Woman’s Clubs Os District Hold Meet In Edentod On Monday _____ Subjects of Interest Dis cussed By Various Speakers A luncheon meeting of all presi dents and other officials, of the 16th District Federation of Women’s Clubs was. held in Edenton Monday at the Triangle dining room, with Mrs. W. J. F. Earnhardt, president, presiding. Twenty-two ladies attended the af fair, with clubs being represented from Ahoskie, Gatesville, Manteo, Murfreesboro, Elizabeth City, Cam den, Moyock and Edenton. Following the reading of the Club Collect and roll call, Mrs. Earnhardt recognized Mrs. Keith Fearing of Elizabeth City, vice-president and di rector of Junior Clubs, who made a talk on “The Duties of Junior Clubs, and What Is Expected of Them." Junior Projects include the Clothing Closet and Children’s Home Society in Greensboro. Junior Clubs through out the State furnish one-fourth of the Home Society's Budget. It was reported that 83 babies were placed last year, which takes from one to two years to place these children. Announcement was made of the State Drive for Home Society, which will be held September 9 through September 30. Literature may be secured for Children’s Home Society by writing Miss Rhea Sykes, 740 Chestnut St., Greensboro, N. C. Both Junior and Women’s Clubs participate in the ! birthday remembrance program in the six correctional schools in the State. The Federation’s State Projects are: Civil Dedense, Books for Peace, with Mrs. John Bonn.er of Elizabeth City, and Mrs. David Holton of Edenton, as chairman for this district, and Mrs. Arthur Greene of Ahoskie, State 'Chairman, for Build Freedom for Youth Program. Four clubs from this district have entered the “Build For Freedom” contest. They are Eliza beth City, Gatesville, Manteo and Edenton. Mrs. John Graham of Edenton, Dis trict Chairman of International Rela tions, spoke on “How To Stimulate Interest and Create Broader Under standing Among Peoples of the World.” The subject pf Mrs. Fred Webb of Elizabeth City, District Chairman of the Citizenship Depart ment, was “To Be An Informed Reg istered Voter.” Citizenship Day is the third Sunday in May. Mrs. H. G. Kramer, Jr., Chairman of the Music Department, gave an outline of her program for the year. Mrs. C. E. Hotchkiss, president rff the Elizabeth City Women’s Club, ex tended an invitation to a dinner to be held in the Virginia Dare Hotel on October 9, when the Elizabeth City Club will be hostess to State officers, who will be enroute to the district meeting to be held in Manteo the next day. TAX COLLECTIONS According to Sheriff J. A. Bunch, 1950 taxes collected by hiig, in August amounted to $505.82, which brought total 1950 tax collections to date to , $138,101.82. Prepayment of 1951 taxes during the month amounted to $21,067.73. O ear Red Oak Flooring i $250.00 Thousand 1 1 Manufactured by I The Peerless Flooring Company I HIGH POINT, N. C. I FLINTKOTF ASPHALT SHINGLES I I $7.50 Sq. | FIINTKOTE ASBESTOS WHITE SIDING I $12.00 Sq. I 2-M-l 1312 PAN EIR DOORS { | $10.63 j I - BUY AT THE I I GREEN AND YELLOW SIGN 1 Blades Lumber Co. j I Phone 700 Edenton, N. C. | Center Hill Club Wins Prize At E. City Pair The Center Hill Home Demonstra tion Club has an exhibit in the 7- County Fair at Elizabeth City and won fourth prize of SSO. In the ex hibit are three good boxes and two good ones. The exhibit was planned and ar ranged by the following committee: Mrs. Cameron Boyce, Mrs. B. P. Monds, Mrs. Elton Jordan, Elton Jor dan and Cameron Boyce. Others also assisted by contributing or lending mail boxes, paint and other materials, and the cooperation of the entire com munity. « Mail box improvement is a com munity project in the various Cho wan County Clubs, the goal being a better and more attractive mail box for every rural home. Small' or average size mail boxes should be 48 inches from the ground, and large boxes 40 inches. The box may be placed on wooden or metal standards, with the name of the own er on the box, or a name plate, which may be bought or made. The standard recommended by the N. C. Rural Letter Carriers Asso ciation and the N. C. Highway Com mission is a 4 or 6 inch post set in a concrete base so that it is movable. One of these is in the booth in Eliza beth City. Also one on a metal standard made of old pump pipe and painted with aluminum paint. The other one is white on a standard of 4x4 post 4-H Meeting’s Will Be Resumed This Month Miss Kimsey Perry, new assistant home demonstration agent, for Cho wan and Perquimans Counties, will begin meeting with 4-H Clubs in the various schools the last week in Sep tember. Miss Perry, whose home is in Merry Hill, succeeds Miss Martha Barnett, who resigned to become home agent in Carteret County. She is a gradu ate of East Carolina College at Green ville. pgw 86 Proof -Ml STRAIGHT WHISKEYS IN THIS PRODUCT ARE 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD. S3* STRAIGHT WHISKEY, *3* NEUTRAL SPIRITS. DISTILLED FROM GRAIN. GOODDHUM t fOITS UKTTQ, KUU. ILLINOIS THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1951 Colored Girl Injured j In Truck Accident Madeline Redman Now In Serious Condition In Hospital Madeline Redman, 8-year-old color ed girl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Redman, who live on the Hayes plantation, was seriously in jured Friday morning, when she ran into one of the trucks hauling dirt from the Small farm to the Marine Corps Air Station. The little girl, in a critical condition as the result of a skull fracture, was taken to Cho- f Here’* wonderful news for thrifty homemskers—prices i ■ - 'JR I vIVaI ■ i ■ ' I ■ ” I '43 of many foods are definitely lower today than they wire n| I■■l ■i ■ ' mm ■■ ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ y . .mm In January of this year! Study the comparison below. See 1111* for yourself the dollar cents savings that Co- f ■ _ offers HI I ■ ■|Bi H ■III V rAt Colonial, you get extra savings—the savings resulting II H ' H II from advantageous purchases and lower market conditions which we always pass on to youl II H H H H ■ y’ RR RR Proof p z e hrr s I -s E | Colonial Saves Ijon Wait ™| J, 111% Hfl P I GARDEN PEAS “rji 1 35* |6'| | | If|| U J PINEAPPLE r’ N L 2 31 C 27 c 4 C I mnsSw 2 ~ 2* ___ CLOTHES STAY WHITE FOR LIFE 2 FOR 2 FOR OXYDOL pk£ 30c APPLESAUCE Whitehouie No *° 3 700 I 23 C I IVORY SOAP 4 Tzt 23c mm M blrt dishes shine without wiping 11 ■ * 1 ■ ■■■■■ 1 ■— '■ ■■■■■ ■■■■■ -■■ DREFT LGE- 30c TANGERINE ;I H r|29* 21 °| 8 C I IVORY IXAKES E : 30c NOTHING CLEANS LIKE _____ _______ No , 2 FOR 2 FOR _ SPIC & SPAN ' P * K ° a z 25c PIE APPLES d 39« 30« 9« babVfood lOe m ARMOUR’S DELICIOUS - „ ... „ CORNED BEEF 45c SPRY or CRISCO VI s l- u 99 c 12 • fiSTmT"" . 4 2c ■ "" ' 1 ' 1 ■■ ■■*' ■■■■ ALWAYS FRESH DURKEE’S CSRAPF TAMT old 2Lb 55* IQc ILc cogoanut 3c c tllliirll J illTl Virginia Jar Wm *9 W lU GORTO.vs MACKEREL - -1 FILLETS ' 2 ° z - 32c PINK SALMON VI I 43 c , 37* 6* waxed paper 22= -C S FLOUR V" 91* 85* 6* I2e 1 lIVV * I Bag W POTATO CHIPS PKG Z 25c 1 Colonial guaranteed Ajeata LUTER'S 8-12-LB. AVG. WT. SMOKED PICNICS L WHOLE 0R LB ACZ c HALF LB * i FINE FOR BROILING OR FRYING—SMOKED SLICED PICNICS * 59c Dressed and Drawn 1-5-6 LB. AVG. WT. DUCKS uSEZm “ 59c MADE FRESH DAILY—FRESH GROUND BEEF * 65c WHOLE OR BY THE PIECE—RIB OUT _ SMITHFIELD «■» »49c ECONOMICAL TENDER SUCED PORK LIVER lb 39c j ' • •' • •• ; === ■=== I wan Hospital, where her condition is still precarious. The truck is owned by C. B. Litch field of Creeds, Va., and was driven by Ray Victor James, also of Creeds. The little girl, together with other children, was on her way to school and, according to witnesses, ran into the truck. The driver, of course, is under bond pending outcome of girl’s condition. Firemen Will Meet At Seven O’clock Tonight The Edenton Fire Department will hold its monthly meeting tonight (Thursday) in the fire station. The meeting was supposed to have been held Thursday night of last week, bux was postponed due to the Edenton- Elizabeth City baseball game. Fire Chief R. K. Hall has called 5 the meeting for 7 o’clock due to the I fact that a drill will be held after the ■ business meeting. All firemen, there-1 1 fore, are urged to be on hand. ' 54 JAILED IN AUGUST 1 According to Jailer Herman White, ! 54 persons were placed in the Chowan County jail during August. Confine ments ranged from one to 31 days, with the expense amounting to $410.- 86, which includes jail and turnkey fees. A Word to the Wise A good salesman knows when to stop talking. So does a bachelor. Who can remember the old days when men insisted upon personal fisticuffs to settle religious, politi cal and economic issues? fyrden-freshProduce • CRISP HARD HEAD GREEN * * CABBAGE 3 13° FANCY LONG ISLAND SNOW WHITE CAULIFLOWER head 29c CRISP CALIF. ICEBERG LETTUCE 2 heads 25c GRAND FOR SLICING—RED RIPE TOMATOES carton 17c FANCY VA. GROWN DELICIOUS APPLES 2 lbs. 25c FANCY TENDER STRINGLESS GREEN BEANS 2 lbs. 29c PAGE SEVEN | You can never tell, from the way a ' woman smiles at you, what she is I thinking of you. If you have an idea, try writing it out and you will understand why the editor gets paid. FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet Pickup Good condition. Will consider car as trade-in. Can be financed. Ralph R. Hall 29 Westover Heights PHONE 576-J 2