Join The March Os Dimes To Help The Fight Against Polio THE CHOWAN HERALD Volume XIX. —Number 5. Edenton s Colonials Given Franchise In Coastal Plain League Decision to Enter North Carolina Loop Reach ed Last Week INTEREST HIGH Organizational Meeting Scheduled at Court House Tonight At a meeting of baseball fans, call <*ed by Dr. J. A. Powell, president of the Edenton Colonials, last week, a decision was reached for the 'Colonials ) to withdraw from the Virginia League and join the Coastal Plain League. The move was greeted enthusiastically by baseball fans in that Edenton will be in an eight-team circuit, playing with Wilson, Rocky Mount, Roanoke Rapids, Tarboro, Kinston, New Bern and Goldsboro. Dr. Powell announced that the Co lonials received a release from the Virginia League, which at present seems doubtful of operating this sea son. Edenton was favored by Coastal Plain officials for a berth in the lea gue over Wilmington and Elizabeth City. At the meeting Dr. Powell express ed thd opinion that iocal conditions are better in every respect for the successful operation of organized baseball, pointing out the reactiva-, tion of the Edenton Marine Corps Air Station and that the Plain League will in all probability draw| larger crowds from Bertie as well as other nearby counties. Dr. Powell also advanced the argu s ment that playing in the Coastal. Plain League will create more pub*! licity and advertising for Edenton than was realized in the Virginia League. He stated that the Coastal Plain League is an established circuit claiming high prestige and having a reputation for playing, good base ball. Os course, Dr. Powell pointed out that attendance is the secret of suc cessful operation of a team, so that it will be up to fans to determine if the Colonials will be a success. _ Ray H. Goodmon of Williamston, president of the Coastal Plain League, said the granting of a franchise to Edenton ended a two-weeks search for a team to complete an eight-club cir cuit. During last season the Colonials at tracted approximately 30,000 fans and finished third in the six-team circuit. They lost to Elizabeth City in the play-off for .he league championship. A meeting has been called for to night (Thursday) in the Court House at 8 o’clock, when the Colonials will organize. Officers and directors will be elected at this meeting, so that everybody who is interested in base ball is urged to attend. March Os Dimes In ~ Chowan Bogging Down Miserablyi sr Only $777 of $2,000 Quo ta Reported Up to Tuesday Unless last minute reports are sur prising, Chowan County’s March of Dimes win be most disappointing since the plan for raising money to fight infantile paralysis was started. Up to Wednesday Wesley Chesson, Jr., Chairman of the 1952 drive, re ported that contributions turned in to him amounted to only $777.67. The county’s quota is $2,000, so that only, a little over one-third of the quota has been realised. Os course, not all repor s are in, but on the face of returns already reported the indications are that Chowan will turn hi the lowest amount it ever rais ed in the polio fight. ■ I Byrum Family Party* j On Friday Night, * Friday night in the graded school auditorium the Byrum Implement & Truck Company wiH present a free family party starting at 7:30 o’clock. " A big new variety show will be pro \ vided free for the entire family and r it is expected the auditorium will be e* fHled to capacity. I ‘ It is announced that a splendid. prize, a plastic miniature TD-4 mech , anized tractor will be given to a lucky) hoy or girl who attends. A drawing wit! determine the winner. V * » fcdenton.^liowanToun^rNorth Carolina, Thursday,January3l,l9s2. |_ Successful _| Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce dosed its celebration of J&ycee Week by having its mem bership committee show a gain of eight members. The eight new members are: Tom Shepard, Wes ley Chesson, Claude Small, J. L. Baker, Meredith Jones, Tommie (Fountain and J. D. Elliott. An invitation to join a Junior Chamber of Commerce is not just an annual invitation. It is a weekly and constantly welcoming of young men between the ages of 21 and 35 who want to show their dvic pride by affiliating with a group of community go-getters. The Jaycees meet each second and fourth Tuesday nighijs at the Triangle Restaurant at 7 o’clock. Mrs. Wesley Chesson Is Elected President Os Hospital Auxiliary | Committees For Year Are Announced By New President At the January meeting of Chowan Hospital Auxiliary, the following new! ) officers were elected: Mrs. Wesley! Chesson, Jr., president; Mrs. Rodney, Harrell, Sr., vice president; Mrs.j . George Hoskhti, .secretary, mid Mrs. 1 A1 Phillips, treasurer. It was de cided to return to the original plan of meeting every month on the third Wednesday. Mrs. E. N. Elliott, Mrs. W. M. Wilkins and Mrs. J. M. Jones were appointed a committee procure two sewing machines, which will be set up in a special room at the ho - nital. so that most of the sewing and, mending can be done there. The grounds committee submitted, a sketch for the planting around the, nurses’home. This was approved and the money voted to execute the plan.' A very delightful program was given, by Miss Rebecca Colwell, who discuss-! ed the growth and culture of camellias! and azaleas. 'She accompanied her) talk wuh color slides, loaned by the State Extension Service. I The president announced the stand ing committees for 1952 as follows: Sewihg—Mrs. L. A. Patterson, Mns. E. N. Elliott. Memb'^’-shin—Mrs. Lynn Byrum and Mre. Wallace Goodwin. Grounds —Miss Rebecca Colwell, Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. Roland Vaughan and Miss Frances Tillett. (Publicity—Mrs. Junius Davis. Wards or House—Mrs. A. M. Stan ton. Ways and Means—Mrs. Earl Good win, Mrs. A. B. Harless, Mrs. Albert 1 Byrum, Mrs. W. O. Elliott and Mrs. I Raymond Carr. Music Clinic Friday At Chowan School Clinic Is Sponsored By Home Demonstration Clubs of County Attention is called to a music clinic to be held Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Chowan High School -! auditorium, when Mrs. Frank Elliott | will conduct the meeting, giving in formation and training which was stressed at a district clinic held re cently at Greenville. The clinic is sponsored by the Cho .wan County Home Demonstration Clubs and anyone who is interested j lin any phase of music is invited to, attend, especially church choir leaders, , those who enjoy group singing and those who are interested in music ap , predation. - Mrs. Elliott will devote a few minutes to each of these three phases) of music, an a plans will be considered for future meetings and programs. The State Music Committee asked I that all Home Demonstration Club 1 music programs be based on church music in 1952.’ Therefore, at,these meetings Mrs. Elliott wiH offer as sistance to those who are responsible for music in the rural churches. Boy Scouts Observe 42nd Birthday II wBWS|" Official Boy Scout Week Poster President Truman will greet 12 outstanding Boy Scouts in the White House during Boy Scout Week, Feb. 6 to 12, marking the 42nd anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Boy Scout j Week will be observed throughout the nation by more than 2,900,000 boys and adult leaders. -Since 1910, more than 19,000,000 ! boys and men have been members of the organization. “Forward ... on Liberty’s Team” is the birthday theme. \ m -■ - ■ ■ - - -- ■ - - , _ Billie Earle Russell | Wins DAR Award In Dress Contest i Dress Will Be Entered In Greensboro Con test In March Mrs. John Kramer, Regent of the | Edenton Tea Party Chapter, N. 'S. D. 1 t A. R., has announced that Miss Billie , Earle Russell, Hth grade High School student, has been chosen winner of the ' Edenton DAR Homemakers award for! her prize winning dress made forthe i !dress contest sponsored by the local' 'chapter. Miss Russell will be award-1 [ed the DAR silver key, and the dress will be taken to the State DAR Con-' Ivention to be held in Greensboro in March, where it will be judged with other prize winning dresses from all' over the state for the State DAR award. Thirty girls participated in the dress contest. The dresses were modeled! by the students in Miss Miriam Scott’s Home Economics Department at thej January meeting of the DAR Chapter, held in the Iredell House. The con-! test is open to girls from ages 14 through 18. The- dresses must be of cotton material and the cost of the' garment under 10 dollars. Miss Scott is chairman of the Girl Homemakers Com mi tee for the local DAR Chapter. In addition to Miss Russell’s award, the Chapter especially wanted to rec ognize the dress made by Miss Joyce Wright. Miss Wright, and the follow ing students, will be awarded Merit Ccr ificates, signed by the National DAR Chairman ad State Chairman, for their fine work: Christine Brown, Shirley Winslow, Christine Harris, Lela Copeland. Lou Ellen Jordan, Bar bara Leary, Margaret Miller, Betty Bowzard, Iris Jean Leary, Shirley Bunch and Addle Smith. New Fords Will Be On Display Friday Albemarle Motor Company will dis play the new 1952 Fords ’Friday. T. W. Jones, manager, says “These Fords for 1952—in every respect—are the finest ears ever built, and their ad vanced styling, engineering and quali ty features establish them as leaders , in the high-volume field.” Walter .T. Taylor. Jr.. ' In Korean Fifirhtintr Corporal Walter J. Taylor, son of, I Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, is a mem ber of the Bth Fighter-Bomber Wing! now stationed in the Korean warj zone. OpL Taylor’s outfit is respon sible for keening the shooting star jets serviced- in the Korean air war. Young Taylor appeared in a picture recently appearing in daily newspap ers which included North Carolinians In the outfit- Carolyn Harrell i Wins World Peace j Contest At School i I Presented Key To World Peace Medal By Mrs. Dulaney ———— Carolyn Harrell, a senior at Eden- , ' ion High School, was the' winner in • the Build World Peace Contest held . Friday, January 18, in the audio vision room at the new high school build-1, j ing. Carolina won over four other) 1 contestants, including Lois Harrell, 1 Mary Ann Elliott, Sara Kemp Wood | and Rupert Goodwin. A student must have an average of over B-plus or bet ter to he eligible to enter the con- ! test, which is sponsored annually by the Edenton Woman’s Club, i Carolyn’s speech, “What Is The Re- , sponsibility of the United States In I the Light of the Communist Aggres ' sion?” was delivered in a clear, well ' modulated voice and those who heard 1 her declared it was one of the best , ' addresses ever made by a high school (Continued on Page 'twelvei Cast Rehearsing For‘Shooting Stars’ Big Show Will Be Pre sented at School Feb ruary 11 and 12 Members of the cast are hard at work rehearsing for “Shooting Stars,” which will be presented on the stage of the Edenton Elementary School on ■ Monday and Tuesday nights, Febru ary 11 and 12, with each performance , starring at 8:93 o’clock. The local . talent play is sponsored by the Wo man’s Club and the Varsity Club. The show promises to be a gay as- j fair featured by “Roxycttes,” “TV ] Backstage Mop Girls,” Roy AcufFsl “Happy Hay Ride Show,” song and dance routines. Early this week the chorus girls rehearsed routines. Ten scenes in a TV studio takes you right in to theatres where the shows are sent and on TV and the Edenton audiences will see how it is done at , OBSS, National or Columbia broad casting. studios in New York. I Milton Berle, the Emcee, is por trayed by Bill Cozart, while Jane \ Holmes is Chicago’s Fran Allison I with 11 kiddies pantomining the j world renowned Snow White and the , ) Dwarfs fairy story, loved by young ; and old alike. If you have wondered just what happens when a singing commercial comes on the air, don’t miss Ben Perry. He actually shampoos with i Halo, brushes his teeth, with Col (Continued On Page Twelve) Recreational Center Open For Teen-Age Youths In Edenton Ijjffle Time Left | Chief of Police George I. Dail warns owners of automobiles in Edenton that city license tags must be displayed after midnight tonight (Thursday). He infornied The Herald that many Edenvon vehicles, up to Tuesday, had not \ carried the 1952 tag and points out that a penalty of SI.OO will be imposed for failure to display the new license platje by tomorrow . (Friday.) Chief Dail, therefore, urges car owners to purchase their 1952 tag at the Municipal Building today. Members Os Legion Will Attend Church In Body Sunday Honor Four Chaplains Who Went Down With Torpedoed Boat Members of Edward G. Bond Post of ; the American Legion will attend ser- j vices in a body in the Methodist Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock, when the pastor, the Rev. E. B. Ed wards, will preach in appropriate ser [ mon. | The occasion commemorates the an | niversary of the fateful day on which i the immortal four chaplains gave their lives when the U. S. transport | Dorchester was torpedoed in the North Atlantic. 1 At the 33rd national convention of the American Legion a resolution was passed calling for the recognition of this historic and inspiring event by observing this Sunday as “Go To Church Sunday” throughout the na tion, and encouraging and urging our people to a.tend the church of their choice and pray to God to hasten the day of enduring peace. “It is fitting therefore,” says W. J. Yates, commander of the post, “that we of the American Legion who have fought together in three wars should, pray together, and that we should implore the people of our nation to join with us in an appeal for Divine Guidance in one of the dark hours of our country’s history.” He, therefore, urges every member of the American Legion to turn out. for Sunday morning’s service at the! Me hodist Church. Incidentally, Mr. Edwards was ae-' mminted with one of the four heroic chaplains who gave up their life belts in order for others to be saved as they knelt together and sang and pray ed on the deck as the Dorchester sank. Edenton PTA Meets NextTuesday Night Dr. W. S. Griffin And Miss Carolyn Harrell On Program Edenton’s Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet Tuesday night, Febru ary 5, at 7:30 o’clock in the audio visual room of the new high school on Hicks Field. A short business ses sion will be held, with the president, Mrs. Erie Haste, presiding, after which a program will he held featur ing Dr. W. S. Griffin and Miss "Caro lyn Harrell. I Dr. Griffin will speak on the sub-| iect “Dental Hygiene -as it Concerns the Children of Chowan County.” | Miss Harrell, 1952 winner of the Eden on Woman’s Club award in the) High School Peace 'Study and Speak-1 ing Program, will present her speech) on “America’s Responsibility For! Building World Peace In the Face of Communist Aggression.” The devotional will bo conducted by the Rev. Herman L. Cathey, pastor, of the Presbyterian Church. I All members of the association are especially urged to attend and the pub lic is cordially invited. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., will meet in special session to- 1 night (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in Hie Court House. W .A. Harrell, master of the lodge, urges a full attendance. $2.00 Per Ven i Project Result of Ef forts of Edenton Wo man’s Club FINE~”ROOM Adequate Facilities Pro vided For Wholesome Entertainment By Evelyn G. Leary The thrill of a lifetime was ex perienced by ;he youngsters of Eden ton Saturday night when their dreams of having a recreational center became a reality. A huge crowd of boys and girls as well as adults were on hand for the official opening of the Teen- Age Club located in the basement of the Edenton Graded School. The teen age center is one of the major pro jects sponsored by the Edenton Wo man’s Club which has always been in terested in the welfare of the youths of Chowan 'County, have also estab lished an attractive playground at i Hicks Field for the younger children as well as staging speaking contests for the high school students. The spacious club room runs the full length of the building directly under the audimrium and is equipped with an attractive snack bar, powdeT room, rest room facilities for both boys and girls, floor and table lamps, tables, ■ wastepaper baskets, book cases, a pi ,ano, ping-pong table, numerous books i and magazines, and all sorts of games. Practically all of the furnishings for j the club have been donated, including the paint with which the teen-agers | painted the interior of the building. ! Mrs. George Thompson, chairman, says the club room still needs more equipment, particularly games and reading material. Contributions of magazine tables, or any other fumi i ture that might be used will be great ly appreciated by the Woman’s Club. The club plans to add more ping-pong (Continued on Page Twelve) Meeting Is Held To Consider Erection Os Community Building Representatives Os Var ious Organizations Discuss Project A meeting was held in the Munici- I pal Building Friday night to organize ) a movemen, having as its goal the erection of a community building in Edenton. The meeting was called by the Junior Chamber of Commerce in an effort to enlist the aid and coopera tion of various organizations in the project. j Present at the meeting were repre sentatives from all the active civic clubs and a very lively discussion was entered into concerning a community building. Each representative was in structed to report hack to their or ganization the result of the meeting in the hope that the program will he approved. | Another meeting is scheduled to be held Friday night, February 29, at 8 o’clock in the Municipal Building. The need of a community building is rea lized by the Jaycees, who hope enough interest can he aroused to bring the idea into realization. Rotarians Entertain 4-H Boys In Peanut Contest Tonight Edenton Rotarians will not meet today at the usual 1 o’clock hour hut 1 instead the meeting will he held to night at 7 o’clock in the Parish House. I The meeting was changed due to the Rotary Club entertaining the boys ) who participated in the 4-H Club pea | nut contest this year, as well as their fathers. President J. L. Chestnutt at , last week’s meeting asked for a show of hands of those who will attend, so I that practically every member of the club is expected to be on hand prompt- I ly at 7 o’clock. Meeting Os County Council At 2:30 Today A meeting of the County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs will he : | he'd this (Thursday) afternoon at 2:30 ■ j o’clock at the Chowan Community : I Building. This will he an important r| meeting, so that every member of the . County Council is urged to attend.

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