Volume XIV. —Number 34. Rape Charge Against Chowan White Man Is Dropped Tuesday Ardell Byrum, However, Held For Possession Os Illegal Liquor Weldon Hollowell, prosecutor for Chowan County Recorder’s Court, asked for a nol pros with leave Tuesday for Ardell Byrum, Chowan • County white man, who was charged with assault to commit rape and car nal knowledge of Lorraine Annette Williams, his 9-year-old ter. He was held, however, for trial in Recorder’s Court on September 16, on a charge of possessing non-tax paid whiskey. Byrum was arrested Friday when his wife called Sheriff J. ,A. Bunch and related the child’s statements made to her by the child about her stepfather. He was not home at the time but by means of the radio was picked up at Belvidere by State Pa trolman John Wagner. Byrum was jailed but denied the charge when arrested. However, the little girl was later questioned and a record made of her statements, in which she told a lurid story of Byrum’s actions with her. Competent witnesses at the question • ing heard Mrs. Byrum say to her husband, “as much as I love you, how could you do such a thing to my own flesh and blood?” Later, how ever, Mrs. Byrum stated that her daughter had been angry with her stepfather and that the child’s orig inal story was not true, and appar ently on these grounds the prosecu tor decided to ask for the nol pros. The incident has caused a great deal of comment, some expressing the belief that if no action is taken, the case should be investigated by the grand jury. Several'who have read the answers to detailed and extensive questions asked the girl, and which are record ed as a matter of public record, ex press-no little surprise that the story should so suddenly take an opposite turn and the original testimony dis carded entirely as untrue. Football Practice for Edenton Aces Now Under Way Coach Lindsay Believes Prospects Bright For Strong Team At the call of Coach Tex Lindsay about 40 high school boys reported at Hicks Field Monday afternoon to start football practice for the mak ing of the 1947 edition of the Eden ton High School Aces. A light work out was gone through and while Coach Lindsay was gratified to see so many boys respond to the first call, he confidently expects in the j neighborhood of 50 or 60 boys to 1 make bids for berths on the squad. Another practice was held Tues day, when Coach Lindsay began dis tributing uniforms. Practices will be held each night there is a base [ ball game, said Lindsay, as well as more, frequent practice sessions as the opening of the season draws near. The first game for the Aces will be Friday,. September 9, when the Kinston team will invade the local gridiron to open the season. Coach Lindsay is of the opinion that prospects are bright for a strong team. Lost through graduation are Sam Ross, Dick Hollowell, Ralph Ward and Pete Manning, a quartet of powerhouses, but Lindsay is very much encojiraged with the material he has to work with and believes he can develop creditable replacements for the four vacancies. He further believes that some of the newer boys will put in strong bids for positions on the team which last year’s veterans will also be trying to hold. Salary For Substitute Teachers Is Announced The State Boprd of Education has f set the salary for substitute teachers | in the public schools of North Caro- I; lina at five dollars per day. K- Any teacher, white or colored, who I* desires to do substitute work in the JCdenton Administrative Unit during O the coming year is requested to com , municate \Wth Superintendent John **%. A Holmes. A list of available sufy f* Stitute teachers yrith their respective fields will be prepared and furnished all nrincinals and teachers in city unit THE CHOWAN HERAIW | Hold On To’EmJ Beginning September 2, the Bank of Edenton will cash ter minal leave bonds for World War II veterans, about which many inquiries have. been made at the bank. Though the bank will cash these bonds, officials, as well as the government urge holders of the bonds to refrain from cash ing them, in that the bonds bear 2Vi per cent interest and are considered an excellent invest ment. The bonds are not transfer able, nor will they be accepted for collateral for borrowing money. 26 Given Certificates In Swimming Course At Special Exercises Interesting - Affair Held At Swimming Pool on Tuesday Afternoon At a special ceremony held in the Edenton pool Tuesday afternoon, 26 boys, girls and grown-ups received their Red Cross proficiency certifi cates after a splendid demonstration of water skills learned under Red Cross instruction. Coach Tex Lindsay, recreational di rector of the Town of Edenton, wel comed the parents present and con gratulated . the successful candidates upon the completion of the swim ming course. After a swimming skill demonstra tion supervised by Peter Carlton, Red Cross water safety instructor, Geddes B. Potter, chairman of the Chowan County Chapter of the American Red Cross, spoke briefly and urged the candidates to continue on to the high er courses of study to the extent that many could eventually qualify for certification as Junior Life Savers, Senior Life Savers and Water Safety Instructors. Those who received certificates from Chairman Potter were: Jimmy Dozier, Ray Rogerson, Stuart Holland, Pat Carlton, Mrs. Elizabeth Flynn, Charlotte Leary, Sarah Ashley, Mary Browning, Ben Browning, Douglas* Holland, Ted Wright, James Edwards, Bobby Whiteman, Julie Wiehe, Bobby Bunch, Evelyn Bunch, Jasper Holmes, Mike Malone, Billie Russell, Frank Northcott, Snookie Dail, Charles Has sell, Jack Wright, Alfred Wright, Bobby Wright and Buddy Batton. J. N. Pruden Chosen Attorney For Town Councilmen Also Con sider Operation of Swimming Pool Meeting in special session Tuesday afternoon, Town Council appointed J. N. Pruden as Town Attorney, an ap pointment which was deferred when other appointments were previously made. Mr. Pruden succeeds John W. Gra ham, who because of his duties as District Solicitor, is required to be out of town much of his time. At the special meeting operation of the swimming pool at the Naval Air Station was also considered. Tex Lindsay, the town’s recreational di rector, has been in charge of the pool since it was opened by the Town, but with football season in the offing, much of Coach Lindsay’s time will necessarily have to be .devoted to football practice at a time when the pool is used. For that reason, the Town Councilmen at Tuesday’s meet ing decided to employ a manager for the pool, as well as a guard, whifh was deemed sufficient for the proper operation of the pool for the remaind er of the swimming season. Mayor Leroy Haskett appointed Councilman Jordan Yates and Gra ham Byrum to employ a manager and guard, with the manager required to make daily reports to the Town and to see to it that certain rules and regulations are carried out by those who use the pool. It was also decided to keep the pool open daily from 1 o’clock in the afternoon until 9 o’clock at night. ' It was reported that in some cases swimmers refuse to take a shower bath before entering the pool and in other instances some neglect to treat their feet in the disinfectant bath. Those who refuse to comply with regulations will be barred from the Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 21,1947. ' IPISKr Hfi Kg i* - J ■v*. * - -*5 ,*? j, i ■t .se-J The driver of thit truck lott control of it becaute in braket were defective. It ran up on the sidewalk and plowed through the tide of a home, killing two persons. In addition to the terrible toll of motor vehicle deaths and injuries last year—33,soo killed, 1,150,000 injured —she total economic watte amounted to almost two billion dollars. Brakes, tires, lights, windshield wipers and other safety features should be periodically checked at a safeguard against accidents. A \ recent nationwide testing program disclosed mechanical defects in one out of every three cars examinedo v I Overman Sumbits Correction Relative To Dairy Statement Apologizes For Refer ence About Milk Ship ped In From West County Agent C. W. Overman this week submits a correction in connec tion with a story released last week regarding the milk situation in Cho wan County and the opportunity for some dairying industry in the county. “The supply of milk for the Town of Edenton is being trucked in from Suffolk and it is my understanding that the milk is being shipped from the West into Suffolk to provide this supply,” stated Mr. Overman in an article.last week. “The Greenfield Dairy of Suffolk, which is supplying Edenton with milk, informs me,” says Mr. Over man, “that all of its milk is coming ' from local dairies around Suffolk rather than being shipped in from the West, as was stated in last week’s report. They also state that these dairies are Grade A. “Some months ago the Greenfield Dairy was getting some milk from other states, but they have been able to work up local production sufficient to take care of their trade for the last several months. “Apologies to the Greenfield Dairy and any other dairy for my lack of information.” « G. I. Coulbourn, manager of the Greenfield Dairy,„ has written Mr. Overman regarding the matter and has furnished Edenton customers with a copy of the letter, which follows: “We read the newspaper article en titled “Milk Situation Discussed Here.” Your program to increase local milk production is good. We (Continued on Page Seven) Group Os Chowan Doys And Girls At 4-H Short Course Audrey Pearce Repre sents County In State Dress Revue Tonight Six Chowan County 4-H boys and four 4-H Club girls are in Raleigh this week attending the 4-H Short Course at State College. The boys, who include Aubrey Harrell, Carroll | Evans and Jack Leary of the Rocky, Hock Community, McKay Phthisic l of the Edenton Community, Charles Lee Overman of the Yeopim Com munity and Herbert Raye Lane of the Jtyland Community, were ac companied by Assistant County Ag ent Robert S. Marsh, who will re main with the boys during the week. \ The girls, including Audrey Pearce, Ruth Rogerson, Madge Copeland and Judy Hollowell, were accompanied by Assistant Home Agent Miss Hazel Shaw. It is interesting to know that Audrey Pearce will represent Chowan County in the State dress revue tonight (Thursday). HEX MAGICIAN IN EDENTON ' G. C. Norman, who gained nation wide publicity as the magician who cured Stephen Richardson of a hex, is with the carnival now showing in Edenton. Known as “Collins, the Miracle Man,” he says he is now in contact with four hex cases in Cho wan County, though he charges no fee for consultation. Edenton Colonials Clinch Pennant In Albemarle League _ Win Six Out of Seven Games Played Dur ing Past Week STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. L. Pet. EDENTON 41 14 .745 Colerain 35 22 .614 1 Hertford 27 28 .491 Suffolk 23 33 .411 , Windsor 23 34 .404 Elizabeth City 19 37 .339 Winning six out of seven games during the past week, the Edenton Colonials clinched the Albemarle League pennant and will be one of the contenders for the league cham pionship, which will be decided by a seven-game semi-final series, and then a seven-game play-off series to decide the championship. Since Wednesday of last week the Colonials defeated the Elizabeth City Senators three times, Colerain twice and split in a two-game series with Suffolk, winning in Edenton Monday night and dropping Tuesday night’s game played in Suffolk. Edenton> 2, Suffolk 5 In Suffolk Tuesday night, the Vir ginia outfit snapped a long winning streak of the Colonials by taking the long end of a >5-2 count. Lester Jor dan and Herman Dowdy were the op posing moundsmen, each giving up : nine hits. The Colonial bingles came, however, when they failed to produce runs. The victory shoved the Suffolk outfit half a game ahead of Windsor for fourth place in the standing, the hottest fight at present, for the priv ilege of taking part in the champion ship series. (Continued on Page Two) Nelle Perry Winner j Os Bathing Beauty Contest In Wilson Local Girl Picked From Group of Beauties Thursday Nelle Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Perry, was declared win- I ner in the bathing beauty contest held in Wilson Thursday afternoon in con- I nection with the Wilson Tobacco Fes tival. Miss Perry won out over a group of beauties entered from vari ous sections of the State. The bathing beauty contest was sponsored by the Kiwanis Club and Miss Perry’s beautiful trophy was presented by Dr. Charles Armstrong of Salisbury, president of Kiwanis International, who flew from Chicago to Wilson to confer the honor and enjoy the festival. Miss Perry was accorded the great est amount of applause by the audi ence throughout the elimination phase of the contest and her ap plause became more pronounced as the various contestants were elim inated. Mayor Leroy Haskett named Miss Perry to represent Edenton and took no little part in her entry and ulti i mate success as the winning beauty. Mayor Haskett also selected Miss Hazel Boswell to represent Edenton In the Tobacco Queen contest, which went to> a girl from Wilmington. | Goal In Sight | J. H. Conger, president of the new Chowan County Golf Club, reports the goal of 60 members practically assured. Early this week Mr. Conger stated that 55 had joined the club and paid the initial SIOO payment, which lacks only five more to insure construc tion of the course at the Naval Air Station. Mr. Conger stated that a bud get of $6,000 is necessary and with only five more members needed to raise the amount, he feels absolutely certain that this j many members will be secured after several more prospects have ( been solicited. Challenge Issued To Members Lions Club Cast Bread On Water Peter Carlton Speaker At Meeting Monday Night “If there is any one here tonight who doubts that famous saying about ‘casting one’s bread upon the waters and it returning many fold,’ I chal lenge you to try it in the laboratory of your own personal experiences.” These were the challenging words of Peter A. Carlton, Executive Secretary of the Edenton Chamber of Com merce and Merchants Association in his address to the members of the Edenton Lions Club on Monday night during their supper meeting in the Lions den, located in the Mitchener Building. Backing his theme on “Let’s Be Neighborly,” Mr. Carlton made use of Bible quotations, anec dotes and humorous stories. He urg ed the Lions not to forget that a sense of humor can lift them out of ‘ many a difficult situation. He point ed out the value of a united stand on community problems as against be ing “lone wolves.” He ended by say ing, “Let‘s be neighborly, fellows— keep a good sense of humor—join the fun by joining a team of good neigh bors in church work, community work or any other worthwhile project and make your lives worth living.” Visitors from the Rocky Mount Lions Club included Louis K. Day, Roger C. Derby and Wilbur J. Pierce. Headed up by Mr. Day, Lion Presi dent of the Rocky Mount club, the contingent is making a good will tour of all the 64 Lions clubs in Dis trict 31C. The Edenton Lions club was the 14th on their list. They plan to visit all by the end of the year. So far they have travelled a distance of 2,060 miles. Other guests Nftroduced were Andy Beck of Edenton by Carroll Goodwin and C. C. Ward of Rocky Mount by Walter Holton. President West Leary welcomed all the visitors and extended an open in vitation for their return. A delicious meal was served by a committee headed by Mrs. Leroy H. Haskett. The other members includ ed Mrs. Geddes B. Potter, Mrs. George Dail and Mrs. Peter Carlton. Schools In Edenton Open September 8 Pre-registration For All Going to School For First Time All schools in the Edenton City Ad ministrative Unit will open on Mon day, September 8, according to Sup erintendent John A. Holmes. Schools included in this unit are the white and colored schools in Edenton, Can aan’s Temple, Ryan Grove, St. John’s and Virginia Fork. In the Edenton schools, both - white and colored, there will be prerregis tration for all first grade children and for all children entering the Edenton schools for the first time. All white children 'and all colored children entering the Edenton schools for the first time are requested to report to their respective buildings on Friday morning, September 5, between the hours 9 and 12. “Be sure that all beginners are accom panied by someone who can furnish the information necessary for regis tration,” says Mr. Holmes. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. ft A. M., will hold its weekly meeting tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. William O. Elliott, master of the lodge, requests a large attendance. $1.50 Per Year. Walter Holton Is Named President Albemarle League Regular Season Sched uled to End Next Sunday W. H. Oakey, Jr., of Hertford, re signed as president of the Albemarle League as of Thursday of last week following decision of the Windsor club directors that they would not agree to his three stipulations regarding the interpretation of the league laws. Mr. Oakey notified all directors of the league of his resignation, pointing out that he had continued in that ca pacity since the Windsor incident only on the assumption that Windsor and all other clubs would abide by the stipulations he requested following Windsor’s reinstatement into the league. He claims that a Windsor director agreed to the terms three weeks ago, but that later Windsor directors repudiated the agreement, and Mr. Oakey stated that he could no longer serve as president under those conditions. Following Mr. Oakey’s resignation Walter Holton of Edenton, vice presi dent, was elected president for the re mainder of the present season. Fol lowing his election, a meeting was held in Edenton Saturday night, at which time it was decided to extend the season to August 24, which means that what rained out games are not played through August 23 will be cancelled. To decide the league championship a semi-final series of seven games ' will be played with the top four teams participating, after which the two winners will enter the play-off in a seven-game series for the cham pionship. To decide the semi-final opponents, the two leading team, Edenton and Colerain, will draw from third and fourth place teams to de cide, the opponent. * Edenton ""has clinched the league pennant, with Colerain next, followed by Hertford. The fourth position is still in doubt with Windsor and Suffolk both fight ing for the opportunity to take part in the play-offs. Tonight (Thursday) Edenton is scheduled to play at Hertford, while Friday night the locals will play in Elizabeth City. Saturday night Hert ford is scheduled to play on Hicks Field and the final game is scheduled to be played in Hertford Sunday. The semi-finals are scheduled to be gin next Monday, though the pairings will hardly be known hhfore the latter part of this week. President Holton also announced that Marvin Beal had been employed as an umpire to replace B. W. Wright who resigned. Mr. Beal umpired Monday night’s game in Edenton and the game was conspicuous in that no arguments developed during the en tire game. Ed Bond Post Votes To Erect Memorial Home On Edenton Lot Adopt “Build or Bust” Slogan at Meeting Tuesday Night Twenty years of talking of, wish ing for and doing without was clim axed Tuesday night at the regular monthly meeting of Edward G. Bond Post, No. 40 of the American Legion, when it w*as decided to erect an Am erican Legion Memorial Home in memory of Chowan County’s war dead and for use of Chowan’s living war veterans. The new and permanent Memorial Home is to be erected on the Post’s building site, located in the heart of Edenton’s waterfront. Kermit Layton was appointed chairman of the combined Finance and Building Committee. Mr. Layton invites all interested persons to meet with the committee tonight (Thurs day) in the office of Dr. George Craw ford at 6:30 o’clock to plan for an intensive campaign to raise funds and select plans for the proposed 1 building. Members of the Post realize that 1 the time is ripe to undertake the project, and have adopted the slogan 1 “build or bust:” ROTARY CLUB MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at I : o’clock in the Parish House. PnesU : dent Richard Elliott is very anxious t to have a full attendance in order , to bring the Edenton club up higher > in the Governor’s monthly standing of attendance in the district.

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