Volume XV—Number 47. Navy Supervising Work Os Repairing And Changes At Edenton Naval Air Station News Story Wednesday Says Navy Abandons Reactivation MUCH "CONCERN Contractors Already at Base to Start Repair- , ing and Changes s No little concern developed in \ Edenton Wednesday following a news dispatch from Washington to the effect that the Navy has abandoned reactivation of the Edenton Air Station. i The decision, reported by a Navy spokesman, was caused by limitations imposed by President Truman on. national defense spending for the next fiscal year. , “Had Mr. Truman gone along ] with the overall budget recom mendations of 23 billion dollars for the armed services,” the spokesman said, “the Edenton Air Station would have been one of several reactivated on the East i Coast during the next fiscal year or the latter part of the current < year.” Mayor Leroy' Haskett and other Edenton people contacted Repre sentative Herbert Bonner Wednes day morning, who in turn got in touch with Washington. Mr. Bon ner later informed Mayor Haskett that the report was erroneous. Although orders are for the Eden ton Naval Air Station to be vacated by December 15, a group of Navy I officials, as well as contractors, are | already on the base getting it ready for occupancy by the Marines. Several inspections have been made I during the past week and on Friday a group made a thorough investiga tion of work which can be done in advance, so that as little time as possible will be needed to make re pairs and changes from the time the . base is vacated until the . arrival of j Marines. , These officials said it was the pur- pose to do as much work as possible _ this month and they contacted Town ‘ officials in order to cooperate so that no hardship or embarrassment will , develop on the part of any • people ‘ who are sub-leasing buildings from the Town. Some of those who have sub-leased . portions of the base and equipment have already vacated and all on the ’base except the hospital and the ( Country Club have been notified that _ it is necessary for- them to be out J and account for inventories on or be- | fore December 15. Little information is available con- j cerning the base, but the general , impression prevails that to start with there will be 1500 Marines stationed there. Methodists Resume Services fln Nov. 28 Connection of Boiler All Remaining In Exten sive Repair Program . Unless somgthing unforseen de velops, the Methodist Church will be in readiness to resume services on ( Sunday, November 28. There will ,be j no services, either church or church ] school, this coming Sunday due to ( the uncertainty of having the new boiler in operation. A considerable amount of repair ' and renovation work has been done , in and about the church during the past few months, and during that time, until two weeks ago, services were held in the school auditorium. 4-H Achievement Day Attendance Reduced Due To Bad Weather Due to inclement weather, attend ance at the Chowan 4-H Club Achievement Day in the Edenton armory was rather/ light, but the program presented was veiy good and apparently well appreciated and enjoyed by those present. Boys’ exhibits consisted of corn, cotton, pegnuts, garden, vegetables, j poultry and handicraft, while the : girls’ exhibits included canned foods, - clothing, biscuits, cakes, pies, candy < i and handicraft. - THE CHOWAN HERALD Rocky Mount Publisher Backing Local Efforts For Intelligent Markers Josh L. Horne, editor of the Rocky , Mount Telegram, is a booster for in- . telligent marking of historic* sites in ] this immediate section, as can be , seen in a letter written to the editor of The - Herald. Mr. Horne urges ■ support for the efforts put forth by 1 the Chamber of Commerce, and has j this to say: , , “My dear Buff: I have just read < the clipping from your newspaper i of October 14’ on the subject of Bill j Sharpe’s visit down and his appeal for an intelligent marking of points of historical interest around ; Edenton and their being gotten to- : gether in some type of historical booklet or cards. “I want you to know that I am on the back of the chair rooting for the success of that effort and I hope you will rally to Peter Carlton’s support and keep the matter, before the people of Edenton through the columns of your newspaper until it is accomplished. I can think of no thing that the service stations, cases, hotels and garages could support 1 with greater enthusiasm than this . proposal which Would mean money in their cash registers.” Aces Meet Kinston In Crucial Game Friday Local Boys Will Enter Game In the Role of Underdog With their final opportunity to go further toward conference and State honors, the Edenton Aces will jour ney to Kinston Friday night in a last ditch stand to at least register a tie for the Northwestern Con ference championship. The Aces will tackle the undefeated Kinston Red Devils and if the Edenton boys come ■ out on top, they will be tied with 1 Kinston for the honors. Kinston last Friday stopped Wash- 1 ington, a 'team which defeated the 1 Aces by a one-point margin a week earlier. On paper the Aces will enter ! the game in the role of underdog, J although Coach Cecil Fry, who wit- 1 nessed the Kinston-Washington game, expressed the opinion that if the Aces play the brand of ball of which 1 they are capable, he believes they will be able to trip the Red Devils. To date Edenton and Kinston have : met on the gridiron only four times, ■ n 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1947. In each game the Red Devils were the victors, last year the score being 25-12. A large crowd of Edentpn support ers are expected to accompany the Aces to Kinston, which will be the final game of the season* unless ne gotiations wi|h Ahoskie materialize 1 for a game to be played in Edenton ; next week. Thanksgiving Dance In Armory On Nov. 26 Sponsored by the Junior Woman’s Club, a Thanksgiving dance will be held in the Edenton armory Friday night, November 26, starting ,at 9:30 o’clock. Music for the dance will be furnished by Buddy Butterton and his orchestra from Portsmouth, which organization is becoming very pop ular for dances in this section. For ally who desire reservations for the dance, it is important that either Mrs. R. N. Hines or Mrs. , Jesse Harrell be contacted as soon ' as possible. Mrs. Hines’ telephone ' number is 392 and Mrs. Harrell’s is 117-J. At the meeting of the American Legion Tuesday night the organiza tion endorsed the Junior Woman’s Club Thanksgiving dance, and will co operate in making it a success. The club has been notified to that effect. Dr. J. W. Davis, Jr.. Goes ; To Hospital At U. Os P* I' Dr. Junius W. Davis, Jr., is at home for a few days enroute from Duke : Hospital, Durham, to Philadelphia; where he will serve as resident physi- i dan in pediatrics at the Hospital of ' the University of Pennsylvania. ——————■■—— Edenton, Chowan uarolina Thursday, November 18,1948. Dinner Cliißlo Local Obs || nee Os Educanonweek About 60 People Enjoy Affair Held In the Parish House Climaxing a day which was centered around activities relating to the ob servance of National Education Week, the Edenton unit of the North Caro lina Education Association held a dinner meeting on the night of No vember 9 in the Parish House. Miss Rosalie Andrews, field representative of the NCEA, was guest speaker. Around 60 persons were present, including members of the local fac ulty; members of the School Board: Chairman Thomas Chears and Mrs. Chears, W. A. Leggett and Mrs. Leg gett, J. H. Conger, W. E. Bond and Mrs. Bond, P. S. McMullan and Mrs. McMullan and Mrs. J. Clarence Leary and Mr. Leary; Miss Paulina. Hassell, former principal of Edenton High School; Mayor and Mrs. L. Ib Has kett; Representative-elect J. H» Mc- Mullan and Mrs. McMullan; Chairman of the County Board of Education J. E. Wood and Mrs. Wood; President of the Parent-Teacher Association Mrs. L. A. Patterson, and Mrs. Frank El liott. Husbands or wives of several of the teachers were also preseent. Mrs. Richard Davis, president of the local unit, presided. The invoca tion was given by Superintendent John A. Holmes, after which Mrs. Davis extended greetings to all. Two numbers were sung by Mrs. Frank Elliott, accompanied by Miss Dorothy Williams, piano teacher. Mr. Holmes then > introduced the faculty and guests. A stimulating report of the confer ence on Federal aid to education was (Continued on Page Eight) Charles Lee Overman Now An Eagle Scout Court of Honor Held In Scout Cabin Wednes day Night At a court of honor held in the Scout cabin Wednesday night of last week Charles Lee Overman, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Overman, receiv ed the Eagle Scout award. The court was presided over by Oscar Duncan, advancement chairman and present for the occasion were Scouts from the West Albemarle District. Duncan was assisted by George Twiddy, district chairman; Geddes Potter, district commissioner; J. L. Chestnutt and W. S. G iffin. Scouts Francis Hicks, William Crummey and William Gardner were advanced to Star Scouts and about 30 merit badges were awarded to various Scouts. Rotarians Planning For Christmas Party Edenton Rotarians plan to hold their annual Christmas party again this year, according to action taken at last week’s meeting. Though no definite date was set for the party, Frank Holmes, Charles Wal'es and M. M. Perry were appointed as a committee to make arrangements. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SEAL SALE SIAfED TO GEE UNDER WAY IN EDENTON NOV. 22 Chairman Ralph E. Pafrrish Urges Generous Re sponse to Help In Local Fight Against Dis ease Which Can Be Prevented “Tuberculosis causes more deaths among persons between the ages of , 15 and 44 than any other disease,” says Ralph E. Parrish, president of the Chowan County Tuberculosis and Health Association, “yet according to authorities, the disease can be pre vented.” / • It is for this purpose that the Cho wan County Tuberculosis and Health Association its annual sale of Christmas seals to raise money to carry on its curative and preventive work and concurrently with it, an j educational campaign. Mr. Parrish is chairman of this sale. Mrs. R. C. Holland, Mrs. Car roll Kramer and membfers of the Junior Woman’s Club are assembling and putting stamps in envelopes which will be mailed November 22. i Everybody receiving one of these en- Change Announced j In Edenton Company Os National Guard Strength of Local Outfit Increased From 61 To 121 Men According to Captain William P. Jones,' commanding officer of the Ed enton National Guard Company, the organization has been streamlined, based on latest plans developed from World War II experience. The co mpany will henceforth be known and equipped as a heavy mortar company. This automatically increases the en listed strength from the present froz en roster of 61 men to that of 121 men, since a unit of this type calls for more men and officers. Normally a cannon company has a peacetime strength of 76 men and five officers, but due to the peacetime draft the companies were frozen to strength attained, as of the date of effect of same. An infantry * regiment no longer has a cannon company nor an anti tank company, but does have a heavy tank company and a heavy mortar company. This new development came about through War Department experience in the late war and the new setup better meets modern war fare requirements. Os interest to old and new men alike, is the new increased pay scale, change in titles of grades, and re tirement pay based on certain years of service for National Guardsmen. The annual pay scale is as follows, exclusive of longevity and subsist ence: - Recruit, $157.59; private, $168.- (Continued on Page Five) Two More Dances At Legion's Hut Final Affairs Expected To Top Any Previous Dances Os interest to dance enthusiasts is an announcement by the Legion Club that two more dances are sched uled in the Legion Hut before the base is vacated for reactivation. These two dances will be held Saturday nights, November 20, and December 4. The Legion will move out of the officers’ club as per request before December 15. Music for both dances will be fur nished by Buddy Butterton and his orchestra from Portsmouth, and ac cording to plans these two dances will be the best staged by the club. Proceeds from the dances will go to ward building a new Legion home, so it is hoped large crowds will be on hand for both affairs. Visiting Hours At Hospital Emphasized Due to a misunderstanding regard ing visiting hours at Chowan Hos pital, Miss Frances Tillett, manager, furnished The Herald with the fol lowing schedule: Privte rooms, 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. Semi-private rooms, 2 to 8 P. M. Wards, 2 to 4 afternoons and 7 to 8 at night. Visitors are urged to remember the above hours and do their visit ing accordingly. ' —r velopes will be asked to buy the seals so that the work of the association can'be carried on in the highest de gree of efficiency and for the greatest benefit to the public. The 1948 Christmas Seal pictures a child sitting before a fireplace, at which stockings have been hung, awaiting Santa Claus, reminding that Santa Claus comes to lift when we do something to help others at Christ mas. “We can help others and ourselves,” says Mr. Parrish, “by buying and using Christmas Seals to support the fight against tuberculosis, which is be ing waged throughout the country by the National Tuberculosis Association and its 3,000 affiliates.” • A communicable disease, it is spread by persons with “open” TB, (Continued on'Page Five) IContract Scheduled To Be Received For geik-Tyler Store In Edent§ii Sec. 7 | HEIP! HELP! J Early this week, J. Edwin Bufilap, chairman of the Chowan County Chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Par alysis, was contacted by tele phone from Chapel Hill relative to a county chairman for the ap proaching' March of Dimes. Mr. Bufflap has asked several people to serve as chairman,' but so far none has accepted. It is very imperative that somebody serve in this capacity, so that an appeal is made for a volunteer. Information from State head quarters is to the effect that all county quotas will be doubled, which is due to the ravages of infantile paralysis during the past summer. Anyone who will volunteer to act as chairman for the 1948 March of Dimes is urged to con tact Mr. Bufflap at once. Many Rural People At Annual Dinner Os Demonstration Clubs Rev. Paul Nickens of Plymouth Principal Speaker Rural people from every section of Chowan County were on hand at the Legion hut Thursday night of last week, when the annual dinner of Chowan County home demonstra tion clubs was held. The affair was very delightful, with a splendid pro gram arranged and a sumptuous turkey dinner which was served by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Wallace Goodwin presided as toastmistress and opened the meet ing by calling on the Rev. J. W. Davis to give the invocation. Mrs. Percy L. Smith made a brief ad dress of welcome, which was respond ed to by C. W. Overman. Mrs. Frank Elliott then sang a solo, “Come To the Fair”, with Miss Dorothy Williams as accompanist. C. W. Overman led in group singing during the program. The principal speaker was the Rev. Paul Nickens of Plymouth, who was introduced by the Rev. Mr. Davis. Mr. Nickens spoke on the subject “The Investment of Life”, prefacing his remarks by saying “Life is not only the number of years you live, or how long, but how well.” He informed his audience that each individual must make an invest ment in life, and that parents or friends cannot do it. “Each person must be a victim or victor in the struggle of life,” he said, “and the choice is in your hands.” He urged the right investment in life in order to contribute something worthwhile to civilization. “We have a world of ruin,” he said, “but we have a world of hope and out of the ashes of this old world will emerge a better world with the right kind (Continued on Page Five) Seven Chowan Boys Sent To Fort Bragg Seven young men, one white and six Negroes, the first group of draf tees from Chowan County under the new Selective Service law, left Edenton Tuesday morning for Fort Bragg to be processed. Morgan Butler is the white man, while the Negroes include: Ellis W. Scott, Javan Roberts, Percy A. Lee Foxwell, Charlie H. Austin, Penn Dalpha Wadsworth and George A. Riddick. Skeet Club Staking Turkey Shoot Today J. R. Byrum, president of the Chowan County Wildlife Club, an nounces a turkey shoot which will be held at the Skeet Club at the Eden ton Naval Air Station today (Thurs day). The shooting will begin at 1 o’clock. Mr. Byrum stated that an unlimit ed number of turkeys will be on hand, so that everybody is invited i to join the crowd and carry home a , Thanksgivirig turkey if their marks manship warrants a prize. Buy Christmas Seale $2.00 Per Year. :> Local Structure Expect ed to Cost Approxi mately $150,000 TWO STORIES Concern Plans to Spend Million Dollars on Sev eral Buildings According to an announcement made in Charlotte early this week by the Belk Bros. Company, a bid on a new Belk-Tyler store for Edenton will be received December 7. The announcement stated that the build ing will cost in the neighborhood of $150,000. About two years ago the Belk- Tyler concern purchased the old Penelope Barker Hotel site on Broad Street, after which the old and rather dilapidated frame building was torn down. Since that time per mission has been granted the Town of Edenton to use the site as a park ing lot, and many motorists have tak en advantage of the parking' facil ities, especially since the inauguration of parking meters. The new building will be two stories high and the prediction is that it will greatly enhance the business section. The concern anticipates spending about a million dollars, included in which will be remodeling of the store at Greenville, S. C., and new stores at Edenton, Plymouth and Morganton. Mayor Leroy Haskett has been in close touch with the Belk concern, and only last week made two trips out of town in connection with the proposed new building in Edenton. Lions And Rotarians Play Golf On Sunday * Rotary Club Accepts a Challenge Issued on Tuesday Edenton Lions Club on Tuesday handed a challenge to the Rotary Club for a game of golf, which will be played Sunday afternoon starting at 1 o’clock on the Edenton golf Course. The Rotarians have accepted the challenge, so that a goodly number of friends of both clubs will no doubt be on hand to witness the outcome. The Lions will have as their Captain Jimmie Partin, while Richard FI Elliott will direct the play for the Rotarians, both of whom express confidence that their team can come out winner. Mainstays on the Lions team will be West Byrum, Geddes Potter, J. Clarence Leary, Jimmie Partin, Graham Byrum, Cecil Fry and Hec tor Lupton. Those who will be called upon to uphold the Rotarians’ golf reputation include David Holton, Gilliam Wood, Jim Wood, Dr. Frank Wood, Richard Elliott, Meredith Jones, Joe Conger, Jr., Jimmie Earnhardt and J. Edwin Bufflap. Progress Shown In Securing Bleachers At a meeting of the Varsity Club Monday night J. H. Conger, Jr., re ported that in the neighborhood of S2OO is in hand toward the purchase of portable bleachers for use at athletic events, a project sponsored by the club. He stated that specifi cations are being prepared and that local concerns will be- asked for bids for the first' section. The club also discussed the annual Christmas dance and endorsed the Thanksgiving dance sponsored by the Junior Woman’s Club which will be held in the armory November 26. Mrs. Whito Grateful For Veterans’ Gifts Mrs. Jesse White, who was in charge of the collection of gifts for veterans in hospitals, this week ex i pressed her appreciation for items I contributed for the purpose, i These presents will go to disabled veterans in hospitals at Oteen, Swannanoa and Fayetteville.