr. Surratt is appointing chairmen ifrom various organizations in the county in the hope that a complete (coverage will be made in the drive, j Up to Tuesday night he appointed the ‘following: Robert S. Marsh, 4-H Clubs: Miss i Rebecca Colwell, home demonstration | clubs; J. L. Chestnutt, Rotary Club; 1 Jesse Harrell, Edenton merchants; W. J. Taylor, county schools; Mrs. Lloyd Griffin, Edenton schools; Mrs. Martin Wisely, Junior Woman’s Club; the Rev. J. E. Tillett, rural colored churches; the Rev*. E. S. Parker, Edenton colored churches; J. B. Small, colored rural area, and Miss Emma Foreman, Edenton colored schools. Mr. Surratt himself will work with the white churches in Eden ton and the county and plans to se cure a chairman from the Lions Club, the Legion Auxiliary, veterans and possibly other groups in order to cover the entire county in the drive. Mr. Surratt urges housewives, as they do their spring housecleaning, to give away as much as possible rather than store for the summer. By giving now, Church World Service, overseas relief agency for 26 Protestant de nominations, can get the North Caro lina donations overseas by early sum mer. Mr. Surratt calls upon such es tablishments as shoe repair shops, de partment stores, textile mills, tailors, cleaners and laundries to donate un salable or out-of-date goods. Goods collected in Chowan County will be shipped to the Church World Service Center at New Windsor, Md. There they will be packed in moisture proof bags and bales and quickly transported to areas of greatest need overseas. At present, relief supplies are going to 28 nations from New Windsor. Goods are distributed abroad by churches there on the basis of need. Religion, race and politics are not standards for aid. Mr. Surratt is endeavoring to se cure the film “Seeds of Destiny” for showing in Edenton during the drive. The picture, made by the U. S. Army last year, depicts needs overseas, giv ing first hand portrayal of life as lived by millions in the countries af fected by the recent war. /ear. j 20 Candidates Seeking 11 Offices to Be Filled By Voters , EXPECT BIG VOTE Polls Open For Voting From 6:30 A. M. to 6:30 P. M. With 20: candidates seeking the 11 offices to be filled by Edenton voters in the election next Tuesday, May 6, predictions are that the vote will be the heaviest in recent years. The crop of candidates is the largest in many elections, so that interest in (the contest is expected to reach fever heat before the polls close Tuesday. The deadline for candidates to file for office was Friday night, but be fore time was out Dr. Wallace Griffin filed as a candidate for the Board of Public Works and Jesse Harrell enter ed the race for Councilman-at-large. There are five candidates for each of these offices with two to be elected as Couneilmen-at-large and three members of the Board of Public I j Works. ' There are contests for all offices except treasurer and Second Ward »I Councilman, Henry Gardner and Gra ,ham Byrum, respectively, having no opposition. Leading the ticket is the contest for Mayor, with Leroy Haskett, in cumbent, being opposed by J. L. Wiggins, a former Mayor. For Councilman-at-large W. J. Yates and J. Edwin Buffiap, incum ’ bents, are seeking re-election, while David Holton, Ed Habit and Jesse , Harwll are the other candidates. In the First Ward J. Clarence . Leary, incumbent, is opposed by . Frank M. Holmes as Councilman. . J. P. Partin, incumbent in the Third Ward is opposed by George S.' ; Twiddy. I I In the Fourth Ward W. M. Wilkins, i j incumbent, has Clyde Hollowell as an | opponent for ward Councilman. | The five candidates for the Board of Public Works are J. H. Conger, jO. B. Perry, Geddes Potter, Ralph E. Parrish and Dr. Wallace Griffin. The first three are now members of the Board. Registrars report brisk registra tion of votes which leads some pre dictions to be made of a vote of over 1000 if the weather is favorable. Town Clerk R. E. Leary informed. The Herald that the registration book for the Second Ward is in the hands of H. L. Davis on Broad Street due to the illness of O. C. Davis, the reg istrar. In the Third Ward the book is in possession of Mrs. Joseph Thor ud, 134 Morris Circle, having been turned over to her due to the illness of Mrs. L. S. Byrum, whose husband was registrar. Polls in the four wards will be open at 6:30 A. M., and will close at 6:30 P. M. Registrar For First Ward In Municipal Building Saturday J. J. Long Will Be on Duty From 2 to 4 O’clock For the benefit of those who have' not yet registered in the First Ward for the May 6th election, The Herald has been informed that J. J. Long, Registrar for this ward, will sit in the Municipal Building Saturday, May 3, for the purpose of registering voters. Mr. Long will be on duty in the Municipal Building from 2 to 4 o’clock * in the afternoon, so that those who have not qualified to vote in the elec tion are urged to contact him. Other than Saturday afternoon, Mr. Long will register voters at his home on West Church Street. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ashley an nounce the birth of a daughter at the Chowan Hospital on Thursday morn ing of last week. Mrs. Ashley is the former Miss Lois Davis.

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