Page 4 Young Ahoskie Agency Keeps Pace iWith Other Dealers Firm Started In 1947 Already Has Won Better Dealers Award The Charles H. Jenkins and Company’s agency in Ahoskie has been doing remarkably well for a comparatively new agency. The agency was organized in 1947 and since then has kept pace with the other agencies in sales and business. In addition, the agency has received a better dealers award. The award was an oil painting of an Indian. It was presented to the agency by the Pontiac Com pany in recognition of the j agency’s achievement in building , a good reputation with customers, employees, and manufacturers. The award was made to those agencies which had built a solid reputation in its relation to cus tomers, employees and manufac- j turers. The award was made to the Charles H. Jenkins and Company j two years ago by the Charlotte j distribution point. The Charlotte j distribution point covers North Carolina and parts of Virginia, ! South Carolina, West Virginia, and Tennessee. The agency is located on Rail-1 road street in the same building with the Standard Chevrolet! Company, A partition divides the | two agencies with the Charles H. Jenkins Company’s share being! 80 by 175 feet. Desoite the proximity of the agencies, each maintains its own personnel and manager. The Charles H. Jenkins and Company’s agency has two show rooms 40 by 40 feet. The show rooms are divided by a driveway which runs to the service depart ment. Makes of cars which can be seen on display are Cadillac. Pon tiac, Buick GMC trucks and Olds mobile. These are the makes! which the agency sells. At the rear of one of the show rooms is the company’s parts de partment. The parts department ; is typical of the Charles H. Jen kins and Company’s agencies in that it is well stocked to supply any parts necessary to make a re pair on any vehicle. The service department is locat- j ed at the rear of the building, j Thirteen stalls are available to service or repair autos. The young agency has a young manager in 28-year old Harold McCoy. Despite his youth. McCoy | is an old hand in the automobile : business. He has been manager of the Ahoskie agency for the past years, aneUbefore that was associated with an auto finance \ company in Norfolk. He was pacts. salesman before he departed to ' join the McCoy j is* a younger' brother of the; Charles H. Jenkins and Com- 1 pany’s assistant manager C. L. McCoy. McCoy took over the manager- j ship from D, W. Rodwell, The agency has the youngest j personnel of any agency in the Charles H. Jenkins and Com pany’s organization, the young manager said. Four of the em ployees have been with the com pany for five years but none hast been associated with the company | for a longer period. Those making up the lfi-man i staff with the execution o f the i manager are as follows: Elmer | Troxil, mechanic five years:! Johnnie Foines. body man. four ! years; Lloyd Slade, mechanic, | three years; Robert Blow?. mech- i anic, one year; Shelton Pierce, mechanic, two years; Chester; White, wash and polish man, six ! months; Carlton Ballance,- lubri cation and polish, one year: Alex ander Childs, janitor, one year; T. T. Morris, service manager, five years: James W. Bracy, parts manager, one year; L. K. Overton, j salesman, five years: L. P. Storey, | salesman; George E. Wvnn, sales man, one year; Judith Lane, secretary, three months; Julian Robertson, Jr., bookkeeper, five years. ASSISTS DEALERS A plan to assist dealers with j their finances was established by General Motors in 1929. The Mo tors Holding Division was organ ized in that year as a financial bulwark for dealers. The division assists men who are qualified to become General Motors dealers and helps deserving dealers through bad times. ■ -^'" ? / Je •’jfej'v?.* ,ip uU pi hi HH,, B< ,He v V ';-* ' -.|Jg . “,* i 1m .' ~ffC IfeLi /*. j| B ■ HR ’ ™ * EMPLOYEES OF STANDARD CHEVROLET COMPANY .. ....... i&e ■ ... . . Standard Ist To Sign With Jenkins Firm ! The Standard Chevrolet Com- I pany of Ahoskie was the first I Chevrolet franchise signed by : Charles H. Jenkins and it has grown steadily through the years. The Standard Chevrolet Com pany was organized in 1927- Since then the business has continued to expand, causing the company to move several times. The company is now located in ) a brick building at the corner of i Railroad and Church streets. This : location gives the organization 75 | by 240 feet in which to carry out j its operations. Before moving to j its present location, the company j was operating in a building on Main street. The old location i which is two blocks from its pres- i ent headquarters is now used as" j a body repair and paint shop by j them. The show room of the company is enclosed with glass and is open ! to view from both streets. Here new cars are put on display. At i the rear of the show room are the | offices of the manager and the I bookkeeper. The offices are locat- | ed to one side of the building j with a small corridor which leads j to the service department separ- j ating the offices from the rest rooms. . The parts department is located I beside the show room across from j the offices. The parts department '• is stocked with all parts necessary | to repair anv damage to a vehic'e. The service department of the j company has stalls to service 12 i cars at one time. Five mechanics ; and two helpers work in the serv- j ice department. Over 4.000 re-! pair orders were written by the j company for the work these men did last year. The company is proud of the ! number of rest rooms it maintains for its employees and the public. | . Ihe-cnmpany has private rest ; rooms for the manager and the j bookkeeper. Two are maintained j for the public and a bath room ; which is equipped with showers and locker space is maintained for i its employees. The Standard Chevroi°t Com- i j oapv employs a staff of 15. Foil’- j ! of the personnel have been With i the company for over 18 years, one has been in the employment j of the company for 15 years, and two have been with Standard ! Chevrolet over ten years. Two members of the company have been with the organization i almost from the time it was or ganized. C. B. Coggins, manager, ; and Miss Joyce Hines, bookkeep i er, have been with Standard Chevrolet for approximately 25 ; years. Coggins took over the ship of the company in 1935. Be ' fore then he had joined the com pany as a salesman. At the time he joined the organization, P. E. j Dukes was manager of the com- j pany, Coggins left the organ iza- ! tion for ten months before he was manager to replace Dukes when the manager resign ed in 1935. Miss Hines started working for the comnanv a few months after it started operations. At first, she was working only part time, but as the business began expanding, she became a full time employee j of Standard Chevrolet Company. Other employees with their ; position and years of employment iare as follows: R. L. Dempsey, Jr., parts and ! accessories manager, 11 years; J. P. Bazemore, salesman, 19 years; George A. Brinkley, salesman, three years; George L. Baker, shop foreman, six years; Ray- I mond J. Hewitt, body shop fore man and mechanic, six years; Sears Watson, body shop mech '" : % 1 ~1 \ ” ■■ : , '. . . CHARLES H. JENKINS b CO. AND STANDARD CHEVROLET CO. IN AHOSKIE i i i ! Two Agencies Are Separated By Partition A partition separates the Stan | dard Chevrolet Company and the ! Charles H. Jenkins and Company's | automobile agency in Ahoskie. j Both agencies of the Charles H. Jenkins arid Company’s or- | ganization are housed in the same ! building at Railroad and Church i I streets in Ahoskie. But despite! I their proximity, each operates in- i ! dependently of the other. Each of the agencies - maintains i its own service, parts and sales j department and has its own book j keepers and general managers. | The partition which separates | I the two agencies divides the build ! ing nearly equally. The Standard | Chevrolet is 80 by 170 leet and I the Charles H. Jenkins and Com ! pany’s agency is 80 by 175 feet. ; i The partition divides the show j ; rooms, the parts departments, and ! j the service departments. There are ; ; doors located along the partition jso that employees can take the j ! short cut to the other agency.; ■ There is a wide nonpartition ■ j space dividing a part of the serv ice department!. Mechanics* - can | ramble from one service depart ment to the other. However, they work only for the agency employ ing them. ' * The lot for used cars is shared by the two agencies. Bear Tamed By Battery Booster A battery booster once put a ! trade-in at Charles H. Jenkins! and Company in a cage. ; The trade-in was a bear which j had been caught near Bear Grass i the night before it was brought to the Charles H. Jenkins and j Company’s headquarters in Au-! lander to be traded on an auto. After accepting the bear as | trade, Cecil McCoy and Broadus j Taylor worked late into the night j building a cage for the ferocious animal. However, when it came I time to transfer the animal to his j j new cage, the bear refused to j budge. Every effort tried by the ! ! automobile dealers to get the | I bear into the cage failed until suddenly Taylor was struck with an idea. He had heard that bears were scared of fire so he took a bat tery booster, touched the wires together and made the sparks fly. The bear looked once at the fly ing sparks and then scampered : nto the cage. A year and a half later the bear, cage and all, was sold. anic, 18 years, Ralph Mitchell, mechanic, 15 years; J. S. Tillery, mechanic, 14 years; James A. Godwin, mechanic, 9 years; Rus sell Henderson, mechanic, one year; Grady Lee Wynn, mechanic, seven months; John Holly, help er, five months; Alvester Hollo man, helper. Chas. H. Jenkins & Co. Anniversary Section |^Teneralmotor^^ -PLANI FPL AN 'V . ■’ ♦•/*. • • CONGRATULATIONS and a•-• , . m BEST WISHES , , -To - CHAS. H. JENKINS & CO. On Its FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY » YEAR •• - /. .. \ : '■■■: : . .. .• ' . ... ' ‘ - : ,■' '• ... ■' .' •. ' ••• ■ . ■ , ■ ■ ' ' - . ■j. - GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE f * CORPORATION I xh *' t : "‘4" • yf *• ■<**. . ¥■ - ' ' : * . '' : ■ ! . ■ 'V ■ t ■ ■ v; y i .. „r,y •< ' :■:< VSVTVn ■ %li iV I lEI PLAN PLAN* * '* ' .‘wl > -L. • -V* tF! ‘ 1 >"• * * ; i 4• ‘ '’“..a.... : T ' . . * EMPLOYEES OF CHARLES H JENKINS b CO. IN AHOSKIE

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