PAGE TWO Forest Fire Control Is Considered By Agriculture Board Two Demonstrations In County Planned In Near Future At the monthly meeting of the Chowan County Board of Agriculture | held in County Agent C. W. Over- 1 man’s office Friday night, J. B. Hub-j bard, district forester, was present |, and discussed the benefits that might be derived by the county participat ing in the forest fire control program. Though there were few members of the Board present, it was agreed that j. the people in the county should be-j come more acquainted with the for est fire control program and deter-j’ mine whether or not they want the j county to participate. It was pointed nut that during the past two years | heavy rains have unfortunately dam- j aged crops considerably, but at the, same time forests have been greatly ] benefitted by the rain preventing fires. Arrangements are being made to ■ 1 1 Gift Wrapping Materials and 1 Greeting Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S ! JEWELERS OLD Mr. BOSTON ORANGE fiAVORtV GIN Predated tad Bottled fcy BCRXE BROTHERS DISTILLERIES, INC. BOSTON. MASS. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IOC TAXES The undersigned, Louise D. Coke, Collector for the Town of Edenton, by order of the Board of Town Council, will, on Monday, June 9, 1947, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Court House door, offer for sale to the highest bidder all real "‘.state on which the tax for the year 1946 has not been paid. Following are the names of the delinquent taxpayers, and the amount of taxes, costs,.etc,, due by each: Guy L. Boyce, house, 313 West Queen Street—s. 52.13 Mrs. Annie Byrum, Lot No. 63, North Edenton -—: 2.50 Mrs. Eddie Cohoon, Lot No. 90, North Edenton 2.50 A. R, and Hattie B. Chappell, house, 203 E. Eden Street -t-.-.-.-—. 105.15 Leon G. Lehry, house, 308 Mosely Street - - 36.22 Wade Leary, Trustee, house, E. King Street (balance due)___i-_,_- . 19,15 H. T. Miller, house, 105 West Church Street —4l 55 Miss Annie B. Morris, Lot No. 177, North Edenton 5.29 Mrs. Henry Rowell, house, North Broad Street —--- .-- r 68.56 T. L. White Estate, Lot, Eden Heights l.BB Ralph Williams, house, 901 Johnston Street ; 18.83 COLORED Mrs. T. B. Baker, house, 300 N. Oakum Street 25.94 Pleasant Beasley, Lot, E. Peterson Street - : : 5.37 W. M. Bembry, house, 114 W. Albemarle Street —— 19.84 Miles Blanchard Estate, Lot, Eden Heights —2.65 Annie Blount and Bessie Miller, Lot, Peterson Street —..——--- 3.82 Evalena Blount, Lot, Ryder Lane —— r 2.27 Henry Burke, house, 110 Ei Freemason Street -—■—— . — — 6.53 Horace Burke, house, 201 E. School Street i—..— ————* 7.72 Edward Cherry Estate, Lot, Ryder Lane - 1.88 Tom Costen Estate, house, 129 W. Peterson St.; lot, N. Granville St. 9.64 Beatrice Dix Estate, house, E. Hicks Street 5.37 Edward Gaskins, Lot, W. Hicks St. (near Granville) ——- 5.76 William E. Goodwin, house, Ryder Lane 5.76 Laura and Elizabeth Griffin, house, West Gale Street 4.98 Mary Gussom Estate, Lot, Church Street 5.76 Lillian Halsey, Lot, Peterson Street 4.21 W. B. Hathaway, house, Peterson Street - 5.76 Florence Haughton Estate, Lot, E. School Street , ——— 2.66 John Quincy Haughton, Lot, Freemason Street —— 3.83 Solomon Haughton, house, Cemetery Street ; 2.66 Edward Holley, house, 311 West Church Street 18.89 J. E. Howell, Lots, Ryder Lane 4.21 Martha Jackson, “house, N. Granville Street _ 4.98 J. B. Jenkins, Lot, West Albemarle Street 4.21 Martha L. Jordan Estate, Lot, West Peterson Street , 3.43 John A. Luton, house, West Gale Street 4.48 Elizabeth B. Luton, 2 houses, 211 and 213 W. Gale Street - 41.47 Charles and Lillian Mayo, house, 516 N, Oakum Street . 6.17 C. W. McCleese, Lot, Oakum Street 4.98 Maud Newby, Lot, Oakum Street 2.65 E. S. Parker, two houses, E. Albemarle St.; store, Oakum and Gale Streets, house on railroad near Gale Street 48.50 Robert Perry, house, 108 E. Freemason Street 8.86 Gertrude Ricks Estate, Lot, Ryder Lane 2.65 Elbert Riddick Estate, Lot, W. Cemetery Street 7.31 Minnie Taylor, Lots, Ryder Lane , 10.42 Ledell Valentine, house, 114 East Gale Street . 12.23 John W. White Estate, Lot, W. Gale Street 3.43 Kate Worrell Estate, house, 117 West Carteret Street 15.07 Saralt Wynne Estate, Lot, Hicks Street f 5.76 LOUISE D. COKE, Collector. This 12th day of May, 1947. hold two forest fire control demon- j strations with heavy equipment in ditferent parts of the county in the | near future. At these demonstra- J tions it is hoped to have a good at tendance of farm people to observe fire fighting and control methods and discuss the work, thus being in bet ter position to determine whether they want Chowan County to partici pate in the program. H. C. Swindell Initiated Into Sigma Tau Sigma Haywood Cullen Swindell, senior in | knitting at North Carolina State Col i lege, has recently been initiated into j Sigma Tau Sigma, honorary textile i scholarship fraternity. Sigma Tau Sigma takes in mem bers based on their high scholastic standing and their promise of lead ership and creative ability. To be ! eligible a student must have a B | average and a minimum of three j. terms in the textile school. Members selected are considered I leaders possessing the incentive of raising even higher standards of Sigma Tau Sigma men for industry. : Sigma Tau Sigma endeavors to pro • mote scholarship among men in the textile school and has always worked toward a higher standard of excel lence for the industry. The require ments for admission are high and j election to the fraternity is one of the | highest honors that can be conferred [ upon a textile student, Among the ! members are the outstanding leaders i in the textile school. Even though Sigma Tau Sigma i was founded for the improvement of! | scholastic standards, it is also con-; ' stantiy working toward the physical : | improvement of the textile school. TAX COLLECTIONS j Sheriff J. A. Bunch during the j month of May collected $4,844.22 in j way of 194(1 taxes. This brings total I 194(1 taxes collected to date to $82,- 748.25. Tile county's tax levy for J 194(1 is $9((,5H9.15, leaving $7,790.90 | unpaid 194(1 taxes. I CLASSIFIED RATES Cash in advance with first in sertion unless regular customer. I Count six words to line. Mini mum cost of ad is 40 cents. One Insertion 10c per line Two Insertions 8c per line Three or more— _7c per line Double Rate For Keyed Ads TO LET—TWO GENTLEMEN, TWO delightful rooms facing Sound, with exclusive use of bath. Mrs. Julien Wood. Itc I FOR SALK WHITNEY COLLAP sible baby carriage. Practically new. Special offer, $25.0,0. {‘hone 381-W. ltp LET US FILL YOUR ORDER FOR baby chicks. We have a large as sortment of breeds to choose from, j THE CHOWaN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947, j Hatches ready for delivery each Wednesday and Saturday at 2 I o’clock. We do not close on Wed- I nesday afternoons. Phone 273. Halsey Feed & Seed Store. ‘‘The Checkerboard Store.” Itc I EXPECT TO BE IN EDENTON June 11 or 12, at which time I will be available for tuning and other work on pianos. Leave orders at Herald office. R. L. Martin. may29Junesc SWEET POTATO SPROUTS—WE have them in stock or place your order for future deliveries. Geor gia Certified sprouts. Prices right. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store”. Itc QUICK SERVICE New Bern Monumental Works. For monuments, grave markers and tomb stones made of granite or marble, see Mrs. N. K. Rowell at 112 Gale Street, Edenton, N. C-, or phone 136-J. ts WE HAVE THAT HYDRATED lime for your wells, chicken yards and other uses; also milk bottles and caps and Purina weed killer in both liquid and powder form. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” Itc POLISHES FOR ALL SHOES—IX all colors and shades —leather or fabric. Ward's Shoe Shop, West Eden Street. Apr 3 ts WE HAVE NEW ASSORTMENT OF Purina Chows in both checker and print bags. Let us supply you ; with your needs. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, "The Checkerboard | Store.” Itc FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS Made with crusned stone to pass i government speculations, we believe i his to be the best block being made n North Carolina today. Before you | use any blocks, see ours. Our blocks are as near as your phone—we deliver anywhere. New Bern Building Supply Co. 1 New Bern N. C. Phone 3143 Tarboro Concrete Products Co. Tarboro, N. C. | YES, WE HAVE IT—THAT FTM ina Special Garden Dust with DDT. Will kill both biting and sucking insects, also Purina DDT sprays for the home, farm buildings and I animals. See us or our associates for these products. Halsey Feed & Seed Store. “The Checkerboard Store.” ■ Itc FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT LO cated on North Broad Street, ideal location, also Presbyterian Church Building and 200 ft. lot. This ‘ building is 40x60 ft., can easily be arranged for business, amusement 1 or home. Apply to J. W. Griffin, Edenton. may29.junesc MR. FARMER, LET US SUPPLY you with your hay requirements. We take orders for one bale up. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” Itc BULOVA. GRUEX, ELGIN | and LONGIXES WATCHES CAMPEN’S JEWELERS P Ljjr £ PESI CONTROL J Aiil£-MinuteMnJikj T.W. JONES j @9 m mL ALBEMARLE MOTOR CO. WEST HICKS ST. S<Zic&S&lViCe PHONE 289 FOR SALE—Puerto Rico sweet pota to sprouts. Ready for sale now. J. E. Waff, Edenton. May 22, 29, June 5p WANT TO RENT—FOUR OR FIVE room house in Edenton. Contact Clarence Copeland, Star Route, or Edenton Building Supplies Co., in North Edenton. ” junes,l2pd FOR SALE—ONE H. P. BRIGGS & Stratton air-cooled engine. Price S3O. Telephone 231. ltp HELP WANTED—MAN OR WO - to take care of established cus tomers in Edenton, average $45.00 weekly income. No investment. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S 3, Richmond, Va. june5,12,19,26p WANTED TO RENT SMALL house or apartment. Apply to Leon Halsey at Halsey Feed & Seed Store. Itc TURKEYS—WE HAVE THEM IN stock now. Place your orders for future delivery. Good quality poults endprs d by our State De partment. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, "The Checkerboard Store.” WANTED MAN FOR PROFIT, able Rawleigh business. Products well known. Real opportunity. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCF-68- 119, Richmond. Va. ltp FOR SALK CROSLEY SHEVK dore electric refrigerator for cash. R. H. Bachman, Edenton. lie j i ! Hwsdunn.- i I Pardon a slight rap on the dream-center door of £ your mind Y - But have you done everything needed to help you, someday, throw away that alarm clock 1 forever? Which is the same as saying— have you a f regular, automatic plan of saving? Because that’s about the surest way to create a sure, fixed 1 retirement income. 4j If not, here’s how to do it with U. S. Savings Y Bonds —the best and safest investment in the world. And one which pays a thick slice of interest. i Retirement 10 Years from Now ? Two Bonds ($18.75 size) a month will give you SSO a month ten years from now for ten years f thereafter. That’s from 1957 to 1967. Retirement 20 Years from Now i If you expect to work 20 years longer, you can ap- Y proximately double the amount you will get each month for 10 years. (Or you can easily figure how t Save the easy, automatic way-with US. Savings Bonds | f The Bank of Edenton I r “SAFETY FOR SAVINGS SINCE 1894” J I MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION i MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM £ T (W\(haßtyl l r r|? WMAT i II; f j){hVWIOJ mmmmmmmmtmmammmmmmmmmrn North Carolina, In The Chowan County. Superior Court. Gladys M. McClenney Ward, Plaintiff vs. Floyd M. Ward, Defendant. NOTICE SERVING SUMMON" 3 BY PUBLICATION The above-named defendant will hereby take notice that an action eh titled as above has been commenced •in the Superior Court of Chowan County, North Carolina, for the pur pose of obtaining an absolute divorce from the said defendant upon the •grounds of abandonment and separa tion for the statutory period of two years, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, in the Court House in Eden ton, N. C., within twenty days after July 5, 1917, and file a written answer or demur to the relief demanded in the Complaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court l W. " I SURVEY WORK , OF ALL KINDS | Office--106 East King Street i EDENTON. N. C. Phone: 177-J > ■ /[WHAT HAPPeweP) you can spread the return over a longer period.) K That’s all there is to it. Just those good U. S. Savings Bonds bought regularly— and earning in- A terest as sure as school keeps. And because there’s a nice cash reserve for emergencies, if you should 1 need a lump of money, you can get it in minutes. How You Buy Bonds AUTOMATICALLY! C Two sure-fire methods. Even more than methods 1 i —two positive plans! One—if you’re on a payroll, you buy Bonds \ through the Payroll Savings Plan. Millions of 5 people have saved billions of dollars this way. * Two —if you’re not on the payroll but have a 1 checking account, you buy Bonds at your bank A 1 through The Bond-a-Month Plan. Just one trans- 7 action needed. Your banker will give you the I word on this wonderful new savings system. I For your sake and ttt your country’s, don’t A i wait. Begin buying Bonds now through one of ? r these plans. ' # Moroß TROUBLE YOU CAjA ALWAYS ItPENI ON \ \ THE ALBEMARLE MOTOR COMPANY for the relief demanded in said Com plaint. This 2nd day of June, 1947. (s) E. W. SPIRES, Clerk Superior Court, Chowan County, North Carolina. Herbert Leary, Attorney. June5,12,19,20hl r— ‘ Ward's Shoe Shop WEST EDEN STREET . . . JUST OFF BROAD Repair Work Quality Materials WAIT SERVICE i Mail Orders Given / . Prompt Attention 1 Wc Have Always Appreciated Your Work ■# i ■■■■( i i ——*

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