VofumtT 42. 1 Bloodmobile Will Be At Edenton Armory Tuesday, Nov. 15th Dr. Southgate Lee Ex-’ plains Program Mon day Night FINE SUPPORT Volunteers Now Being Sought to Donate Blood At a meeting in the Court house Monday night of all Chairmen and committee members taking an active part in the blood program of Edenton and Chowan County, plans were com pleted for the first visit of the blood mobile to this community November 15th. Dr. Southgate Lee, Chairman of the Coordinating Committee of the Blood Program, stated that, “the idea of this program is to keep a constant supply of blood available to this community so that all we will have to do is to reach in an ice box and get blood ,of all types. Not only may you get blood in your hospital but if needed in your home you may also acquire this blood. A fresh supply of blood is kept on hand at all times. After the first 21 days if the blood is not used it is sent back to the Center in Norfolk and made into plasma.” Dr. Lee stated there are advantages in being a blood donor. “No pain at all is felt in giving blood,” he said, “and it makes the donor feel better in that it stimulates blood forming or gans. It also makes one feel better mentally, having done his part in saving a life.” He stated that he personally has given 50 pints of blood in his life. All healthy, male or female between ages of 18 and 60 are eligible to do nate. Those under 21 must have writ ten permission from their family. About one hour is required to go through the giipnb prpgedure. This including the ‘time it "takes the donor to go to the \rmory, which is the center of this community, and back to his work or home to resume his regu lar active duties. “If the need of blood in your com munity is an emergency,” said Mr. Lee, National Guard Air Service will rush it to you by plane. All you have to do is to have your chairman meet the plane, where’ he will receive the blood and deliver it immediately to you All communities visited by the bloodmobile have given their full sup port and it is hoped that eventually all hospitals will be included in this pro gram.” Miss Margaret Margrave, Blood Program representative of the Nation continued on Page Twelve) * Albemarle League Meeting October 31 President Gaylord De sires to Wind Up Sea son’s Affairs A meeting of the Albemarle League has been called by Howard B. Gaylord, president, to be held in the Chowan County Court House. The meeting will be held Monday night, Octobex 31, at 8 o’clock. In notifying directors and officers of the league, Mr. Gaylord said the meeting is necessary in order to fin ally wind up affairs for the past sea son. For that matter aJI concerned are requested to attend. BPW Club Meeting In Hotel Tonight The Edenton Business and Profess ional Women’s Club will hold their regular monthly meeting tonight (Thursday) in the Hotel Joseph Hewes club room at 8 o’clock. This meeting will be the first to be held in the club’s new headquarters, and a good attendance is anticipated. Mrs. Anne Jenkins, in charge of the program, ias arranged an inter esting feature for the evening during which time William A. Sutherland of Elizabeth City, Field Scout Executive for the Albemarle District, will speak and show a film on “Fire Prevention.” Other guests who will be on hand in clude J. L. Chestnutt, Scout District . Chairman, and Philip McMullan. SI Mrs. Corie B. White, president of | the local' organization, requests that jjP all members attend this meeting as lypMtters of importance must be dis | posed of. THE CHOWAN HERALD' >r\^>/vwwNA/wsr»/ww^/w\/w\/s/wv^A^^» | Blood Donors J Mrs. Jimmie Earnhardt, publi city chairman for the Chowan County Blood Program, this week announced that the entire mem bership of the Junior Chamber of Commerce has volunteered to do nate blood in the campaign. Others who have volunteered to donate a pint of blood are: El wood L. Nixon, Elbert H. Copeland, Charles P. Wales, Jr., Richard E. Aiken, Jr„ Edward H. Wozelka, Maynard Fleetwood, Jr., Thomas E. Francis, Wayne W. Massey, Jr., Horace C. White, Murray F. Byrum, Luther C. Packs, R. Graham White, Lloyd C. Burton, J. Willis McClenney, George H. Davis, J. E. Coffey, Sam Allen, J. H. Oliver, Jr., W. D. O’Neal, Thomas C. Byrum, Jr., Scott Harrell. Rebecca Swindell Assumes Duties As Supervising Nurse Mrs. Louise Barber New Secretary of Health District Dr. B. B. McGuire, health officer of the local Health District, announced early this week that Miss M. Rebecca i Swindell of Fairfield has assumed her duties as supervising nurse for the four-county health district, of which Chowan County ii a part. “We feel fortunate to be able to ob tain, g we.ll quaked for this most Important position,” said Mr. McGuire. Miss Swindell is a graduate of Leigh Memorial Hospital in Norfolk, Va. She was granted a B. S. degree at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. After spending some time as instruct ress with the Metropolitan Life In surance Company Field Training Unit .for some months, she has been edu cational director with the Wake Coun ty Health Department as instructress. This is a teaching unit of the Public Health School University *of North Carolina. It is planned at a later date for this Health Department to be used as a teaching unit for advanced public health nurse training. Mrs. Zenovah White of Hertford, who has been secretary with this de partment for some time, has resigned. With her pleasing personality she has been a decided asset in that office, and her loss will be keenly felt. Mrs. Louise Barber of Hertford will, as sume her duties in this position at Hertford on November 1. Red Men’s Dance Saturday, Oct 29 Music Will Be Furnished By Buddy Butterton And Orchestra Members of Chowan Tribe of Red Men are now busy arranging for the dance to be sponsored by the tribe on Saturday night, October 29, in the Edenton Armory. Tickets for the dance were distributed among the members at Monday night’s meeting , and it is expected a large number will attend the dance. Music for the dance will be furnish ed by Buddy Butterton and his or chestra, a band which is well known to many local dancing enthusiasts. The i affair will 3tart at 9:30 o’clock and * continue until midnight. < Several committees have been ap- 1 pointed in connection with the dance : and it is hoped that the affair will be even more successful than the one had ii last year, which was referred to as 1 one of the best dances ever held in ' Edenton. - ■ ■ ■ - —— l MASONS MEET TONIGHT 1 Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & 3 A. M., will hold a regular eornmunica- : tion tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the hall in the Court House. Rich- 1 ard P. Baer, master of' the lodge is 1 vary anxious to have a large attend ance in order to consider plans for the fall season. Edenton, Chowan County, North Cardin^,'Thursday, October 20, 19&T County Federation Holds Fail Meeting Wednesday, Oct 2S Past President of State Federation Principal Speaker The fall meeting of the Chowan County Federation of Home Demon- t etration Clubs will be held Wednes- 1 day afternoon, October 26, at 2:30 o’clock in the Community House. ; Mrs. Wallace Goodwin, president, will preside. The principal speaker for the occa sion will be Mrs. J. Brooks Tucker of Grimesland. Mrs. Tucker is a past ' president of the State Federation of Home Demonstration Clubs and rep resented this district as delegate last year at the meeting of Associated Country Women of the World which was held in Holland. A feature of the meeting will be the installation of new County Coun cil officers, which will be done by the new District Agent, Mrs. Verona J. Langford. The following officers will be in- I stalled: President—Mrs. O. M. Blanchard of the Ward Club. Vice President—Mrs. E. E. Privott of the Chowan Club. Secretary and Treasurer—Mrs. Em mett Jones of the Center Hill Club. Song Leader—Mrs. Carey Hollo well. Pianist —Mrs. Maybelle Winslow. Decorations for the meeting will be in charge of the Center Hill Club, of which Mr 3. E. L. Belch is president. Mrs. T. E. Chappell is chairman of the committee. General arrangements will be handled by the Chowan Club, of which Mrs. H. M. Bunch is president. Refreshments will be in charge of the Ward Club, of which Mrs. Roy Winslow is president. Miss Frances THlett Attends Meeting Os Hospital Executives Emphasizes Importance Os Providing Blood For Patients Miss Frances Tillett, supervisor of Chowan Hospital, recently attended a district meeting of the Hospital Ad ministration of Northeastern North Carolina. The main.tooic for discussion was what is being done for plasma in hospitals. “I was very proud of the fact” says Miss Tillett, “that out of eight repre sentatives at the meeting, Edenton : was one of the two included in the 1 National Red Cross Blood Program. “This program is going to mean a , great deal to the people in this com munity and to our hospital. Just re cently a severely burned patient was carried to the hospital and was given seven pints of blood plasma. We are constantly in need.of blood and often a patient’s life is endangered while blood donors are being located. Through this program blood will be available the minute it is needed. Edenton and Chowan County are to be congratulated upon joining in such a wonderful program and I hope that every healthy citizen will cooperate in making the program a success.” PTA Membership Drive In Progress Mrs. John F. White In Charge of Drive For Members » Tuesday of this week the annual membership campaign for the Parent- Teacher Association was launched, during which it is hoped to secure mot only old members but many more new members. < Mrs. John F. White is in charge of 1 the drive and has arranged a syste matic method at the school to learn > who ha 3 enrolled during the cam paign. The names of PTA members as they are secured are written on the blackboard or bulletin board in each room, so that it is a simple matter „o find out who has joined. Mrs. White announced that a SI.OO cash prize will be given to the Prim ary, Grammar Grade and High School room having the highest percentage of PTA members according to the en rollment in each room. Dr. W.C. Reed Will Preach At Baptist Church On Sunday Fills Pulpit In Absence Os the Pastor, Rev. j R. N. Carroll Dr. W. C. Reed, superintendent of the Kennedy Home unit of the Baptist Orphanage in Kinston, will preach at the-Baptist Church for both the morn ing and night worship services this Siinday, October 23. Dr. Reed is well known to Edenton people and also the people of the county and surrounding area, having represented the Baptist orphanages at the annual meetings of the Chowan Baptist Association in re cent years. He has also held services in the local Baptist Church on previ ous occasions. In advance of his arrival, Dr. Reed has asked that the cordial invitation of Dr. Zeno Wall, general superintend ent of the Baptist Orphanages, Dr. I. G. Greer, chairman of the board of trustees, and of himself, superintend ent of the Kennedy Home branch of the orphanage in Kinston, he extended to the people of Edenton and sur ounding area to attend the formal dedication and acceptance of the new cottage at the Kennedy Home in Kin ston at noon on Monday, October 24. This will be a splendid opportunity for those interested in the orphanage to look over the Kennedy Home unit and become acquainted with the splen did work being carried on with the unfortunate child. Dr. Reed is filing the pulpit Sun day in the absence of the pastor, Rev. R. N. Carroll, who will be out of town for two weeks. All those who have heard Dr. Reed will welcome this op portunity to hear him again and those who will hear him for the first time might well expect a real tr?at. The public is cordially invited to take ad vantage of the opportunity to hear this exceptionally interesting speaker at the 11 o’clock morning service and the 7:30 evenifig service Sunday. Jr Woman’s Club Gets Check For $B6l From Garden Club Amount Will Be Used For Restoration of Shrines Announcement was made last week by Mrs. John Graham, president, that the Junior Woman’s Club of Edenton has received a check in the amount of , $B6l from the North Carolina Garden ; Club. This represents the Garden Club’s share of the proceeds realized from the Edenton Home and Garden Tour last spring. At its last meeting members of the Junior Woman's Club voted unanim ously to divide the amount received among three historic shrines to be used for the restoration of the gar dens. One-third will be donated to the Cupola House, one-third to the Iredell House and the remaining third will be turned over to the Beautifica tiou Committee of the Club to be used in carrying out its project for the year. Committees appointed to represent the Club in carrying out the restora tion work are: Mrs. Roland Vaughan and Mis. Wilmer Malone, Cupola House; Mrs. William Holmes and Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Iredell House. Miss Elizabeth Moore is chairman of the Beautification Committee^ Governor Os Rotary In Edenton Today Zeb E. Brinson Will Pay Official Visit to Local Rotary Club Zeb E. Brinson of Tarßoro, govern or of the 278th Rotary District, will pay an official visit to the Edenton Rotary Club at the club’s meeting to day , (Thursday) at the Parish House at 1 o’clock. President George Twiddy urges every member of the club to be present and meet the Governor. Members of the board of directors, as well as chairmen of the various club committees are requested to meet at the Parish House at 12 o’clock for the purpose of holding a club assem bly. President Twiddy points out that this is a very important phase of Ro tary and hopes each director and com mittee chairman will be present. Annual Meeting Os Chamber Commerce Will Be Held Oct. 27 [Christmas Coming!] With the Christmas season rap idly approaching, the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce will this year sponsor a Christmas decorating contest among homes and business houses. Prizes will be awarded the win ners, as was the case several years ago when the Town of Edenton gave prizes for the best decorators. Members of the committee to have charge of the contest include Elbert Copeland, Maynard Fleet wood, Hal Davis and Elwocd Nixon. Chowan County Club Women Have Exhibit At Fair Outstanding Display Is Constructed By H. A. Campen Chowan County home demonstration club members very much enthused over the county’s exhibit at the State Fair in Jlaleigh this week. The exhib it, bearing out the subject, “Home Demonstration Work Develops Farm People For A Better Tomorrow.” The progress of the organization in North Carolina since it was first started in 1914 is shown in pictures, posters and a model community. The community, which was contributed by H. A. Campen, is complete in every detail. There is a church, school, com munity- house, store, filling station, several -homes with farm buildings, fields, highways and electric light lines. Mr. Campen’s work is excellent and the club women of Chowan County, as well as the people in the State office are very grateful for his cooperation and his efforts to make the very out standing booth which is attracting a great deal of attention at the Fair. The purpose of the booth is to show the function of the home demonstra tion program and that through the I, organized dubs with a member ship of 40,669, the farm people are assisted with solving home and com munity problems, thus raising the standard of living and developing leadership. Edenton Aces Tackle Tarhoro Team Friday Play Away After Four Consecutive Home Games After playing four consecutive games on home soil, Coach George Thompson’s Edenton Aces will travel to Tarboro Friday, where they will meet the Tarboro High School football machine. Although the Aces managed to de feat Roanoke Rapids in last Friday night’s game by a score of 6-0, Coach Thompson was not very well pleased with the brand if ball the Aces play ed. He, therefore, has been putting the boys through some stiff practice sessions this week, emphasizing the fact that they will have to play an (improved game if they expect to come home with a victory over the Tarboro team. The Aces appear in pretty good shape for Friday night’s game and the boys are anxious to place another game in the win column. Jaycees Stage Bingo Party Friday Night Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Com merce will hold a bingo party in the Edenton Armory Friday night begin ning at 8 o’clock. The Jaycees have arranged for awarding valuable prizes and extend a cordial invitation to the public to attend and enjoy a pleasant evening. MRS. E. L. WARD HOME Mrs. E. L. Ward, who underwent an operation in General Hospital, re turned to her home Friday. Mr 3. Ward is recovering satisfactorily from the'operation. $2.00 Per Year. > Efforts Being Made to Secure Guest Speaker For Occasion HELD AT~HOTEL Various Committees Ap pointed to Arrange For Meeting Next Thursday night, October 27, he Annual meeting of the Chowan County Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association will be held at Hotel Joseph Hewes, starting at 7:30 o’clock. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale, and it is hoped most of the members will attend. While no guest speaker had been secured early this week, President Marvin Wilson said a number of con tacts had been made and that an in teresting speaker will in all proba bility be on hand. In the meantime various committees have been appoint ed, so that an interesting and beneficial meeting is confidently ex pected. The Committees appointed by Presi dent Wilson follows: Program Committee—J. Clarence Leary, Marvin Wilson and Richard F. Elliott. Awards Committee—John W. Gra ham, P. S. McMullan, M. A. Hughes and Mrs. Clara Preston. Arrangements Committee—William P. Jones, Joe Conger, J. M. Boyce, Edward Wozelka, H. A. Campen, Frank Elliott and George Twiddy. Meal Committee—Herbert Hollowell, Mrs. W. J. Daniels, Thomas Byrum, Gilliam Wood and Mrs. C. C. Saund ers Ticket Committee—Earl Harrell, Jimmie Earnhardt, Frank Holmes, Louis George Wilkins, R. E. Aiken and Clyde Hollowell. Publicity Committee —J. Edwin Bufflap, Bill Cozart and David Hdill'on. Nominating Cnmnrttee Geddea Potter. Henry Cuthrell, Henry J. H. Conger and J. W. Davis. The nominating committee will, of course, present a slate of officers for the new year at the meeting. DAR Canasta Party Scheduled Be Held Wednesday, Oct. 26 175th Anniversary of Famous Edenton Tea Party The Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revo lution are planning to stage a Canasta Paryt in honor of the 175th anniver sary of the famous Edenton Tea Par ty, which occurred on October 25, 1774. The affair will be held Wednesday evening, October 26, at 8 o’clock at the James Iredell House on East Church Street. “If you do not know how to play Canasta,” say DAR members, “there will be persons there to teach you. If you prefer bridge, make up your table for that. Please come and help us celebrate this Important date in local as well as national history.” Proceeds will be used for restora tion work in the James Iredell Home. for reservations call Mrs. Philip McMullan at 52 or Mrs. Wood Privott at 348-W. “Cradle Os Colony” On City Auto Tags Result of Request Made By Junior Chamber Os Commerce Thomas Byrum, president of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Com , mtrce, announced this week that an i other project of the organization has been realized. He referred to the city automobile license tags for 1950. In March of last year the Jaycees sent a letter to Town Council request t ing that “The Cradle of the Colony” • be added to the city tag. The request . mec with the approval of the Town i Councilmen, so that the additional wording was ordered on the 1950 tags.