PAGE FOUR N. C. Cotton Crop Se t At 635,000 Bales New Estimate Up 25,000 Bales Over Septem ber Forecast Prospects for North Carolina’s cot ton crop have improved since Septem ber 1 and the State’s lint production is now estimated at 635,000 bales, ac cording to the cooperative Crop Re porting Service of the State and Fed eral 'Departments of Agriculture. The new estimate, based on October 1 conditions, is up 25,000 bales from the September forecast. Such a crop would be 454,000 bales larger than last year’s short cotton harvest and 56,000 bales above the 10-year aver age crop of 579,000 bales. Lint yields are now estimated at 399 pounds an acre compared with 151 pounds last year and a 10-year average of 369 pounds. “Favored by good weather during j August and September,” the Crop I Reporting Service stated, “cotton opened much earlier than usual. Grow ers took full advantage of ideal har vesting conditions during September and picking is well advanced in all areas. Approximately 188,000 bales had been ginned prior to October 1.” For the nation as a whole cotton production is now estimated at 16,931,- 000 bales, or 360,000 bales below the September forecast. • Senior Class News I. By ANN COFIELD Hi There ! ! 1 i Oh, what a wonderful week-end! Os . course, you know all about it but we just can’t stop talking about that ( magnificient homecoming game. The . Aces played a superb game and came out on the winning end with an 8-6 ■ score. We are very proud of our team and their triumph over the fav ored Perquimans Indians. Congrats, fellows ! ! 1 In harmony with a good football game was a good homecoming parade, sponsored by the sophomore class. The parade was very successful and the seniors are happy to have had repre sented in it, a float prepared by mem bers of the senior class. Our float was a red, white and blue welcome to the alumni. A very nice parade was topped off „ by an exhibition of floats during half time of the game when the Sweetheart of the football team was crowned. The band gave a fine performance in the parade and climaxed a thrilling game with a victory march down Hicks Field. With an entrance in the float con test and the Senior Football Queen Glenn Twiddy, competing for “Sweet heart of Football and Gene Ward for king, the seniors had quite a lively interest in Homecoming. After the game the senior class sponsored a homecoming dance. With congratulations and with happiness and pride all around, the dance was lots of fun and everyone enjoyed it.. Well, I suppose I’ve talked enough about the perfect week-end, which you already know and have heard about over and over, again, so I’ll tell you about how the seniors almost missed it. Really we didn’t but about 5 A. M., on October 16, we were sure we would. It was with half-closed eyes and sleepy yawns that the seniors stumbled through the early morning darkness on this day, getting ready for our trip to the State Fair. How ever, once our crowd had formed, all telling at once of their struggle to open their eyes, we regained our fes tive mood and by the time we left- Edenton we were all happily singing and talking. When we arrived in Raleigh about ten o’clock we were all ready to take in the fair. First the class saw the many interesting and attractive ex- I<> < > M. G. BROWN Co., Inc. jj < > < > < ► Phone 9 * Edenton, N. C; <> I ■■'.•■•' < > M LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS ;| Oak Flooring :; Now In Stock _ ■J BEST GRADE .5200.00 j ;; Per Thousand Square Feet <» • • . * - - ’ * * * < > :: Other Grades 'At 1190.00—5150.00—580.00 :: ■* ■ > 1 > ~ . * / | j ► . ,$ • «Reputation Built On Satisfied Customers” ;: . ** - ' | ; , t »MP«rnti 11 •******••—** ******** hibits from all parts of the state. After taking in the ferris wheel and other rides, we were seniors just long enough to pick out gifts and souvenirs for ourselves and friends back in Edenton. Finally, stuffed with cotton candy, pop com, and candy apples we left the fair behind and headed for home. It was a nice ride back, with every one in a carnival mood, we talked and sang every possible song including popular, classical, Christmas, football and children's songs. - An exhausted and hungry senidr class stopped in Bethel to eat and rest, mostly eat. With this reinforce ment the remainder of the- trip was quite nice and with a happy sigh, we agreed it had been a perfect day and said, ‘‘Good-night.” With the fair and homecoming be hind us, the senior class has settled down to business and to work again on our year book. The seniors en gaged Mr. Stevens of Elizabeth City to take individual photographs for the “Edentonian.” Beginning with the senior class on Tuesday, October 30, he has been in Edenton this week tak ing the students’ pictures. With work on ads and photos well underway, I much progress has been made on the • annual. Well, I believe you are about up to date on the senior news now but be fore I go I’d like to wish “Good luck to the Aces from the senior class.” As' you know they are meeting another strong and favored team tomorrow and will need all our support. Well, I’ll see you next Thursday so, “Bye, now.” Demonstration Club Meetings In November Home demonstration club officers and leaders will conduct the club meetings in November in the absence of Miss Rebecca Colwell, home agent. I The home management leaders have I been trained to give the demonstration I in the local club as follows: Center Hill Club in Community I Center, November 1. Mrs. E. L. Belch will give the demonstration. Gum Pond Club with Mrs. Carey Evans on November 6. Mrs. Henry Bunch will give the demonstration. Advance Club on November 7. Mrs. S. R. Spruill and Mrs. Spruill will give the demonstration. * Eenterprise Club on November 8 with Mrs. Henry Goodwin. Mrs. R. ! T. Harrell will give the demonstration. Chowan Club on November 12 at the Community Building. Mrs. Bertram Hollowell will give the demonstra tion. Beech Fork Club on November 13 with Mrs. John Layton. The demon Austir^Nichols CLUB RESERVE „ BLENDED 'Pi WHISKEY ' - lIMdW Wktskir. u tmt. WMdor. j «% (mil Nwliol Spirits.^ I i 6CO.SS Inc. ■ IH» OBOWAN BMlft HMHTOW. KC»TgDB9PA*. NOYBMfeEIMjgfiL^ stratkm will be given by Mrc. Linwood Layton: Ward Club on November 14 with Mrs. Elton Ward. Mrs. Ward will give the demonstration. Byrd Club on November 19 with Mm. S. E. Morris. Mrs. D. M. Reaves will give the demonstration. Ryland Chib on November 20 with Mrs. Carson Davis. The demonstra tion will be given by Mm. Lloyd Chap pell. Oak Grove Club oh November 22 with Mrs. Percy Nixon. Mrs. Henry Lane will give the demonstration. Rocky Hock Club on'November 27 Your Week-end Meals ' Around These BESTS |j I ■ ■ I What’s your pleasure for Sunday dinner? Plump poultry? .. . Perfect pork? . . . Tender beef? . . . Delicate lamb? Whatever I it is, the choice is yours at P& Q Food Center—choice quality I and choice cuts. So come in today and make your selection I from our best buys for the week-end best because they’re I quality meats, cut and trimmed to give you ntore meat value I for your money. Meat makes the* meal —and our fine meats I make it a better meal. I IDcSALFI Mb. Pkg. I lib JHLL. Armour Shortening I Ojdy^^jti^urchas^O-llMjkg. U4-lb. Blue Syrup g I Karo ..,22c H Quart Bottle Bleach I Washo 16c I No. 2 Red Glo 2 Cans I Tomatoes... .31c H 11 -oz. Del Monte Dried I Peaches 29c ■ l-lb. Wonder Long Grain I Rice, pkg 19c n Large Pkg. I Tide 30c | fwv ® Large Full-o-Milk Each I Cocoanuts ,19c H Juicy Florida 5 Lbs. I Oranges...23c K Virginia Winesap I Apples 5 lbs. 29c IIIIMI I I BARGAIN BASKET I 1 Colored Wastebasket ■ PLUS I 1 Ironing Cord i Both For Only— I 29c m \operated/ PQOD C E NTER f/ * /My igt ' ’ *£'* ? J }*“' , . • "•. / 'f i*'" 2/ D I j fy ikl C C 1 I r r\ Cki y a «l i 11 Bl 11111 , uL N j 0 j with Mrs. O. C. Long, Jr. Mrs. Henry Bunch will give the dmumteMfoh. Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as executors of the Estate of Will W. Spruill, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before the 25th dsy of October, M Dressed and Drawn 91 I FRYERS I 9k ? Lb. MM V49!u/| (Fresh Bunch BrocoHi ...27c Snap <• Beans 3 lbs. 29c Fancy Cal. Slicing 2 Lbs. Tomatoes. .35c M 1-lb. Campbell’s \ MK ;-..-Jt . I Pork-Beans | m Can — M V 12« / 1952, or ~thie notice wjll jbe pleaded in baa? of their recovery., All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. ~ , Tills 22nd day of October, 1951. ' JOHN LEE SFRUIIiL ana CAREY H. SPRUILL, execu tors of Will W. Spruill Estate 0ct25,N0v1,8,ft,22,29c ;v North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of. the estate of James Harris, deceased; late of Chowan Quality Meats I P & Q Homemade Sausage, lb—ssc Fresh Picnic Lb. Pork Roast 49c U. S. Good Chuck Lb. Beef Roast-_-,-71c ■! Il» 111 MMII PETER PAN PINK SALMON Tall Can 55c Mammoth Flour Sale! GUESS THE WEIGHT OF OUR GIANT BAG OF « Gold Medal Flour FREE ENTRY BLANKS Nearest Correct Guess Wins Giant Bag of Flour! HEADQUARTERS FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF Fruit Cake Ingredients! FROXEN FOODS Dulaney Pkg. Strawberries 59 Dulaney Whole Okra, pkg... 29c Dulaney P£g. Preen Peas 28c 46-oz. Dr. Phillips f Orange I Juice I Per can— -25c I County, this is to netify ell Persons having claims against said eaWa to present them to the undersigned on or before September 28th, 1952, or this fcotice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate ; will please make immediate, pkymeutf to the undersigned. This 27th day of September, 195 L ESTHER BARNES HARRIS, * Executrix Estate of James Harris, Deceased. 211 E. Church St, Edenton, North Carolina Herbert Leary, Attorney. Sept27,Oct4,l 1, 18,25 ,N ovlc Chatham Skinless HI Franks, lb. 49cMS Luter’s Sliced 8 Bacon, lb, -59 c B Fresh Pork Liver, lb 49c Hfl Dulaney Pkg. H Succotash .31c I Snow Crop Frozen Orange pi luice 2 cans 49c I Stowaway Chicken Pot Pie, pkg. 35c |