Remember: Saturday Will Be Your Last Chance To Register THE CHOWAN HERAhD Volume XlX.—Number 42. i - 0 am . • 'r Interest Mounting In Baby Contest To Name King-Queen Buddy White and Re becca Lane Leading: This Week CROWNED NOV. 7 38 Youngsters Now En tered By Three Eden ton Oubs Interest is increasing in the baby contest now in progress which is be ing sponsored by the Edenton Busi ness and Professional Women’s Club, the Woman’s Club and the Junior Chamber of Ootnmerce. The contest is being held in con junction with a Tom Thumb wedding which will be held at the elementary school Friday night, November 7. at 7 r3O o’clock. At that time Mayor Le roy Haskett will crown the boy and girl who wins the honor of being King and Queen. Thirty-eight babies are entered in the contest, with their pictures dis played in windows o!f the concerns sponsoring them. The pictures are attracting a great deal of attention. Among the boys Buddy White, sponsored by Habit’s Tavern was leading early this week with Eugene Davenport, sponsored by Habit’s Gro cery, in second place. Rebecca Lane, sponsored by P A Q Food Center, was leading in the girls' division. Candy Smith, sponsored by the Betty Shoppe, was in second place. Each vote costs one penny. Col. Mi A. Reeder Lions Club Speaker Tells Lions Base Month ly Payroll Is Between $250,000 and $300,000 Col. John A. Reeder, who is sta tioned at the Marine Corps Air Sta tion in Edenton, provided the program for the Lions CSub at their regular meeting Monday night Col. Reeder told the Lions as much about the Marine Corps Air Station as se curity would allow. He stated that this station is occupied by Marine Aircraft Group 11, which consists of a Headquarters Squadron, a Marine Air Base Squadron, a Marine Air Maintenance Squadron, Marine Air Squadron VMF 224, and Marine Air Attack Squadron VMA 225. Col. Reeder further informed the Lions that service men and their, families receive between $250,000.00 and $300,000.00 .per month from the local air station and that the majority of this money remained in this area. Following his talk Col. Reeder pre sented an official Marine Corps film on the fighting around Chosin Res ervoir during 1950. Nathan Dail was in charge of the program. Herbert Hollowefll, treasurer of the White Cane Drive, reported that $228-52 had been received to date from the drive. _ Major J. E. Gerard, who is sta tioned at the local Marine Corps Air Station, was guest of the ch*. He was a" member of the Lions Club in his home town, North Webster, In diana. Operators Os Peanut Pickers Are Required To Secure Permits Register of Deeds M. L. Bunch again calls attention to peanut pick er aftd combine operators that they ar® required by law to obtain an op erator's permit, whether the machine Is Med privately or for ths public. These permits can be obtained at the Register of Deeds office. For private use no charge is made for the permit, but 50 cents is charged if work it done for others. Tuesday Clinics WIH Be Abandoned Nov. 1 According to Dr. H. B. McGuire, distract health officer, there has been lack of interest on the part of the S pubic regarding the Tuesday food handlers’ and immunisation dinks held in the Edenton health office. Due to this fact the Tuesday cHn ics will be abandoned in the locd of fice after November 1. ~ All thoue who desire these services r are asked to come to the health of. I | fice on Friday afternoonfrom 2 to 5 ( g;' / ■ I / ■gHgfr • Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 23,1952 | Monk Raines Sold | According to officials Os the Edenton Colonials, John '(Monk) Raines has been sold to the Atlan ta Oackers of the Class AA Southern Association. Raines, had the reputation of being the best pitcher in the Coastal Plain League last year when he hong t/p the enviable rec ord of 29 victories against five losses. .He also held a record of finishing every game he started. Officials very interesting and it is hoped a large crowd of fans will be on hand. i ■ . *1... V. y' **