PAGE TWO Farm Cleanup Week March 29 To April 4 Joining: In Plan Will Help Reduce Live stock Loss The state’s annual “Farm Cleanup Week”, planned to reduce livestock and poultry losses from disease, in jury and parasites, is set for the week at March 29 through April 4. The American Foundation for Ani mal Health said farmers can increase than year’s livestock profits and re duce needless loss of animate by join ing- in this clean-up drive. livestock and farm organizations throughout the r nation were invited to cooperate in ' observing the special week. The Foundation outlined a seven point program for the drive: 1. Clean and disinfect buildings and pens, especially those used for birth or housing of young animals and birds. 2. Clean up bamfards and lots to eliminate old piles of refuse and ma nure which might be infested with germs and parasites. 3. Get rid of old strawstacks. Flow under or scatter the straw, which of ten harbors germs and parasites. 4. Drain or fence off low spots in barn lots. 'Stagnant pools and mud are breeding places for infection. 5. Pick up nails, glass and other sharp objects which could cause wounds or could be swallowed by live stock. 6. Check for protruding nails, brok en stalls or other defects which could injure livestock, paving the way for infection. 7. Move young animals to clean ground as soon as possible. Have pigs vaccinated against cholera, and against erysipelas in areas where it is authorized by state officiate and recommended by the local veteri narian. The Foundation said a successful Farm Cleanup Week could be sub stantially reduce the annual half billion dollar livestock loss caused by disease and parasites. Youth Award To Be Given For Kindest Deed To Animals National honors and a valuable prize are in store for some boy or girl who has performed an outstand ing act of kindness to animals. The kind deed may be a rescue, a special project for the benefit of animals, or a written work, accord ing to the American Veterinary Medi cal Association, which sponsors the award each year. Anyone who knows of a boy or girl not over 18 years of age who might qualify is invited to submit a nomi- |l JttL hybrid j X our scientifically selected X 11 There’s better j Tot » Type IP Os Hybrid Corn Yon Need For Your Kind of Soil. < ► 4ks< ■ :>- SEE US AT ONCE FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTSI Leary Bros. Storage Co. | Phone 152 -;- Edenton, N. C. Top of the Trail on Trembkivtt MSmmßßm B—W mm HI B 1 B ISf p. I ' * j Two skiers reach the top of the trail at Mont Tremhlant, in tKe / Laurentian range of the Province of Quebec. Ahead of them is one / of the sport’s greatest dividends—a breath-taking view of the mag* \ nificent snowscape below the summit Quebec, which ranks as the big ' snowfall area on the continent, is famous for its French-Canadian jipspitality and excellent cuv£ne. The ski season lasts through March. t <*»*m*m*ww* Vvwwwwv^^cwa^wwwka/vwvvs/w^ nation. Nominations should be sent not la ter than May 1,1963, to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 600 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago '5, Il linois; or to Dr. G. W. Mather, Chair man, AVMA Humane Act Award Com mittee, 2338 Roosevelt 'Street, NE., Minneapolis, Minnesota. The -vinner will be announced at the AVMA national convention at To ronto, Canada, on July 20,1953. The award consists of a framed certificate describing the act of kindness and a SIOO U. S. savings bond. In addition to the first award, certificates of merit will be presented to boys and girls who have performed acts of kindness worthy of special recognition. Last year’s top award went to a 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who res cued 5 valuable show horses from a flaming bam. Among winners in other years were a boy who built a bumper device to protect a blind' dog that had been his childhood pet, a boy who rescued a crippled puppy trapped in a sewer, a girl who captured a rabid dog, and a boy who originated National Cat Week. < New Aromatic Tobacco Booklet Is Published IWith production of aromatic tobac co on the upswing in North Carolina, the North Carolina Agricultural Ex tension Service has published a new booklet on the subject and has made THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTQV. N, C., THURSDAY MARCH 86,1988. it available to Tar Heel farmers through their county agents or by writing to State College. Commonly referred to as “Turkish” tobacco, aromatic is used by all major Hgarette manufacturers in the, produc tion of cigarettes. It is blended with domestic bright leaf and hurley to pro duce the cigarettes familiar to the American public. At present, manu facturers need more than 80,000,000 pounds of aromatic tobacco each year. In the past most of the tobacco was imported from Turkey, Greece, Bul garia and Russia. Experiments since 1939 has shown that aromatic tobacco of equal quality anid value can be produced on many of the soils in Piedmont North Caro lina, Virginia and South Carolina. Re sults obtained from producing the crop under actual farm conditions since 1945 indicate that it will supple ment the income of farmers and will fit in well with rotations and farm- \ ing practices common to the Piedmont and mountain counties. The new booklet, “Aromatic Tobac co Production,” Extension Circular No. 375, is a revision of a 'booklet pub lished by the Extension Service in 1949. The 1949 booklet was prepared j for the Extension Service by R. R. • Darkin and J. R. Mattison of [Duke " University. The new publication is edited by Roy H. Crouse, extension tobacco specialist. It may be obtain el through county agents or by writ ing Department of Publications, Agri- (• • DOIjIjAR 808 DOEEAB 1017 CAXr'T BEAT A 53 l*on1iac ► - */S • .•■■' ; ‘ . ' ■■' rrt ,/f . ► ~ A GENERAL MOTORS MASTERPIECE ► • : f :■ • - . • •-' - ; • r ■ • : V • * ►* ' * > uni,, -a- Jjr t * ct ***>mßM ~lh - ' > la 4sr I wm* fa; flit —l—^ v . -4^l^4iniy \ \ 1 J| WpS*#/ I ™ Hi#/ M > *• " 7 *•' ‘•'•■- ■■ ■ ' •■ • ► ' •*.' r >'. * r.%% - • ’ It All Adds Up to a Wonderful Buy! When you Invest in a new 1953 Pontiac you invest in a car nnim . r which—although priced right next to the lowest—requires HIGHLIGHTS OF PONTIAC QOAUTY no sacrifice of quality or pride. AND VALUM I First of all, Pontiac is big, with Its long 122-inch wheel- ■<•*< i*a-ta«h Wheelbase base. It’S beautiful, with its truly distinctive Dual-Streak Bldastwe Oaal-naage Fewer Trala* fer styling. It gives you effortless handling and spariding »■*«* Perfeneaaee Dual-Range Performance* i M dhi,i M ar l u»ri.» Mi M b 7 vbto And in addition to all this, you have the traditional Ceaeral Meters Lwwest Meed Bight dependability and long-range economy that make Pontiac - ' Peweriei Hlgh-Cetpre—lwa Baghe ownership so carefree and inexpensive. BiteMlihti ffmiiaj.»— |»«»- —^ Come in and drive this great new car. You’ll quickly see H, * fc B ®*** l ® v “ ,, ‘® that the 1953 Pontiac is a General Motors Masterpiece B»eeptie«d steerieg «d r«rki»g Base and a very wonderful buy. T •or^« wn >c< M . i CHAS. H. JENKINS JMOTOR COMPANY, Jnc. cultural Extension Service, N. C.’ Trading in Edouton matter of good busineaa judgment. Classified Ads HUNDREDS OF DENTISTS REC ommend OLAG Tooth Past®. Buy at the drug store. FOR SALE WHITE OHUNESE geese eggs for hatching purposes. Pitted 25 cents each. Apply Mrs. Sidney Spruill, Route 8, Edenton. Phono 615-W-2. Marl9,2«c FOR SAJLE—ONE GOOSE AMD ONE ' gander* large type laying; two lambs 15 monthß old; two brood sows and one male. Apply Leon Halsey at (Halsey Feed '& Seed Store. —ltc WILL GIVE 50 BABY CHECKS OF Pure Game to any interested party •to raise on halves. Will also sup ply brood stock. Apply W. C. Addi son, Hotel Joseph Hewes, Edenton. Mar26*Apr2pd WANTED TO RENT—MVE-ROOM house or a large downstairs apart ment. Call Mrs. W. A. Sexton, Jr., phone 322-J. tfc “cabbage plants Per 100 300 I Per 1,000 $2.50 1 ..Varieties: Early Jersey Wakefield, I Charleston Wakefield, Ferry’s Round] Dutch, Flat Dutch. Onion Sets and heading Lettuce Plants and Garden Seeds, E. L. Pearce Route 3, Edenton, N. C. Phone: Rocky Hock 123 LET US REBUILD YOUR ENNER spring or felt mattresses. Our prices are right. We give quick and ef ficient service. Address Choco Mat tress Company, Chocowinlty, N. C. Mar13,20,27p FREE—A BAG OF VTGORO WITH each seed order of $2.00 or more. Yours for the asking. We have T. W. Wood’s good old garden and lawn seeds. Everything for your garden, and lawn. Phone 273. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store, “The Check erboard Store.” Op®n Wednesday evenings.. ltc SALESMAN WANTED OLDER man not subject to military ser vice for good Rawleigh business in Chowan County. Stop working for others. Be pour own boss. Good profits. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept. NCC-310-AA, Richmond, Va. MarchS,l2,l9,26pd WANTED—(WHY WORRY ABOUT Athlete’s Foot, Boils, Burns, Itch, Eczema, Impetigo, Pimples, Psorias sis, Ringworm or any known skin disease. Ask your druggist about VhJ-Q. ExpFeb2o,l9S4pd 'YOU MAY BNOOY SWEET, DE -lUMS Chestnuts once again by planting ths New Chinese BKght resistant Variety, affording shade for the home grandstand produc ing prolific crops. Two 2to 8 ft. Early-bearing Size Trees—Offer No. 24—1496, Postpaid. ■ Two 5 to 7 ft Bearing Size Trees—Offer No. 2-18—58.75, Express Collect. Write for Free Copy 58-page Planting Guide catalog in color, offering ex tensive line Fruit TYees, Nuft Trees, Berry Plante, Grape Vines and Or namental Plant Material. (Salespeo ple wanted. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynesboro, Virginia. ltc SHIPPER COMPOUND AND LIQUID Smoke will protect your meat if put on properly. (But it will not do any good on our shelves. Take advan tage of this deal. All products 20 per cent off or yion for a ham eithei end of the hog. I will take care of your meat. Let me have your key. Ha! Ha!! Halsey Feed & (Seed 'Store, “The (Checker board Store.” Open Wednesday evenings. , ltc TOMATO PLANTS, CABBAGE Plants, Onion Sets, Irish Potatoes, both white and red, Hot Caps for yiour early plants, also Black Strap Molasses. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” Open Wednesday evenings. tfc $2-30 S 3 $3-05 - pint R 4/5 Qt - I Glenmore V I UNT9CKT I ■ rnuucvT tow ton ■ WHISHT ■ / kentucky\ / STRAIGHT \ / BOURBON \ I GLENMORE 6LBMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY • LOUISVILLE, KY. 86 PROOF JUST ARRIVED—T. W WOOD'S good ole Garden Seed. We can fdl your orders from a spoonful up, also a large assortment of Lawn Grass priced as low as $87.00 per hundred. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store.” Open 'Wednesday evenings. tfc LAWN SUPPLIES WE HAVE them—Peat Moss, Bone Meal, Cot ton Seed Meal, Lime, Sulphur, Grasses of all kinds, Crab Grass Killer, good ole Vigoro, the regular and Azalea type, Sheep and Cattle Manure, Bulbs. (Large assortment of flower and vegetable seeds (new variety), a seed sower to loan. Hal sey Feed & Seed Store. "The (Checkerboard Store.” Open (Wed nesday evenings. tfc Beware Coughs From Common Colds That HANG ON Creomulsion relieves promptly because 'it goes into the bronchial system to help looses and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, • inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMULSION relieves Coughs, Chest Colds, Acute Bronchitis

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