PAGE SIX 1 1 m 1 "■ The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday, by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of IJ. E. Buffi ap and Hector Lupton, at 423-426 South Broad Street, Edenton, N. C. North CoroUno vA J. EDWIN BUPPLAP— Editor HECTOR (LUPTON Advertising (Manager SUBSCRIPTION (BATES: * * One year 1 $2.00 Six Months 51.26 Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the Post Office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of (March 3,1879. Cards of thanks, obituaries, resolutions of respect, etc., will be charged for at regular advertising rates. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1961. wST^Veico^ So far as the writer can learn, a press convention will be held in Edenton for the first time in the town's history Friday and 'Saturday. While the Eastern North Carolina Press Association does not take in all the newspapers _ of the State, the group includes daily and weekly news-. papers east of Raleigh. Members of the association for some reason were very anxious to meet in Edenton. Many of them have passed through and some have visited here before, but among the group, no doubt, are some who have never been here. Many stories have gone out of Edenton, so that much has been read about the history, beauty and cleanliness of the town as well as the friendliness and hospitality of our people. As one of the host newspapers for the convention, The Herald is very happy to welcome the newspaper folk to Edenton. The only regrettable pant of the convention is the fact that the time is so much taken up with the pro gram that there will be little opportunity .to see the his torical sites and mingle with out people. The writer hopes, however, that the visitors will be greeted cordial ly and that tliey will get a favorable impression of our little historical town. Mrs. Inglis Fletcher will give a sample of this section’s hospitable people, having invited all members of the press association to be her guests at Bandon. Mrs. Eliza beth Swindell, president of the association, as well as many other members, consider the visit to Bandon a high light of the convention and are looking forward to a de lightful afternoon spent with the noted writer. It seems like an imposition on Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher to serve a luncheon to such a large number, hut Mrs. Fletcher, in speaking with The Herald’s editor, said “We want to en tertain'the newspaper people and we must do it right.” The Herald is a small newspaper compared to some in the association, but its welcome to fellow newspaper workers to Edenton is as cordial and sincere as could be extended by any newspaper. Information Available Some local merchants appear much concerned regarding filing forms for the Office of Price Stabilization. Some have met with obstacles, so that apparently there is some confusion about the whole matter. Today (Thursday) and tonight Arnold Aspden, rep resentative of the Raleigh OPS office will be in Edenton ■to offer his services in preparing the forms as required by law. Mr. Aspden will be at the Court House at 3 P. M., and again at 8 P. M., at which .time he will be glad to furnish any information necessary. Those merchants who have not completed their forms or who do not understand any phase of the law should make a special effort to meet Mr. Aspden. VWVWWVW\^/WVWS/WVWWWS^/N/WVW>AA/WWWWS/WVW' booKd inner Jin minutes! ■ ggjjjljtejte w-th the NEW 1951 I I UNIVE RS A 1 I ($319.95 P?'J 7BIB FOR SPEEDY, AUTOMATIC COOKING -"" \* THERMO-CHEF AUXILIARY OVEN —a sur- IN face oven that bakes, roasts, stews or steams automatically. * SELECT-A-TROL Brings oven, thermo-chef or con* j ) venience outlet into operation for automatic timing. | PRE-HEAT PUSH BUTTON —Heats oven quickly. \ /Automatically shuts off at desired temperature. Thernlos,a, ' cal| y controlled Warm ing Oven, Super-heat Monotube ’ Surface Units —7 Heat Control, ' Platform Light and Timer. Minit- DOUBLE OVEN C foadfae RA7819 Two full size ovens for large family requirements. Com- ’ pletely automatic cooking withoven,' | V-4-jgr~ rrT ~~ surface unit or convenience outlet. other models from $249.95 -'J' '~— f'l ■' l l’i 1 THE CHOWAN HERALD, DENTON, N. G, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1910. ’Heard & Seen By “Buff” When it rains it pours, for here I am faced with two conventions at almost the same time. I have my “hands full helping to arrange for the newspaper folk of East ern North Carolina, who will hold their first convention in Edenton Friday and Saturday. Then on Sunday I’m supposed to leave for High Point to represent Chowan Tribe at the Red Men’s convention. Just cannot take it anymore, so I have to give up the 'High Point “party.” At any rate Jim Daniels and Arthur Hollowell and Mrs. Horace White and Mrs. E. J. Pruden of Merry Hill are planning to go to represent the Red Men and Pocahon tas lodges. Gosh, I know I’ll be missing a lot of fun — and would also miss a lot of sleep, too. o Here’s one who enjoyed a visit to the (Boy Scout jam boree at the Marine Corps Air Station over the week end. It does a fellow good to see a group of boys having a good .time, and that’s what they apparently had. How ever, I saw one adult, the Rev. R. M. .Gradeless, who had just as much fun or even more than anyone of the boys. Captain Ted Boutwell was master of ceremonies over a large pan cooking hamburgers for about 26 Scouters on Saturday night. I don’t know if you’d call the things “king” size or not, but 1 do know that one was about all any one person could eat—except Horace White. o Late last week I had two very pleasant Surprises. First a gentleman walked in the office and asked if 1 knew him. I hesitated a while and he said, “I’m Harry Jordan from Minneapolis.” Well, I.had never met him but have had a number of notes and letters from him and even a box of very good cigars (they’re all gone now, however) on one occasion. I have his pioture over my desk and after glancing at it I was sure he was the right man. He didn’t tarry long, but I surely appreciat ed his visit. Then I’m glad I didn’t go fishing 'Saturday afternoon, for I would have missed a visit by my friend, Preacher Harold Gilmer, former rector of 'St. Paul's Epis copal Church, who came down from Winston-Salem for St. Paul’s 250th anniversary. It did me good to see him once again. Meeting old and dear friends and making new ones is sort of like a tonic when one keeps his nose to the grindstohe day in and day out. From all information I have received, members of the Eastern North Carolina Press Association are looking • forward with much pleasure .to the meeting scheduled to be held in Edenton Friday and Saturday. Why some of ’em are even thinking about something to eat. Mrs. Elizabeth Swindell of Wilson, .president of the associa tion, informed me Wednesday morning that (some of the publishers asked that a request be made to various eat ing places to have herring on the menu for Saturday morning breakfast. Well, the herring season has been extended, so maybe they’ll be able to eat herring. Members of the Junior Woman’s Club this week have been driving around spotting boys and girls jriding bi cycles in connection with the bike safety program. Abie little boy told me he had driven out to the Triangle and back six times in succession, but that the ladies didn’t pay any attention to him. Anyway, there’s a lot of in terest in the bike program and here’s hoping it will re sult in the kids being more careful. o I know of two young men who were very happy the } last few days. They were Chaplain (Major) Harry C. Hand and H’M2/c Archie Ashley, who have returned hdme from the Korea fighting area. Both men have been awarded various kinds of medals, but I’m satisfied both of 'em were happier when they reached the shores of‘the good old USA than when they were honored with the stars and medals. Here’s welcoming ’em back home. Only We Can Offer Complete Satisfaction j And Undivided Responsibility • IyfiAfo TILE^I I MAKES WALLSSMILE!S« You need no longer endure the un-' • PERMANENT ngfitly appearance that aracked end . faded want pretent or face the ex -0 __- „„ n Ira expente involved in re-painting COLORFUL and re-papering every two or Ihree yeart, if you cover your wallt with 9 ECONOMICAL conomical, beautiful Plattic Wall Tile. Available in a large range of n colort to writ any decorative taite EASY TO CLEAN in plain or marbleixed pattern!. Addt yean of tparkling appearance to the 9 SANITARY •othroom. Kitchen, Utility . B( Playroom aiwi won* ways. Easy to install./' fc 10 • ♦ -v # WE SELL IT • WE INSTALL IT 0 WE SERVICE IT 0 WE GUARANTEE IT KENttN & OMEr PUMBK ca . EDENITON - HERTFORD HIGHWAY t Phone 545 -:- Edenton Mrs. O. L. Mcßea Won a General Mills Electric Fan—No. 2747 ; No. 3709 Failetfcto Pick Up Their Prize Varsity Club Sports s BanquetOnMonday * State College Coach Ev erett Chase Princi pal Speaker Plans are nearing completion-for the annual Varsity Club banquet Monday night in the armory when all the ath letes of Edenton High School will be special guests of .the club and the prin cipal speaker of the evening will be Everett Case of N. C. State College. The affair, inaugurated last year by the Varsity Club to honor the athletes of the local high school, is expected to foe an outstanding affair once more. In Coach Everett Case, the man who brought big-time basketball to North Carolina, the club has secured an outstanding speaker as well as a man who is considered as one of the finest coaches of the sport in the nation. Coach Case will bring a color movie of a basketball game in which the Wolfpack of 'State College participat ed in. •“ Expected to accompany. Coach Case will be Sammy Ranzino, the sensation al All-American forward of the Wolf pack. Also expected to come for the eventfl is Rill Miller, Wake Forest’s sensa tional sophomore fullback who was considered by experts throughout the VWSA/VWVS/N/«>WWS/V^/WWWWVWS/W Infineon gmmm ■ famous motor. Johnson Neutral Clutch in the Sea-Horse s*—the world's fa vorite fishing motor. Start in neutral. Flip the lever, and GO! Idle, anywhere. Maneuver easily. No shear pin. A boon to fishermen 1 Try it yourself, and see. TheSea-HorseSweighsV. 4f|r f|A only 44 lbs. 32 great vr 111*1 I features. And only.. ' * WlfnlWr TIME PAYMENTS AVAILABLE *5 OBC Certified brake h.p. at 4000 r.p.m. BYRUM HARDWARE CO. EDENTON south as one of the finest running backs in the Southern Conference last season. President Joe Conger will preside over tiie affair and give the address of welcome. The banquet will begin at seven o’clock with a delicious din ner being served by the American «a- — -■ -- - - -^-i/i_r l j-u-LAArLru~ij-ijvxrxru*LC4 Crown MOTHER Queen for a Day f i: With An Entirely New Fashion Concept! j ► IRAO £§ y wave # L «HSM <>.- . - < > <>, < > o :: I ANNE’S BEAUTY SALON jj j; -CITIZENS BANK BUILDING ;; ! I . Phone 433 * Edenton, N. C. o <► * ► «;■ MRS. ANT'J’E S. JENKINS, Prop, f CAMILLA ROSE DRIVER, Operator J’ Double Cola PRESENTS INE MEET THE KDS KLUB SHOW AND BROADCAST Featuring- SAMMY BLAND BOBBIE PRITCHARD CURLY Q. CHARLIE THOMAS Every Saturday Morning 10 TO 10:30 A. M. OYER AHOSKIE WRCS Broadcast Directly From Stage of Taylor Theatre With Matinee Admission “Meet The Kids Klub Comes To Edenton Saturday, May 19 Starring the Kids of Eastern North Carolina Audition Will Be Wednesday, May 16, In High School Auditorium at 3:30 Age Limit 6to 16 Years Big Surprise Prize For Grand Winner ! FOR SALE REGISTERED TAMWORTH PIGS 1 GILTS AND YOUNG BOARS . . ra Apply To BftOWti'SJiESTAUBAHT [■ Legion Auxiliary. Trophies and awards are to be pre sented to (the athletes of the school during the banquet. Tickets are now on sale by club members and will remain on safe until Saturday night. A crowd of over 200 is anticipated for the event. ~ Over $300.00 Bottle Top Contest