Volume XIV. —Number 23. Rev. H. F. Surratt Stresses ValueOfVision,PassionAnd Action To Graduating Class Eighth Graders Receive Certificates on Mon day Night CLASS”NIGHT R. M. McMillan Gradua tion Speaker Wed nesday Night a Commencement exercises for Eden ton High School got under way Sun day night when the baccalaureate sermon was preached by the Kev. H. Freo Surratt, pastor of the Metho dist Church. Soon after those taking part in the exercises marched down the aisle and onto the stage, they were followed by members of the senior class, dressed in caps and gowns, who occupied the front seats in the auditorium. Prior to Mr. Surratt’s sermon, a special number was rendered by a choir of high school girls who were seated on the stage and accompanied on the piano by Mrs. M. A. Hughes. The invocation was offered by the Kev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Bap tist Church. The Rev. Harold Gil mer, rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, offered the closing prayer. Taking a few verses of the third chapter of Philippians as the theme for his remarks, Mr. Surratt urged the graduates to look forward to what lies ahead. “You are facing life and should be ready to go,” he said, “but in so doing you should equip yourselves with vision, passion and action.” He told them w'here there is no vision, people perish, and that vi sion broadens as one grows in years. “It is important to know' one’s self and to know God,” he said, “as one embarks upon a new' era in life.” “Emotion is a genuine part of na- ire,” said Mr. Surratt as he stressed t ission, and urged the graduates to ackle their varied tasks with whole hearted enthusiasm, and to stay by their work with patience and enthu siasm. As to action, he reminded his young friends that they must face hard cold facts, and generate the ■ power to project themselves in the right direction. “Push,” he said, “is necessary to make a success, in life and do not take the attitude that the world owes you a living. You must find something to do.’’ The graduates were told that the man that is happiest is the one who is busy, and that it is more blessed to give than receive. “The word ‘service’ is a good one,” he said, “and means a great deal. Take the best you have to give service to the world in keeping with the opportunity this day offers you.” In closing his remarks, Mr. Surratt told the graduates that they will find the secret to success in following in the path of the Man of Galilee. “Life is filled with success and happiness when you commit your life to Him,” he said, “and I bid you God speed in your new undertaking.” On Monday night graduating exer cises were held for the eighth grade, when the members were presented with certificates of promotion to high school. Class Day exercises were held Tuesday night with the theme being “Through the Portals.” Erie Cofield - delivered the valedictory address and Charlotte Bunch the salutatory ad dress. During the exercises the usual class day features were car ried out. Graduation exercises were held Wednesday night shortly after The Herald was printed, when R. M. Mc- Millan, prominent Raleigh attorney, delivered the graduation address. Mary Goodwin Gets UNC Athletic Award Friends will be interested to know that Miss Mary Goodwin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin, was among the co-eds at the University of North Carolina to be awarded an athletic award at the annal awards night held in Hill Hall Thursday night of last week. The awards were announced by liancellor Robert B. House and con- 1 k atulations to those receiving them F ere extended by President Frank P. JGraham. PATIENT IN HOSPITAL Mrs. W. C. Brunson is a patient in Lake View Hospital, Suffolk, having entered the institution Thursday of last week. Mrs. Brunson underwent an operation and is making satisfac tory progress. She expects to return to her home late this week. THE CHOWAN HERALD' I I [Lesson In Figures! With the approach of a new fiscal year for the county, the Chowan County Commissioners are now greatly concerned over the budget for the year 1947-48. Already, various agencies have submitted their budgets to the Commissioners, so that al their meeting Monday they set the last Monday in this month, 23, as the date for a special meeting to consider the new budget. At that time the Commission ers hope to have all budgets and requests for appropriations in hand and will attempt to have the figures pretty well lined up for their July meeting, at which time the county tax rate for next year will most likely be determ • ined. Last year’s rate for SI.OO per SIOO property valuation. Mill Team Enters Newly Organized Tri-County League Six Team Circuit Will Play Saturdays and Sundays With baseball fever already at a high pitch, aside from the entry in the Albemarle League, the Cotton Mill baseball team is a member of the six-team Tri-County League whicth was organized Wednesday of last week. The league includes Edenton, Gatesville, Gates, Eure, Sunbury and Camden. A. P. Godwin, Jr., of Gatesville is president of the league and Ernest Askew of Gatesville has been elected secretary. League games will be played only on Saturdays and Sundays, with the ( schedule running to Labor,Day, when a series will be played for the league championship. The Cotton Mill team is managed by Albert Twiddy, who has the fol lowing group of players from which to select a team: Tom Hoskins, Ward Hoskins, Fred Hoskins, J. L. Harrell, Roy Holmes, Roy Harrell, Alexander Martin, Henry Allen Powell, Andrew Whitson, Kirby Wright, E. C. Ashley, Russell Wheel er, Edgar Rogerson, Haywood Har rell, Ernest Ambrose, Donald Am brose and William Curtis Pressley. The team practices each Tuesday afternoon at 5:30 o’clock on the mill diamond and Manager Twiddy urges any players who desire to make a bid for a berth on the team to be on hand at that time. The first exhibition game for the local boys was played last week, when they were defeated by Gates ville in a hard-fought game 2 to 1. Kirby Wright was on the mound for the Cotton Mill boys and allowed only two hits, but his teammates were un able to push across enough runs to win the game. The first league game will be play ed in Edenton next Saturday after noon when the Gatesville team will be the attraction. On Sunday • re turn game will be played in Gates ville. The Cotton Mill diamond has been put in excellent condition, and new uniforms and equipment has been ordered by the Cotton Mill manage ment. Mayor Calls Attention To Weeds On Lots Mayor Leroy Haskett this week calls attention to a number of vac ant lots in Edenton where grass and weeds are rather high and which are becoming unsightly. The Mayor ur ges owners of these lots to have the weeds cut so that it will not be nec essary for Street Department em ployees to do this and add the cost 1 to taxes. MEETING POSTPONED The Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church post poned their meeting Tuesday night due to class night exercises being held at the same time at the Edenton school. The meeting will, instead, be held Tuesday night, June 10, with Miss Iva Mae Dail, beginning at 8 o’clock. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, June 5,1947. Mayor L H. Haskett Appoints Members Traffic Committee Group Named at Re quest of Governor Cherry At the request of Governor R. Gregg Cherry and Coleman W. Rob erts, chairman of the State Commit tee for Traffic Safety, Mayor Leroy Haskett this week appointed a traffic safety committee for Chowan County, Those named on the committee by Mayor Haskett are Richard F. El liott, L. S. Byrum, Hector Lupton, Clyde Hollowell, West Leary, John Kramer, Frank Elliott and Charles Owens. “One of the most pressing prob lems facing our people today is that of traffic accidents and fatalities,” said Governor Cherry in urging May or Haskett to appoint a committee j to coordinate its activities with that I of the State Commitee. Governor Cherry stated tha 11 through the State Committee for Traffic Safety a very comprehensive! plan has been developed which he feels copfident will produce splendid results, provided there is whole hearted cooperation of every com munity and every citizen. “Anything less than this will not produce the results desired,” said the Governor. As a part of the five-year program, it is proposed to have a traffic safety conference in every appropriate cen ter, county or municipality. Both Gates Open At Air Station Public Warned to Keep Out of Restricted Area As of last Sunday both gates at the Edenton Naval Air Station. are open, so that motorists may enter or leave from either gate. Since the Town of Edenton leased the base from the Navy Department, the gate at> the southern entrance has been closed so that all cars or pedestrians were obliged to enter and leave by ,the gate at the northern end, where guards have been on duty. Since both gates are open, there will be no guards at either gate, but instead the guards will patrol the entire base, being on duty 24 hours of the day. In opening both gates, Mayor Has kett and Chief of Police George I. Dail emphatically call attention to anyone entering the base that it is a violation of the law to travel on any portion of the base property which is designated “Restricted”. Anyone found on this restricted area will be subject to arrest and upon conviction will be fined in accordance with a rec ent ordinance adopted by Town Coun cil. CHOWAN DIGESTS I President Truman’s advisory com mission urges universal military training or face extinction. Plan in cludes induction at 18 or upon com pletion of secondary school, six months’ basic training in camps or aboard ship. Further training under option such as National Guard, ROTC or organized reserves. Cite grim contrast between this nation and Rus sia’s vast military might. ''Children in fifth grade and up receive “pre service” training, and 16,000,000 civ ilians a year are being drilled in rifle, submachine gun and mortar use in Russia. First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass., elects Mrs. Helen Chaffee Elwell of East Hebron, New Hampshire, as president. Mrs. El well is the daughter of Lieut. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee, former chief of staff of U. S. Army. Christian Sci ence Publishing Society reports larg est circulation in history of its peri odicals. World-wide distributing channels reopened. o Fifteen thousand dollar fishing tournament scheduled for North Qirolina, starting September 15 and running through October. Headquar ters at Wilmington. First prize $5,000. o— Salaries paid for dogs used in “The Emperor Waltz” which stars Joan Fontaine and Bing Crosby said to exceed SI,OOO per week. Three were featured with two stand-ins. A well known citizen of Edenton re marked the other day that instead of crazy dogs running around hare, Colonials Split Even In Two-Game Series With Hertford Team Large Crowd on Hand For Opening Game Monday Night Edenton’s Colonials up to Wednes day morning had split even in a two game series with the Hertford In dians, winning the opening game of the Albemarle League Monday night oh Hicks Field by a count of 9 to 1. The second game, played in Hertford Tuesday night, was dropped to the Indians 3 to 2. A large crowd of baseball fans was on hand at Hicks Field Monday night to witness the Colonials’ first game of the season, when Mayor L. H. Haskett pitched the first ball to start the game. Lester Jordan was | on the mound for Edenton and had I j little difficulty in setting down the 1 ! Indians, allowing only four hits dur-| j ing the game. He retired 11 Hert-! ford batters byway of the strike-out ! route. The Colonials took an early lead, scoring one run in the first inning and two in the third. Another run was added in the fifth, two in the seventh and in the eighth three counters were tallied when Joe Wheeler sent the ball high over the left field fence to score two runs ahead of him. The Indians’ only score came in the ninth frame when Nowell landed squarely on one of Jordan’s fast balls, sending the ball like a shot far out in right field. He rounded the bases before Nick George could get to and return the ball to the infield. The Colonials looked good in the first game and connected safely when bits . meant runs. Bell started on the mound for the Indians but was relieved by Craig. Aycock, behind the plate, won the admiration of the fans as he played a bang-up game. Joe Fulghum, Snookey Hollowell and J. D. Thorne, last year favorites, were also in the lineup. Joe Wheeler held down the hot corner and Claude Griffin was at his old stand on first base. John Byrum roamed in left field, while Nick George substituted for Trot Leary in right field. The Colonials lost a heart-breaker to the Indians in Hertford Tuesday night 3-2. They faced Moe Bauer and but for costly errors, would have chalked up another victory. The Co lonials gathered five hits oflf Bauer, while Thorne held the Indians to four hits. The Colonials held a two-run advantage until the sixth inning, when the Indians knotted the score. In the seventh inning an error by Hollowell allowed the Indians to cross the plate with the winning run. The Colonials are scheduled to play the Elizabeth City Senators in Eliza beth City tonight (Thursday) with a return game on Hicks Field Friday night. Suffolk is scheduled to play in Edenton Saturday- night and on Sunday the Colonials will play in Suffolk. there’s liable to be lots of “mad” folks in the next 30 days if the “quarantine” law is not applied equ ally all around. o— Independent of Elizabeth City com mends action of County Board of Commissioners and people of Edenton for progressive move forming plan ning committee relative to ten-year building program in last Sunday’s editorial section. o Baltimore, Md., women successful in fight to serve on juries. General Assembly granted right and imposed obligations. Judge Michael Manly spoke to 400 prospective women jur ors this week and said “The law makes jury service for women com pulsory. Answers to the question of age such as ’over 25 and under 70’ not acceptable.” ■ ■ o Martin County Board of Education decides to build two small school houses, a 4-room frame building at Jamesville, and a six-room frame unit at Everetts, without contract. Considered three sets of bids too high. First bid $140,000 for Everetts building. Second bids markedly low er. Third still lower. Board still of opinion too high. Lowest bid con sidered $67,000 for general construc tion of two buildings without heat ing, lighting or plumbing. No bond issue floated to finance construction. Current funds sufficient. o Martin County Commissioners dis cuss plans for county hospital. Ready to submit proposal to vote of people (Continued on Page Eight) Committee Appointed To Study Building Program Requested To Meet Today | Elected President j ... : , ■ Taß "* -v ji W. JIM DANIELS Members of the Albemarle Rural Mail Carriers Associa tion elected Mr. Daniels presi dent at a meeting held in Hert ford Friday night. Contributions In Boy Scout Drive Lagging Less Than One-third of Quota Turned Over To Hector Lupton 1 Hector Lupton, treasurer for the ‘ drive to raise funds for the Boy Scouts, reported Tuesday afternoon 1 that only $454.59 had been turned in to him up to that time. This amount is less than one-third of the quota, which was set at $1,500. Robert L. Pratt, chairman of the drive, reported that practically all of I the eartvassers in Edenton had report ed, but that he has had no reports ! from canvassers in the county. The | drive, naturally, is a big disappoint- i mem, not only to Chairman Pratt, but to those who are vitally interest , ed in Scouting and have been devot ing much of their time to the work. The purpose of the drive is to raise money for the most part to pay dues ! in the Tidewater Council, which is ab solutely necessary if the Chowan County Boy Scout troops are to re ceive recognition and the various benefits contingent upon membership in the Council. Mr. Pratt and friends of Scouting, as well, refuse to believe that the ap parent lagging in contributions re flects the interest Edenton people have in, the welfare of Boy Scouts. Rather, they are of the opinion that many have been missed by the can vassers, or have overlooked sending in a promised contribution. It is the purpose to wind up the drive as soon as possible, so that any one who will make a contribution is urged to do so at once. Mr. Pratt, Mr. Lupton or anyone interested in Scouting will be glad to take the contribution. Carlton Appointed As Public Relations Director For County Will Direct Efforts For Best Interest of Cho wan’s Progress Chowan County Commissioners at their meeting Monday appointed . Peter Carlton, executive secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association, as public re- ‘ lations director for the county. Mr. : Carlton recently received a similar * appointment by Town Council as public relations director for Edenton. ; In his capacity of public relations 1 director, Mr. Carlton will attempt l to acquaint citizens with problems of both governing bodies in an effort l to effect a better understanding of what officials are attempting to do, as well as direct publicity which will be beneficial to both town and coun ty. Mr. Carlton agreed to serve in both capacities without pay. $1.50 Per Year J. W. Davis Calls Meet ing For 2:30 O’clock In Court House VERY IMPORTANT First Steps Taken In Big Problem Facing 1 County The first step by the committee ap pointed at last week’s mass meeting to consider a building program for Chowan County will be taken this (Thursday) afternoon when the group is requested to meet in the Court I House at 2:30 o’clock. The meeting has been called by J. W. Davis, Chamber of Commerce representa tive, which organization was asked to serve as a steering committee by the | County Commissioners. In calling the meeting, Mr. Davis states that it is imperative that all members be present. The purpose of the meeting will, no doubt, have to do with deciding plans for a com plete and intelligent survey of the county’s needs, based on the requests submitted at the recent mass meet ing, and possibly setting a date to consider the findings of the commit tee, so that recommendations can be I considered to present at a subsequent mass meeting before referring the matter to the County Commissioners, i Those on the committee, who are requested to attend this afternoon’s meeting are: Geddes I’otter from the Board of Public Works; J. Edwin Bufflap from Town Council; Dr. R. H. Vaughan from the Board of Health; Mis. J. Clarence Leary from the Edenton ETA-.; J. W. Davis from the Chamber . of Commerce; James E. Wood, chair man of the County Board of Educa tion; W. J. Taylor, superintendent of county schools; Thomas Ghears, chairman of the Edenton school trus tees; John A. Holmes, superintendent of Edenton schools; W. H. Costen from the colored county PTA; J. B. j Small from the Edenton colored PTA; Cameron Boyce and Henry Bunch from the Second Township; | C. J. Hollowell and F. A. Ward from j the Third Township and James L. Hassell and James D. Swindell from the Fourth Township. At the time of going to press The Herald had not learned members on the committee representing the ABC Board, County PTA and a represen tative from the local Bar. At lastweek’s mass meeting coun ty needs were listed which will cost, at present day prices, over one mil lion dollars. These needs included a new colored school building in Eden ton, a new graded school in the cen tral part of the county for colored children, a new high school for white children on Hicks Field, a gymnasium and addition to the auditorium at the Chowan High School, an auditorium at the Rocky Hock School, a new county jail, a building to house coun ty offices and providing a modem heating system for the ancient Cho wan Court House. Nelle Perry Chosen As “Miss Edenton” In Wilson Festival Two Edenton Girls Will Participate In Out standing: Event Mayor Leroy Haskett this week announced that he had appointed Nelle Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Perry, as a bathing beauty to represent Edenton in the bathing beauty contest to be held in Wilson August 14 in connection with the Wilson Tobacco , Festival. Miss Perry, of course, will be entered as “Miss Edenton” and many of her friends are hoping that she will come out the winner. Miss Perry is the second Edenton girl to be named by Mayor Haskett to participate in the Wilson event. Last week he named Miss Hazel Boswell to represent Edenton in the beauty contest. LLOYD £. BURTON HOME Lloyd C. Burton, who was a patient in General Hospital, Norfolk, was brought home Sunday. He is still in a precarious condition.

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