Voluftfe x£.—Number 16. Edenton Pilgrimage Draws More People Than Previous Ones Tour Claimed Wonder ful Success From All * Viewpoints from Estates Woman’s Club Extends Thanks to All Who In Any Way Helped With the exception of a few 'April showers Friday morning, ideal weath er prevailed for the third Pilgrimage of Colonial Edenton and Countryside, Friday, and Saturday, April It) and 11. The tour, sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club, was a complete suc cess from every viewpoint and mem bers of the club say that a larger number of visitors registered at this year’s pilgrimage than at the first two. From the registration cards it was learned that visitors attended from 24 states, including (North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, California, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New York, Arkansas, Georgia, [Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Oklahoma, , Tennessee, New Jersey, lowa, Nebras ka, Rhode Island, Ohio, Massachusetts, ! the District of Columbia, Honolulu, and the Dominion of Canada. A cas ual look at the cards showed visitors from such towns and cities as Bridge viUe, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pa.; Thiusa, Oklahoma; Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee; Dubuque, Iowa; Norfolk, Nebraska; Red IBank, N. J.; 'South port, Conn.; Pawtuckett, R. I.; Ash- . tabula, Ohio* Fairhaven, Mass.; Dover, Del.; Boston, Mass.; Ontario, Canada; as well as many others. On one regis tration card a visitor wrote, “This family comes every year. Would like to bring a group next year.” The comments from the visitors were varied, and in every instance ' Continued on Page Eight) fight Local Girls Compete For Entry In Potato Festival Winner Will Make Bid For “Miss Albemarle Potato Queen” Eight of Edenten’s attractive young ladies -will compete for the title of “Miss Chowan Counity” to participate in the beauty queen contest to be held in Connection with the Albemarle Po tato Festival in Elizabeth City. The local contest will be held in the Taylor Theatre 'Saturday night at 7:30 o’clock with the following (Edenton girls competing: Anna Partin, Betty (Rowell, Shirley Keeter, Sharon Lup tom, Betsy Duncan, Kitty dampen, (Linda Downum and Crystal Haste. Contestants may still enter Itihe con test and for information they should contact Joe Conger, Ur. The winner as~“Miss Chowan Coun ty” will be awarded a day’s visit to the Cavalier Hotel at Virginia Beach as guest of the management, lunch on board “Queen of Bermuda” as guest of the D. S. Travel Agency, and will receive a dress, nylon hose, Mid- , night perfume and costume jewelry. The young lady who will be named “Miss Albemarle Potato Queen” will be given an all expense 7-day cruise to Nassau as guest of the U. S. Tra- . vel Agency, an all expense 7-day va cation ait Hotel (Nags Header as guest of the management, a 17-inoh Fhilco t television, a 21-jewel Elgin gold watch, a Youth Craft suit, a complete wmgdrebe, costume (jewelry and per fume. •' •» i ■— I Baptist Revival In Progress This Week Revival services are in progress at the Edenton [Baptist Church this week and will terminate Sunday night. The pastor, tire Rev. JR. N. Carroll, is preaching during the. meeting, which is attracting targe crowds. I"* 1 ~~ r ' l ll' 111 '' ■ 1 111 "1 The l&iesf; contrlhuthm tl $22.75 • ; i -.to THE CHOWAN HERALD > | Chowan High Winner | r' * IBHB y? '/£ t, > fll . PEGGY PERRY With five participating, Peggy Perry won the Building World Peace speaking contest held at Chowan High School Wednesday of last week. Peggy Perry Wins Speaking Contest At Chowan High Peace Key Presented By Miss Elizabeth Moore For Woman’s Glib Peggy Perry was adjudged the win ner in the “Building World Peace” speaking contest held,at Chowan High School Wednesday, April 8. This is the second year the contest has been held at the school and is sponsored by the Edenton Woman’s Club. Those speaking on the subject “Building World Peace: What Have Been the Achievements and What Are the Prospects of the United Nations ?” included Mary Sue Elliott, Fred Day ton, Jackie Morris, (Shirley Parks and Peggy Perry. The judges were Miss Elizabeth V. Moore, E. !S. White and Mrs. Mar guerite Burch. Miss Elizabeth Moore of the Wo man’s Club presented the peace key to Peggy Perry, the winner. Mrs. J. H. Conger, Jr., president of the Eden ton Woman’s Club, was also present for the “Key Presentation.” 500 Anticipated To Eat Meals In Barker House OnApril 25tti Three Gubs Now Busy Making Necessary Arrangements Edenton’s Business and Professional Woman’s Club, the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Edenttxm Woman's Club are hard at work making preparations for 'SOO people they hope twill attend the cold plate luncheon and supper in the Penelope Barker house Saturday, April 25. 'Everyone is urged to purchase a ticket fpr one of the meals, as the money is badly needed to continue work on the house. AH members of the three clubs have tickets to sell and are urged to complete their sales at an early date. Anyone desiring to have plates de livered at home may contact Mrs. R. J. Boyce, phone 057, or Mrs. John Burton Harrison, phone 176-iW, or a member of any of the three dubs. A deadline of Wednesday is set for calls where deliveries are to be made. 1 The committee in charge of this project is composed of Mrs. Percy Smith, Mrs. IR. J. Boyce, Mrs. John Burton Harrison, Ben Twine and Paul 1 Partin. They urge all members to ' please help if called upon. Gtowan Ramblers At Rocky Hock Tonight The Chowan Ramblers will present a program at the Rocky Hock Central School tonight '(Thursday) at 8 , o’clock. • Members of the group are Jade Evans, Leon Privott, Stuart Hoi- i loweil, Sammy Byrum and Britton By- In connection with the show, cakes and candy Witt ha sold. The public Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 16,1953. Canvassers Named In Chowan’s Drive For Cancer Funds Group Will Try to Col lect Quota Which Is $1,155 Mrs. Jamte M. Bond, Commander of the 1953 Cancer Crusade, announces that a house to house canvass for con tributions began Monday of this week and lists the local canvassers as fol lows: North Edenton—Kathryn Oozart and Dorris Boyce. Morris Circle —Mae Ward’ and Mary Esther George. Pembroke Circle—Marion Downum. Albemarle Court —Virginia Thomp son. Chowan Ridge Road—Grace ißyrum and Jean McClenney. Suffolk Highway—Frances Cope land. Broad Street—'Grace Sawyer, Clyde Wozelka, Nell (Wood and Marion Cross. Water Street—Katherine Goodwin. King Street—Ruth Phillips and Bet sy Hassell. Church Street—Martha Leary and Edith Nixon. Queen Street—Pet Goodwin, Laura Satterfield and Helen Pruden. Gale Street—Elizabeth Lupton. Albemarle Street—Gerry Williford and Georgia Hines. Blount Street—(Dorothy Graham. Mosely Streefc-JElizabeth Dayton and Mollie Wisely. Granville Street— Hazel Harrison (Continued on Page Five United Evangelistic Mission Begins In Methodist Church The Rev. James S. Ed wards Os South Caro lina Will Preach The United Evangelistic Mission will be held in the Edenton Methodist Church April 19 to 26, with the first preaching service scheduled for 10 o’clock 'Sunday morning. April 19. This evangelistic mission is being held over the southeastern states in Metho dist churches at approximately the same time. Methodist ministers in the North Carolina Conference will go en masse to South Carolina Methodist church es on May.l to begin a mission in each charge on May 3. Inactive members will be visited and invited to come hack to church, and prospective members are invited and will be visited by two laymen to se cure their commitment to Christ and to church. Every member of the Edenton church is urged to come out to the mission, especially the first service. Special music will be arranged for each service, and only evening services will he held. The visiting preacher at the Edenton church will be the Rev. James S. Ed wards, pastor of the First Metho dist Church'at Easley, S. C. He is a minister of a church of about 500 members. He attended and graduat (Continued on Page Eight) Primary Children ( Present Operetta Thursday, April 23 About 250 Youngsters Take Part In “Over The Garden Wall” “Over the Garden Wall,” a two-act musical operetta, will be presented by tiie Primary Department of the Eden ton Elementary School Thursday irigttt, April 123, l»t 8 o’clock in the school auditorium. About 250 children will Ibake part in the operetta, the proceeds of which will go toward. paying for a piano, so that H is hoped the auditorium will be filled to capacity. Hospital Auxiliary Will 'Meet Friday Afternoon The regular meeting of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary will be held Fri day afternoon at 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home. - A feature of the meet ing: twiH be a musical program by Cpl. Billy Dearer, after which a tea will lire.‘Martin Wisely, president of the Auxiliary, urges all members to be Local 6TU Members Qualify For Finals In State Contest Edenton Group Number ed 56 at Ahoskie Dis trict Convention After successful participation in the Association Hymn Festival and Junior Memory Drill, Edenton Baptist Train ing Union Members attended the an nual Training Union Convention, for the First District, in Ahoskie, April 10x11, and were successful in qualify ing for the State Tournament this summer at the Baptist State Assem blies. The Edenton Girls’ Choir was one of the two choirs to represent the Chowan Association in the District Convention Hymn Festival. The oth er Chowan choir was from the Beulah Church in Sunbury. Janet Bunch, Lin da Leary and Edwin Bynum were the three Edenton Juniors to be declared winners along with thirteen others. The Rocky Hock Church had eight successful participants in this group and the Ahoskie Church had' five. This qualifies (these young training union members for participation in the State Junior Memory Drill and the State Hymn Festival at the 'State Sum mer Assembly. It will be recalled that the Edenton Training Union iwas represented in last year’s 'State Hymn Festival and State Memory Drill. The Edenton group, with 56 persons present, was the largest individual group attending the District Convention in Ahoskie. Mrs. W.D. Holmes, Jr. New Regent Os Tea Party Chapter, D.A.R. New Group of Officers Will Be Installed at May Meeting At the regular April meeting of the' Edenton Tea Party Chapter, NSDAR, held at the James Iredell house Wed nesday of last week, the following new officers were elected, to take office at the May meeting, for a two year term: Regent—Mrs. W. D. Holmes, Jr. Vice-Regent—Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Secretary—'Mrs. Philip McMullan. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. Geo Mack. Treasurer—Mrs. John Bond. Registrar—Mrs. Lloyd Griffin. (Continued on Page Five) VFW Square Dance On Saturday Night Music By Smiling Bill And His Carolina Swing Billies Willi&m Coffield, Jr., Port, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, twill sponsor a square dance in the VFW home on the old Hertford highway Saturday night, April 18. The dance will begin at 9 o’clock, during which some round dance numbers also will be played. Music for the dance will be furnish ed by Smiling Bill and his Carolina 'Swing Billies. This is a group of pro fessional musicians known as the Ra dio Playboys, so .that good music for the dance is assured. The general public is cordially in vited to attend the dance and VFW members guarantee all a very good time. Chowan Charge Will Hold Revival April'l9-26 The Rev. Julius F. Campbell, of Walhalla, iS. C., will be ithe visiting minister in the churches of the Cho wan Charge, at Anderson, (Bethany, Center Hill and Evans, during revival services to be conducted starting Sun day, April 19 and continuing through April 26, it was announced today by the Rev. C. H. Beale, pastor. The services, held in connection with Methodist Churches Evangelistic Mis sion, will start each night at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to at tend the services. Legion Auxiliary Will Meet Tuesday Night The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday night, April 121,, at 8 o’clock at the Legion hut. Mrs. J. L. Ohestnutt, president, urges all members to be present, as there will be election of officers. JMunicipß| Election Is OfficiMy Called For Tuesday, May 5 [ Mission Speaker ] i —— - i REV. JAMES S. EDWARDS ! Coming to Edenton for a week, the Rev. James S. Edwards of Easley, S. C, will preach in the i Methodist .Church during the i United Evangelistic Mission April I 19-26. RoardConservafiorT And Development To i Open Session Today Group Will Be Enter -1 tained at Tea In Ire dell House Friday i The spring meeting of the State Board of Conservation and Develop ment will open at Elizabeth City to day (Thursday) for a three-day ses >• sion. , Public hearings will be held on com ■ mercial fishing matters and on a pro ; posal of an Alabama concern for a ! lease to dredge for dead oyster shells • in portions of Albemarle and Currituck Sounds. The hearings will begin at 10 A. M., on April 16 in the Pasquo tank County Court House. Propon ents and opponents of the dredging proposal will be given two hours to make known their views. Members of the State Wildlife (Resources 'Com mission will attend the hearing as guests of the C. and D. board. Mrs. Inglis Fletcher, Edenton au thoress and historian, will be the prin cipal speaker at a dinner to be given in honor of the board members by the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce 1 at the Virginia Dare Hotel at 7 P. M., . April 16. Wade Marr, Elizabeth City businessman, will he master of cere- I monies. I On Friday afternoon the board will go to Edenton for a tea at 4:30 P. M., as guests of the Edenton Tea Party Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The tea will be . given in the James Iredell House, once l the home Os James 'lredell, who served r as State attorney general from 1779 , (Continued on Page Eight) Flower Show Will Be Held In Teen Age Club On April 23rd i Annual Affair Sponsor ed By the Edenton [ Woman’s Gub Edenton Woman’s Club will hold its annual flower show Thursday, April 23 in the Teen Age Club room, which is located in the Elementary School Building. -Entries will be accepted between the hours of 8:30 A M., and 11:80 A. M. Doors will dose promptly at 11:30. The dhow will be open to the public at 2 P. M., and will remain open until 9 o’clock in the evening. Those who will be unable to get their entries to the Teen Age Club on Thursday morning are asked to call Mrs. 'Tommy Cross, Jr., phone 326-W, and they will be picked up. Judges for the show will be Mrs. . George Baltence, Jr., and Mrs. J. C. ' Webb of Suffolk, Va., and Mrs. H. H. r Addenbrook of Norfolk. : Visitors will be Invited to enjoy . iced punch and cookies. Voluntary I contributions may be made at the l door in the form of a silver offer ing. $2.00 Per Year. Option Given For Fran chise to Operate Bus Line In Edenton TAXES ADVERTISED W. J. Yates Presents a Sketch of Proposed Fire Station With a full schedule of business, Town Council at) its meeting Tuesday night officially called a municipal elec tion to be held Tuesday, May 5. In the election the following will be elected: Mayor, Treasurer, a Councilman from each of the four wards, two Co'uncilmen-at-large and three mem bers for the Board of Public Works. At the meeting David Holton re quested an option of 90 days on a franchise to operate a bug line in Edenton. Mr. Holton expressed the opinion that a need exists for a bus line and that it will be a step forward in the progress of the town. Harrison Spruill again appeared be fore the 'Council, complaining about the condition of Rider’s Lane. It was pointed out to Mr. 'Spruill that ef forts are now under - way to cross the Norfolk Southern railroad at the Hal (Continued on Page Eight) Thos. Shepard Voted President Os Jaycees New Officers Elected at Meeting Held Thurs day Night At the meeting of the Edenton Junior Chamber of 'Commerce held Thursday night in the Triangle Res taurant. Thomas Shepard' was elected president, succeeding Scott Harrell. Other officers elected were: J. M. Boyce, vice president; A1 Wall, secre tary; Murray Byrum, treasurer, and George Alma Byrum, State director. Directors elected included Pete Manning for a one-year term and Joe Conger, Gilliam Wood and Ralph Out law for two years. These, together with Luther Parks, J. D. Elliott, Scott Harrell, retiring president, and George Alma Byrum, State director, comprise the board of directors: These officers will be installed the fourth Thursday night in May at a meeting ,to be held in the VFW build ing. Civic Calendar Election of officers at the Am erican Legion Auxiliary meeting in the Legion hut Tuesday night, April 21, at 8 o’clock. Regular meeting of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary Friday after noon at 3 o’clock in the nurses’ home. Chowan Ramblers present pro gram tonight (Thursday)) at 8 o’clock at the Rocky Hock Cen tral School. Contest in Taylor Theatre Sat urday night at 8:30 to select “Miss Chowan County” to com pete in the Albemarle Potato Festival in Elizabeth City. VFW square dance in VIEW home Saturday night, starting at 9 o’clock. State Board of Conservation and Development entertained by Edenton Tea Party Chapter, D.A.R., this (Thursday) after noon at 4:30 o’clock in the James Iredell house. United Evangelistic Mission will be held at the Methodist Church April 19 to 26. The Rev. James 8. Edwards of Easley, S. C., will be the preacher. Revival services in the Edenton Baptist Church the remainder of this week. ] Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., meets tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in th Court House. Rotarians entertain 4-H Club boys who participated fin the 1952 peanut growing contest and their fathers in the Parish House to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock. Edenton 'Woman’s Chib trill stage annual flower show in the Teen Age Club room Thursday, April 23, from 2 P. M. to 9 P. M. Chowanoke Council, No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, meets Fri day night at 8 o’clock In the Red. Men halL | (Continued on Page Six)

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