PAGE SIX 1948 OUTLOOK IS GENERALLY FAVORABLE FOR SOUTHERN-PRODUCED COMMODITIES Belief Advanced That Products Will Find Ready Markets The market outlook for southern produced goods is generally favorable for 1948, according to Marion A. Leonard, district manager of the U. S. Department of 'Commerce. Granted that nothing unforseen hapf>ens to upset the equilibrium of the national economy, producers of such commodities as fertilizers, tex tiles, lumber, tobacco, pulp and paper and certain other products that are being produced in relatively high de gree in the South should continue to find ready markets, it was stated. Here is the way the Commerce De partment pictures the situation for the coming year on commodities im portant to southern industry: Fertilizers —Another record produc tion year is anticipated. Production nationally will possibly exceed 17 mil lion tons, or about 7 per cent over 1947, but demand will be too heavy to be satisfied completely. New plants or expansions are taking place to meet the unprecedented demand. Lumber Active demand should continue at current high levels, or in crease in pace with indicated con struction activity. Production may be expected to continue at about 1947 levels with perhaps slight gains, but limited plant facilities, equipment, THERE IS NO SUB>J ituTE “ you ~ flit S >7Bo Instil LAIRD & CO. Scobeyville,N.J. TAKE.... Greenfield’s MILKY WAY To Better Health NOBODY OUTGROWS THE NEED OF MILK GREENFIELD DAIRY I EDEXTON, N. C. P. O. BOX 350 mtmm mmm\ h>im 11 tnm f * —■— \ HAPPY year v I 1948 promises to be a big 0m year for all of us. We sin cerely hope that you will receive your full share of happiness and good things of life in the coming year. Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. m ?Man of the Year’ liPxiK ' mk ijg§g|«r x ' wll v, w ■ Mt i| pl f ut ir+Um BoJlnJi thrto) Donald Comer, chairman of the board of Avondale Mills, Sylaeauga, Ala., who has been selected the South’s Man of the Year. The high honor, announced by Hubert F. Lee, editor of Dixie Business and president of the Chamber of Com merce of the South, goes each year to an outstanding Southerner for his contribution to the advance ment and well-being of Dixie. The textile executive has devoted his whole life to promoting the ma terial prosperity and social welfare of the South, labor and resources will operate against any material increase. Hard wood flooring, continuing to gain in production volume should become relatively easier, but neither it nor millwork show promise of becoming in plentiful supply during 1948 in re lation to prospective demand. Pulp and Paper—With additional domestic pulp and paper capacity coming into production in near future months, it is believed that around the spring of 1948 supplies of most grades of paper, excluding newsprint, will approximate domestic consumption re quirements. Assuming that the total United States economy will continue at peak levels through 1948, which would mean some additional expan sion in paper requirements, and that there will be no material increases in exports of duld, it may be estimated Gift Wrapping Materials and Greeting Cards For All Occasions DAM PEN’S JEWELERS THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY,JANUARY 1, 1948 that both pulp and paper supplies will j just about balance customers’ needs during the year. j .Textiles —The apparel and acces sories industry, which is an outstand- 1 ing example of small business in mass production, may, by taking measures to curb the inflationary spiral, find the year 1948 to be an era of good business activity with sustained finan cial health. An increase in the pres ent high level of production is fore seen. Production of lines evaluated on their worthiness of depth buying, may be termed the key to prosperous apparel markets, supported by the rise in per capita income. Tobacco—Domestic demand for un manufactured tobacco in 1948 should be satisfactory, since production and consumption of .most tobacco products bid fair to continue at the 1947 high levels, and in the case of cigarettes may rise above it. This is especially true of the cigarette types of leaf. Prices received by growers for most kinds of tobacco will remain close to support levels, which have increased substantially during the past year. The export outlook is less favorable, with dollar shortages abroad and loss of the United Kingdom market for an indefinite period. Furniture —The supply of furniture is expected to equal the demand as the industry continues to produce at record levels. A larger volume of the popular priced lines of furniture will be available as people become more price and quality minded. Dairy Products—lt is expected that the amount of milk produced on farms in 1948 will not be noticeably differ ent from the 1947 output. Assuming that consumer incomes remain high and no major change in fluid milk prices occur, the per capita consump tion of fluid milk will about equal the 403 pounds consumed in 1947. Poultry Products Production of eggs in 1948 is expected to be less than the output for 1947. Less feed will be available, and prices for feed stuffs will likely remain high. De mands in 1948 will probably remain as heavy as in 1947. Construction —For the country as a whole, construction activity in 1948 will amount to about $15,200,000,000. Based upon 1947 activity, some 10 per cent of that may be expected to be conducted in the Southeast. About 75 per cent is expected to be privately financed. Processed Fruits and Vegetables— Prospective 1948 supplies may be about equal to the ample supplies of 1947. Joyce-Harrell In Choir Christmas Broadcast Miss Joyce Lorine Harrell, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harrell, was among the 80-voice Meredith College Choir which broadcast the an nual Christmas music over Station WPTF, Raleigh, on Christmas night. Miss Harrell is a member of the choir. Miss Harrell, home for the Christ mas holidays, will return for the re opening of the college on January 2, with semester examinations scheduled to be held January 24-29. USD A Locates Plant Disease Forecaster at N. C. State College Dr. J. H. Jensen, plant pathology ! head at North Carolina State College, i has announced that the North Caro lina Agricultural Experiment Station jat State College has been chosen as ' one of three strategically-located sites i where plant disease forecast stations i are being set up to serve the nation’s farmers. The other two stations are located at Newark, Delaware, and Ames, lowa. Dr. Lee H. Person, who has bper designated as chief of the Raleigh station, arrived in Raleigh in Novem ber. Working under the Bureau of Mycology and Plant Disease Surve> of the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, he has begun setting the disease i forecast machinery in motion. From his Raleigh headquarters, Dr. Persor I will cover the entire southeastern re gion which includes the Carolinas Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas Mississippi, Alabama, Ten nessee, Kentucky, Virginia and Okla homa. | The new research project was or ganized under the Research and Mar keting Act passed last spring by Con gress, Dr. Jensen explains. It looks ' forward to the time when agricul tural specialists will be able to pre dict coming attacks of plant diseases For You To- Feci Well 24 hours every day, 7 days every week, never stopping, the kidneys filter waste matter from the blood. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove sur plus fluid, excess acids and other waste matter that, cannot stay in the blood without injury to health, there would be better understanding of why the whole system is upset when kidneys fail to function properly. Burning, scanty or toe lrequent urina tion sometimes warns thst something is wrong. You may suffer nagging bark ache, headaches, dizzinesr, rheumatic pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan’t Pi li»7 You will be using a medicine recommended the country over. Doan’t stimulate the func tion of the kidneys and help them to * lush out poisonous waats from the blood. Thay contain nothing harmful. Get Doan’t today. Use with confidence. At all drug font. _ . OUR DEMOCRACY byM* * Let the next generation be my client"," These were Horace Mann's worm when HE LOCKED THe DOOR OF HIS PROFITASLC LAW PRACTICE TO DEVOTE HIS LIFE TO Persuading taxpayers to support free schools- FOR CHILDREN OF EVERY CLASS, COLOR AND CREED* ESTABLISHING THE FIRST NORMAL SCHOOLS MANN STROVE TO STRENGTHEN AND IMPROVE THE FREE SCHOOL SYSTEM- WHICH TODAY IS A BASIC PAR-r OP OUR DEMOCRACY. as accurately and as readily as meteorologists now forecast coming changes in the weather. The three stations provided at pres ent are Out the beginning of the ser vice. Until they have become well established and ready to expand, the stations will concentrate on only three of the country’s chief crop dis eases. These diseases are the late blight of potatoes and tomatoes, the blue mold of tobacco and the downy mildew of cucumbers, cantaloupes and the like. The disease forecast will function much the same as weather forecasts, ~ ————— ——- HP IT’S heartening to see that upward slant for business, but it takes a lot of hard work, cooperation and high principle to keep the fig ures rising. This community, just like the nation as a whole, cap absorb a lot of goods; and in turn is called upon to produce all it can. The business men we know are pledged to chart a good record for 1948, and invite your full cooperation so that you can share in the worthwhile results. The Bank of Edenton J ‘SAFETY FOR SAVINGS S/ACE 1894” J MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION jfl MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ■ . " GHFDKLGH since plant diseases generally travel with the weather. The diseases ap pear in the extreme southern states early in the season and move north as the season progresses. Through the cooperation of State Experiment Stations and individual farmers, the forecast service will function as a communications depot where the re ports are received and the warnings sent out. The same arrangement has been carried on unofficially in past years, but the new service aims to speed up and coordinate the proceedings. The aim will be to get the warnings out soon enough for growers to apply preventive and control measures and thus safeguard their crops. JjppPerson, a native of Tennessee, is a specialist in vegetable diseases. He received his bachelor’s degree from Mississippi State College, and his masters and doctor’s from the University of Minnesota. He has had a wide experience in disease of sou thern field and vegetable crpps. “LET GEORGE DO IT ’ FOR SALE Brick Store Building Located on South Broad Street Edenton SEE George S. Twiddy PHONE 413 Mutual Insurance and * Real Estate Agent EDENTON, N. C. We Are Flattered That So Many s. Imitations Have Appewed On The IHTI-SKIPP? ! COMPOUND When You Want Ham Insurance Be Sure With . KjjSpp «<* Chambrt*’Anti- Skipper Compound N - J* BODD,E The Hem Ineureoee „ IC~-=s££rF7>l Men \ 00X463 \ DURHAM. N.C. Radio Service 1 For qu> v k and dependable radio service, call THOMAS JACKSON at Hughes-Holton Hardware Store. Jackson Radio Service PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE