■ Volume XlV—Number 39. . —— ■ i i ■ ' ■■ ~ Contract Awarded To Build Boiler Room AtCourt House For Modern Heating System ♦ C. B. Mooney & Son Was Lowest of Three Con tractors Bidding C05T~52,455 Heating Contract Is De layed Due to Possible Change of Plans Meeting in special session Monday , morning, the County Commissioners awarded a contract to C. B. Mooney & Son, local contractor, to construct a boiler room at the northeast corner of the Chowan County Court House which will house an oil burner to heat the historical building. Bids were also opened for installing the heat, but due to the possibility of a change of plans, the two lowest bidders have been requested to revise their figures in order to provide radiators in the panel room on the second flqor in stead of unit heaters suspended from the ceiling. The original specifica tions called for radiators in all rooms except the panel room, where the sus pended units were included in order not to mar or hide portions of the panel work. There were three bids for the boiler room, Mr. Mooney’s bid being $2,455. J. L. Batton & Bros, bid $3,550 and Batton & Pickier $3,447. Four Contractors presented bids for 'installing the heat. Z. A. Norris of Wilson was l.ow at $4,500 and W. M. Wiggins & Co., also of Wilson was next with $4,940. C. L. Russ Plumb ing & ‘ Heating Company of Green ville bid $5,050 and R. S. Jordan & Co., of Elizabeth City, $6,133. Frank Benton, architect of Wilson, was also present at the meeting, an 3 answered many questions propounded during the morning. A committee from the Panel Room Committee- also appeared before the Commissioners. They expressed de light over the prospect. of modern heating of the building and urged tfce Commissioners to do everything pos sible to preserve the beauty and looks of the interior. The committee sug gested floor radiation in the panel room instead of the overhead unit . heaters and opposed pipes running across the ceiling of the court room. It was explained that floor radiation would cover much of the panel work, and cost more, not to mention what problems might be encountered in the wall or under the floor. Mr. Benton, together with members of the com mittee and the Commissioners visited the panel room to consider the most satisfactory system. No decision was reached other than to wait until the revised figures were received from the heating contractors. Representatives of heating contrac tors expressed their opinion that Mr. Benton’s plans were most practical and could»not bar improved upon. 1 However, a final decision will be : • reached by the Commissioners at their regular meeting on Monday, Oc tober 6th. > of the Panel Room Com j mittee who were present were Mrs. * J. W. Davis, Mrs. W. D. Pruden, Ged ■, , des Potter and E. W. Spires. t. The project, as -provided for in original specifications, will cost $6,955, which is considerably higher than the Commissioners anticipated, but modern heating of the Court House has been a mooted question for many years, and they plan to have the work done at this time. • Specifications call for an oil burn ing hot water system housed in a ; building 10xt5 feet, which will pro vide ample room to add another unit if and when the jail and jailer’s house 1 is heated. The first unit will heat the 1 entire Court House building, includ- ' ing the main court room, Register of Deeds and Clerk of Court’s offices, the panel room, county tax supervisor’s room and the Masonic room. Masonic Meeting Is 1 Called Off Tonight Due to the revival meeting in pro- ( L gress at the Baptist Church this week, J the regular meeting of Unanimity 1 | Lodge, No. 7, -A. F. &A. M., has been i | called off tonight (Thursday). The ' regular meeting will be held as usual K next week, Efc, —1 ADDS NEW SERVICE > I week announces the addition of a : !• new an( ) up-to-date body and Daint THE CHOWAN HERALP District Meeting Os Woman’s Clubs Will Be Saturday I • The Sixteenth District meeting of the North Carolina Federation of Woman’s Clubs will be held Saturday morning, September 27 at Camden, beginning at 10 o’clock. Mrs. James A. Gupton of Char lotte, president of North Carolina Federation of Woman’s Clubs, and Mrs. Edwin P. Brown of Murfrees boro, second vice president, will be the principal speaker. An interesting program has beer: planned so that members of all Woman’s Clubs are especially urged to attend. , Aces Meet Hertford, Arch Rival, At Hicks Field On Friday Night Indians Hold Edge In 23 Games Played During Past 21 Years Coaches Tex Lindsay and Nick George, realizing that the-Edenton Aces in their game Friday night dis played poor condition and weakness in defense, this week during practice session concentrated upon the faults they observed and believe the Aces will be in better shape to face their arch rival, on Hicks Field Friday night. The game is schedul ed to begin at 8 o’clock and should be a hard fought game and attract a large crowd of fans due to the keen rivalry. Gridiron rivalry between the two schools goes back to 1926 when Hert ford won both games played that year. During the intervening years 23 games have been played, 12 of which were won by Hertford, eight by the Aces and three tie games. The two schools met twice last year with each winning a game. In the first game the Indians won 6-0 and in the return game the Aces took the long end of an 18-7 score. Between 1934 and 1940, when the Aces were in their hey day, the two schools did not meet on the gridiron. The Indians have a decided edge in the series, but the Aces feel con fident that they will add another game on the victory page of the ledger Friday night. The Indians have lost some out standing players through graduation and lost their opening game to Eliza beth City Friday night 20-0. In connection with Friday night’s game a drive is on to sell tickets to add to the funds for purchasing a bus. The bus will probably be de livered over the week-end. Tickets are now on sale at Leggett & Davis Drug Store and Mitehener’s Phar macy and representatives of the school will also sell the tickets dur ing the week. Friends of the school are urged to buy a ticket and thus help in paying for the much-needed bus which will be used to transport the various school athletic teams. Any person who desires to make a contribution is asked to give it to Mrs. Travis at the high school office. Coach Lindsay stated early this week that the probable Aces lineup against the Hertford Indians will be as follows: Stpncil Davenport and Earl Good win, ends; Hector Lupton, Jr., and George Habit, tackles; Gene Spruill and A1 Habit, guards; Frank Habit, center; Jack Habit, quarterback; Bobby Byrum and Russell Wheeler, halfbacks and Andrew Whitson, full back. Baptist Revival Will Come To End Sunday Revival services at the Baptist Church will come to a close Sunday nigfit, when Dr. Fred F. Brown of Knoxville, Tenn., will preach the final sermon in the series of meetings. The services during this week have been very well attended, and it is ex pected quite a few will be added to the church membership as a result ‘ fit the meetings. For the remainder of the week ser vices will be held at 10 o’clock each morning and at 8 o’clock at night, with two services Sunday, one in the morning at 11 o’clock and the Other Edenton,. Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, September 25,1947. S| ett jfiSSg •- ) ■ < - ’ 7 s' i HI < >: 1 rfji BRAZILIANS IN - ACTlON—Equipped with American cloth ing, equipment and arms, this Brazilian Army ski patrol bears a startling resemblance to the Gls at whose side they fought in Italy during World War 11. Though inexperienced in cold-weather fight ing conditions, the Brazilian troops in Italy with the Fifth Army acquitted themselves well. Note the “tommy gun” carried by the leader of the patrol (left). Two Edenton Women Called To Serve On Federal Court Jury Mrs. O. B. Perry and Miss Louise Smith Ex cused From Serving Two Edenton women were among six women to be drawn for jury duty in a term ofJJ. S. District Court which convened in Elizabeth City Monday. It 'was the first time ip the history of the Court that women were called to serve on a jury. The two Edenton women whose names were drawn in Raleigh by A. Hand James, clerk of the court, and J. E. O’Donnell, jury commissioner, are Mrs. O. B. Perry and Miss Louise Smith. Both, however, were excused from serving. «, Judge Don Gilliam of Tarboro pre sided over the term which has in the neighborhood of 20 cases callendered, but some were expected to be con tinued. Midway Beats Conway In Semi-Final Game Hicks Field was the scene of an interesting game "of baseball Mon day night when Midway and Con way, two teams in the Chowan-Roa noke League played the final game of the semi-final series. Midway, with several of the Edenton Colonials in the lineup won the game 5 to 4, which was the third victory in a five gajme series and entitled them to meet Lewiston in the championship series. Johnson and Batchelor, a Cole rain battery in the Albemarle League, performed for Midway, while Flythe and Riddick were the battery for Conway. • gfrg flPlft (Hour! Editor’s Note: The following article was written and read by Mrs. Charles P. Wales at a recent meeting of the North Carolina Society For the Preservation of Antiquities held in Raleigh. She - has also read the article at the Edenton Rotary Club and the Junior Woman’s Club, and has consented to have it appear in The Herald for the benefit of readers. The old Court House speaks. Sure ly, prosaic words. And yet, have you known the rare privilege of listening to tne creak of ancient timbers in an age-old building as it talked to it self—t>f its past—of the joy and sor row, the romance and tragedy, high courage and craven cowardice, love and honor, discord, contentment and peace, which had gone into the warp and woof of the fabric of its exist ence? I slept last night in the hostelry which stands next door to the old Court House in Queen Anne’s Town where once stood the King’s Arms Tavern whose naffie in patriotic fer- ■ vor against English rule was dis carded for that of Horniblow’s Tav ern—or, rather, I didn’t sleep—for the crowded events of the past so filled my brain that it seemed im possible for me to sufficiently com pose myself for slumber. A bright moon silvered the rippling waters of Edenton Bay, and even the sudden noise of an all-but-expiring car, new starting in the chilly night, seemed to tnake the silence more pregnant with the echoes of the past. There was the tread of martial feet, the light laughter' of a girlish voice with White Cane Sale Is Scheduled To Be Held On Saturday Chairman J. A. Curran Urges Solid Backing To Raise Goal J. A. Curran, who w’in serve as local chairman of the White Cane Sale, sponsored by the Edenton Lions • Club, stated early this week that the , local drive to sell the white canes , will be held next Saturday, Septem ber 27. The Edenton Lions Club is , sponsoring the drive, during which the buttons will be directly to [ the general public. They will be ex changed for nominal contributions, . but there is no limit to the amount I purchasers may contribute. Mr. Curran states that one-third of the funds derived from the sale ; of the white cane buttons will be retained by the local club for use ’ in the program of its own blind aid and sight conservation committee, which is the major project commit tee of all Lions clubs. The remain ing two-thirds \>f the proceeds goes I to the North Carolina State Asso ciation for the Blind toward meet ing its $25,000 goal for the 1947 1 campaign. The local goal is $l5O and Mr. i Curran urges local friends of the blind to get behind the drive as solid ly as possible so that the local com -1 munity can make an excellent show ing in the over-all State-wide cam -1 paign. He is very anxious to secure more than the goal set for the local club. KINDERGARTEN CLASS Mrs. Roy Spry and Mrs. Charles F. Russell are conducting a kindergar • ten this year and have 10 pupils now enrolled. Hpubp gypaka as he called out to the assembled throng to “stand and defend,” the musical clink of teacups as women met to drink their yapon in protest against injustice, and the solemn tones of men who sat in conclave to discuss the weighty measures which should bring a free nation into be ing. The soft music of the minuet came to my ears, and I could almost hear the fluttering of hearts as well as the. swish of taffeta skirts as the maidens gathered in the Assembly Room of the old Court House to tread a measure with a Royal Prince. And then the clock in the tower boomed out the witching hour of twelve and the sounds which I had faintly heard took shape and form as the old Court House began to talk to itself. “Well,” it said, “if there isn’t Joe Hewes coming down King Street from his home, back in the vil lage again from Philadelphia where he toils long hours and far overtaxes his strength working out plans in the Continental Congress for the freedom of the country. ’Twas he, with other compatriots, who brought me into be ing, when the General Assembly in 1767 appointed Cullen Pollock, Joseph Hewes, Thomas Nash, Edward Vail and William Lowther on my building committee, and the citizenship of the entire Albemarle which I serve gave freely of their material and labor to supplement the tax levy for my erec : tiori.” And then a throaty chuckle came clearly to my ear, “The proud people of Edenton and the Albemarle could accept no taunt from their Vir ginia neighbor, and when Colonel Wil liam Byrd of West over had visited the Albemarle and returning home had written of the Court House here tS«So g I (Continued on Page Three) Legionnaires Appointed To Proceed With Plans For Big Armistice Bay Celebration | Resigns | P. T. Owens, manager of the local A&P Store has tendered his resignation, effective next .Saturday. Mr. Owens has held the position for 18 years, com ' ing to Edenton June 23, 1929. The resignation was tendered due to going in business for him self. Mr. Owens will leave the first of next week for Newport News. Va., where he has secured a gro cery store in a prosperous neigh borhood. Mrs. Owens will re main in Edenton for a few weeks until her husband makes ar rangements to secure a house. Rotarians Observe r Ladies’ Night At i Legion Hut Tonightj Rev. W. W. Finlator of Elizabeth City Prin cipal Speaker 5 Tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 ' o’clock, the Edenton Rotary Club will . observe Ladies’ Night in the Ameri -3 can Legion hut at the Naval Air Sta -1 tion. Wives of the Rotarians will be J guests and a program has been ar , ranged which should delight all who { attend. The affair has been arranged by a committee consisting of George j Twiddy, Joe Conger, Jr., and David e Holton. Special favors have been se- t > cured for the ladies. e The principal speaker for the occa j sion will be the Rev. W. W. Finlator , | of Elizabeth City, pastor of the First ’ Baptist Church. The meal will be served by mem s bers of the American Legion Auxili ary, and President Richard F. Ei liott urges every Rotarian to be on 7 hand. The meeting takes the place of 4he usual meeting held at 1 o’clock each Thursday. a Property Owners i To Organize Here * Campaign Expected to Be Launched to Se cure Members Edenton and vicinity are included in plans for a chapter organization and membership campaign soon to be launched by the National Home and Property Owners Foundation, ac cording to word from the Founda -1 tion’s headquarters in Washington, 3 D. C. 1 The aim of the drive, officials of t the Foundation point out, is to ob -1 tain increased public support for J projects designed to safeguard and enhance the rights and interests of , “the man who has acquired a home t or a piece of land through his own 1 industry, thrift and vision.” ! Emphasizing the many local bene j fits to be derived from effective or ‘ ganization of the owners of homes, . farms and other real property, the : coming drive in Edenton and vicinity j will be under the general direction i of W. W. Lee, of Greenville, a Foun ; dation trustee for the North Caro i lina district. ' Every home owner and farmer i 3 ' eligible for membership in the ! Foundation, which already numbers | tens of thousands of people in all i parts of the country. Army Enlistments In i Albemarle Are Short i f ; Master Sergeant C. B. Cayton, | commanding officer of the Elizabeth \ City sub-station of the U. S. Army . and Air Force, reported this wspk > that of the 493 men enlisted in the I Carolinas the first 15 days of Sfjp * tember, 14 were from the Albemarle ‘ section. This number is 11 short of j keeping abreast of the monthly quota | of the two states. | With the start of the new pre ; enlistment school selection progra^i, $1.50 Per Year. > ■ Affair Calculated to At tract Thousands to Edenton DRIVE Features Planned For Full Program During Entire Day Continuing their plans for their “Build or Bust” campaign to erect a memorial home in Edenton, members of Ed Bond Post of the American Legion at a meeting Tuesday laid the ground work for a huge Armis tice Day celebration which will be more or less of a climax to their drive to raise $35,000 as a building fund,. I Tentative plans call for a big pa- I rade, an outstanding speaker, special moving picture, community sing, band I concert, football game, boat races, a victory ball and a free dinner at Hicks Field. Legionnaires are very enthusiastic over the prospect of staging- the celebration and antici pate attracting thousands of people to Edenton during the day. The affair is also calculated to add impetus to the drive, as well as be more or less of an inducement-for former service 1 men to affiliate with the Legion. Kermit Layton is general chairman of the fund raising drive and believes that the Armistice Day celebration will not only create more interest in the drive for funds, but will also make more Gl’s conscious of what the Legion is doing. Many details will have to be work ed out for the celebration, and as a starter, various committees were ap pointed Tuesday night. There may be others appointed from time to time, but those named Tuesday night have been given the green light to proceed with their various duties. The following committees and members were chosen: Parade Committee; —Carroll Cason Goodwin, chairman, Oscar Duncan, A. E. Jenkins, D. Skiles and Nick George, with the latter delegated to the military phase of the parade. This committee will also arrange for a band concert. Speaker’s Committee—Walter Hol ton, chairman, J. H. Conger, Sr., and T. C. Byrum. Free Dinner Committee-—W. J. Yates, chairman, Jack lined and J. Willis McClenney. Boat Races—H. A. Bunch. Football Game—Walter Holton. Special Moving Picture—Skinner White and John Lee Spruill. Community Sing—C. W. Overman and W. J. Daniels. Victory Ball—William P. Jones, J. H. Conger, Jr., and Meredith Jones. Traffie and Parking—R. L. Pratt. Transportation—O. B. Perry and Bruce Jones. Drink Stands—L. S. Bvrum, chair man, J. C. Parks, Luther Parks, Fred Britton and Jack Barrow. Heavy Expenditures Foreseen In County For Homes On Farm Forecast Estimates That $476,000 Is Slated For New Housing Farm families in Chowan County will spend more than $476,000 for new housing in the next three to five years, according to a forecast released by the Tile Council of America. “As a result of high incomes dur ing the last few years, farmers in every part of the nation are prepared to invest record amounts in new home construction -and in general farm improvements,” said F. B. Ort man, chairman of the Council’s resi dential construction committee. Pointing out that the comforts and conveniences of urban living are now available to farm families, Ortman said that many new rural homes -will - incorporate such features as central heating, tiled bathrooms and modern kitchen facilities. • - Rapid electrification of rural areas of North Carolina is making possible the incorporation in new homes of many labor-Baving and comfort-pro viding devices undreamed of a gene ration ,«go, * according to Ortman.