Volume XX—dumber 15. Edenton Welcomes Pilgrimage Visitors Gruesome Wreck On Sound Bridge Takes Lives Three Negroes - - - - Willie Manley, Ethel and DeWitt Harris Are Victims ONE IN HOSPITAL Driver Tried to Pass Big Truck Driving at High Speed In one of the most disastrous and gruesome wrecks in recent years, three persons were killed and one seriously injured Monday night about 7 o’clock on the Albemarle Sound Bridge. Those killed were Willie B. Manley of Eden ton and Ethel Harris and Del Witt Har ris of Washington County. Joe Nath an Manley, owner of the car, was seri ously injured and taken to the Chowan Hospital. According to reports, the accident occurred when Joe Manley, said to be traveling at a high rate of speed, at> tempted to pass a large truck. His car struck the end of the truck re sulting in his car crashing against the concrete railing and then swerv ing across the bridge and hitting ano ther truck going in the same direc tion. The car turned over several times was the most demolished automo bile- ever witnessed by most of the, spectators. Manley’s car also hit a car driven by Roscoe Dorsey of 'Rop er, coming in the opposite direction before coming to a halt. The occupants of the death car were • thrown out of the car and one’s head was decapitated. The dead were bad ly mangled and Joe Manley was se verely cut about the head and legs and possibly internal injuries. Idea Is Advanced For Home Talent Baseball League Rotary Committee Ap pointed to Investigate Sentiment With a very gloomy prospect for organized baseball in Edenton this summer Col. W- IB- Rosevear at last week’s Rotary meeting made a sug gestion that the Rotary Club spon sor a home talent league in which only local players would play for the love of tihe game and without pay. Col. Rosevear. pointed out that possibly six or eight teams might comprise a league with various sections of the town and county represented. The suggestion was made that a team represent the cotton null, North Eden ton, Cross Rcfeds, Rocky Hock and other sections or even various organi zations. The general opinion prevailed that if a league were formed with only lo cal players participating, a great deal of jnterest would be aroused, and by charging a small admission some rev enue could be derived. No action was taken at the meet ing,-although it was thought that the idea might take root and consequent ly result in having some sort of base ball during the summer. President iW. T. Harry appointed Lloyd Bunch, Bill Coxart and David Holton as a committee to make an investigation regarding sentiment and report back at this week’s meeting of tire club. Sgrt. Billy Leazer Will Play St, Paul's Organ ISgt. Billy Leaser of the Edenton Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field will play the ifew organ at S. Paul’s Episcopal Church 'Friday evening, April 10, from 7 fco 9 o’clock. The public is invited to go in the church at any time between the hours to hear the music. FILM AT LIONS CLUB MEETING Alt next Monday night’s meeting of the Edenton lions Club a special film on 'health and welfare will be shwn. President A. E. Jenkins -urges a 100 per cent attendance at this meeting. auxiliary meeting A regular meeting of the (Woman’s Auxiliary of St Paul’s Church will be held in the Pariah House this THE CHOWAN HERALD | StiH Growing j This week four more batches of contributions were brought in for the 1953 March of Dimes, the four reports amounting to $59.65. This amount boosts the total to to $1,910.11 and exceeds the coun ty’s contribution last year by $81.95. The contributions received this week by Miss Rebecca Colwell, • Chowan County Home Agent, in clude $15.15 from the Beech Fork section, $12.45 from Center Hill, $25.80 from the Enterprise com munity, and $6.25 from Cross Roads. This year’s contributions in the March of Dimes now have been exceeded only once, in 1950, when the county raised $2,116.34. Benefit Lunch And Supper In Penelope Barker House April 25 Proceeds Will Be Used To Continue Restora tion Work The Edenton ®PW Club, Woman’s Club and the Junior Chamber of Com merce will sponsor a cold plate lunch and supper jn the Penelope Barker bouse Saturday, April 25. Lunch will be served from 1:1:80 to 2 and supper from 5 to 7:30. Meals can de livered to homes of -those who are un able to attend in the house. It is hoped by the three sponsoring organizations that a large number will patronize these meals so that work may continue on renovating the Penel ope Barker house; Repairs are almost complete on the exterior of the house with the ex ception of a second coat of paint. The three clubs are very anxious to begin repairs to the interior, but need the financial support of the community to carry the project to completion. Canvassfor Cancer Funds Will Begin Monday, April 13 Mrs. James Bond Hope ful Quota of $1,155 WillßeMet Mrs. James M. Bond, Chowan Coun ty Cancer Commander, announces that the cancer drive will be conducted dur ing the month of April, with local can vassing scheduled to begin- Monday, April 13. Miss Rebecca Colwell as leader and Mrs. Elliott Belch as county chairman will conduct a drive through the home demonstration clubs of the entire coiunty outside of the city limits. Mrs. Mabel Collins, president of the &egro Woman’s Club, will handle the solicitation among the colored population. Tag Day will be conducted by the Girl Scouts on Saturday, April 11, under the leadership of Mrs. Kay 'Sheehy., The quota* for Chowan County has been set at $1,1156 as part of the national Cancer Crteakte which has as its goal the raising of $18,000,000. Chowan County’s quota is considerably I more than last year and Mis. (Bond i is hopeful that the requested amount , will be realized. The funds will be used to support broad programs of research, sendees to cancer patients and public and professional education. The slogan of the crusade will be “Cartcer strikes one in five. Strike back. Give to conquer Cancer.” "Knowledge of the symptoms of cancer Is a highly important weapon in fighting she disease,” says Mrs. Bond, “since improved cure rates de pend on people going to their doctor wh«n early detection is possible. Ig norance oj the danger signals of can i eer usually delays diagnosis until the disease has reached an abnormal stage. Let’s all join the American Cancer Society and strike back.” Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 9,1953. Rebecca Colwell To Resip As Chowan County Home Agent Served Chowan Well For 18 Years; Going to Craven County At the Chowan County Commission ers’ meeting held Friday morning, Miss Rebecca Colwell tendered her res ignation as Chowan County Home Demonstration Agent, effective Fri day, May 15. Miss Colwell has ac cepted a position of home agOnt in Craven County. To say the least, the Commissioners accepted the resignation with regret, and after reading it they were high in praise of the work Miss Colwell has done in the county, where she has ser ved as home agent for 18 years, com ing here in 1935. Miss Colwell’s resignation follows: ‘T want you and the other commis sioners to know that I appreciate your cooperation and interest in the Ex tension Program during -the eighteen years that I have been your home agent. I have enjoyed my work here, iand will always be deeply interested in the county and Edenton. | "It is with regret that I ask you •to accept my resighation as Chowan County Home Demonstration Agent, effective May 15. I have been offer ed the position of home agent in- Crav en County, which is nearer my home and in some respects a promotion, al though I’m sure it isn’t a better coun ty. I’ll miss the people here and I assure you it isn’t easy to leave, but I think it’s best. I hope Mrs. Lang ford will soon locate a person to rec ommend to you to fill this vacancy. She is making every effort to do this as early as possible. “I ask your continued support of the Extension program and with the best wishes to each of you and for the progress of Chowan County, I think you again for all you have done for me.” Jurymen Selected For Another Term Os Superior Court Judge Walter Bone Will Again Preside; Only Civil Cases Docketed In preparation for another term of Chowan Superior Court, Chowan Coun ty Commissioners aj, their meeting 'Friday morning picked 36 names of men in Chowan County who will be summoned for jury duty. The court session will be held th-e week of April 27, with Judge Walter Bone of 'Nash ville again scheduled to preside. This will be a term to try only civil cases. Those chosen for jury duty are: George W. iSmith, Herbert C. By rum, Jr., Gilbert Harrell, N. Bunch, J. F. Perry, Isaac Byrum, H. D. White, William W. Wells, Jarvis C. 'Skinner, Walter Humphlett, Charl.es H. Wood, Jr., V. 0. Berryman, D. T. Ward, Jr., B. W. Copeland, John Parrish, John A. Hobbs, W. OE. Jordan, Sr., A. E. Byrum, Lloyd C. Burton, Jr., J. C. Winslow, Guy Percy Williams, E. K. White, Lewis Leary, Jesse W. White, Gerald W. Blanchard, F. A. Jordan, W. J. Privott, James Bdfward Leigh, B. F. Bateman, Walter Adams, R. A. Mansfield, Claude Perry, T. Erie Haste, Paul Ober, Leslie E. Blanch ard and Arthur Chappell. DAR Snack Bar At James Iredell House In order to provide light lunches for visitors to Edentbn’a Pilgrimage Fri day and Saturday, the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the DAR will op erate a snack bar in the carriage house ait the James IredeH home on East Church Street. The snack bar will be in charge of - Mrs. N. K. Rowell with the proceeds going toward purchasing furniture for the Iredell House. . .. • PTA Meeting Next Tuesday In Library The Edenton Parent-Teacher Asso ciation will meet Tuesday night at 8 o’clock in the high school library. The program will be under the direction of ‘ Ernest Swain, principal of the Elementary School.' .The principal speaker for the meeting will be Hom er A. Lassiter, educational supervisor of toe Division of Instructional Ser vice, Department of N. C. Public In struction. Lions Club Minstrel Will Be Presented At School Friday Rand Concert Will Pre cede Show at 7:30 O'clock The Edenton Lions Club will pre sent their annual minstrel Friday night, April 10, with a program of fun and entertainment that will de light one and all. The festivities will get underway at 7:30 o’clock with a concert by the Edenton High School Band under the direction of Bandmaster Ernest Gen tile. The program for the minstrel which begins at 8 o’clock is as follows: Interlocutor—Nick George. End Men—George Thompson, A1 Phillips, Ernest Jr., Ben Per ry, John Mitchener and Jimmy Par tin. Accompanist—Margery Thigpen. Opening Chorus —“Happy Days Are Here Again” and “Carolina in the Morning.” Solo by Jimmy Partin, “Jealous Heart”. Treble Clef and 4 boy friends under direction of Mrs. Mary L. Browning, “Cindy.” Sign Pine Symphonette. A1 Phillips and Chorus, “On Top of Old Smoky”. Solo by Joan Cobb, “You’re Gonna Lose Your Gal”. Baton Dance by Betsy Duncan. Three Notes, “Your Cheating Heart.” Three Bows, “Doggie in the Win dow” and “Dark Town Strutters Ball.” Solo by George Thompson. Tap dance by Shirley Keeter. Solo by Ben Perry. Chorus, “Go Long Mule.” Chowan Ramblers. Solo by Norman Leonard, “Swanee River.” Grand Finale by entire company, “Side by Side.” 'Rehearsals have been staged every night this week -under the direction of J. Clarence Leary climaxing a month of preparations by the Lions Club so this rfiow is expected to be the biggest and best ever. Masonic Banquet Scheduled To Be Held Wednesday Effort Will Be made to Organize Chapter of Eastern Star Next Wednesday night, April I's, at 7:30 o’clock in the Hotel Joseph Hewes dining room a banquet will be held in an effort to organize an Eden ton chapter of the Eastern Star, wo men’s organization of the Masonic fraternity. The banquet was planned some time ago when R. H. Kennan made a prop osition that he will pay for the plates of all ladies attending. Masons will, Os course, pay for -their own plate. E. W. Spires will act as toastmas ter for the meeting arid' announces that the principal speakers will be Mrs. Annie Laurie Mullen of 'South Mills, district deputy worthy grand 1 matron, and Cecil Winslow of -Hert ford, district deputy worthy grand 1 patron. 'All wives and other relatives of Masons are especially invited to be present and due to a growing desire to organize a chapter in Edenton, it , is hoped many eligible for member ship will attend. ' Directors For Chowan Hospital Reappointed / ___ Three, Chowan Hospital trustees ; have been reappointed to serve new , terms. The three are E. N. Elliott, ; Albert Byrum and Marvin Wilson. \ Mr. Elliott was appointed by the Chowan County Commissioners, while Byrum and Wilson were appointed jointly by the iCourity Commissioners, Town Council, Board of Public (Works r and the Chowan County Medical As sociation. • Life Photographer | Taking Local Pictures > —— I Fritz Goto, a photographer for ■ Life Magazine is in Ddfenton .taking r color pictures of many points of in - terest. Some of the pictures'are ex • pected to appear in the magazine dur ing the -summer. * > ; Stage Now Set For Edenton Pilgrimage Friday and Saturday | In Austria j] Jg S * ■ * J pm Jj|i||| />&•, v MISS AUDREA ROWELL In Austria, Miss Audiv.a Rowell of Edenton is serving as director of Special Services Clubs on the Lintz Military Post. Miss Rowell, former director of dubs in the Third Army Area, arrived in Austria in February this year. A graduate of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and a former student at Johns Hop. kins University, Miss Rowell is the daughter of Mrs. N. K. Rowell of Edenton. Dedication Services Planned At Warwick Church J)n Sunday Dr. F. 0. Mixon and the Rev. G. W. Singletary Speakers Dedication of the new parsonage and home-coming day will be observed at Warwick Church near Hobbsville Sunday, April 12, with dinner on the ground. All former pastors, former members, members and friends are invited. A program has been prepared at Which time Dr. F. O. Mixon, presi dent of Chowan College, Murfrees boro, and the Rev. S. W. Singletary of Elizabeth City will be guest speak ers. There will be special music, also a history of the church. Tn 1960 Warwick Church will have reached the turning of a century since its organization in 1860, during which time many well known and beloved men served here. As times have changed so has this church to meet the needs of its membership. On April 12th some of these achievements can be seen: The addition of five new class rooms and a vestibule, the re modeling -of the one-room annex into three class rooms and a hall, redec orating of main auditorium, installa tion of central heating system, and a complete screening of d'ifice, while on the outside the grounds have been ' improved by base planting of shrubs and addition of crushed rocks to main drives. With completion of the new parson age, Warwick will begin a full time program on May Ist with the Rev. Lee A. Phillips as pastor. Mr. Fhil- I lips bias a wife and a 6-year-old • daughter, Auktrey, who are warmly welcomed as residents of this church 1 community where they are well known and much loved and where Mr. IPhil - lips has been part rime pastor for around two years. ■ - I Beta Club Planning Talent Show April 24 Sponsored by the Beta Club of Ekten ton school, a talent show is scheduled to be held in the Elementary School auditorium Friday night, April 24, at 8 o’clock. The purpose of the dhow l is to raise funds for paying for print ing “The Spotlight,” the school’s p paper. 5 Already a number have expressed - their intention to participate and any - others who desire to take part are - requested to contact Miss Kathleen Ward. $2.00 [Members of Woman's Club Hoping For Fav orable Weather MANY EXPECTED Visitors Will Have Op portunity to Visit 14 Shrines With favorable cooperation on the part of the weatherman, everything will be in readiness for the third Pil grimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside Friday and Saturday. Various committees of the Edenton Woman’s Club, sponsor of the tour, have been working long and hard on every detail of the -occasion, so that nothing has been left undone to make the event successful and delightful for the many visitors erpected to par ticipate. Generally speaking there has been a wholesale cleaning up on the part of residents and with many spring flowers in bloom arid neat premises about homes, the town should make a favorable impression on those who join in the tour. 'Hotel Joseph Hewes will be head quarters, and visitors are requested to stop there before beginning the tour to secure tickets, guides and any information desired. The Woman’s Club will be hostess at a tea for all visitors at the Penelope Barker house from 2 to 5 P. M„ and as an attraction for visitors organ music will be rendered in St. Paul’s Episcopal Church FYiday night from 7:30 to 9 o’clock. Fourteen homes and public build ings will be thrown open during the tour, where signs will be placed for the benefits of guides and visitors. Places open for visitors during the two days include St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Chowan County Court House, the Cupola House, the Iredell House, Penelope Barker House, the Booth House, the Paxton House, Beverly Hal], Albania, Pembroke Hall, Syca more, Bandon, Ellison House and Greenfield. Serving as guides will be 75 high school students and Explorer Scouts of the Boy Scout Troop, all of whom have been instructed under the direc tion of Mrs. J. M. Thorud. With widespread publicity and the general wholehearted cooperation of •the owners of the places open to visit ors and citizens in general, those in charge are very optimistic that the tour will be even more successful than the two previous tours. Civic Calendar Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside Friday and Sat urday, April 10 and 11. Beta Club plans talent show in Elementary School auditorium Friday night, April 24, at 8 o’clock. Fashion show at Merry Hill High School Friday night, April 10, at 8 o’clock. Edenton Aces play the Edenton Marines on Hicks Field this (Thursday) afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Greenville plays here Tuesday afternoon, April 14, at 3:30 o’clock and next Thursday af ternoon, April 16, the Aces play at Washington. Lions Club meets Monday night at 7 o’clock. Dedication of new parsonage and home-cominglday at Warwick Baptist iChurch Sunday, April 12. Lions Club Minstrel Friday night, April 10. Canvass for cancer funds will begin in Chowan County Monday, April 13. The quota is $1,155. VFW meets in Post’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Wiener roast at Red Men’s meeting next Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. Rotary Club meets this (foiurs- L day) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. A banquet will be held in the 1 dining room of Hotel Joseph 1 -Hewes Wednesday night, April 15, t at 7:30 o’clock in an effort to r organize a chapter of the Eastern Star. i Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Church meets in the Parish House i this (Thursday) afternoon at r 4 o’clock. b PTA meeting in high school 11l l brary Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. (Continued on Page Ten) J