PAGE TWO Jr. lewis Releases • Data For Spraying In Chowan County 1,647 Houses Treated During: 1947, Accord ing to Report Dr. S. V. Lewis, health officer, last week presented to the County Commissioners a report of the spray ing program conducted in Chowan County during the year 1947. The tabulation revealed the follow ing: There were 1,647 houses sprayed, of which 958 were white and 689 colored. Population of houses sprayed, 7,808. representing 4,186 white and 3,622 colored. Number of houses sprayed that were screened, 470, of which 436 were white and 34 colored. Number of rooms sprayed, 7,215, of which 3,811 were white and 3,404 colored. Number of porches sprayed, 2,769, of which 1,629 were white and 1,140 colored. Number of homes locked or other wise not sprayed, 801, of which 526 Now with •a*l*r-»o-u*o PLASTIC CURLERS .* HOME PERMANENT 7<r** Oeluxe Kit *% MITCHE.VER DRUG STORES I ■ ==^j Notice! CTY AUTOMOBILE TAGS ME NOW ON SALE AT THE MUNICIPAL GUIDING TAGS MUST BE BOUGHT AND DISPLAYED BEFORE FEB. 1, 1948 Save Embarrassment and Arrest By Complying With the Law! Louise D. Coke, Collector Robert L Pratt, Chief of Police BEER —Americas Beverage of Moderation —As Do Good Friends — SELF-REGULATION WEARS WELL! Eight years should provide a good test —and the North Carolina brewing industry’s Self- Regulation program is now that old. Today, it stands stronger than ever. Good friends always “wear well” and Self- Regulation has proved itself a good friend to the public, the law-enforcement agencies, and those in the beer business. Briefly, Self-Regulation is the system where by the brewing industry makes sustained effort to see that places selling Neer are clean, wholesome and law-abiding. Your patronage of beer retailers living up to these high operating standards is our strongest support NORTH CAROLINA COMMITTEE UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION ftlPj SAM M. BLOUNT, Slate Director VKR/ Soke 606-607 Iniorance Building, Raleigh, North Carolia* » „ L were white and 275 colored. Number of houses not sprayed that were screened, 513, of which 466 were white and 47 colored. Number of thoae houses sprayed in 1946, 485, of which 245 were white and 240 colored. Number giving history of having had malaria, 920, representing 561 white and 360 colored. Number of deaths from malaria, 4, of which two were whit© and two colored. Scouters Called To Meet January 18th District Chairman Geo. S. Twiddy Wants Good Start George S. Twiddy, Chairman of the West Albemarle Boy Scout District, has called a meeting of all Scouters of Edenton and Hertford which will be held in the Municipal Building in Edenton Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. “This will be the first meet ing of 1948”, said Mr. Twiddy, “and j it is very important that all commit-’ teemen attend, as I would like to get off to a good start at this time.” Mr. Twiddy announced the follow ing committees: Advancement Committee Oscar Duncan, Jim Chestnutt, 1’ S. Mc- Mullan and G. S. Twiddy. Leadership Training—H A. Cam pen and I’. A. Carlton. Health and Safety—Dr. Martin Wisely, Dr. W, S. Griffin and Dr. Francis Hughes. Organisation and Extension —John A. Holmes and Rev. W. L. Freeman. Camping and Activities —Carroll Goodwin, J. It. Byrum and Robert Smith. Finance Committee—A. B. Harless, West Leary and Henry Gardner. District Commissioner —G. 8. Pot ter. Hertford Committeemen—Dr. W. H. Bonner, Charlie Vann and Frank Mc- Googan. THE CHOWAN {fERALF EDENTON N C., THURSO,AJANUARY 15, 1948 BAPTIST PLAN MEETING AT SANDY CROSS CHURCH The Baptist W.M.U. Plan meeting of the Chowan Association will be held at Sandy Cross Church Tuesday, January 20, at 10 o’clock. Each one planning to be present is asked to bring lunch. All officers of individual societies and young peoples leaders are expected to at tend. * Classified and Legals PRESBYTERIAN Church building and lot, building 40x60 feet. Ideal for business or home. Broad Street location. See J. W. Griffin, Edenton. janls,22c FOR SALE—A METAL CLARINET. In first class condition. Call Mrs. H. T. Layton, phone 308-W or 162. ltc LAUNDRY HEATER FOR SALE. Pipes attached Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 124. janls,22c OAK WOOD FOR SALE—STOVE length. Delivered $3.50 per load. R. L. Williams, Virginia Fork. Tele phone 481-W2. janls,22c WHY WORRY IF AFFLICTED with any skin disease? Ask about V-J-O. Mitchener’s Pharmacy, Edenton. exp Nov 11 '4B HOG MINERAL MIXTURES ARE essential for your hogs at all times. We have it in stock at all times. $2.25 per bag. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” WE NOW SAVE EVERYTHING pertaining to your hog killing needs this season, including Salts, Saus age Seasoning, Tender Cure, Brine Guns, Sugar Cure, Sage, Liquid Smoke, Lard Tins, Butcher Knives and Sta-Fresh for your lard. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check erboard Store.” ltc FOR SALE ONE REGISTERED black and tan coon hound, 3 years old. One black and tan hound, 114 years old. Apply to L. H. Leary, Roper, N. C., Route 1. janß,lsp WE ARE TAKING ORDERS NOW for baby chicks. See us for your requirements. Halsey Feerf & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” FOR SALE CONCRETE BLOCKS Made with crusnea stone to pass government specifications, we believe this to be the best block being made in North Carolina today. Before you use any blocks, see ours. Our blocks are as near as your phone—we deliver anywhere. New Bern Building Supply Co, New Bern N. C. Phone 3143 Tarboro Concrete Products Co. Tarboro. N, C. Monuments of Quality Since 1902. Write direct for photographs and delivered prices. No agents. J. E. DEES MEMORIALS Greenville, N. C. COMPLETE PORK PROCESSING Chilling Cutting Out Storage Salt Curing Sugar Curing Smoking Lard Rendering Sausage Grinding and Seasoning Wrapping and Freezing of Freshes Lockers For Rent Guaranteed and Insured COLONIAL FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Phone 468 EDENTON, N. C. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO OWN A LOCKER TO HAVE MEAT CURED BEAGLES FOR SALE—REGISTER ed, nine months old. Running un usually well for their age. Sired by Contentnea Jack 11, one of the best rabbit dogs in the country, a field champion and producer of field champions. Paul Ober, Route 1, ■ Edenton. ltp FOR SALE BROODER HOUSE. Size about 12x8 ft. Can be used for most any little outside building. Also can be moved anywhere. Price $75.00. See Alfred Holley, Route 1, Box 101, Edenton. jenls-22pd WANTED MAN OR WOMAN— Steady income averaging $45 week ly. Call on customers for famous Watkins products. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3* Richmond, Virginia. Jan8,15,22,29pd POLISHES FOR ALL SHOES—IN all colors and shades —leather or fabric. Ward's Shoe Shop, West Eden Street. Apr 3 ts QUICK SERVICE ~ New Bern Monumental Works, manufacturers of finest quality mem orials. We do not buy from other dealers and re-sell. We offer best prices obtainable. Lasting satisfac tion guaranteed. Mrs. N. K. Rowell, 112 West Gale Sffeet, Edenton, N. C. Phone 136-J. tfc FOR SALE A WESTINGHOUSE electric range and Majestic cabinet coal heater. Call 250 or 126-J, Edenton. v decll-tf PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. Latest methods used •in the art. Contact Zeb E. Brown & Son, Ahoskie, N. C„ P. O. Box 168. jan8,15,22,29c EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE ■Haying qualified as Executrix of the estate of Annie E. Coffield, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said_ deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Caro lina, on or before the first day of January, 1949, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This first day of January, 1948. GLADYS SIMPSON. Executrix of Estate of Annie E. Coffield. Jun1,8,15,22,29Feb5c NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix- Administrator respectively of the es tate of J. A. Moore, late of Chowan BACKACHE Tot fulck comfort Inc help tor iHkiolw. RluwntaUo Paine, Getting Up Nl*hUb atrenc cloudy urine. Irritating peerage*, Leg Paine, ctrolee unitor era, and ewoltou antlee, due to non-organle and non-eyetemlo Kidney and Bladder trouble*, try Cyetox. Quick, eamplet* eatlefaotion or money back guaranteed, dak your druggtat for Cystox today. ~ : 8 . j 1 Ever Wish For j ALADDIN’S LAMP ■ To make your dreams come true? Certainly you have and that’s where \ most dreams end except .... , When you save regularly with the 5 help of Edenton’s friendly bank. A growing account and a happy ending for your hopes sort of go along to- A gether. I ;■ —❖— IWe Invite You to Visit Our Bank and Make Use of the Many Facilities For the Benefit of Patrons 1 The Bank of Edenton “SAFETY FOR SAVIN.GS SINCE 1894” MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 9 , MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 1 DM ■ H I Coynty, North Carolina, this is to no tify. all creditors of said estate to pre sent their claims to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of Decem ber, 1948, in Edenton, N. C., or this notice may be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All parties indebted to said estate will please make proinpt pay ment. This 18th day of December, 1947. (Signed) MABEL V. MOORE, Administratrix. JOHN A. MOORE, Administrator. Dec18,25Jan1,8,15,22,29c NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Chowan County. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed on the 4th day of De cember, 1946, to the undersigned, John F. White, Trustee, default hav ing been made in the payments of same, the undersigned will sell for cash at the Chowan County Court House door on February 14th, 1948, at 12:00 o’clock noon, the following described real estate: Tract No. 1, —Beginning at the in tersection of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company right-of-way and the Ferry Road right-of-way; thence Westwardly along the Ferry Road right-of-way 70 yards; thence North wardly parallel with the Norfolk Southern Railway right-of-way 140 yards; thence Eastwardly parallel with said Ferry Road right-of-way 70 yards; thence Southwardly along the Norfolk Southern right-of-way 140 yards to the place of beginning, con taining two acres and being the same land conveyed by Elbert Bunch and wife to-Bl W. Evans by deed dated May 23, 1925, registered in Book P, page 485, in Chowan County. Tract No. 2.—Beginning on Ferry Road at a point 70 yards Westwardly from the intersection of the said Ferry Road right-of-way and the Norfolk Southern Railway Company right-of-way; thence Westwardly along the Ferry Road right-of-way 70 feet; thence Northwardly parallel READINGS IN PRICE OF ALL consult MADAM JAYNE AMERICA’S FOREMOST PSYCHIC READER AND ADVISOR nn GUARANTEES SUCCESS WHERE OTHERS FAIL I give vou never failing advice on all matters of KljUl life, such’as love, courtship, marriage, divorce, law suits, speculations and transactions of all kinds. I never fail to reunite the separated, cause speedy and 1 happy marriages, overcome enemies, rivals, lovers quarrels, evil habits, stumbling blocks and bad luck I lift you out of your sorrow and trouble and start you on the path to happiness and prosperity. There is no heart so sad or home so dreary that I cannot bring sunshine to. In fact, no matter what may be your hope, fear or ambition, I guarantee to tell it all before you utter a word to me. ♦ MADAM JAYNE ALL BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 9A. M. TILL 10 P. M. Permanently Located In Pullman House Trailer on U. S. 17 North of Windsor Just Outside City Limits Near Phelps Store Separate Waiting Rooms for White and Colored Open Sundays Look For Hand Sign W indsor, with the Norfolk Southern Railways right-of-way 210 yards; thence EastjjA wardly parallel with the Ferry Roa<B right-of-way 9314 yards to the Nor-A ■folk Southern Railroad Company 1 right-of-way; thence Southwardly , along Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany right-of-way 70 yards to .the 11. W. Evans line, 140 yards to theij place of beginning on the Ferry Roadj containing two acres more or less and being the same land conveyed bv El bert Bunch and wife to R. E. Fore hand and B. W. Evans by deed dated August Bth, 1927, registered in Book Q-2, page 376, in Chowan County. Dated and posted this 12th day of January, 1948. JOHN F. WHITE, jan15,22,29feb5 Trustee. mp u*a*Hr start* aßsvtottat tata M jm ran ptota *»U»taottott*r«*a*r nt**4. Be Quick To Treat ! Bronchitis Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot af ford to take a chance with any medicine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creo sote by special process with other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains do narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the under standing you must like the way it quick ly allays the cough, permitting rest and 6leep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) f

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