PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald j Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, N. C. Carolina v 4 / PfiESS ASSOCIATION^)] '.J J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor PETER CARLTON - Associate Editor HECTOR LUPTON———Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year,— Six Months,—-- ———- SI.OO Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3, 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc,, will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947 THIS WEEK’S BIBLE THOUGHT DO WE LOVE LIGHT BETTER THAN DARK NESS ? As long as 1 am in the world, I ani the light of the world. —John 9:5. Military Training And Our Guard That some kind of universal military training is strongly indicated, one can observe from world events. The people of the United: States react more and more to the idea that we must do something along this line if we expect to remain safe from a steam-roller sudden attack by any of those nations which are day by day girding themselves for what ? You might well ask yourself and with deep concern — why is Russia training children from the fifth grade up in things of a military nature ? You might well ask yourself why over 115-. mi l Soviet, citizens are being.;trained Constantly in the art of warfare. The word “appeasement” was flattened by the war machine of the ruthless Nazis. “Appeasement” has taken op a meaning that is apt to be most uncompli mentary. The American people are not. kidding them selves. ' They know that it’s as much as their lives and j freedom are concerned to ignore what is as plain as a j wart on one’s nose. Speaking of this coming military duty—those who get in on. the ground floor with the National Guard will be ahead of the game. The local Cannon Company is making steady progress. From 30 it's grown to 44 members. Join {he National Guard and get in on the ground floor. A Salute To Our Teachers Graduation is over. The school year is finished. Those youngsters who graduated are looking ahead to new horizons, already forgetting what they are leaving behind. There are faithful servants holding the ground, waiting expectantly for the new crop of youthful as pirants to advance along the ladder of education. These faithful servants-—to the young advancing, may seem to stand still, but this is riot. so. For they venture forth to the four corners of the earth embodied in. the teach ings given each graduate, many times upon many times, according to years: of service they have given to the school systems of our nation. Theirs is a noble task—this task of teaching our children. Let each who reads these words pause in momentary reflection and thanks for the interest shown and the countless little services rendered above and be yond the call of professional duty. We pay homage to our /teachers—in Edenton and Chowan County. We salute, pur educators all over the nation. Theirs is a noble task. Theirs is a.vital task! Sober Thinking Needed That Chowan County citizens are taking seriously the I huge problem facing them in way of providing necessary improvements, paramount of which are adequate school facilities, is reflected in the fact that no time has been lost in calling the' committee together to begin the Herculean task placed upon it. This group is called to meet this afternoon to consider a building program upon which will depend, no doubt. Chowan County’s action in a program which calls for a .tremendous out lay of money. . Without question, the needs as presented at the recent mass meeting are necessary and very, much needed, hut at the same time it is obvious that the Countv cannot stand a tax burden to raise an amount estimated to total over, a million dollars in. order to provide what is deem ed necessary. The situation is a serious onr and one which will re quire deep thought and laying aside of personal feel ings. It is for the welfare of the county that the Com missioners placed the matter before the citizens and as the result of which a . committee was appointed and charged with the-.responsibility of making a survey of the needs and subsequently submitting recommendation ' to another mass meeting and later to the County Com- i missioners. ri An effort was made to have a committee representing 1 a cross section of the County, so that there should be no partiality shown in the ultimate decision of the com mittee. What recommendations are arrived at The Herald cannot predict, but it is reasonable to believe that it is composed of men who are vitally interested in the county's welfare who will, after due and serious consideration from all angles, recommend what they believe best for the County as a whole. y— vi mmm New Equipment In Stock 09|MH For Immediate Delivery! JAEGER 1 J-Bag Concrete Mixers. JAEGER Pumps. Diesel Power Units (ioo to 150 con tinuous H. P.), Disston Chain Saws. Hypres sure Jenny Steam Cleaners. Kohler Eight Jaeger Mixer Plants and Many Other Items 0f.... CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL AND LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL— HAMPTON ROADS TRACTOR A EQUIPMENT COMPANY West 39th Street and Killam Avenue t Phone 2-2717 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA P. O. Box 237 —-p' THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1947. , , i j f T O ! Heard & J^een j By “Buff” Y'ep, the baseball season is on, as could well be seen at the Red Men’s meeting Monday night, when the j Edenton Colonials played the first game of the Albe marle League’s season. A quorum was not present at the lodge’s opening time, so Sachem George T. White stated, “We will call off the meeting due to the eighth grade graduating exercises at the high school.” Jarvis Skinner looked rather surprised and then chimed in, j “Y'es, and there’s a ball game going on at Hicks Field, j too.” It wasn’t hard to guess which affair attracted the most Red Men. At any rate, what organization will | not have a dickens of a time holding a meeting if a I baseball game is on tap? [ o And speaking about baseball, Edenton has two league teams. The Colonials are in the Albemarle League, while the Cotton Mill team is a member of the new Tri- County League. And as if that isn’t enough baseball, the Varsity Club has been successful in organizing a soft ball league which is scheduled to play two games a week. The teams in the league are the Varsity Club, Boy Scouts, Rotary Club and Red Men. The first game j will be played next Wednesday, June 11, when the Var- , sitv Club meets the Boy Scouts. Games will be played on the east end of the baseball diamond, so that the playing field will not interfere with the regular base j ball diamond. Then beside all this baseball, the Ameri ! can Legion Junior baseball team will be playing its | share, so all in all Edenton is well off so far as base | ball is concerned this year. o With »the senior class winding up its school career, , thoughts of many of us go back maybe more years than , W'e care to remember when we were in the same shoes. However, its a joyous time for the boys and girls in |, some respects, while on the other hand there is. no.]' doubt, a tinge of sorrow that their public school days j are over and they embark on a new era —one in which j they will be obliged to face the hard and many times | unfriendly realities of life. But be that as it may, the Edenton Seniors on Wednesday enjoyed a picnic at , Sandy Point which, after the graduation exercises Wed- . nesdav night, will, no doubt be the last time they will be together as a group of students. The Seniors pre- I! sented their home room teacher, Ben Askew, with a | j present as a token of their esteem. Here’s wishing every member of the Senior Class just as much and 1 even more success in life than he or she experienced I i during their school Career. o Chowan Hospital has another booster in Johnny : Bruce Hughes. Johnny Bruce recently underwent an | : operation in the hospital and is high in his praise of Dr. Frank Wood and the group of nurses who attended him I while a patient. Here’s one who has not heard a com plaint from any patient of the hospital, so while it 11 might be hard sledding, so far as finances are concerned, , ] here’s hoping that the hospital will soon he on a more | paying basis. Not that there is a wish for more people . to become sick or needing an operation, but rather that J more who go to other hospitals will use the one at our t back door. • . ° , I Although the Rev. H. F. Surratt was not in the best * of condition Sunday night when he preached the bac- I calaureate sermon, being the victim of a bad cold he did. ' no doubt, have some satisfaction in preaching a sermon I when the front seats were occupied. The Senior Class occupied the front seats in the auditorium. Maybe a | move should be started to have seniors in all of our churches, in order to have front rows of seats occupied | now and then. . o A revolution in fishing will no doubt be started as l < the result of an experience Sheriff J. A. Bunch had the I other day. The Sheriff was fishing for bream and, of i course, was fishing very shallow up near the shore. At ■ one time when he threw his line near some lily pads I a bass grabbed his cork and went under the water with | • it. The Sheriff wondered what was going on and when 11 he pulled in his line he noticed the bass had chewed a . piece, off his cork. Now he’s planning, when fishing for j I bream, to attach a few hooks to his cork as well as at J the end of the line, A new wrinkle, I’ll say! Then I’ve heard about the experience Oscar Duncan had up the creek. I’ve been told Friend Duncan caught a very big bass and not having a stringer along, he decided to fasten it to a cow chain in the front of the boat. He continued fishing and all of a sudden the boat was pulled around and nearly turned over as the bass broke the cow chain. Gosh, it’s good the chain broke or else Friend Duncan might have landed down by Oregon Inlet, for these parts are no place for a fish of that size. Anyway, I understand Friend Duncan didn’t want the story to leak out for fear somebody might not believe it. Conditions often make a difference how a fellow feels. For instance, one of the County Commissioners was asked Monday morning how he felt. "Oh, I feet very good.” was the reply. Then he was reminded that vari ous budgets would come up for consideration. That al tered the picture immediately, for he at once cable back. "Conte to; think about it, I don’t feel good at all.” ! , 0 Charlie Overman has what he considers a Democratic j ] pipe. However, he said the other day that he’s going ! to put it in the Republican party—on account of it (the J pipe) also getting very much stronger. “I want to put an ad in the paper,” said a fellow over the phone the other day. “It’s no use asking how much it is for I’ll have to pay it through the nose,” he wound up the conversation. No, just pay through a check, pal. and it will be all right. Ask School Boards Class In Sewing ToPubljshMinutes WillßeOrganized Commissioners Adopt a Those Interested Asked Motion at Monday’s To Report at School Meeting On June 10th Following an editorial item in The Miss Josephine Grant, home eco- Herald last week relative to the nomies teacher in the Edenton school, County and Edenton school adminis- wishes to announce that the home trative units publishing minutes of economics department will be open on their meetings, as well as at least Tuesday morning, June 1" at Id an annual financial statement, the o’clock for the purpose of organizing County Commissioners at their meet- a class in sewing or slip covering for ing Monday discussed the matter and adults. subsequently unanimously passed a Any person desiring help or in motion which requests both units to struetions in either or who may al have their minutes published regul- ready know how to sew hut would arly, together with a financial state- like to use the equipment in the de ment. partment, is asked to be present. At Under terms of the motion, both this time suitable hours will be st units will be expected to include the lected ffor keeping the department cost of furnishing this information open during the month of June. to the public in their budgets. u —: —— —— Generally GIN KN ENSES “The golden-skinned grapefruit is . beautiful to look at,” says an artist. Chowan County Comm.ssioners at But ;t jg thp juice ingide {hat general . their meeting Monday granted h- , y catches t 'h e eye.—Passing Show, censes to sell beer on premises to the j, on< j on . Jernigan-Granby Post of the Ameri can Legioq at the Dorrie Miller Club fi. -^4 on the Naval Air Station, and to W. ffe; g*) B^^ IS. Stallings on West Albemarle -1H- BH ®a ■ j Street. Don’t Suffer Another Minute ~’ t'r.Tv'TTtv - " Are >’ ou tormented with itching of ec -46 JAILED IN MAi ] zema, psoriasis, rashes, athletes foot. According to the monthly report sunburn, eruptions, rectal itching, of Jailer Herman White, 4(5 persons rough hands or face or other skin were confined in the Chowan County troubles? For quick relief and good • •, j ~ . , u f u, r „ resu t? use \ ictorv Ointment. Devel jail during the month of May on- f ed l for the bovs in the services, now hnements ranged from Ito lo days, ofTpred t<) , hp folks back home. White, with the expense amounting to $126.- Krease i t . ss antiseptic, cooling, pain re -65, which includes jail and turnkey jjeving; vanishing. Does not irritate, fees. Safe for children and First Aid. —; ——— - Money back guarantee, A war de liig business needs very* little help velopment, not substitute. Get from the average citizen; it is power- VICTORY' OINTMENT the finest, ful enough to take care of itself. I Jars or tubes. fLOSTI I t % t A PAINTING, “VENITIAN SCENE” WAS j t DROPPED ACCIDENTALLY TUESDAY $ t NIGHT FROM THE CHOWAN RIVER $ t BRIDGE. IF ANYONE SHOULD HAPPEN J * TO FIND IT, PLEASE WRITE TO t f ■ i • CAESAR R. DIORIO 130 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. I i __«bwmbmmm m m m m m m m m m TRADE IN YOUR TIRE TROUBLES WHERE YOU SION GOODYEAR 1 ** t *'*£ l TIRES OH W. Don't take a chance with worn out tireil .. ■ get new Goodyear*. Long lasting Goodyear tire bodies are built extra strong for extra i safety. Long-wearing Goodyear ' ' treads offer you a choice of designs to meet your driving needs give • > you sure-footed traction. NEW TIRES DESERVE NEW TUBES BoazTire Sales &Service South Broad Street Edenton, N. C. Class In Sewing Will Be Organized Those Interested Asked To Report at School On June 10th Miss Josephine Grant, home eco nomies teacher in the Edenton school, wishes to announce that the home economics department will be open on Tuesday morning, June 19 at Id o’clock for the purpose of organizing a class in sewing or slip covering for adults. Any person desiring help or in structions in either or who may al ready know how to sew but would like to use the equipment in the de partment, is asked to be present. At this time suitable hours will be -'.se lected ffor keeping the department open during the month of June. Generally “The golden-skinned grapefruit is beautiful to look at,” says an artist. But it is the juice inside that general ly catches the eye. —Passing Show, London. Irtish | Don’t Suffer Another Minute Are you tormented with itching of ec zema, psoriasis, rashes, athletes foot, sunburn, eruptions, rectal itching,] rough hands or face or other skin troubles? For quick relief and good results use Victory Ointment. Devel oped for the boys in the services, now offered to the folks back home. White, greaseless antiseptic, cooling, pain re lieving. vanishing. Does not irritate. Safe for children and First Aid. Money back guarantee. A war de velopment, not a substitute. Get VICTORY OINTMENT the finest. Jars or tubes. RAIN HELPS CpOPK Rain over the week-end did con siderable good over the central and lower part of Chowan County, ac cording to County Agent C. W. Over man. Mr. Overman reports, how ever, that very little rain reached the upper section of the cannty last week, where the soil is reported very dry. I TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. SHOWS CONTINUOUS EVERY’ DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY ! I Today (Thursday) and Friday. 1 June 5-6 Frank Sinatra and Kathryn Grayson in • IT HAPPENED IN BROOKLYN” Saturday; June 7 Eddie Dean and Roscoe Ates in "DRIFTIN’ RIVER" o Sunday. June 6 Lawrence Tierney and Marion Carr in “SAN QUENTIN” o Monday and Tuesday, June 9-10 — Dick Haymes and Vera Ellen in “CARNIVAL IN COSTA RIT A’’ o Wednesday, June 11 Double Feature Tom Conway in i “THE FALCON’S ADVENTURE” Barbara Britton in “FABULOUS SI'SANNE” Also “JESSE JAMES RIDES AGAIN” o Coming June 12-13 “RAZOR’S EDGE”

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