Volume X^f^SumEerlr 11 ■ Arrangement Made To Keep X-Ray Unit Here 2 More Weeks Purpose to Make Cred itable Showing of Survey 3,443 X-RAYED Unit on Broad Street January 19 and 20, 11 A. M. to 5 P. M. Dr. William A. 'Smith. Director of Tuberculosis Control, State Board of Health has consented to keep one X-ray unit over for two additional weeks in order to make a more credit able showing in the survey to locate tuberculosis in this Health District. Through January 13th 16,416 X rays have been made. By counties, the break-down as to color is: Pas quotank 4,805 white and 3,223 color ed; Chowan: 1,859 white and 1,584 colored; Perquimans: 2,140 white and I, colored; Camden: 786 white and 346 colored. Estimating the .population ratio by the school enrollment, there are in the four county unit 5,638 white stu dents and 5,118 colored, or 53% white and 47% colored. The survey shows, however, that only 41% of the films are of colored people, and 59% white. “We appeal with our greatest em phasis to farmers and other employers -of colored people to bring their em ployees to the unit during the next two weeks," said jDr. Smith. The unit wild at the foot of Main Street, Edenton, same location as before, on January 19th and 20th from 11:00 A. M., to 5:00 P. M. All people, both white and colored, over 15 years of age and through 90 years of age, who have not been X-rayed are urged to get their X-ray. Doctors in tk» Health District also urge all to please get an X-ray. School Principal Speaker At PTA Group Sponsors Project To Paint School’s Class Rooms The Edenton PTA heard a talk by J. A. Powers, newly elected principal of the Edenton.High School at its regular meeting January 10 in the high school library. Mr. Powers spoke on “Education . and its effect on the community.” He emphasized the fact that the training a child receives in school is always reflected on the lives of those living in a community. Mr. Powers also pro posed a project in painting and re decoration of class rooms to produce better lighting. The iPTA, headed by Mrs. Lena Leary, requested the teachers to ask for volunteers among the fathers of children, to help in the painting of the classrooms. Superintendent John A. Holmes assured the PTA that the paint would be furnished by the Board of Education. ' The Treble Clef Club, under the direction of Mrs. Mary L. Browning, program chairman, gave two numbers “Liza" and “Wonderful Guy.”; Mr. Holmes conducted ah inspira tional devotional. During the business sessions, the * March of Dimes drive was stressed, and full support was urged by the president. Reports from all Com mittee Chairmen were heard. Director Os Band Wi Return Monday i!-- V • - • ■' ■'■■■• ' Friends of H. W. Williams, director df the Edenton High School Band, will’ be pleased to learn that he ex pects to return to Edenton Monday to resume work with the band. Mr. Williams has been a patient in the veterans hospital at Kecough tan, where he underwent an operation for varicose veins which required 96 stitches. W. E. Malone and L. A. Patterson : visited Mr. Williams over the week end when the director requested band members to continue practicing dur- THE CHOWAN HERALD |_ Calling Halt | Directors of Chowan Hospital, members of the Welfare Board, County Commissioners and doc tors met jointly in the Municipal Building Tuesday night to con sider rising costs of indigent pa tients at the hospital. It was pointed out that appar ently some people are under the impression that the county will foot the bill irrespective if a pa tient is able to pay or not, which is not the case. As the result of the lengthy meeting it was pointed out. that there have been some cases paid for by the county when a patient could have paid all or at least a portion of the bill— Hereafter an even more exhaustive investiga tion waH be made bdfore a patient is certified as indigent, and all who possibly can will be required to pay the hospital bill. Next Bloodmobile Is Scheduled To Be hi Edenton Feb. 14 -mamMMM Local Chapter Asked to Help Maintain Nor folk Center Geddes Potter and Dr. Wallace Griffin recently attended a meeting of the coordinating committee of the Tidewater Red Cross Blood ißank Program. Several matters were discussed relative to this program, including the maintainence of the Tidewater Center in Norfolk. The Tidewater Center, having spent $90,000 in establishing the center in Norfolk, is asking the local chapter to share its proportional share of maintaining thi3 center which will be approximately SIB,OOO a year. Based on percentage of population, etc., Chowan County’s proportional ■ part of this program will be around ' SIBO. Chowan’s next Bloodmobile visit will be on St. Valentine’s Day, Feb ruary 14th. J. M. Boyce, local re cruitment chairman urges all who can and will, to have a heart on that day and be a volunteer blood donor. Chowan County has never fallen down on its previous obligations and it is hoped that it will again fulfill its quota of 100 pints of blood. Miss Frances Tillett, local hospital supervisor stated this week that the services rendered by the Tidewater Center have been excellent and that all types of blood are available at the hospital at all times. This blood is used every week and so far 18 patients have benefited. Final Meeting On Friday To Consider Tomato Program Contract Will Be Ex plained at Farm Bu-’ reau Meeting A final presentation of “Growing Tomatoes Under Contract for Can ning in 1960” will Jbe made Friday night, says C. W. Overman, County Agent. The subject and contract will be explained at the January (Earn Bureau meeting which will be held at the Community Building, Gross Roads, Friday night, January 20, at 7:30 o’clock. Ail farmers interested in growing tomatoes for canning, who have hot signed contracts should attend. Un less sufficient interest is shown and contracts signed this week, the pro ject will have to be dropped, Over man thinks. .• Under the last contract offered, the price will be 40 cents per 6 /8 basket for No. Ones and 25 cents for No. Twos. Tomatoes to be delivered to a central assembly point in the coun ty. Grade percentage to be determin edjjy a licensed Government in- ChowanTountyTNorth (Carolina,Thursday, January 19,1950. Hoover Commission IsPromisedSupport By Herbert Bonner Edenton Jaycees Taking An Active Part In Recommendations First Congressional District econo my-conscious Tar Heels who rallied to the support of the Hoover Commission recommendations are being assured of continued legislative efforts to ef fect economy and increased efficiency in the executive branch of the govern ment. The assurance of continued support of the Hoover Commission (actually the Committee on the Organization of the Executive Branch of the Govern ment) comes from Congressman Her bert C. Bonner in letters to various enthusiasts in the First District who have written, requesting his support of the program. Mr. Bonner, who chairmans a sub committee of the Expenditures Com mittee to which the Hoover report was referred, explains, however, that out-! right enactment of the recommenda tions is impossible. They can not be legislated directly. “There has been a popular miscon ception that these findings embodied specific legislative drafts and propos als,” the Congressman asserted. “The reports,” he explained, “do not take the form of a blue print.” They are more in the nature of generalized recommendations dealing with diverse I phases of government operations,” he said. To Congress has fallen the task of formulating legislation to achieve the results desired and recommended by I the Commission. Mr. Bonner stated that he hoped that the anticipated economies would come from the pro gram. “But it cannot be achieved in a short space of time,” he pointed out. . The First District Representative . declared that there are only two \ ways in which a balanced budget and : economy can be accomplished. “They are reduction in authorizations and I appropriations by Congress, both of ; which I favor,” Mr. Bonner said. ; That Congress is attempting and is so far successful in its attempts to reorganize the executive branch is evi ' denced by legislation already passed. 1 One of the most important works j was the passage of the Federal Prop ■ erty and Administration Services Act ! of 1949 which stresses simplification of buying practices and the utilization > and disposal of government property. I Drafted by the Expenditures Com -1 mittee and hailed as one of the great est consolidations in the history of ; government, the act can save the gov • emment over one billion dollars dur • ing the next decade, i Now the Expenditures Committee ’ is expanding into the areas of record management and traffic managemeni i and in addition, it is contemplated that ; President Truman will submit a num i ber of new reorganization plans to Congress in the near future. Mr. Bonner, who chairmans the , Intergovernmental Relations Subcom ’ mittee of the Expenditures Committee, reports that the Hoover Commission . study on governmental regulatory bodies has been referred to his group. “It is my intention to hold hear ings and set upon this task at once for every possible enactment of worth while legislation in this complicated (Continued on Page Twelve) CAST OF CHARACTERS ANNOUNCED FOR VFW SHOW, “ITS A DATE,” AT EDENTON HIGH SCHOOL TONIGHT AND FRIDAY NIGHT Affair Promises to Be One of Best Local Talent Shows Ever Presented In Edenton Curtain Rises at 8:03 Both Nights The big community show, "It’s A Date,” sponsored by tee Wm. H. Cof field Post, Veterans of 'Foreign Wars, will be presented in tee Edenton High School auditorium Thursday and Fri day nights of this week. Rehearsals are underway under the direction of Mss Ora Norvell, of the Empire Pro ducing Company of Kansas City, Mo., and indications point to the best local talent show ever presented in Eden ton. Mss Norvell is greatly pleased with the "Cast and the cooperation she has received and says the show will be worth every penny charged for ad mission. The princiiial cast of characters include the following: Master of Ceremonies —Mayor Le roy Haskett ' Ginger Jones—Miss Hazel Boswell. Joe Brown—-George Habit Eddie Cantor—Col. R. E. Hopper. ... " ' - Richard Leigh Is Winner Os County 4-H Corn Contest L. T. White and Jasper Gray Also Win Prizes For Corn Yield Monday evening proved to be a memorable event in the lives of the 28r fine boys, who, with their dads or other relatives, gathered at the den of thfc Edenton Liens Club to partake of a turkey dinner delightfully served by the Lady Lionesses and to learn for the first time the names of the thtee boys who were to receive the aWards for having produced the high est yield of com per acre in Chowan County during the past season, in connection with the 4-H Corn Grow ing Contest. Richard Leigh, son of James Leigh, w4s awarded first prize of $15.00. His yield was 89.4 bushels per acre. L. T. White, who topped the contest last year, was second with a yield of 88.0 bushels. White lives with his uncle, i Leroy Boyce. He received a prize of SIO.OO. Jasper Gray, son of Albert Gray received third prize of $5.00. His yield was 86.3. Gray was second last year and had an average of bet ter than 99 bushels, it was reported. “The average yield this year was 58.3 as compared with that of 82.3 attained in the contest of 1948”, said Bob Marsh, Assistant County Agent of Chowan County, who organized the contest, “our boys had a great deal more rain during the past growing season”, continued Marsh, “and we feel that they have done a very fine job, when one considers the difficul ties under which they had to make this crop. Some crops were entirely drowned out. We hope that the com ing season will afford better grow ing conditions and that many will join in this contest.” The State average yield during the 1949 season was 35.0 bushels per acre J. Clarence Leary, chairman of the committee on this contest, acted as master of ceremonies. He presented V Ts. Overman, County Agent, who complimented Bob Marsh* highly for his good work among the boys and future farmers of our county. He then presented Mr. Marsh, who expressed his appreciation to the Lions Club for having sponsored this contest for the fourth year in succession. The club donated the prizes, while the seed com was given jointly by Lions Club, Leary Bros. Storage Co., Byrura Hard ware Co., R. C. Holland and the Home Feed & Fertilizer Works. “We wish to heartily congratulate these boys and also their dads or oth er relatives who so loyally stood by these boys and gave them every en couragement, said Hector Lupton, president of the Lions Club, at the conclusion of the program. (Continued on Page Twelve) Farm Bureau Will Meet Friday Night Chowan County’s Farm Bureau will meet Friday night at the Community Building at Cross Roads at 7:30 o’clock. Among the business to be transacted will be induction of 1950 officers, report on the recent area peanut meeting and growing tomatoes for canning. v v All members are urged to attend. Don McNeil—Willie O’Neil. John Desmond —Bill Cozart. , Patsie Lee—Sybil Cayton. i Aunt Fanny—Mrs. R. E. Hopper. Mr. Gott Bucks—Peter Carlton. . i Santa Claus—‘H. A. Campen. ' Santa Claus, Junior —Bruce White. Swiss Yodelers—Esther Warren and Florence Hare. Crooner—Staff Sergeant Jack West. Fannie, the farmer’s daughter— Jack Mooney. Winnie, the waitress—James Bond. Tillie the Toiler—Ed Parker. Bessie the Baby Sitter—Jim Ras night. Million Dollar Baby—Bill Crummey. Rosie the Fan Dancer—J. L. Ba ker. Sweethearts Chorus—Edenton High School Band majorettes. Simmer Time Chorus—Edenton (Coninued on Pag* Twelve) Ji Os Dimes Drive Opens With Rally Monday |_Long Past DueJ Chief of Police George I. Dail calls attention to the fact that bi cycle licenses are long past due and that if bicycle owners do not secure a license a penalty will be added. The same applies to city automobile license tags, and after February 1 the police will see to it that bicycles and city automo biles carry a proper license tag. Mayor LH. Haskett Calls Attention To Depositing Garbage Ordinance of Town Re quires Proper Deposit For Collection Mayor Leroy Haskett this week complained that some Edenton peo ple are disregarding an ordinance pertaining to placing garbage and trash in cans or receptacles of some kind. Mr. Haskett stated that he hopes everybody will cooperate in this respect so that it will not be neces ’ sary to cause any embarrassment. Two sections deal with the placing of garbage for collection and are as follows: Section 14—The occupant of every building, premises or place where garbage does or may exist, shall pro vide himself with a garbage can made of substantial galvanized iron or oth er non-rusting metal in which he shall ; deposit all garbage existing at the place occupied by him. The can shall , be provided with handles and a tight • fitting cover made of the same ma terial as the can. All garbage cans shall be water tight, such size that it can be con ■ veniently handled by the garbage col lector, ahd kept where they can be con veniently reached by him. Sectionlß—lt shall be unlawful for any person to leave any box, or trash of any kind, or trash container, on the street or sidewalk later than 6:00 P. M. in the residential section and , 7:00 P. M., in the business section ex cept Saturday when the time is ex tended to 11:00 P. M., in the business section. Guard Membership Highest In History Local Outfit Now at Full Strength With Appli cants on Waiting List According to Captain William P. Jones, membership of the Edenton Cannon Company has reached the [highest in the history of any unit in | Edenton. A recruiting drive just ended and with it all enlistments be came frozen by orders of the National Guard Bureau. At present there are 90 members including four officers. A special award of $32 was won by Clarence Shackleford of Hertford, who brought in seven recruits, all from his home town. They are Gar land Ray Eure, Albert Delwin Eure, Albert Lee Benton, Melvin John Col son, Jr., Charles T. Stallings, James Umphlett and William iS. Umphlett. An Edenton Guardsman, Sam Wright, won second prize by bringing in three men, who were Billy Ray Lassiter, Joseph B. Bunch and Larry Harris. Captain Jones stated that the first waiting list since before the war has begun, with two men, Wilbur Williams of Merry Hill and Gustave Koch of Hertford as first, on the list for any vacancies which may occur in the future. | Lieutenant Jesse L. Harrell, finance officer, said that from here on out all pay checks will come directly from headquarters to the men at their mail ing addresses. First Degree Tonight At Masonic Meeting At a meeting of Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., tonight (Thurs day) the first degree will be confer red upon a candidate. Hubert Willi ford, master of the lodge, urges a full attendance. r Per Year. r mkmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm** Enthusiastic Group As sembles In BPW Club Room FINE PROGRAM Organization Is Perfect ed and Canvass Un der Way Spurred on by a pep rally held in the Business and Professional Wo men’s Club room in Hotel Joseph Hewes Monday night, Chowan Coun ty’s March of Dimes drive began early this week. If the interest and en thusiasm displayed at the meeting is any indication, the drive this year I should be a success. The meeting of the drive’s Chair men was called by Mrs. Percy Smith, this year’s March of Dimes Chair man, in an effort to iron out details before the drive actually began, and to stimulate interest and enthusiasm among the chairmen. Monday night’s meeting opened : with Miss Lena Jones leading in sing • ing a number of pep songs, after • which Miss Dorothy Roberson gave a 1 three-minute talk on the purpose of ! the March of Dimes. ! A lively group of Edenton High • School cheer leaders then presented a • group of March of Dimes yells, which virtually shook the room and • won rounds of applause by the goodly > number present. J. Edwin Bufflap, chairman of the ' Chowan County Chapter of the Nat : ional Foundation For Infantile Paraly • sis, spoke briefly, emphasizing the s merits of the movement to the end • that no victim of infantile paralysis I should suffer due to lack of treat ; ment The chairman stated that Cho • wan County has been extremely fortu -1 nate in that there has been no out - break of the disease, and that the greater portion of Chowan’s money has been sent to the State organiza • tion for use in counties where there ■ were polio victims and county funds - were inadequate to meet the expenses. Bufflap stated that Chowan County would also be obliged to call for finan i cial assistance if a number of cases > developed, and that he personally • would rather be able to send money i for emergencies than to have to call ■ for help. Mrs. Smith introduced a group of i girls, who will station themselves at parking meters the next two Satur days to urge the deposit of dimes in the meters, which Town Council has agreed should go toward the drive. Light refreshments were served at . the close of the meeting, f The VFW will also sponsor a booth on Broad Street in an effort to help swell contributions. | Mrs. Smith, aided by Miss Rebecca Colwell, in charge of the rural can vass, has a smooth working organiza tion perfected and with the proper co operation on the part of Chowan citizens, this year’s quota of $2,200 . should be reached, i An effort will be made to solicit ■ every home and business concern in i the county, but in the event any are missed who desire to make a contri bution it should be sent to either Mrs. Smith or Miss Colwell. ■ From 1944 to 1949 North Carolina Chapters supplied $3,228,256.32, while to care for cases in the State $3,247,- 952.31 was supplied by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis National Epidemic Fund. Annual Meeting Os B. & L. January 24th Association Will Move To New Office on February 1 1 The annual meeting of the stockhold leia of the Edenton Building and Loan Association will be held at the Court House at 8 o’clock Tuesday night, i January 24. All stockholders are urged to attend in person, but in the event they are unable to go to the meeting, they are requested to sign proxies so that their stock will be rep resented. R. E. Leary, secretary of the asso , ciation, stated this week that the new office will be occupied February 1. The new location is between the Mansfield-Mills barber shop and the i Norfolk Southern bus station on Broad Street.