PAGE TWELVE FHA JDay Aug. 17 At lost Colony” Members Interested Re quested to Contact Kitty Campen Future Homemakers Day will be observed at “The Lost Colony” on Friday, August 17. According to Miss Miriam Scott, a ticket will cost 90 cents and a little more will be needed for transportation. All FHA members who are inter ested in going are requested to drop a card to the president, Miss Kitty Campen, or get in touch with Mias Scott at the school house on August 15. Al Owens Breaks Leg In Accident Lineman Will Be Very Much Missed on Aces* 1951 Squad Al Owens, a member of the Eden ton High School football team, had the misfortunte to break his leg! Jjpis H i| teyF vf*»F |&iIMExB£SOTC3&; 'jkxZX&fo v *t , YOU’RE looking a* the “stinger” of a B-26 —eight .50 caliber machine guns that could spell eight kinds of trouble for anyone who tried to attack your country. You’re looking, too, at a very important friend of yours. For this young Air Force armorer is doing a job in defense of America and you. But defense is your job, too. And one of your im portant defense jobs is to make yourself a member of the “ground crew” by buying U. S. Defense* Bonds regularly. For, remember, it’s your financial security that helps provide the American economic strength behind the armed force which protects your home. So today sign up for bonds through the Payroll Sav ings Plan where you work or the Bond-A-Month Plan where you bank. You can’t make a better buy —for Defense Bonds are as safe as America! The U. 5. Defense Bonds you buy give* you personal financial independence Remember that when you’re buying Defense Bonds you’re building a personal reserve of cash savings. Money that wiß some day buy you a house or educate your children, or sup port you when you retire. Remember, too, that if you don’t save regularly, you generally don’t save at all. So go to your company’s pay office —now — and sign up to buy De fense Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan. * Don’t forget that bonds are now a better buy than ever. Because now every Series E Bond you oum automatically goes on earning interest (every year) for 20 yean from date of purchase instead of 10 as before! This means that the bond you bought for $18.75 can return you not s2s— but $33,331 A $37.50 bond pays $66.66. And so on. For your | security, and your country’s, too, buy Defense Bonds now! V • *ll. S. Savings Bonds are Defense Bonds Boy them regularly! 0 ~*'2sxssixxi gaaaass^lf l^ The Chowan Herald Thursday morning. Young Owens was among the group of boys participat ing in the baseball school which was ■ conducted last .week by George Pratt, scout for the Pittsburgh Pirates ih the National League. 1 The accident occurred when Owens was attempting to slide in to a base. ■ He was taken to Chowan Hospital, and is now progressing very nicely. Th accident is a blow to Coach George Thompson’s 1951 football team at Edenton High School. Owens, a , strapping fellow, is a linesman and his power will be greatly missed with , the Edenton Aces if and until he is able to go into action. Plenty Os Tickets For “Lost Colony” Despite heavy advance sales for August performances of The Lost Colony, there are plenty of reserved seat and general admission tickets available for the drama during the remaining nights of its current and 11th season, according to William Hardy, general manager of the show which has lived longer than any other outdoor production in America. “There have been reports of rum ors that no tickets were available un less ordered well in advance,” said Hardy, adding, “This is untrue. There are plenty of seats available for The Lost Colony. Waterside Theatre can easily accomodate 3,000 persons in comfort and within view of every scene presented on the multi-level 180-feet of staging.” IMB CHOWAN HERALD. SDBHTON, N. C, THURSDAY. AUGUST, 9, 1951 j_WHO HBWS?_ 1. Who was the Secretary of State when World -War H ended in 1946? 2. What public office does he now hold?) 3. Identify: • Louis S. St. Laurent. 4. Who is credited with saying: “I think, therefore 1 am?” 5. Name the five largest cities in the nation ? 6* What does the name “Australia” mean ? 7. What historical event occurred on June 22, 1941? 8. Name the highest mountain in North America ? 9. Where is it -located? 10. When summer began at 1:46 A. M. (E. D. T.), oh June 22, the sun was over grhat Tropic? ANSWERS 1. James F. Byrnes. 2. Governor of South Carolina, since January, 1951* 3. Prime Minister of Canada. 4. Descartes, French philosopher and scientist. 6. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, .Philadelphia and Detroit. 6. It is Latin for “south wind.” 7. The Germans began the invas ion of U. S. S. R. 8. Mount McKinley (20,257 feet). 9. In Alaska. 10. The Tropic of Cancer. [jn washmgtonJ Economic stability an ITEM OF DEFENSE While everybody hopes ‘that ne gotiations with the Communists in Korea will result in an armistice and possibly a peaceful solution of some of the political problems of that area, President Truman is on firm ground when he warms the people of this country that even if a truce is ar ranged, the motives and objectives of the “Soviet rule Is” will remain un changed, that they still will endeavor to dominate the world and destroy the freedoms of civilized man. Not many Americans will disagree with the statement above. Some of them, interested in profit for them selves, will argue against firm and realistic programs designed to keep this country strong and able to meet an emergency. This does not mean simply the training of fighting men and the procurement of the parapher nalia of war, but also includes all steps necessary to maintain the eco nomic strength of the country. It is perfectly obvious that the enormous spending program of our defense effort, which is just begin ning to get underway, will produce a strong inflationary trend. More over, nobody with sound judgment questions the damaging effects of in flation or the great losses that the people of this country will suffer. Apparently, it would be the sensible thing to pass legislation that may be necessary to give some forms of con trol to those in authority in order that they may use them to protect the majority of the people against the profit-seeking tendency .of indi viduals. We do not pretend to know enough about the ecenomy of this country to be able to pinpoint the program. We do know that economists through out the nation, with only rare excep tions, believe thajr the control of in flation will best be accomplished by the positive application of production controls, price and wage controls, credit controls and rent controls. Each of the regulations to attain THE cables of a suspension bridge seem pitifully thin end inadequate compared with’the mighty bulk hanging from them. Still, it is their depend ability that makes the suspen tion bridge possible. , . It is our dependability in every phase of our service that has made possible the public con fidence we have won. An ex perienced staff—correct ap pointments—polite service. ’ | |||||| |WHMr 0 f>n li J.i uAat gPMOHE ?3KD£?ITQKN.(. wi r jal s P ; at £»s>o' i C\ " n the general purpose, end safeguard die nation’s economy, will run coun ter to the profit-majEmg possibilities of individuals. This statement is not true in the long run of the nation’s 5 affairs but it is sometimes possible for individuals to feather their nests 7 in times of scarcity, and thus come out ahead, even if the rest of the nation suffers the losses caused by inflation. [ MIDDLE CLASS SHOULD FIGHT THIS PROPOSAL 1 Without checking the figures which we take from the mouth of a witness before a Senate Committee, the pro posed income tax program for 1962 1 sets up a marginal tax rate of forty three per cent on SIO,OOO of income; sixty-three per cent on $20;000; sev enty-eight per cent on $40,000 and the maximum rate Os ninety-four and one-half per cent on incomes of SBO,- 000 and more. No one can deny that this is heavy taxation but neither can one dispuite the assertion that it is caused by past wars and the threat of future war. From the standpoint of the defense of this nation, it is reasonable to con clude that those with high incomes and accumulated wealth receive great er benefit from defense than those not so fortunately situated. Consequently, we think it entirely proper that large, incomes and ac cumulated wealth should bear a heavy burden in connection with necessities of national defense. We do not go into the tax rates for corporations, which are also somewhat stiff and threaten to become heavier. Never theless, a corporation is an artificial person, utterly unable to contribute physically to the defense of a coun try and, consequently, dependent upon the sacrifice of living persons for its protection. With this thought in mind, we are thoroughly convinced that corporate profits should be heavily taxed in connection with defense and war ex penditures. If there must be a dif ferential, it must be in favor of the individual citizen who not only has to pay taxes, but in many cases, has to risk his life for the successful defense of his country. With this introduction, we call at tention to an effort now being made throughout the United States to per suade two-thirds of the State Legis latures to petition Congress for a con vention to propose a constitutional | amendment setting a twenty-five per cent limit on Federal taxes. Obvious- LIMITED TIME I #«tfy FgnMM, TV Web j | Vfttfaflliow Swwmr j/y .-^.v.w+v.^v. W £j& j? > JfcWl KFRWERATW AND ROASTS) « ~s F \T s, “ [Sj Giant-Size Freeze Chest\^J^\^^ WEKS T 0 MY FROZE CHEST FwH width, fneiM and stem 90 Ihs. el WTIHKaPCR • FULL-WIDTH MEAT STORAOC TRAY *IM M E D.l AT E # EOG KEEFERS • H-BUSHEL HUMLDRAWER • EXTRA- ft ra | lIfCDV TAU BOTTtE STORAOE SPACE • 9-WAY HAtiDLE Ut LI f fill I ICE CUBE TRAYS twe 14-eebe "Handi-Out" and one ...... ..... |M 28-cube Select O Cobe deseed trays. • ÜBEIAL-TIIADE-111 MEAT STORAOE fwR-wMlh plastic tray balds It Me. of FOR YOUR OLD meat in proper cold. Tray also veefal for storing up to wmis»rnr 100 ice cubes. REFRIGERATOR, BOTTUE SPACE wllb ream far 12 qK. of mNk. eon cam 99 stt*s~tp if*W£stingJiouse Byrum Hardware Company fl Edenton, N. C. , Suffolk, Va. || Ifc if aMbm'nmdthotnx rates in the upper part of this article, the sig i nificance of a twenty-five per cent limit can be perceived. The proponements of this proposal have been at work for more than ten years. By* 1946, seventeen State Legislatures had petitioned Congress to limit Federal taxes to twenty-five percent of income or of estate. Some other states have tadded their peti tion since that time. We do not criticize those who en joy large incomes or possess great wealth for their efforts to ease their tax burdens but we suggest that it would be somewhat silly for others, not to become beneficiaries under the proposed amendment, to do anything to help put into law what its op ponents havm called the “millionaires’ amendment.” / THE RECORD IN EUROPE MAY DISTURB RUSSIA Now that Congress is considering what action to take on the $8,000,000,- 000 Mutual Security Program, it should be note