Volume XV.—Number 27. Plans Being Whipped Into [: Shape For Bathing Beauty ContestAndWaterCarnival < Number of Queens Al ready Entered For ' Affair INTERESTMOUNTS i) Proceeds Will Go To the Edenton High School v Band Plans are rapidly being completed for the* bathing beauty contest and water carnival to be staged at the Edenton Naval Air Station swimming pool on Saturday night, July 10. The affair will get- under way at 7:30 o’clock and after the various events at the mammoth indoor pool the cele bration will be climaxed by an open air dance on the seaplane dock at the boat house. In event the weather is unfavorable, the dance will be held in the Edenton armory. Music for the dance will be furnished by Buggs • Bunny and his orchestra. Lloyd Griffin, Jr., who is taking the leading part in staging the event, re ported early this week that beauty queens have already been entered from Edenton, Williamston, Windsor, Hertford and Elizabeth City, and that he expects several more from nearby communities. Miss Nell Perry is scheduled to represent the swimming pool. Mr. Griffin stated that three news papermen, Herbert Peele of Elizabeth City, Max Campbell of Hertford and J. Edwin Bufflap of Edenton, will act as judges to select the beauty queen. H. A. Campen, president of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association, which organization is backing the affair, will act as master of ceremonies and Congressman Her bert Bonner is also expected to attend. Swimming teams from Wilson, Ra leigh, Tarboro and Kinston have al ready entered the swimming con tests, with interest centering