Support the War Memorial Vo] ume XIV.—Number 47. Mrs. William Holmes Made Chairman Newly Organized Chowan Hospital Auxiliary Chairman Appoints Sev eral Chairmen of Committees MUCH INTEREST Next Meeting Is Called For Wednesday, De cember 17 Orgonization of the Chowan Hos pital Auxiliary was effected Wednes day afternoon of last week when 60 interested women met at the nurses’ home at the Naval Air Station. Mrs. J. W. Davis acted as chair man pro tem, and introduced I Miss Frances Tillett, business manager of the hospital, who in turn presented Mrs. C. J. Devine, Mrs. H. W. Rogers, Mrs. Selby Harney and Mrs. Braden Van Deventer. These ladies repre sented various Norfolk hospitals and gave - valuable information regarding the organization and work of their groups. The constitution and by-laws were read and accepted, after which the following officers, were unanimously elected: * Chairman, Mrs. W. D. Holmes, Jr.; vice chairman, Mrs. Emmett Elliott; secretary, Mrs. J. Lester Forehand, and treasurer, Mrs. Rodney Harrell. Mrs. Holmes subsequently appoint ed the following chairmen of various committees: Finance, Mrs. Frank Wood; sewing and supply, Mrs. W. W. Byrum; ward, Mrs. J. W. Davis; grounds, Miss Re becca Colwell; motor corps, Mrs. W. D. Pruden; nurses, Mrs. J. H. Conger, Sr.; publicity, Mrs. R. H. Vaughan. Several organizations did not have 4. representative at the initial meeting and a & refjfuestetf tfcat sentatives be present at the next meeting, which will be held Wednes day afternoon, December 17, at 3 o’clock at the nurses’ hojne so that every part of the county wilt have a member included in the hospital and its service to the community. The chairman has announced that mem bership is open to any person desiring a part in the organization. Following is a list of the members who attended the organization meet ing: ' Mrs. Albert Byruln, Mrs. West W. Byrum, Mrs. J. H. Conger, Sr.,. Mrs. J. W. Davis, Mrs. E. N. Elliott, Mrs. R. F. Elliott, Mrs. John Graham, Mrs. Webb Harrell, Mrs. • Leroy Haskett, Mrs. W. P. Jones, Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, Mrs. S. V. Lewis, Mrs. J. A. Powell, Mrs. R. H. Vaughan, Mrs. W. M. Wilkins, Mrs. L. P. Williams, Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Mrs. Martin Wisely, Mrs. Frank Wood, Mrs. James E. Wood, Mrs. John Wood and Mrs. W. Henry Gardner, wives of members of the board of directors and physi cians, and the following representing yarious groups: Mrs. E. C. Alex ander and Mrs. Fred Ashley, Chris tian Church; Mrs. E. L. Belch, Center Hill Baptist Church; Mrs. G. M. Belch, Home Demonstration Clubs; Mrs. W. J. Berryman, W. M. S. of Baptist Church; Mrs. Millard F. Bond, Jr., 4 Methodist Church; Mrs, W. T. Byrum, Mrs. J. E. Copeland, Mrs. H. E. Har rell and Mrs. V. E. Jordan, Happy Home Church; Miss Rebecca Colwell, Home Agent; Miss Virginia Early, nurses; Mrs. W. O. Elliott, American Legion Auxiliary; Mrs. Roy Emmin izer, Macedonia W. M. M.; Mrs. B. W. Evans, Evans Church; Mrs. J. Lester Forehand,' Dime Society; Mrs. Wal lace Goodwin, Enterprise Club; Mrs. I. E. Halsey, Jr., Beech Fork Club; Mrs. A. B. Harless, Baptist Circle; Mrs. Rodney Harrell, W. M. S. of Rocky Hock Church; Mrs. W. A. Har rell, County Council; Mrs. C. J. Hol lowell, W. M. S. of Ballard’s Bridge Church; Mrs. R H. Hollowell, Cho wan Woman’s Club; Mrs. W. D. Holmes, Jr., Junior Woman’s Club; Mrs. 'David Holton, Methodist * So ciety; Mrs. J. M. Jones, Sr., St. Mary’s Guild; Mrs. Rudolph Jordan, Ryland Demonstration Club; Mrs. O. C. Long, Rocky Hock Demonstration Club; Mrs. Charles Newcomb, Catholic Church Society; Mrs. Roy Parks, Happy Home Club; Mrs. Brjytowe Perry, Advance 1 Demonstration Club; Mrs. W. D. Pruden,' American Legion Auxiliary; Mrs.*, George W. Smith, ByrdOwaonatration Club; Miss Fran- JdL Waff, W. M W M. of BP M«idon”a Church; Mrs. A. D. Ward. Sr., War wick Missionary Society; Mrs. Paul belle Window, Wants Home Demon- Stration Cteb; Mrs. Thomas Wood, THE CHOWAN HERAW* |_ No Hunting _J Information'from Captain J. T. Brown, Chief staff officer, U. S. Navy,- is to the effect that in order to safeguard property against fire and other hazards accompanying hunting, hunting is prohibited on the Edenton Naval Air Station without ex press permission from the Com mander Naval Air Bases, Fifth Naval District. This information was received by The Herald early this week. 1947 Christmas Seal Sale Scheduled To Start Next Monday Mrs. C. E. Kramer Act ing as Chairman This Year Next Monday, November 24, the 1 1947 Christmas Seal drive will begin in Chowan County, with Mrs. C. E. Kramer acting as chairman for Mrs. J. A. Moore. The same plan has been adopted as in previous years, with groups of seals sent through the mail l in the hope that contributions will be returned promptly tq Mrs. R. C. Hol land, treasurer. Officials of the drive point out the great need for funds with which to combat tuberculosis, so that it is hoped Chowan will be even more gen- j|j .previous v-ars , Mrs 4 . Kramer Is very much encour aged at the outset of the drive in that the Junior Woman’s Club will assist i and she has the support of other groups. In the county schools Superinten dent W. J. Taylor will be in charge, while in the Edenton school Mrs. W. J. Darden will direct the drive. Min isters of the colored churches have agreed to use their efforts to secure contributions. The colored Woman’s Club has volunteered its services among the Negro people, while Prof. D. F. Walker will again have charge in the colored school. Everybody is urged to buy the seals and in event anyone is missed, Mrs. Holland or Mrs. Kramer will be de lighted to sell any number of the seals. Edenton Aces Draw Curtain On 1947 Grid Season Friday Night Added Color Planned With E. City Band In Leading Role Edenton’s Aces will ring down the curtain for the 1947 football season Friday night at 8 o’clock on Hicks Field when they meet their arch rival, the Elizabeth City Yellow Jackets. Extra color will be provided for this game, a feature being a parade down Broad Street by the famous Elizabeth City High School Band. The Edenton Student Council has also arranged to select a “Miss Eden ton’’ who will present a trophy to “Miss Elizabeth City” between the halves as a trophy of friendship be tween the two schools. The two girls will also be in the parade riding in a convertible automobile. The visiting band will also furnish entertainment .pi* the football field between the halves. The game will be the 20th time the two' schools have met on the grid-, iron, with the Yellow Jackets winning 16 of the games. The last game the Aces won was in 1987 by a score of 19-0. This year, however, the two teams, according to comparisons, are more evenly matched, if they play in their top form, though the Aces will start the game as somewhat the un derdog. - < Both teams have Sheen affected bjf injured players, so that a hard-fbught game is anticipated. It 1» hoped that a large number of fans will turn oat to witness the final game of the UUaOtL two' s iron, 5 16 of Edenton, Chowan County, North Carplina. Thursday, November 20.1947* J. A. Moore Dies In Duke Hospital After Very Brief Illness Mailt Attend Funeral At St. Paul’s Church Monday Afternoon Funeral services for John Augustus Moore, who died Saturday at Duke Hospital, where he was a patient for a few weeks, were conducted from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, of which he was Senior Warden, Monday af ternoon at 3 o’clock by the Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, former Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, and the Rev. Harold W. Gilmer, rector of St. Paul’s Church. Interment was in the family plot in the old churchyard. The hymns used were “Oh, God, Our Strength In Ages Past”, “The Fight Is' Over, the Battle 4 Won” and “Gloria Excelsis”. .Mr. Moore was born in Edenton, the home of generations of his for bears, on December 19, 1878, the son of John A. and Mary Skinner Moore. He spent his boyhood in Halifax and Littleton and after his graduation from the University of North Caro lina he located in Henderson, where as secretary -of the Henderson & Harriet Mills he engaged in the textile manufacturing industry in which he attained a position of lead ership as director in recent years of the Institute, of Textile Technology at Charlottesville, Va., former presi dent of the North Carolina Cotton Manufacturers Association, former member of the executive committee and board of directors of the Cotton Textile Institute and various other groups. He moved to Edenton from Roanoke Rapids, where he had been president of the Patterson Mills, in 1930, and at the time of his death was an official of the Edenton Cotton Mill and of the Sterling Mills at Franklinton. Mr. Moore was a lifelong and de voted member of the Episcopal freely of his time and wise counsel in the administration of the church program in the nation, the diocese and the parish. He was a delegate for many years to the Triennual National Convention and never missed a meeting of the Dio cesan Convention. He took a deep and generous interest in every ac tivity of value to his community, and his loyalty, his integrity and high standard of duty, generosity, his kindness and his capacity for warm friendship were outstanding charac teristics of his personality. He is survived by his wife, the, former Miss Mabel Vann of Frank linton; two daughters, Miss Elizabeth Moore of Edenton, and Mrs. Carter Rowe of Boston, Mass., a son, John A. Moore, Jr., of Edenton and Frank linton, one grandson and two sisters, Misses Elizabeth and Carrie Helen Moore of Littleton. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends, anil while the family requested no flowers, more than a hundred telegrams were re ceived by the bereaved family. Mary Van Kirk Appears In Concert At Ahoskie Members of the Edenton Commun ity Concert Association will be in terested to know that Mary Van Kirk, contralto, will appear in a concert at the Ahoskie High School auditorium Monday night, November 24, at 8:30 o’clock. Singing the great contralto aria, “Erda’s Warning,” from Wag ner’s “Rheingold,” she won the Met ropolitan Auditions of the Air and became the then youngest member in the history of the Metropolitan Opera Company. Members of the local association are entitled to attend the concert, and it is expected quite a few will go to Ahoskie to hear the artist. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH PLANS. TO DISTRIBUTE FOOD ITEMS As has been the custom for many years, the congregation of 'St. Paul’s Church will make a Thanksgiving offering of food. These gifts of food will be used to' decorate the church for the Thanksgiving Day service, and will then be distributed to the needy of the community. Those who are planning to con tribute something for this service are asked to bring it to the church so the decorating committee may use it.- * ' —r ; ? AUXILIARY MEETING FRIDAY Mjrs. Paul Holoman, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, an nounced a meeting which will be held at her home, 208 North Broad Street Fridfcy night at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Bolo man states that matters of great im portance will come up for discussion, so that every member of the Auxili ary is purged to attend. > Many Masons Attend Joint Meeting Held In Edenton Tuesday Delightful Affair Held At American Legion Hut at Base Over 200 Masons from the First and Second Districts gathered in Edenton Tuesday, the highlight being the presence of Luther T. Hartsell, Grand Master, and Wilbur L. Mclver, Grand Secretary. Both Grand Lodge officers met with a large number of subordinate lodge officials in the Court House Tuesday afternoon, when both explained lodge workings and answered questions relative to various lodge problems. At the conclusion of this meeting Mr. Mc lver took a number of group pictures. At 7 o’clock a fried chicken dinner was served at the American Legion hut, the Legionnaires very generously turning over their headquarters for the occasion, while they met at the Court House instead- The meeting was very delightful in every respect, being highlighted by a splendid address by Grand Master Hartsell. In his remarks he empha sized the simple fundamentals of Freemasonry, saying it was a simple institution demanding three things, duty to God, duty to constituted gov ernment and duty to our fellowmen. He said everything in the system of Freemasonry points to one of the above three requirements. “We must,” he said, “place within the hearts of those on the inside of the lodge the precepts of Masonry there by making the member a better man.” A number of other guests also made brief remarks during the meeting. ■ W. O. Elliott, master of the local lodge, called the meeting to order and then handed the gavel to H. A. Cam pen, deputy Grand Master for the Second District, who acted as toast-. : master. A rising vote of thanks was tendered the Auxiliary ladies for the splendid dinner and their cooperation. Norman Mm WM Present Concert At High School Tonight Proceeds of Affair Will Be Given to Chowan Hospital Expectations are for a large crowd to gather in the high school auditor ium tonight (Thursday) when Norman Cordon, Metropolitan Opera baritone, will present a concert for the benefit of the Chowan Hospital. Mrs. David Holton, chairman of the Fine Arts Committee, has done a splendid job in arranging and car rying out plans for the concert which is awaited with great enthusiasm on the part of music lovers and those interested in the hospital. Mr. Cor don is offering his services free, so that it is hoped the auditorium will be filled to capacity. Tickets may be obtained at the door by those who not bought them in advance. Mr. Cordon will begin his concert at 8:30 o’clock. Dance For Benefit Os Band Nov. 28th In Edenton Armory Affair Planned By Lo cal Junior Woman’s Club Plans have been completed for the Junior. Woman’s Club dance which will be held Friday night, November 28 in the Edenton armory from 9 until 1 o’clock. Roy Cole and his orchestra from Chapel Hill has been secured to provide the music for the occasion/ The club is sponsoring the dance . for the benefit of the Edenton Band and it is anticipated that a large crowd will support this worthy cause. Drinks and sandwiches will 1 be sold. Mrs. C. e proposed peanut allotment program for 1948. Library Hours Forced To Undergo Change Until the new boiler in the Muni cipal Building is installed, thus fur nishing heat again for the Shepard- Pruden Library, Mrs. Sidney Mc- Mullan, librarian, has announced that the library will be open only two hours each day, from 11 to 12 A. M„ and in the afternoon from 3 to 4 o’clock. Notice will be given when the usual schedule will be resumed. COLORED WOMEN PLAN TO FORM HOSPITAL AUXILIARY All colored women interested in the Chowan Hospital are asked to meet at Brown-Carver Library Saturday af ternoon at 2 o’clock in order to or ganise a Hospital Auxiliary. Py Christmas Seals! 551.50 Per Year Those Favoring Meters Also Requested to Be Present LONG MEETING Contribution of SSOO Is Given to Edenton’s Band Fund With a great deal of business con fronting them, Town Counciltnen were held in session Tuesday night until after the midnight hour. The meet ing was held a week later this month due to being postponed last week on account of the Armistice Day holi day. It was expected that a delegation would be on hand Tuesday night to ask that the present parking meters be removed or disregarded. However, a letter was presented from Peter Carlton, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association, stating that at the request of David Holton, one of the'merchants, and at the direction of H. A. Cam pen, presi dent of the association, a request is made to hold a special hearing for a large number of merchants relative to the question of parking meters and that such meeting should be held Monday night, November 24. This particular date,- however, apparently was not convenient for the Council men, so it was agreed to meet next Tuesday night, November 25, to wait upon the committee or delegation in terested in the matter. The Council men Were informed that a petition had been signed by a large number of merchants, in whose behalf the spe cial meeting was called. Several of the Councilmen reported that they have heard far mo»e favor able comments about the meters than they have criticism, and Mayor Has- . kett reported that* he had--made iEn quiry not only in rural Chowan, but in nearby towns, where he learned that business is also considerably off despite the fact that meters are not used. R. L. Williams, who lives on the Suffolk highway, was present, saying he understood that the Coun cilmen intended to remove the meters and he wanted to register his ap proval of them, pointing out the ad vantages to him personally and sim ilar opinions advanced by people in his neighborhood. Town Councilmen realize that an effort will be made to have people present at the special meeting who object to the meters, so that if those who favor the meters are interested in seeing them remain, they, too, should show their interest by attend--' ing. Mrs. L. A. Patterson, spokesman' for a delegation from the PTA, made a plea for a contribution to the band fund. Mrs. Patterson pointed out that only $90(1 more is needed to reach’ the $6,000 goal, but that very few more prospective contributors re main. She also explained how the $6,000 will be used, going for instru ments, rent, salary of a director and incidentals. After considerable con sideration, Town Council voted to ap-H propriate SSOO for the purpose. Thiffl amount will come from E. & Wl earnings. Another request for an appropriaH tion was made by Walter Holton, repH resenting the American Legion. Mrfl Holton explained that the Legion i,S planning to erect a war which will be a credit to the towH and also will be available for and social affairs. Town went on record as favoring a bution, but that the amount should determined at a later date. H Albert Byrum and Ernest appeared in behalf of a problem on North Broad Street. cent flooding of the section was (Continued on Page Five) C. C. Goodwin Expressel Appreciation For HeM In Arranging ParadH Carroll Cason Goodwin, of the parade committee in the istice Day celebration last week, sires to thank all members of committee and all those who cipated in any way. “Although clement weather greatly reduced attendance and caused some minute confusion,” said Mr. win, “the participants and commaM®! members deserve a round of MHH plause.” IfflH Serving on the committee witkfljH Goodwin were Oscar Duncan,j9H Skiles, A. E. Jenkins, Nick GoflH and Robert L. Pratt. JflHf