PAGE TWO Interesting Reports Feature Meeting Os Junior Woman’s Qub Club Will Disband After June Meeting For Summer At a luncheon meeting of Edenton’s Junior Woman’* drib held Wednesday of last week in Hotel Joseph 'Hewes dining room, interesting reports were given by members of the club who attended the N. C. (Federation of Wo men’s Clubs Convention held is Char lotte. Attending from the Edenton club were (Mrs. Jimmie Earnhardt, president of the 16th District of Wo men’s Clubs; Mrs. David Holton, .presi dent of the local club; Mrs. William Holmes, secretary of the local and distriot clubs; Mrs. T. B. Smith and Miss Kathryn 'Brown. During the convention the group at tended work shop meetings, a recep tion on Wednesday and luncheon Fri day, at which time election of offi cers was held. The convention closed Friday night with a reception and in stallation of officers. Mrs. Holton acted as a page during the convention and attended a page’s dinner. She also brought home the bacon, a ham, as a prize winner. The Edenton Club won second place iri the J. Henry Highsmith award on youth conservation and was present ed $lO, as well as receiving a citation on World Peace Program sponsored 1 by the club. The local organization' presented at the convention $25 to headquarters fund, in honor of Dr. In glis Fletcher. Announcement was made of the an nual Flower Show to be staged by the, organization on Friday, May 18, at Hotel Joseph Hewes. Mrs. Helen Pruden reported that the Cancer Drive, sponsored by the club, went over the top by $155, the quota being SBOO and final proceeds amount ing to $955.84. Mrs. Jimmie Earn hadrt reported on the recent pilgrim age and thanked those who helped to make the tour the success it was. The club voted to award a $25 war bond as grand prize in the bicycle safety campaign to be staged here under sponsorship of the club on May VVVVVWVVVVVCWVVVVVVVVVVWVW>A^/\/W LuiiMaupSc^rrctotTo!?—^wu^k^LuiTmay Iball point pen! I®. WRITES TO 3 YEARS WITHOUT RIHLUHO ■ Jj This coupon and only (9< entitles bearer to the famous mHiiinllr BtYirHSilß WINFIELD new "ball point pen. Compare! All featnrss of pans ecHttj at |UIM ■ and ntars. Precision-designed in beautiful gold-color metal cap and body.M Truly remarkable value I No leak, no skip. Instant drying. Hakes S carbon copies. Inexpensive refills available. 10 year written service agroomailt. EsU* filled,extra. Hurry ! Supply limited.Aak S°J. fi™ss.¥> ■ LEGGETT & DAVIS DRUG STORE Edenton **l™. I I If You Need Money To Finance or Re-Finance Your Farm at Low Interest Rates... SEE T. W. JONES Edenton, North Carolina Representative of One of the Nation’s Largest Insurance Companies TAKE UP TO 20 YEARS TO REPAY LOANS | ■ddddddmddddddddddddddMdddddddddddddddddddlMdddddddddddddddM*dldldddddlMMMM«MMEjj| Attention To Auto Needs! > <> * Whether your auto repair job is a three minute j! : affair or a major overhauling, our skilled me- j \ chanics will do the job right, and at lowest i : cost. What's more, when you deal with us you j ; are assured that nothing will be done to your j : car that isn’t absolutely necessary. If you're j : having car trouble, we urge you to drive in : here todasr! : : - —❖ —- : . < B. B. H. MOTOR CO., Inc. “YOUR FRIENDLY CHEVROLET DEALER* * , | : North Broad and Oakum Sts. Edenton, N, C. ; 7-11. Mrs. J. R. IFutreU of (Hertford, Field Representative for State Safety Council, was present at the meeting and outlined the bicycle program. Following the June meeting, at which time installation of new offi cers will take place, the club will dis band for the summer months. The president requested that committal chairman have their yearly report® ready to submit. Frank Hughes, of the Street Depart ment, was presented a gift by the club for his past cooperation with the club. Mrs. Inglis Fletcher, honorary mem ber of the club, spoke briefly as a home owner on !the recent pilgrimage. The Convention will be held next year in Winston-Salem. I Vets’ Question Box i Q —lMy father served 45 days during ' the Spanish-American War. Would he : be entitled to VA outpatient medical 1 care, or is there some minimum period of service he must have had in order to be eligible ? 'A—lf your father served any time between April 21, 1898, and July 4, 1992 (or July 16, 1903, if service was in the Mono Province), and was dis charged under other than dishonorable conditions, he may be entitled !to VA’s outpatient medical care —regardless of his length of service. But he must get VA’s prior approval for such care. Q —My eyes have been bothering me since I left military service. May I get eyeglasses from the VIA? A—VA will furnish eyeglasses only urfder three conditions: if VA judges I they are necessary for a service-con nected disability; if they are needed as part of hospital or domiciliary care, [ or if they are needed for proper con tinuance of Public Law 1 training. TWO MASSES NEXT SUNDAY IN EDENTON CATHOLIC CHURCH The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will he offered on May 13, Whit sunday or Pentecost and Mother’s Day, at 9 and 11 A. M., each including sermon on “Faith In Action, the Pre cepts of the Church.” Holy Commun ion, followed by May Devotions, Sun day School, with confessions for half hour before services, in St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Edenton, stated Father F. J. McCourt, rector, who in vites everybody to all services. May i Devotions after week-morning Masses in Edenton at 7. * THE CHOWAN HERALD. gDBNTON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 10,1961. I This Week’s Poem By WnjWRNE fIABREIJ, Mother’s DiA May IS. MADONNA The holy smile that Mary wore, The light upon her brow, The gentle touch her fingers bore, I find them even now. Upon the rich, upon the poor, Upon each mothers face, I find the smile that Mary wore, The same sweet love and grace. Over 13,000 Attend Schools On Tobacco In greater numbers than ever be fore, Tar Heel tobacfco farmers “jvent to school” during the past .winter to find out how to grow a 'better quality leaf crop. Beginning in December and end ing in March, 113 community and county meetings on tobacco produc tion were held throughout the State by IR. R. Bennett and S. N. Hawks, extension tobacco specialists at State 'College. The total attendance was 13,571, or an average of 120 persons for each session. The 67 meetings for white flue-cur ed growers attracted an attendance of 10,408, averaging 154; 20 meetings for Negro flue-cured growers drelw 2,406, averaging 120; and 15 meetings for burley growers attracted 557, aver aging 36. ; In addition, three meetings on pro gram planning drew an attendance of 53, five method demonstrations at plant beds drew 179 persons, and three result demonstrations at plant beds brought out 72 growers. 'Subjects covered included plant pro duction problems, such as fertilization NOTICE! The N. C. Wildlife Re sources Commission will hold its annual game hearings for District No. r in Edenton June 8, 1951, at 9:30 A. M. at the Court House. You are invited to give your views on game regulations for the 1951-52 seasons. FOR SALE “THE KING OF SWINE” PIGS BOARS GILTS Member OIC Swine Breeders Association 35 Years Selby R. Minton MERRY HILL, N. C. ♦ ~* * - STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY .f t j 3* 2 par -4 • . * •. • . i 86 PitOOP • NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION, NEW YORK, N. Y. • : _ : ; 1 01 plant beds, watering, and blue mold and insect control; field fertilisation; topping, spacing, and sucker control; diseases and varieties, and field in sect control. Slides were used to bring out many of the points men tioned. County farm agents cooperated in arranging and Conducting the meet ings. Highest attendance was noted in (the counties of Colunibus, Bladen, Johnston, Harnett, (Person, Franklin, Lee, Lenoir, Moore, Alexander, and Yadkin. - WAC-WAF Recruiter In E. City May 16 -17 !Sgt. Paul ®. Fisher of the U. S. Army and Air Force (Recruiting Sta tion has announcer that Sgt. Mary D. Zubal, the WAC and WAF recruiter ' from Raleigh, will be at the Elizabeth lAus r 1 GREAT OAK j I . tM— ...i . m tit I | Kt srs 2 years #f*«ara «M; I I SMi* *Uskay,»* *+ j ■ Maatnl Spirits; 26% Sh«W Hh- J | I ■ 4 yaan aM, Straw VNsfcay I J 4 yaan aM. M praaf. ■ j j AustingMicholsJ "SPEEDY" v yes we HAVE WCECVER SERVICE AS A MATTER OF FACT ALBEMARLE MOTOR. CO. 1— Uiut THE fastest ?j|K and safest WRECKER SERVICE v IM THE CITY ALBEMARJJMDTDRCO. WEST HICKS ST SB>!£ vice PHONE 289 j City office, 202 Kramer Building, on Wednesday and Thursday, May 16 and 17. - At that time she will interview and give full information to all women who may be interested in the WAC or WAF program. Any one* coming in to see her should bring with them a birth certificate, a certificate that they are a high school graduate or a note stating that they will graduate this year. They must have reached their 18th birthday and if under 21 NU QURL BEAUTY SHOP For Style and Beauty Broad Street Edenton PHONE 605 a Singer Sewing $ Machines A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 605 EAST MAIN STREET ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. WILL BE IN EDENTON AND VICINITY Withiri 24 Hours After Receipt of Coupon TO HAVE A SINGER REPRESENTATIVE CALL JUST FILL OUT AND MAIL THE COUPON ■ NAME 1 I ADDRESS 1,. I | Direction If Rural...: I( ) Rent a SINGER Electric Portable ( ) Buy a new SINGER I WISH ( ) Have my machine repaired ( ) See a SINGER Vacuum Cleaner or Cleaner TO ( ) Sell my SINGER 6000 THEN IVE 60T I A JOB FOR TOO, SPEED* 'Jp.- I WHAT? OH, _ /'STT-'n I WHERE AM IF* ( JBS, \ I I’M AT THE I BUT , I DOWNTOWN WHERES I DR 06 STORE # \ TOUR I Cl | must have written consent of their t parents. Sgt Fisher may be contacted at the Edenton post Office on any : Thursday for further Information. BILLION DOLLAR PENSION RACKET EXPOSED * Relief rolls are choked with names . ; of old people whose children fail —of- ten needlessly—(to support them. Don’t miss the eye-opening expose of this racket which coats tile Federal Gov-' eminent over a billion dollars a year. 'Read “Our Billion Dollar Pension Shame” in May 20 issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Nation’s Popular Magazine With THE BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN Order from Your Local Dealer ■PBBTI the wav, speed*- kl WvT. I THINK I'LL HAVE MV M I SAypEP VOU» ) BRAKES ADJUSTED ) I LIKE VOU I suggested \\ WEEK^/. ©*m« minam w Wni’w' 116*