Volume XVll.— Number 4. Herbert C. Bonner Calls For Revision OfPeanutProgram Argues For Division of Various Peanut Pro ducing Areas fairerlprogram Interested In Saving the Farm Program, Not Destroying It Congressman Herbert C. Bonner has called for a revision of the entire peanut program. * Speaking from the floor of the House last week, he voiced his opposi tion to the Agricultural Committee resolution which would increase the production of cotton" and peanuts in the face of today’s “great surplus in both crops.” The First North Carolina Repre sentative, declaring that he is “inter ested in saving the entire farm pro gram—not destroying it by patch work”, proposed that the peanut con trol set-up be changed and that a pro gram similar to the tobacco program be instituted. Such a program would divide the peanut producing areas according to types of peanuts produced and the acreage allotments would be made on the basis of need and demand for pea .nuts by types rather than by the pres ent method of national consideration of all types. Illustrating the ineffectiveness of the present system and the undesir able aspects of the Agricultural Com mittee’s proposal, Mr. Bonner pointed out that the Production Credit Cor poration purchased 86 per cent of the Runner-type peanuts grown in 1948. “And yet, in this additional amend ment, it provides for the growing of additional Runner-type peanut*;” the Congressman asserted- He explained further tlwA sin* Spanish-type area farmers are divert ing to Runner-type peanuts “which will further confuse this situation.” In the Virginia-type area there is not a suffcient production to meet the • great market demand, Mr. Bonner de clared. “Therefore,” he maintained, “in stead of reporting out this amend ment, the entire peanut program should be revised.” He suggested that the peanut pro ducing areas be divided into the Vir ginia-type area, the Runner-type area, hnd the Spanish-type area. The allot ments should then be made according to the need and market demand for the individual types, he said. In his opening remarks Congress man Bonner mentioned the 1950 cot ten acreage allotment program. “I shall not discuss this, but the diffi culty being experienced by those who . have been allocated acreage is due to the fact that the State. Committee and the County Committee in the majority of cases failed to carry out the law. That is”, he continued, “to reserve 10 per cent for State adjustments and 15 per cent for county adjustments, or • vice versa.” The additional acreage proposed by the amendment will only be that much additional cotton for the government to purchase, he explained. Directors Os 6. &L Re-elected For Year Annual Meeting Held In Court House; Consti * tution Revised That there is no little interest in the Edenton Building A Loan Asso ciation is reflected in the good at tendance at the annual meeting held Tuesday night in the Court House. AH of the directors were re-elected and axe as follows: A. C. Bynum, T. C. 'Byrum, J. W. Davis, IF. W. Hobbs, R. C. Holland, J. P. IPartin, G. iB. 'Potter, J. Clarence Leary and R. xP. Badham. These directors will elect officers and the organization perfected at the next meeting on 'At Tuesday’s meeting it was agreed to revise the constitution, under Which the association has operated lance 1905. Under the revised constitution *. new set of by-laws will be drawn ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edemton’s Rotary Club will meet in the Parish House this (Thursday) af wsmoon itio clock. rTe»iaeni oeorge Twiddy urges all Rotarians to at tend,. ... . ' THE CHOWAN HERALD, j Improvement j Plans are going forward for the widening of Oakum Street from the new colored high school site out to Highway 17. The present ditch, which is far out of line will be closed in order to make the street wider and a storm sewer laid along the proper line. From the school site to the highway a new ditch will be dug. The work will most likely get underway early next week so as not to hold up any work on the new school building. Chemical Society Names Chestnutt At Wake Forest Edenton Student Given Honor For High Distinction At a meeting last week of Gamma Epison, honorary chemistry fraternity at Wake Forest College, James Chest nutt, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Chest nutt, was nominated to an honorary membership in the American Chemical Society. The honor is accorded free each year to one outstanding member in each chapter of the chemical society. It includes the membership, subscript ion to several national chemistry mag azines and the semi-annual convention rights. Young. Chestnutt has attained-high distinction in the field of chemistry. While at Wake Forest, he has main tained a 3.0 quality pqint ratio on over 30 hours of chemistry, while carrying many other extra curricular responsibilities as well. He is a mem ber of the Euthalien Literary Society, treasurer of Lambda Chi Alph Fra ternity for two years, Inter-fraternity Council for two, keeper of the cult in Gamma Sigma Epison, honorary chemical fraternity and instructor in organic chemistry laboratory. Chestnutt plans to continue his work in Chemistry. Pocahontas Plan To Hold Valentine Dance Affair In Edenton Arm ory Saturday Night, February 11 Though organized only a few months, members of the Degree of Pocahontas will sponsor a Valentine dance in the Edenton armory Saturday night, February 11. The dance will begin at 8 o’clock and continue until midnight. Music for dancing will be furnish ed by Eddie Sample and his orchestra of Elizabeth City. A feature of the dance will be a dancing act by Miss i Mary E. Upton of Norfolk. Miss Up ton is an accomplished dancer who has appeared: on television and radio, as well as other entertainments and is very much in demand on various programs. Members of the -local 'Po cahontas feel very fortunate in being able to secure Miss Upton to appear as a feature of the evening. Mrs. 'Hoskins Bass, Jr., is in charge of the sale of tickets and table reser vations. She has placed tickets on sale at the Colonial Motor Court, Tri angle Restaurant, Bridge Turn Ser vice Station and the Gulf Service. Members also have tickets for sale. Mrs. Bass should be contacted for table reservations by calling 153-J. Tables will not be reserved later than 10 o’clock on the night of the dance. Mrs. Horace White, Pocahontas, is in charge of decorations and the pro gram. The dance is sponsored in order to , raise funds for the treasury and it is hoped many will attend. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Watts Poe of Chapel Hill announce the birth of a son, Watts Poe, Jr., in Watts _ Hospital, Durham, Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Poe is the former Miss Norma Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D Pamr a W •Jr • Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina,Thursday, January 26,1950~ Utah Centennial Chorus Will Sing In Edenton , The famous Utah Centennial Chorus will appear in Edenton the first part of February. The group features special piano, violin and quartet numbers and has received great acclaim from a tour of the Central Atlantic States Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The group has presented many radio, television, school and club programs. The choir is composed of missionaries of the church, who donate their own time and talents so that music can be heard free of charge. They will appear before the Edenton Rotary Club on Thursday, February 2, and in the Edenton High School on February 3. The chorus is under the direction of Elder Surge Huff of Springfield, Utah. J. H. McMUILAN ANNOUNCES HE WILL NOT BE CANDIDATE FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY Makes Decision After Being Assured By Highway Chairman That Chowan River Bridge Has Been Approved For Reconstruction J. 'H. McMullan early this week in formed The Herald that he will not seek re-election to the General As sembly for the next term. He made this definite decision after receipt of a letter from Dr. 'H. W. Jordan, chair man of the State Highway and Pub lic Works Commission, in which Dr. Jordan stated that the Chowan River bridge has been approved for! reconstruction. The primary reason for Mr. McMul lan seeking election as Representa tive in the last session was his inter est in an adequate bridge over the Chowan and a desire to do all he pos sibly could to remedy the present .condition. According to Dr. Jordan’s letter, Mr. McMullan does not see where he could do any more about the matter, and hence his decision not to be a candidate in the next election. In announcing his decision, Mr. Mc- Mullan made the following statement: “To the people of Chowan County: Two years ago I announced that I de sired to go to the Legislature in the hope that I might aid in the move ment to have the Chowan River bridge rebuilt and brought to the standard of .the best in modern bridge construc tion. You very graciously granted my request and sent me to the Leg islature. As soon as I arrived in Ra- I leigh and canvassed the situation, it | became apparent that there was little likelihood that the bridge would be rebuilt immediately because the funds allocated to our territory were not adequate for the purpose. I discov ered that past Legislatures had placed , the proceeds of the gasoline and oil inspection fee collections in the gen eral fund. This amounted to $22,- 500,000 a year. So I introduced HB No. 678, which provided that this fund should be taken from the gen eral fund and diverted to the highway fund, and that same be earmarked to take care of the inequalities in the cost of building large bridges and other similar projects. This bill was formally endorsed by Dr. H. W. ojr dan, chairman gs the Highway Com mission, and the Committee on Roads was favorable to the idea, but it was Six Edenton Lions At District Meeting Six Edenton Lions attended a dis trict meqting of Lions International held in Goldsboro early this week, ■ where internationally known Lions ■ were on the program. The Edenton group was composed of President- Hector Lupton, Ernest Ward, Percy Smith, Earl Harrell, West Leary and Dr. Wallace Griffin. MARRIED 50 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Byrum cele ■ brated their.soth wedding anniversary Tuesday night when many friends called at the home of their daughter. The couple was married 50 years in the Center Hill Baptist Church by the late Joeiah Elliott. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. All members are urged to attend. ATTEND ABC MEETING R. P. Elliott, William P. Jones and Hector Lupton, members of the Cho wan County ABC Board, attended a Board held in ■. . -.■'wit! i - ,I*■ found that this money had already been appropriated to general purposes and so was not available at that time. So our only recourse was to induce the Highway Commission to find the money elsewhere or wait until an other session of the Legislature to have this bill passed. I found the Highway Commission, and particular ly its chairman, Dr. Jordan, highly sympathetic and was given assurance that the bridge would be rebuilt whenever the funds were available. “I have no desire to go to the Leg islature other than to promote this project and resolved that I would not be a candidate for re-election if this project was assured. So I withheld my announcement until I had defin ite assurance that further legislation was not necessary.” On January sth Mr. McMullan wrote the following letter to Dr. Jordan: “As previously advised, my main purpose in going to the Legislature last year was to promote the re building of the Chowan River bridge. I have no political ambition, but I am deeply concerned with the economic development of my State -and local community. The present Chowan River bridge is entirely inadequate to meet the traffic demands of this im portant gateway to the Albemarle and something should be done imme diately to widen and modernize this present highway menace. I uSe the word menace advisedly, for I never cross this bridge without a conscious ness of great personal hazard, and I feel sure that the more than 2,500 operators who cross this bridge daily experience the same feeling. I do not want to go to the Legislature again and will not be a candidate un less I feel it necessary to the promo tion of this cause that Ido so. The purpose of this letter is to ask that you advise me if it is the definite pur pose of your Commission to under take the, reconstruction of a modem bridge at this point in the near fu ture. If your answer is yes, I will not he a candidate and would like to (Continued on Page Four) Umbaugh Featured In Look Magazine An article “Babies by Proxy,” ap pears in -the January 31 issue of Look magazine which deals with artificial insemination a3 carried out by Ray mond Umbaugh, who is now operating in Texas. Mr. Umbaugh did similar work at the Edenton Marine Air Station when the base was under the supervision of the Town of Edenton. Junior Woman's Club Sponsoring Card Party Edenton’s Junior Woman’s Club will sponsor a bridge party, which is scheduled to be held Wednesday night, February 8 Hotel Joseph Hewes. The affair will begin at 8 o’clock and a limited number of tables will be available in order to allow ample room for those who play. ON BUYING TRIP Mrs. W. J. Daniels, Mrs. George Harrell, Mrs. Clara Preston and Mrs. Charles H. Wood are in New York, where they are purchasing merchan dise for Tots & Teenß, Badham Bros, and Preston’s. The ladies expect to return home Friday. .si. ■•%*, : >. i-... •' Status Os Edenton Marine Corps Air Station Unchanged | Reports Tardy |’ Mrs. Percy Smith, chairman of the Chowan County March of Dimes, up to Wednesday morning, did not have sufficient complete i reports from canvasses to determ ine the progress of Chowan Coun ty’s drive. ‘ While Mrs. Smith has heard from some of canvassers, no re ports were complete, but the amounts were not so very encour- J aging. - The chairman urges canvassers ( to complete their work and turn ' in their reports as soon as possi- 1 ble. « Bloodmobile Will • Be At Parish House: Tuesday, Feb. 14th : i Volunteers Needed In l Order For County to . Reach Quota * i The board of directors of the Red < Cross Bloodmobile Program of Cho wan County met recently to complete plans for the next visit of the blood mobile scheduled at the Episcopal Parish House, Tuesday, February 14. Dr. Wallace Griffin, chairman of Cho wan County’s Blood Program, presid ed. Miss Margaret Margrove, field representative of the American Red Cross, was also present. Mrs. Jimmie Davis, chairman of Volunteer Services, reported her com mittee of volunteers in complete readi ness to carry out their numerous and various services in making the pro gram successful. Mrs. Joe Conger, Jr., club repre sentative, again offered the help of the Junior Woman’s Club in recruiting blood donors for the February and May visits of the bloodmobile. A report on public information was also given by Dr. Griffin in the ab sence of Mrs. Jimmie Earnhardt, pub lic information chairman. J. M. Boyce, recruitment chairman, reported that 150 donors who signed for the first visit of the mobile but had to cancel their registration he felt sure would again volunteer on the February visit. He also stressed the urgent need of more recruiters in or der that the county will again reach the quota of 100 pints. Particularly j would he like to call donors’ attentions j to the small type card mailed to them recently. This card can prove to be a priceless reward in time of need and should be carried at all times. In case a donor should need emergency trans fusions, precious minutes will not have to be wasted in typing or finding suitable donors. It may save a per son’s life some day. Dr. George L. Crane, Medical Ad visory Committee chairman, gave an interesting report on the distribution of Red Cross blood in this hospital, in which he stated from November 15 through January 19 the hospital has given 27 pints of this blood to 19 re cipients. This blood has been used for the following conditions; Caesarean (Continued on Page Seven) Hearing On Flood Control Postponed Announcement Made By Congressman Her bert Bonner Congressman Herbert C. Bonner on Saturday announced postponement of the Chowan County flood control hear ing scheduled for January 30 at Win ton, N. C. He said the hearing would be held either February 27 or March 6, the exact date to be announced later. Postponement of the meeting fol lowed a talk with District Engineer Col. G. T. Derby, of Norfolk, in which it was decided that January 30 would ' be too early a date for the hearing. “There would be insufficient time , to notify all the persons necessary ■ and make all the other arrangements should the meeting be held this ’ month,” Mr. Bonner explained after his talk with Col. Derby. $2.00 A ■ Information Is Brought Back From Washing ton Tuesday ENCOURAGING Edenton Group Confers With Bonner and Graham A committee from the Edenton-Cho wan Chamber of Commerce conferred Monday afternoon with Senator Frank Graham and Representative Herbert Bonner in Washington, D. C. The com mittee was composed of President George Twiddy, J. H. Conger, Henry Gardner, David Holton and Marvin Wilson and the main purpose of the conference was to discuss the status of the Marine Air Base located here. Dr. Graham and Mr. Bonner in formed the group that they were in close contact with authorities in the Navy Department and that the situ ation in regard to the Base is un changed, and that no orders relating either to its permanency or abandon ment have been issued by the authori ties. No little interest has been aroused in Edenton concerning reports that the base will be closed so that the infor mation brought back by the Edenton delegation is very encouraging. Crowning Os ‘Royal Family’ Feature Os VFW Show Friday Larry Qhurch and Can dy Smith Win Contest As King and Queen “It’s A Date,” VFW-sponsored local talent show, attracted a goodly num ber of people at the two presentations Thursday and Friday nights in the Edenton school. The show provoked a great deal of laughter, and while a little drawn out, appeared to be en joyed by those attendin. A feature of the show was crown ing the Toyland royal family, which took place on the stage Friday night. Larry Church, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Church, was crowned king and Candy Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, was crowned queen. ' Prince was Billy Cozart, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Cozart and Bar bara Morris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Morris, was crowned prin cess. Tommy Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edword Parker, was crowned duke and Gayle Oliver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver was crown ed duchess. N.C. Little Symphony ScheduledFor Feb. 21 Two Programs Will Be Presented In School Auditorium North Carolina’s Little Symphony, sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, will appear in Edenton Tuesday, February 21. Two programs will be presented, a free concert for school children at 2:30 o’clock, and again at night for adults at 8:30 o’clock. Both concerts will be pre sented in the high school auditorium. Members of the Junior Woman’s Club will assist in staging the con certs, with the work assigned to the Fine Arts Committee, which includes Mrs. T. B. Smith, Mrs. C. B. Mooney, Mrs. Joe Conger, Jr., Mrs. Frank Holmes, Mrs. John Kramer, Mrs. Wil lis McClenney, Miss Elizabeth Moore, Mrs. Meredith Jones, Jr., Miss Ruth Byrum and Mrs. William Cozart. Already it has been announced that 53 children from Columbia will attend the children’s concert. M. L. HOFLER IN HOSPITAL M. L. Hofler left early last week for a Norfolk hospital, where he will be given treatments and in the mean time be observed closely as to how much, if any, progress has been made in the condition of his health. Mr. Hofler was in a hospital dur ing the month of November and since he returned home has been under the care of Edenton doctors.

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