Contribute to The Boy Scout Fund! Volume XV.—Number 33. Scout Contributions Now Only One-third Os Quota For County George Twiddy Reports S4OO Collected Up to Tuesday George Twiddy, chairman of the West Albemarle District, reported Tuesday that the Boy Scout drive is sadly lacking in. that only about S4OO has been reported of Chowan County’s quota of $1,200. Although the report was incomplete, Mr. Twiddy express ed some concern for the ultimate success of the drive, for the reports lacking included only Rocky Hock and several of the lady solicitors in Edenton. Mr. Twiddy emphasized the im portance of raising the quota, for the amount is absolutely necessary if the Chowan County troup of Boy Scouts are to maintain membership in the Tidewater Council. Due to the apparent lack of success in the drive, Mr. Twiddy stated that the campaign will be continued in the hope that $1,200 will \>e raised. He urges all solicitors to report to him , as soon as possible any contributions they may have in hand, and to chpck over their territory to see that no one is missed. Baptist Junior BID In Charge Os Church Service Ji Sunday Young People Plan In teresting Program at Night Service On Sunday night, August 15, the Junior Training Union will have charge of the church service at the Baptist Church. The ttiembersL