Give A Pint Os Blood At Armory Today THE CHOWAN HERALD Volume XlX.—Number 10, Chowan County Red Cross Fund Raising Drive Is Under Way — < A1 Phillips Names Co- Workers Who Will Di rect Canvass QUOTA~S2,SOO ► Co-Chairmen Make* Ap peal For Liberal Con -4 tributions Under the direction of A1 Phillips and William P. Jones, Chowan Coun ty’s Red Cross fund raising drive got under way Tuesday and it is hoped the campaign will be able to be com pleted by Saturday, March 15. Chowan County’s quota this year is $2,500 and in an effort to raise the amount Mr. Phillips has enlisted the services of a group of co-workers, who will make a thorough canvass of all homes and business establishments. The co-workers and areas to be can vassed are as follows: Business District, west side —J. P. Partin. Business District, east side—W. E. Malone. East Edenton, Water to Church Street—Miss Elizabeth Elliott. East Edenton, Church Street to Park Avenue—Mrs. Frank Habit and Miss Celia Spivey. West Edenton, Church Street to ~ Route 32—Mrs. Jerry Williford. West Edenton, Water to Church Street—Miss Kathryn Brown. Cotton Mill Village—E. C. Alexan der. Albemarle Court—Mrs. E. W. Hoop er. W estover Heights Mrs. Alice Belch. Morris Circle—'Mrs. J. M. Boyce, Pembroke Circle Mrs. Robert Smith. Industrial—Joe Conger. North Edenton Residential —Miss Catherine Ward. North Edenton Business Firms— Kenneth Worrell. County Schools —W. J. Taylor. Marine Corps Air Station—Major L. F. Ferguson. County Chairmen —Mrs. E. L. Belch and Mrs. Cameron Boyce. East Edenton Colored—Mrs. Byrd. West Edenton Colored —Mrs. Cath erine Hefler. County Colored Chairman—Mrs. Onnie Charlton. Colored Business Section—E ar 1 Jones. Mr. Phillips says the average per son is not acquainted with the numer ous activities of the Red Cross and the funds necessary to properly carry out the varied Red Cross program. For that reason he stressed the import ance of meeting the county’s quota • and calls upon every person contact ed to be as liberal as possible. Dr. Martin Wisely Lions Club Speaker Talks to Members of (Jons Club About Do nating Blood Or. Martin Wisely addressed the members of the Edenton Lions Club at their regular meeting Monday night with reference to the bloodmo bile which will be in Edenton today; (Thursday). Dr. Wisely explained the processes that the Mood went through from the timd it was receiv ed until was used. He had as his guest, Miss Carolyn Shaw, labors- ' t#ry technician at the Chowan Hos pital, who arranged a display for the benefit of the Lions. W. E. Bond, who has donated blood seven times, was also a guest. . The Lions Club will observe its fif teenth animal charter night banquet at the Edenton High School cafe teria next Moiujpy night. The Lions will have pielr wives aft guests for < the evening. Rotarians Will Elect New Officers Today Edenton Rotarians will hold their weekly meeting today (Thursday) at 1 o'clock in the Parish House. The principal order of business will be election of officers and directors for the Rotary yeSr. The entire member *CP of the chib has been placed ini semination. (President J. L. Chestnutt is veky Wtadout to have a good attendance for the election, so that every Roterian te urged to attend the meeting. •• • - Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 6, 1952. | Resigns | <*4*“*? JBL A. S. HOLLOWELL At Monday’s meeting of the Chowan County Commissioners A. S. Hollowel] tendered his resig nation as First Township Com missioner, effective Monday, April 7. He lacks only a few months of , serving four years. Dr. 0. Orion Mixon Speaker At Joint Rotariais’ Meeting Edenton and Ahoskie Clubs Meet In Par ish Jlouse Edenton and Ahoskie Rotarians met jointly in an inter-city meeting Thurs day night in the Parish House, when a goodly number of the membership of both Rotary Clubs attended. A spirit of good fellowship prevailed, with J. L. Chestnutt, president of the Edenton Club, presiding and welcom ing the visitors. President Chestnutt called upon every Rotarian present to stand and introduce himself, after which the principal speaker, Dr. Orion F. Mixon, president of Chowan Col lege at Murfreesboro, spoke. Dr. Mixon used as his subject "Community Betterment,” during ; which he emphasized inter-dependence among people living in any communi ty. He traced the establishment of communities and pointed out that as a community grows inter-dependence increases. Most important and neces sary for a good community. Dr. Mix on said, was first, the home, to which must be added the church, school, good government, good business based on ethics and a desire for attractiveness, which is an obligation on everyone liv- . ing in a community. HolloweU Resigns As Commissioner - i Resignation Is Present-: ed at Commissioners’ 1 Meeting Monday A. S. Holloweli, a member of the Chowan County Board of County I Commissioners for four years, tender ed his resignation as commissioner from the First Township at the Coun- | ty Commissioners’ meeting Monday ' morning. The resignation is effective the first Monday in April. In tendering his resignation, Mr. i Holiowell said he did so verv reluct-1 antly, as he had enjoyed working fttt Such a harmonious group of men. However, he is obliged to go out of the grocery business, which, coupled with sickness in his family, makes it very uncertain if he will have the time to devote to the office. The resignation was accepted with regret, and to a man the other Com missioners said they were sorry to lose him as a Commissioner, for he made a very good one. ’A successor to serve 'Mr. Holtowellk unexpired term will be appointed by Clerk of Court E. W. Spires, but this appointment will not he made immedi ately. However, a successor, will be appointed before the next regular meeting of the County Commissioners. Donations Os Blood Wdi Be Taken Today At Edenton Armory Red Cross Bloodmobile Will Make Eighth Visit Today (Thursday) the Red Cross Bloodmobile will make its eighth visit to Edenton, when Chowan County resi dents are asked to contribute 160 pints of blood. N. J. George is recruitment chair man and has announced the follow ing area chairmen: County—'Miss Rebecca Colwell. 'Business District—Mrs. Joe Thorud. > North Edenton—Miss Mildred Mun den and Mrs. T. C. Cross. Morris Circle and Albemarle Court —Mrs. Bill Brotton. Westover Heights—W. T. Harry. Mill Village—Kissler Phillips. West Edenton—Mrs. A. F. Down urn. Pembroke Circle—Mrs. J. R. Du laney. Broad Street—Mrs. T. C. Cross, Jr. East Edenton Mrs. Haywood Bunch. The bloodmobile will be at the ar mory from 10 A. M., to 4 P. M., and Mr. George desires it to be under stood that anyone may come to the armory to donate blood between those hour* even though no appointment has been made. Mr. George also makes a special appeal to Negroes to donate blood, pointing out that at Chowan Hospital during the year 1951 a total of 140 pints was administered to Negroes, while less than 25 have made blood donations during the bloodmobile visits. It vs pointed out by Mr. George that it takes very little time to donate a pint of blood, that it isn’t painful and there are no ill effects, so that in the name of humanity he cannot under stand why Chowan County should not donate many more pints than the quota calls for. Band Instruments On Rental Basis For New School Band Group Will Be Trained To Play With Regu lar Band With the intention of recruiting a large number of students for the school band, Bandmaster Ernest Gen tile has announced that all students will be given an opportunity to enroll in a new band to be formed in the near future. While conferring with Superinten dent John A. Holmes, the decision was reached that all students should be tested with a scientific test to check their musical ability, and that ar rangements would be made whereby instruments could be rented for three months to determine the instrument best suited to each individual child and his interest in it. This method of starting children on musical instru ments is being widely used by schools throughout the country with great success. Lessons will be furnished by the school. Mr. Gentile says now is the logical time'for children to start, and it will be only a matter of months be fore they will be given an opportunity to win a chair iiathe regular band and to participate in all of the school band functions. , | Improving _| Due to a great deal of side ness and precautionary measures among children, attendance in Edenton schools has been greatly affected the past severil days. Similar conditions prevail over a widespread area and in some towns schools have been clooed. In Edenton, however. Superin tendent John A. Holmes express ed the opinion that with clearing weather, school absentees wMI be greatly red need, and that micas something of an epidemic devel ops the schools will remain open. In the high school Tuesday there were 75 students absent oat of an enrollment of aboat SSO. AC the elementary graded school conditions are improving. On Monday there were 128 absentees, while on - Tuesday the number dropped to IML Jurymen Selected For Term Os Court Starting March 31 Judge Clawson Williams, OT Sanford Scheduled j To Preside i In anticipation of the April term of Chowan, County Superior Court, the Chowan County Commissioners on Monday picked 50 names from the jury box, who will be summoned for jury duty during the term of court. The session of court will begin Mon day, March 31, with Judge Claw son Williams of Sanford scheduled to preside. It will be a mixed term with no sensational cases on the doc ket . Those who were picked for jury duty are: J. Q. Bass, Louis Geo. Wilkins, J. H. Thigpen, Thurman R. Harrell, Edward J. Chappell, W. L. Hardison, W. J. P. Earnhardt, Wince White, George 'S. Goodwin, E. M. Ward, J. J. Alexander, Henry Brabble, George S. Twiddy, M. F. White, M. A. Hughes, Ellsworth Blanchard, Ernest Stillman, J. Wal lace Goodwin, J. J. Oliver, Gurney Hobbs, Quinton Bass, Roland Ashley, T. L. Evans, Jr., J. M. Jordan, R. F. Jordan, E. C. Ward, George Alma By ruin, E. L. Pearce, W. H. Jordan, S. J. Sutton, O. M. Blanchard, Troy Toppin, Emmett Dail, Vandy Nixon, E. J. Goodwin, Walter Heath, Irvin Trotman Spivey, Ralph K. Holloweli, H. F. Byrum, M. M. Nixon, Robert , L. Perry, Murray L. Goodwin, L. P. Chappell, P. W. Nixon, James L. Has sell, M. M. Perry, A. A. Parrish, , Mitchell Barrington, W. L. Batemar i and Junius White. Rev. R. N. Carroll Speaker For PTA Meeting March 11 Turkey Dinner Will Be , Served In School , Cafeteria Next Tuesday night, March 11, the Edenton Parent-Teacher Association , will hold a dinner meeting in the cafeteria of the new Edenton High which it is hoped will attract a large number of members and friends. The meeting will start at 7 o’clock. The principal speaker for the occas ion will be the Rev. R. N. Carroll,' pastor of the Edenton Baptist Church,; who will use as his subject, “The 1 Responsibility of the Home and |. Schopl For Citizenship Training.” Another feature will be special music by Jack Mooney, who wilt be accom- : panied at the piano by Mrs. Mooney. A turkey dinner will be served un der the direction of Mrs. Paul Holo- 1 man with ticket sales being in charge ‘ of Mrs. Ervin Griffin and Mrs. W. T. • Harry, co-chairmen of the Ways and Means Committee. The dinner was planned to help boost the association’s ■ treasury which was hit a solar plexus blow as the result of two SIOO do- ! nations to the Edenton schools. Easter Seal Sale Will Start Friday Lions Club Hopeful Sale This Year Will Raise SSOO More than 500 envelopes containing sheets of 1952 Easter Seals will be sent to hemes in Chowan County when the annual Easter Seal campaign to ; : help crippled children gets under way. ‘ The mailing will be made by the ] Edenton Lions Club, sponsor of the i drive, and six volunteers will spend : several days stuffing and addressing ] envelopes to residents in this lo- < cality. The 19th annual campaign opens 1 Officially March 13 and continues < through April 13. A quota of SSOO ] is expected to be reached during that , time, according to W. J. Taylor, cam- j paign director. Geddes Potter is 1 chairman and Jesse Harrell, treasur- ] er. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge No. 7, A. F. A A. M., will hold a regular comm uni- < cation tonight (Thursday) in the j Court House. All visiting Maeons are ' invited to attend the meeting. i ✓ 1952 Coastal Plain League Season Will Begin Play On May 1 r { | Buy Easter Seals | jp?Jpi bfl hB ®i mmm ■■Kim « S B j E9K You can help crippled children like Doris open the door to a new life by using Blaster Seals. With out medical treatment and thera py provided by Easter Seal funds, Doris would be unable to stand alone today. You can give her further help in her fight against crippling by supporting your Easter Seal Agency. Spring Federation Bf Home Demonstration Clubs Bn March 19th Miss Pauline Gordon to I Be Principal Speaker For Occasion The Spring Federation meeting of Home Demonstration dubs will be held Wednesday afternoon, March 19, at 2:30 o’clock in the Rocky Hock school auditorium. The speaker will be Miss Pauline Gordon, Home Furn ishings Specialist with the North Carolina Extension Service. She will give a demonstration on flower ar rangements. After the meeting the Enterprise Home Demonstration dub will be host to a tea. The County Officers are as follows : Mrs. ET L. Belch, president; Mrs. Kermit Perry and Mrs. H. H. Lane, vice presidents; Mrs. H. T. Hollo weli, secretary. Senior Class Play Friday, March 14th Upper Classmen Will Present Margaret” Plans are going forward for the annual Edenton senior class play, “Marrying Margaret,” which will be presented in the elementary graded school auditorium Friday night, March 14. Rehearsals are being held for the play, which promises to provide an evening of genuine entertainment. Those taking part in the play are Burton Harrison, Marietta Perry, Glenn Rae Twiddy, Mary Ann El liott, Joan Cobb, Alphia Small, Pete Adams, W. 0. Speight, Dorothy Hen inger, Grace Hudson, Milton Long, Branch Bunch, Sara Kemp Wood, Erie Haste, Jr., Gene Ward and Rupert Williams. POCAHONTAS MEETING Chowanoke Council, No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock in the Red Men hall. Mrs. Elsie Lee, Pocahontas, urges a full attendance. $2.00 Per Year. Colonials Sche duled to Meet Tarboro In Opening Game 64 HOME~GAMES Officials Emphasize the Need For Attendance At Games Thursday, May 1, will mark the opening of the Coastal Plain League 1952 season, with the Edenton Co lonials scheduled to meet Tarboro on Hicks Field at 8 o’clock. It will be Edenton’s first time to be included in the Coastal Plain circuit with seven other clubs, Tarboro, Wilson, New Bern, Goldsboro, Kinston, Roanoke Rapids and Rocky Mount. The Co lonials last year were in the Vir ginia League, but withdrew when an opportunity presented itself to join the Coastal Plain League. According to the schedule, the Co lonials will play 64 home games. All games will be played at night, except Saturday nights, when the time will be 8:30 o’clock. Sunday games will begin at 2:30 in the afternoon. The game on the Fourth of July will be played in Edenton at 2:30 o’clock. The schedule of the home games follows: May I—Tarboro. May 3—Wilson. May C—New Bern. May B—Goldsboro. May 9—Kinston. May 11—Roanoke Rapids. May 14—Rocky Mount. May 15—Wilson. May 17—Tarboro. j Maj - 19-—Goldsboro. May 21—New Bern. May 23- —Roanoke Rapids. May 25—Kinston. , May 27—Rocky Mount. May 29—New Bern. May 30 —Tarboro (Double Header). June I—Goldsboro. June 2—-Roanoke Rapids. June 6—Wilson. June 7—New Bern, June 9—Kinston. June 11—-Tarboro. June 13—Goldsboro. June 16—Rocky Mount. June 18-—Wilson. June 20—Kinston. June 22—Rocky Mount. .Tune 24—Roanoke Rapids. June 26—Kinston. June 28—Rocky Mount, June 29—« New Bern. (Continued On Page Twelve) Cub Scout Banquet Held Friday Night Delightful Affair Held In Scout Cabin; Some Awards Made Edenton Cub Scouts held their Blue and Gold banquet in the Scout Cabin Friday night, when a goodly number of the Cub Scouts and their parents were present. Also attend ing the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Byrum, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Lupton and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ward, representing the Troop Com mittee of the Lions Club, sponsors of the Edenton Cub Pack. James Byrum, Cubmaster, presided over the meeting, which was also at tended by Bill Sutherland, Boy Scout Executive of the West Albemarle Dis trict. A delicious cold plate was served by mothers of Cub Scouts and during the meeting a number of games were played under the direction of Mr. Sutherland. During the meeting awards were made to some of the Cub Scouts, among which were the gold and silver arrow points to Bobby Bunch, bear badge and a two-year service star to Paul Twiddy, and five silver arrow points and lion rank to Edwin By. mm. Bishop Thos. Wright At St. Paul’s Sunday Bishop Thomas Wright of Wilming ton will make his annual visit to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Sunday and will preach at the 11 o’clock service. He will also confirm new member* in • the church. I The public Is invited to attend and hear the Bishop.

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