Volume XlV.—Number 31. $ 1.50 Town Tax Rate Tentatively Set Plans Under Way To Revive B?nd In Edenton; Various Organizations Cooperating Second Meeting of Com mittee Scheduled For Friday Morning * COMMITTEES NAMED Another Band Concert Planned to Help Raise Initial Funds At a special meeting of heads of various organizations called by the j. Chamber of Commerce Friday morn ing, the idea of renewing a band in Edenton was discussed. It was, brought out, at the meeting that it was desirable for a civic council to be formed and that each representa •tive think it over until the next meeting. The purpose of this coun cil is to avoid overlapping of activ ities and to stimulate concerted co operative effort in the town’s pro grams. Present at the meeting and the or ganizations they represented were: Nick George, Varsity Club; Mrs. L. A. Patterson, PTA; Mrs. Paul Holo man, American Legion Richard Elliott, Rotary Club; Mrs. Earl Goodwin, Junior Woman’s Club; J. P. Partin, Lions Club; Peter Carl ton, Chamber of Commerce; John A. Holmes, superintendent of schools; J. Edwin Bufflap, Masons and Red Men. The only organizations invited / who were not represented were the VFW and the-American Legion. Mrs. L. A. Patterson and Mrs. Earl Goodwin were appointed a com mittfM t 0 investigate the possibility of rSiting the Mitchener hall or the t Iredell home so» practice. i f J. P.Partbi was appointed to "check on the date for a proposed concert. * Richard Elliott, Nick George, John A. Holmes and Peter Carlton were appointed as a budget committee. This same group is requested to meet again Friday morning, August .1, at 11 o’clock in the Chamber of Commerce office to proceed with plans for starting a band. It is planned to stage a band con cert similar to the recent one held in Edenton in order to raise a fund as a nucleus and any members of the committee will be expected to render any service which may be necessary. The budget committee met Mon day afternoon, at which time John Holmes was asked to take an inven tory of instruments at school. A preliminary inventory reveals that three Sousaphones, a complete set of drums, music stands and some odd horns were on hand. Mr. Holmes will report his findings at the meet ing of the general committee Friday morning.. , , gjfe, .flick George reported that he was -•waiting to hear from p Raleigh con cern relative to band instruments. -it was also suggested that Congress jjjhlan Herbert C. Bonner be contacted ?and his aid solicited in securing sur :.olus band instruments. Ed Bray of )£he Bray Music Shop in Elizabeth 5 City will be invited to attend the ■fnext meeting and submit quotations I for instruments. I It was also suggested that it might I be possible to begin training a drurrr I majorette corps, the idea being ad- I vanced to contact Charlotte Bunch land Mrs. Myda Price, two former ■ outstanding majorettes, as possible ■ instructors. I Sachem Os Red Men j Names Group Officers John R. Lewis, new sachem of ■.Chowan Tribe of Red Men, on Mon- Biday night announced his selection of B aPPO> n tive officers to serve with him Hfoe remaining six months of the year, ifHis appointments were as follows: ip First sannap, M. L. Flynn; second Kgsnnap, Harry Spruill; warriors, R. ■ Pickier,'Jarvis Skinner, Lloyd Par ■fciah and Alton Alexander; braves, Hw. M. Rhodes, E. R. Spruill, Eddie gfltnith and Butler Williams; guard of ISjhe wagwam, Otho Bennett; guard of Mghe forest, Wilford Turner. H I CHARLIE WOOD IMPROVING feif1.,,1,1, H. Wood, who has been Blndously ill for several weeks, is ; Bfcially improving, and this week HfraTable to walk a short distance home. .' .. .■ THE CHOWAN HERALD Edenton Colonials Enjoying Another Streak Os Winning Locals Chalk Up Five Victories Out of Last Six Games Played STANDING OF CLUBS EDENTON 29 10 .744 ■ Colerain 26 16 .619 Hertford 20 17 .541 Suffolk 15 21 .417 Elizabeth City 14 26 .350 Windsor 13 27 .325 Winning five of the last six games played, the Edenton Colonials regain ed some of the ground recently lost in leading the Albemarle League. Since Wednesday of last week, the Colonials won a game from Hertford, lost a game to Elizabeth City and took two games each from Suffolk and Colerain. The latter two vic tories helped considerably-in that Colerain had won 11 straight games and was making the top rung in the ladder rather uncomfortable. A game was scheduled for Tues day night on Hicks Field with the Hertford Indians, but due to a heavy shower late in the afternoon, the game was called off. The Colonials have added Bo Bell to the pitching staff. Bell was re* cently released by Hertford and in his first game for the Colonials against Suffolk Saturday night he turned in a splendid exhibition by fanning 14 batters and allowing only five scattered hits. He was slated to oppose his former teammates Tues day night. Edenton 10, Hertford 6 In a rather sluggish game Wednes day night of last week on Hicks Field the Colonials defeated the Hertford Indians 10 to 6 in a game which con sumed about 2% hours. J. D. Thorne i started on the mound for Edenton but retired in the fifth inning and Lester Jordan finished the game. The Co lonials got off to an early start by scoring four runs in the second ning. Fulghum was safe on an er ror and Bohonko walked, both run ners being advanced on Griffin’s sac rifice. Cayton errored on Byrum’s grounder and Fulghum and Bohonko scored. Thorne walked after two were out and Byrum and Thorne scored on Joe Wheeler’s triple. Two more* runs were scored in the third when Fulghum singled and crossed the plate on a double by Bo honko. Later Bohonko stole home. In the seventh three runs were tal lied when McLawhorn was hit by a pitched ball, Leary beat out a bunt and Fulghum sacrificed. Bohonko walked, filling the bases. Byrum was Walked, forcing in McLawhorn and the ninth Joe Wheeler, first man up, tripled. Holland purposely passed Bohonko and Leary, filling the bases in the hopfc of making a double play. Joe Fulghum, however, threw a mon* key wrench into the plan when he hit a sharp single, scoring Joe Wheel* er and breaking up the ball game. Bo Bell, recently released by Hert ford, was on the mound for Edenton and pitched a very impressive game. He allowed five hits, only two of which were made in the same in ning. He fanned 14 Suffolk batters. < Holland fanned eight Colonials and Schadel one. , Edenton 7, Colerain 6 After winning 11 straight games, the Colerain team was stopped by the ' Colonials in Colerain Sunday after noon 7to 6. It was a hitting jubilee for hoth outfits, Colerain making 14 ! hits and the Colonials 16. Vick start ed on the mound, but was replaced by Jordan in the sixth with men on sec- i ond and third and only one out. Johnson went the entire route »for Colerain./ Bohonko and Griffin led the Co lonials at bat with three hits each. Fred Castello and Fowler also made .< three hits each for the losers. Colerain scored a run in the second when Fred Castello singled and scor ed on Fowler’s double. The Colonials tied the score in the fourth when Bo honko doubled, followed with , singles by Leary and Fulghum. The Colonials seored three runs in Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, July 31,1947. Football Practice Expected To Begin About August 16th Lindsay Expects Larg est Number Recruits In School’s History , Coach Tex Lindsay stated Tuesday morning that he plans to start foot ball practice for the Edenton High School Aces about August 16. One of the largest number of recruits in the history of the school is expected to report for practice, according to Lindsay, who says not all of these boys will be varsity material but they will, however, be gaining the much needed experience that it takes to make good football players. Plans now are to have three dif ferent teams playing separate sched ules. The teams will be divided ac cording to weight, age and ability. Quite a large number of young boys have been playing baseball and many of these will be on hand for practice. Coach Lindsay predicts some keen competition for berths on the varsity team. Many of the boys who played very good ball last year will be back and will have to work hard for a position'. “It is relly encouraging to have on hand some help to handle the large number of boys this year,” says Lindsay. “Coach Nick George, a member of the coaching staff, will be on hand to take over some of the coaching duties. The Aces may not win all of their games, but the coach ing staff and the boys intend to be as near the top as possible when the final whistle blows.” Cotton Mill Team Wins Two Games From Eure The Edenton Cotton Mill baseball team defeated Eure Saturday after noon 9-3 with Kirby Wright on the mound. On Sunday afternoon Lloyd Griffin repeated the trick, setting down the Eure outfit 5-1. The victories put the local' team within two games of the lead in the Tri-County League, where Sunbury is leading. STANDING OF CLUBS Sunbury 13 3 .813 EDENTON __ll 5 .687 Gatesville 10 7 .588 Camden 9 7 .562 Gates 4 13 .235 Eure 3 14 .176 SOCIETY MEETS AUGUST 4 The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet at the church Monday afternoon, August 4, at 4 o’clock. The Ola Lea Circle will have charge of the program, and all members are urged to attend. ASSAULT ON UMPIRE IN WINUSOR FRIDAY DEVELOPS COMPLICATIONS IN LEAGUE President Oakey Resigns But Later Agrees to Continue; Windsor Club Banished But Is Later Reinstated Upon Paying Fine of S3OO As the result of Windsor baseball fans assaulting Umpire B. W. Vjf right after a game Friday night in Wind sor between the Rebels and Hertford, the Windsor team’s franchise was revoked by W. H. Oakey, Jr., presi dent of the Albemarle League and the club fined S3OO for not providing adequate police protection. Later, however, at a meeting of the direc tors, held in Hertford the, directors over-ruled Mr. Oakey’s decision to revoke the franchise but upheld the S3OO fine. Action of the directors caused Mr. Oakey to resign as president of the league, but the directors urged him to continue at the Hertford meeting Saturday night. He informed them he would consider the matter and give an answer Monday. On Monday Mr. Oakey agreed to continue as president upon three con ditions. These conditions are: 1. No appeal from a decision by the president under Rule 9, section 12, shall be allowed, but his decision shall be final in any future case un der this rule and under any other rule in which an appeal is not spe cifically allowed. ~ , 2. All clubs shall accept the um pires which shall be assigned to their home games by the president. 3. The Windsor Club shall present evidence satisfactory to tile president that tiie forces of law and\ order will be in control of all games and just New* Forest Fire Law Recommended i For North Carolina Next Legislature Will Be Asked to Enact Legislation A new law in North Carolina mak ing it unlawful to let out woods fires ' before 4:30 P. M. from February 15 1 to May 15 each year will be asked of ! the next Legislature by a committee 1 representing the local work of South- I ern States Forest Fire Commission, ’ Inc., it is announced in a bulletin 1 sent The Herald last week. This amendment to the State regu lation on forest fires is calculated to 1 reduce destruction caused by fires getting out from new ground, turnip bed and tobacco seed beds each spring. Those who are to do any burning will also be required to no ■ tify three of their nearest neighbors ; at least 24 hours in advance, the bul letin states. This new protective aid for timber 1 growers has already been enacted by the Virginia Legislature, and automo bile bumper signs to warn one and all have been distributed by the State 1 Foresters, and which has been the means of saving many hundreds of i thousands of acres from destruction, : the statement further avers. Much of the burning in this State , is due to belief of some farmers that better grazing results and that the ■ grass grows more quickly in the ; spring. Such beliefs are disappear ing due to discovery by cattle raisers : that burnt over pasture gets tough quicker in late spring and early sum mer. Grass in some sage and under growth remains partially hidden from the sun and air, and thereby stays tender for cattle longer, the Commis ■ sion further says in the announce ment. All members of the Southern States Forest' Fire Commission in this area 1 have been asked to contact their leg islators and Senators in behalf of the new measure. Dr. Crawford Moves Into New Quarters Dr. George T. Crawford, local chiropractor, has moved his offices from the Citizens Bank Building to the offices next to the Hotel Joseph ; Hewes lobby. ! Dr. Crawford has remodeled his I new location and installed the latest 1 equipment for chiropractic treat ments. He invites the public to visit and inspect his new quarters. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. : Gallagher, a 7-pound, 10-ounce daugh ter, Patricia Colleen, on Saturday, July 19, at the Chowan Hospital. before and after such games. What ; constitutes adequate police protection shall be in the sole judgment of the > president, and all clubs shall take i whatever measures the president con siders necessary to maintain peace and order and to protect umpires, players and others at such league i games. Speaking of the situation on Mon day, Mr. Oakey stated, “I am con • vinced that the control of baseball in i the Albemarle League requires a strong hand. All directors agreed in this view when the league rules were adopted prior to the present season. I was doubtful at the time that the directors would support the president in a decision to enforce their rules in a case where ‘the blue chips were down,’ and only accepted the presi dency upon the assurance that the support of the directors could be counted upon. “The Windsor case is the first real test of the rules and the authority of , the president to enforce them. The directors have failed to sustain that ' authority. From this it appears that they do not want the rules strictly enforced. If that is true, they have the wrong man for president of the league and my resignation is in order. “If they do want the rules strictly enforced and will give the president authority to do eo, I agree to continue in office for the remainder of the sea ; son under the three conditions.” * Proposed Budget For Year ApprovedßyCouncilmenAt Special Meeting Thursday 3 Minute News Digest i Decatur Guard offers “bounty” on recruits. Illinois National Guard wants more men—big ones —and is 1 willing to pay for them. Lieut.-Col. | Lauren Shaw, commander, offers , two-cents-a-pound bounty on recruits ■ they bring in until total weight of ' new enlistees hits 5,000-pound mark. Guardsmen expressed regret because offer wasn’t posted last week, when 260-pound recruit was inducted. Plasterers in Southern California j now getting between $l5O and $l7O J a week and are only “60 to 65 per [ cent efficient,” say spokesmen for the ] ; Home Builders Institute. Hundreds j of ex-Gl’s taking plasterer’s courses • ’ in trade school, but little chance of' their becoming journeymen with 1 standing. Union will increase quota ' of apprentices only as membership of | union increases. Sixty thousand new units in 1948 seen in Los Angeles area. Clifford L. Rawson, secretary-manager of Home Builders Institute of Los Angeles, states that these living units will cost approximately $500,000,000. He stat ’ ed that “if the automobile industry can sell its product to practically every adult in the United States through mass production methods, so ’ can the home building industry.” i _ Great grandmother to attend col ! lege. Mrs. Otto Reichard, 69-year old great grandmother, is going to Rockford College, Illinois, taking summer courses to meet require i ments to teach in rural schools of Winnebago County. Teacher short age acute. Seven thousand boys and girls in 1 Fitchburg, Mass., took on part-time jobs, helped around the house, cut their budgets for bubble gum, comic books and the movies to help pay for a library building. Since January 1, earned total of $8,500. Fitchburg, Public Library sponsored program to encourage young people in the city j to' feel a part of and appreciate the new building when it becomes a re- i ality. Veterans Administration officials 1 deny hospital site chosen. Blast newspaper reports that VA had nar rowed down the possible sites for , 1,000-bed Eastern Carolina VA hos pital to Wilmington, Wilson and i , Goldsboro. Inspection teams will first look over Eastern North Caro lina with view of recommending cities for the site. Tentative date for in spection to be around August 18 to September 6. Usual requirement that town be over 10,000 population and be able to furnish 400 acres. Undesirable diplomatic jobs open in Moscow, Warsaw, Belgrade and 34 other places in the diplomatic world classified as undesirable. Situation became known when the State De partment offered as high as 25% dif ferential over scales to hire staff workers like stenos and clerks. Joe Friedman took a liking to a 200-year-old life size dove carved in ivory and gave an auctioneer $39 for it. He had it appraised, then insured the dove for $20,000 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Lester Jordan Will Operate Lester’s Place Lfester Jordan, popular pitcher for the Edenton Colonials, has started in business and will this week begin to operate Lester’s Place, formerly the Rainbow Inn on the Windsor highway near the U. S. Fish Hatch ery. MrT Jordan plans to serve meals, including chicken, steaks and barbecue, as well as sandwiches and drinks of all kinds. He has secured the services of a cook who is an ex pert at making corn bread, which Will be a feature or the meals serv ed. Cnrb service will be provided, and he solicits the business of his many friends in this area. $1.50 Per Year. Expenditures Are Cut Down But Estimated Revenue Is Less VALUATION HIGHER Budget Now on File In Clerk’s Office For Inspection Meeting in special session Thurs day afternoon of last week, Town Council tentatively set the 1947-48 tax rate at $1.50, the same as last | year. Very few changes were made in the proposed budget as presented by the Finance Committee, which is composed of J. Clarence Leary and J. P. Partin, so that not a great deal of time was devoted to arriving at a I tentative rate. I The overall budget calls for esti- I mated expenditures of $82,009.00, jwhich compares with $79,751.90 last i year. Expenditures for the various de partments were estimated as follows: Administrative, $4,977.48, which compares with $5,312.48 last year. Police Department, $15,675.36. Last year’s budget was $15,861.00. Fire Department, $7,407.85, which last year was $8,197.85. Health Department, $864.86, as compared with $750 last year. Street Department, $33,816.00 as compared with $34,350.57 last year. Parks and Playgrounds, $3,000.00 which was $6,000.00 last year. Cemetery, $1,606.00, compared with $2,325.00 last year. Base expense, $3,850,000, for which no appropriation was made last year. Other expenses total $10,812.35 compared with $12,955.00 last year. In this list is included $4,500.00 deficit of last year. Estimated revenue is calculated at $20,800.00, which leaves $61,785.00 to be raised by taxation. This year’s property valuation is $4,119,000.00 as compared with $3,- 700,000.00 last year, so that a levy of $1.50 on the SIOO will raise $61,785.00. It will be noted that a reduction in appropriation has been made in every department of the budget except the Health Department, which was in creased $114.86. Then the base ex 'pense amounts to $3,850.00, which was not figured last year. To help 'offset this saving, the anticipated evenue is $3,711.97 less than last year, so that despite the increase in property valuation, the amount ne cessary to be raised this year by tax ation is $61,785.00, as compared with $55,500.00 last year. A copy of the proposed budget ap j pears on page six of this issue of The Herald. The budget is also on file in Town Clerk R. E. Leary’s of fice, where it may be inspected and any objections registered at the regu lar meeting of Town Council which will be held Tuesday night, Septem ber 9. Sovernor Os Rotary Visits Edenton Club Vic Huggins, Governor of the 189th Rotary District, paid an official visit to the Edenton club Thursday of last week and was the principal speaker for the program. Mr. Huggins was high in his praise of John A. Holmes, a former Governor of the district, as well as the accomplishments of the local club. He informed the Rotarians that there are members of the club on bor rowed classification from Rotary In ternational and urged them to use their talents in furthering the ideals of “The Rotary challenge all over the world is now greater than ever before,” he said, “and some Ro tarians are sitting back riding on the wave of prestige of what has been done before.” Prior to the meeting Mr. Huggins held a conference with club officials. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Byrum an nounce the birth of a daughter, Pa tricia Moore Byrum, in Duke Hospi tal, Durham, on Tuesday, July 29. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sledge announce the birth of a son, James Scott, in Gaston, Alabama, on July 20. Mrs. Sledge is the former Miss Catherine Prfvotfc

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