PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald | Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Kufflap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, N. C. /anb Cantina Cl, /PUSS AJJOCUTKM^) J. EDWIN BUFFLAP Editor PETER CARLTON Associate Editor HECTOR LUPTON Advertising Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Tear fJ-59 Six Months Jl.lW Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3, 1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY, JUNE 19. 1947. THIS WEEK’S BIBLE THOUGHT DO NOT MISS THE GREAT CHANCE: Seek ye the Lord while he may be found; call ye upon him while he is near.—-Isa. 55-tv, Editor In Error Attention of the editor has been called to an incorrect statement made in an editorial paragraph last week rela tive to the proposed building program in Chowan County. The statement in question was this: “Aside from the addition to the Edenton white school, it has been many years since any improvement or enlargement has been made to Chowan County schools." This statement is not exactly true, in that during that time the writer, who had the county colored school situation in mind when writing the article, made a slip of the pen, omit ting mention of the Chowan High School which replaced the building destroyed by fire, a vocational arts building and t cache rage at Cross Roads and the Rocky Hock school. These facts were not purposely omitted, though they could be used to the detriment of the entire building program. .. .; 7 u Ht/ra.';d hud iu mind when the editorial was writ: n was the fait that all of these necessary needs have not .-ome abou: <>- er night, but gradually developed „v>r i period o:\ti ne. Had more effort made to meet -. m of the needs as they developed, the county would not be faced with the present perplexing problem. All of which reflects the fact that there is no true economy in putting off any necessary improvement, for it only adds a greater burden later on. By the same token, if some of the . present necessary needs are not taken care , f now. the problem ..will only become more complicated and. like a snow ball, grow larger and larger and obvi ous* be a! the more difficult and expensive to solve. There is an old and true saying, “Procrastination is a thief of time," but in this instance procrastination is the thief which has fobbed many of,bur children, both white and colored, of adequate schooling to which they are en titled, arid a few dollars iri way. of-taxes should not de prive them of their right. Cooperation Produces Much Good An old army adage states that “a griping soldier is a happy soldier." The Herald believes that if you can turn the griping into more positive thoughts and into the willingness to get to the bottom of things, in an im partial manner, who can estimate the amount of happi ness that can theft be realized with the solution of com mon problems for the good of the greatest number? Sure, there are griping remarks here and there along the main stem, but how revealing it is to also note a greater degree of willingness to “sweat out" common problems. Despite the griping from some, the people demonstrat ed their confidence in their officials by returning prac tically all of them to office again in the recent town elec tion. The officials in .turn demonstrated their sincerity and allegiance to their fellow citizens by setting, a pre cedent in .forming a public relations department in order that the people can be more informed and be able to keep in closer touch with their government. The county officials displayed the same earnest desire to encourage a progressive and informed community spirit by also setting up a public relations department, and it wag good public relations for then; to call a mass meeting of the town and county people and encourage them to help solve the community problems of building that con fronts all. With the spirit of cooperation Edenton and Chowan County can accomplish a great deal of good. Ambition Realized With the opening of the swimming pool at the Naval Air Station this week, Edenton people are able to rea- J Jaeger Mixer CONSTRUCTION, INDUSTRIAL AND LOGGING EQUIPMENT FOR PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE CALL— HAMPTON ROADS TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY West 39th Street and Killam Avenue Phone 2-2717 NORFOLK, VIRGINIA P. O. Box 237 > r 11 Heard & Seen i By “Buff’’ l According to attendance at local baseball games, the whole bloomin’ town is “nerts” over baseball. Very few fans like to miss a game, but there wasn’t much belly aching last week when rain knocked out a couple of games. It might be referred to as a million-dollar rain, for it came at a time when many crops were on the verge of giving up the ghost. The rain changed manj farmers’ frowns to smiles, so that we’ve been able to watch a few ball games while the crops have gone a-growing. o Edenton is pretty well fixed for time, according to a fellow from New Jersey passing through the other day. He parked in front of the Citizens Bank building in or der to get dinner at the Albemarle Restaurant. He pulled out his watch to check with the time on one of the clocks and found he was far off. He then looked on the front clock and found an altogether different time. As he neared the entrance to the restaurant he again glanced at the other face of the clock and again he dis covered a different time. “Well,” he said, “about all I can figure out is that the bloomin clock registers East ern Standard Time, Daylight Saving Time and probably Pacific Standard Time. ” o This is one week when every line of machine-cast type m The Herald was knocked out by yours truly, for my daughter-operator is spending her vacation at Virginia Beach. Due to that fact, 1 set l’eter Carlton’s column and note that in one place he says, “Let’s have more tennis.” Well, for his benefit, or any who like to play tennis, I’d like to remind them that several splendid tennis courts are located at the Naval Air Station and about all the use made of them that I can see is for the frogs to hop over ’em in getting from one ditch to an other. If folks like to play tennis, what’s the objection to driving a few miles to the base, where the courts are all ready to play? o I haven’t been fishing, but I got a fish just the same this week. The fish is made of wood and was sent by Mrs. Bertha C. Eeick, who lives in Port Huron, Michi gan. On the fish is printed. “Good fishing here at Port Huron, Mich.” 1 must thank Mrs. Feick for the fish, but if it's the size of the ones caught at Port Huron, Pd rather take a chance in the creeks around here. Any way, Port Huron is too far away to attract any of the boys around here who usually chase to a hole when they hear some fish have been caught. _—- —o The Naval Air Station should soon be a very popular place, for the swimming pool is now open and then the American Legion hut also is a nice place to enjoy a few hours Saturday night and Sunday. The Legionnaires are selling membership cards to non-members for the Saturday night club and quite a few have been sold. The swimming pool also should attract a large number, even if they do not swim, for chairs will be provided for the comfort of all and sandwiches and drinks will he avail able. Meals, sandwiches and drinks are plso served at the Legion hut. The stage is all set for a nice place to spend some spare time, so let s take advantage of it. lize an ambition of long standing. The writer recalls J that every now and then over a period of years the idea of a swimming pool has been discussed, the need pointed out, but nothing in a concrete way done about it. Edenton is fortunate, indeed, to be able to enjoy the swimming pool at the base, for it is certainly far ahead of anything which the Town would have if one had been constructed several years ago when interest was at its height. The pool is one of the largest .in the country and is enclosed so that it may be used the year around if desired. Continued operation of the pool, of course, will depend upon the interest shown, for patronage will decide whether or not it will he continued or close down. It is being operated on a 30-day trial basis, with the Town proposing to sub-lease this particular base property to an interested party. Os course, no one will be concerned in a lease if only a handful of people, make use of it. The Herald hopes many people will utilize the pool, for it provides all one could wish for in way of a swim ming pool, besides offering opportunities for many other affairs such as water contests and water shows which car, put Edenton on the map, and provide wholesome en tertainment and recreation for our people. Tex Lindsay, recreational director, is in charge of the pool, and an invitation is extended to people in the coun ty and surrounding territory to enjoy it. Let’s make the swimming poo! a recreation center and cash in on an opportunity which has beer, placed in our laps. ; —rvt New Equipment In Stock For Immediate Delivery! 1 JAEGER y 2 - Bag Concrete Mixers, JAEGER Pumps, Diesel Power Units (100 to 150 con tinuous H. P.), Disston Chain Saws, Hypres sure Jenny Steam Cleaners, Kohler Light Plants and Many Other Items 0f.... 4 THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 1947. Thomas Leary And Marguerite Nixon Health King-Queen Crowning Takes Place In Armory Saturday Afternoon The Chowan County 4-H Club health program was held in the arm ory Saturday afternoon instead of on the Court House'green as previously scheduled. Despite the rain, a good turnout attended. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 140 people heard the welcoming talks made by Mayor Le roy Haskett and Peter Carlton, executive secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Asso ciation, and the main address given by John A. Holmes, superintendent of schools. The program went as follows: Miss Sara Jordan, president of the 4-H County Council, acted as mistress of ceremonies. The audience sang “America,” led by C. W. Overman, Chowan County farm agent. The Rev. R. N. Carroll, pastor of the Edenton Baptist Church,, gave the in vocation. After the pledge of allegi ance, Miss Clara Dixon introduced Mayor Haskett and Mr. Carlton. Gifts were presented to the Kings and Queens by Quinn Furniture Com pany, Carapen’s Jewelers and the Tri angle Restaurant. Herbert Ray Lane, Chowan Senior 4-H Club member, made the response and Dr. S, V. Lewis, District Health Officer, crowned the “majesties of health.” Senior Queen was Miss Marguerite Nixon. Senior King was Thomas Leary. Junior Queen was Miss Marion Nixon and Junior King was Jackie Morris. Charles Lee Overman then introduced John A. Holmes, who made a most interesting . talk on the fundamentals of health, i After the 4-H pledge and singing “God Bless America,” the benediction , was given by the Rev. R. N. Carroll. The crown bearers were Clara Gay Lane and Jessie Leroy r Byrum. Health attendants of the Kings and Queens included: Audrey Keeter, Sara Jordan, Judy Hollowell, Madge Copeland, Doris Harrell, Mildred Hol lowell, Mary Meekins, Shirley Byrum, : Leon Privott, Clifton Boyd, Robert ■ Lee Byrum, Billy Gray Leary. Mal , culm Copeland. Mary Elizabeth , Whiteman, Louise Brabble, Clara ' Gift Wrapping Materials and Greeting Cards For All Occasions CAMPEN’S JEWELERS lburR)RD& JL Here's why we can give it better service! n — '~ rr Hn> Ford Parts «M%aare-j^J We know your Ford better than anyone 3« "Factory-approved else possibly could. We hove the training, .1 tll experience, equipment. That's why we con ITlcinOUS IMMEDIATE SERVICE-E AS SEE YOUR FRIENDLY FORD DEALER!