Volume ii.—Number 17. Rower Show Today In Teen Age Qub From 2 To 9 P. M. Public Invited to Visit - And View Various Exhibits Today (Thursday) the Edenltxxn Wo man's Club is presenting it® annual flower show in the Teen-Age Cliib (in the basement of (the Grammar School building. Exhibits will be inquired to foe entered between 8:30 and 11:30 o’clock. The Whow will 'be opened to the piiblic at 2:00 IP. M., Bind (will re main open until 9 ©’block in the even ing. Committee Chairmen ore as fol lows: Classification, Mrs. J. M. IRoyce; Entry Clerks, Mrs. R. N. Hines and Mrs. Wesley Ches Son; Horticulture, Mrs. W. J. P. 'Earnhardt; Arrange ments, Mns. John Kramer; invitational Exhibits, Mrs. Frank Hollmes; Junior Exhibits, Mrs. Roland Vaughan; ‘Prop erties, Mrs. Cecil Fry; Clean-up Miss Laura Satterfield; Ribbons, Mis. J. C. Leary, Jr.; Photography, Mrs. A1 Phillips; Hospitality, Mrs. Richard Goodwin; Flower (Distribution, Mrs. Earl Goodwin; Pick-up, Mrs. T. C. (Cross, Jr., and Mrs. T. Q. Byrnm, Jr.; 'Show Chairman, 'Mrs, (Wendell Copeland. Meals On Saturday At Barker House Three Sponsoring Clubs Expect In Neighbor hood 500 Customers Plans have been completed for a cold plate luncheon and supper to be held in the Penelope Barker house Saturday, April 86. Luncheon will be served from 11:30 A. M., to 2 P. M., and dinner from 5 Ito 7:30 (P. M. The affair is sponsored by (the Eden ton' Business and Professional Wo man’s dub, Edentbon Woman’s Club and the Junior Chamber of Commerce. Members of (the three Club® have (tickets for sale and it is expedted that in the neighborhood of 600 people will join in this effort to raise funds to continue restoration work on the old house. lit is announced ithait plates will be delivered ait 'homes if so desired. For this service anyone interested is ask ed to contact Mis. R. J. Boyce, phone 367, or Mrs. John Burton Harrison, phone 176JW ait once. Two Die As Result Automobile Wreck Ford Fails to Negotiate Sharp Curve In Ber tie County Two young men doslt Ithefir lives in another dreadful automobile accident in this vicinity Friday shortly afbeir noon. The accident, as repotted by police, was caused by speeding and (book place on a sharp curve south of JSff Wilson’s Service Station in Ber tie County a few miles from (the south end of Chotwtan River Bridge. Seven passengers were in (the 1949 Foid se dan aft the time of the accident when (the car failed fto negotiate the curve. William Willard Stewart, 19, of Bette roes died shortly after arriving aft Chowan Hospital, where all of tjhe injured men ware (taken. Charles Ed ward (Williams of iElizahefth dty dded (Saturday morning as the result of in juries. Those less seriously injured were Ernest White, Jimmy dark and Earl Ray Morgan, all of EMaalbeth dty, (Oarllton Efliofol of Chapwnoke and Cleveland dark of BeScroas. lit was Tepoßted early thfis week Ithait young pEtlioWt was stdß in a serious condi tion. Lions To Elect Officers ,* At Monday’s Meeting !At their regiflar meeting Monday night, the Edenfton Lions dub voted to have an election of officers May 4 for (the fiscal yaar beginning July 1. AR members will be noK&ftad by mail and a one hundred per cent attend ance is requested. (H. C. Frost ©if Caribou, Maine, was (the guest of his eon-in-tew, T. E. FrancSs. Albert L. George of Waynes boro, Pa., was (the guest of his bro ther, N. J. (George. . VFW AUXIUAMY MEETING Mrs. John Pan«h, president of the Ladies’ Auxiliary of Veterans of 'For eign Wans, calb aftteritSon to a meet "• -7. x: ... j .. M j THE CHOWAN HERALD | UNDA DOWNUM NAMED “Ml§S CHOWAN COUNTY” | ( I I In a field of 12 contestants, Miss Linda Downum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Downum, was named “Miss Chowan County” in a beauty contest held Saturday night in the Taylor Theatre. Miss Downum will represent Chowan County in the Albemarle Potato Festival contest in Elizabeth City on May 31. Above Miss Downum is pictured beingpresented the trophy by Scott Harrell, president of the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce, sponsors of the contest, (photo by florian Arthur). Miss Linda Downum Wins Beauty Contest In Theatre Saturday Will Compete In Potato Festival as Miss “Cho wan County” ! Miss Linda Downum, ; 18-year-old daughter oif Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Down. um, was acclaimed “Miss Chowan County” lait a beauty content held 'Sat urday night in Ithe Taylor Theatre. 1 This honor entitles her Ibo compete in ■ the annual Albemarle (Potato Fedti ! val county contest in Elizabeth City r Friday, May 29. , Miss Betsy Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Duncan, was sec ond place winner and Miss Betty Row -1 ell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. 1 Rowell, won third place. , Miss Downum, who was chosen from a Taster of 12 contestants, was pre i sOnted a handsome trophy and buu . cruet of roses by Scott Harrell, presi \ dent of .the Junior Chamber of Com merce, who sponsored the affair. She I atoo won a day’s visit Ibo ithe Oava , lietr Hotel at Virginia Beach as guest of tfce management, lunch on hoard , “Queen of ’Bermuda’' as guest of the U. iS. Travel (Agency along with a drees, hylom hose, Midnight perfume | and costume jewelry. The latter an nouncement was made by Chortle Ward, Jr., of EUaabeKh (City, an offi cial of the Atbemade Potato Festival. Miss Downum, a brown-eyed, five, foot and a half brunette, wore a royal hhie net evening drees and Stole, sprinkled with shinerftxxnes. She is a senior at (Edenton H igh School and is president of the Treble Clef, ait editor of the school annual and spotlight, a member of Ithe Beta CMb and Glee Qhfb, secretary-treasurer of ithe senior okras, a member Os Ithe basketball team throughout (high school, and a pan yin the band. She is a most tal ented portrait painter and her artist work has been on erfriba* a number of times. The other nine girds in the oomlbedt were iShrriey Winslotw, (Sharon Luptam, Faye TwSddy, Libby Small, Carolyn lAdbley, Edna Boswell, H-aata, Chryrtal Haste and Leigh Dob- Jimmy Ricks was master of eere munaes for the contest and the judges were Bill .Corank IW. T. Harry and Rev. Gordon BemwtWL Mra. Ernest *** * »*•«» for lire o©- •V. *V . ' *(■?• ?• « Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, April 23,1953. In Election Race GEORGE ALMA BYRUM (Filing as a candidate for Coun- Mr. Byrum, as of Wednesday, is one in a tri angular race in the May sth Mu nicipal Election. The three can didates 'for the two seats are Mr. Byrum, W. J. Yates and J. Edwin Bufflap. Mating To Organize Eastern Star Chapter WMBeHeMTonight All Who Are Eligible to Join Urged to Attend Meeting lUraanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & A. M., has abandoned lbs meeting to- i night {Thursday) and instead a meet ing has been called in ithe lodge room in the Court House sit 8 o’clock for the purpose of organising an Eden ton Chapiter of ithe Eastern (Star. Alt this meeting Cecil iWSnislow of ' Hertford, District (Deputy Grand Fla- ■ tron, wiU be present with an applica tion for a Charter and those who sign will be charter members. , , All women Who are eligible for membership, as well as Masons who desire to form a Chapter, are urged to attend this meeting. Leon Privott Wins 4-H Peanut Contest Conducted In 1952 Participants and Their Fathers Guests of Rotarians On Thursday night the Edienton Ro tary Club entertained the Chowan 1952 4-H Club peanut growling contest ant and .their fathers. L©on PTivott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Privott iof the 'Cross Roads community, was declare*? county win ner. Leon grew 3,0110 pounds of pea nuts on his project acre in 1952. Lar ry Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wood row Lowe, of the Advance community, iwho grew 2,775 pounds of peanuts, won second prize. James Carlton Boyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Boyce of the Ryland community, who grew 2,968 pounds of peanuts, won third prize. Each of itihiese prize win ners received $5.00 in cash from the Edenton Peanut Company, land in ad dition Leon Privott received a beauti ful trophy cup. This cup was pre sented by Ithe Edenton Rotary Club. W. B. Shepard presented the checks to the winners on behalf of the Eden ton Peanut Company, and W. T. Har ry, president of the Edenton Rotary Club, presented the cup Ibo (Leon Privott. The contest was based on the fol lowing four factors: Yiehta—Bo points, Practices—lo points, Quality— (as determined by Government Grade) 60 points, and Record—lo points, the total sum, of course, being 100 points. Therefore, the dub member whose acre made the highest yield of peanuts was not necessarily a iwbmer unless he followed good practices, had high quality peanuts, and had an accurate and complete record book which was turned in (to the agent’s office on time. There were several boys who mode an excellent yield of peanuts, but their records were very incom plete and Im some cases the required information was left out. Naturally •these boys were scored down on Iheir records when it became necessary for the Assistant Agent to call them up and get this essential information. | There Iwere sixteen boys in .the contest this year and they grew an average of 2379 pounds of peanuts per acre. This is the highest yield which has been made during the seven (Continued on Page Seven) Edenton’s Political Waters Bubbling As Election Draws Near Civic Calendar United Evangelistic Mission at Methodist Church remainder of this week with the Rev. James S. Edwards of Easley, IS. C., preaching. The mission ends Sun day. Meeting tonight (Thursday) in the Masonic lodge room for the purpose of organizing an Edenton Chapter of the Eastern Star. Chowan Tribe of Red Men meet Monday night at 8 o’clock. Edenton Rotary Club meets this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Young People in charge of en tire service at St. Paul’s Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Dog vaccination campaign be gins May 4 and ends June 1. Special interest meeting in making lamp shades at Communi ty Building at Cross Roads Wed nesday afternoon, April 29, at 2:30 o’clock.' (Continued on Page Ten) Dog Vaccination Campaign Begins In District May 4 Order Issued to Quaran tine All Dogs For Two Weeks The District Board of Health on April 14th passed a resolution declar ing a vaccination campaign of all (Hogs in this 'health district 'against rabies. State law requires that all dogis be vaccinated and shall wear a vaccination tag. All dog owners are required to present their dogs (to ithe designated rabies inspector alt 'the ap pointed time and to restrain the dog while bering vaccinated. Dr. G. L. Gilchrist of Edenton is the inspector for 'Chowan County; Prof. G. C. Buck for Perquimans County, and for 'Pasquotank and Cam den North of 'l7, 'I7A and 158 Dr. Viator Finck; for (the above two coun ties South of 17, 17A and 158 Dr. T. V. Dahl. The campaign will start May 4th and end June Ist. The Board further ordered that a two week quarantine on all dog® be Started June Hat, during which time all dogs must be confined on (the own er’s premises. Bogs found straying during this period will be subject to being destroyed, as well as all dogs not wearing vaccination tags. It is generally recognized that the control of rabies goes (hand in hand with the control of the stray dog. While no rabies in our Health District: has recently been reported, we all know that (the time is ripe for its oc curence. One stray dog can spread it out of (a clear skiy. Have your dogs vaccinated and help prevent rabies. Beta Club's Talent Show Friday Night Interesting Program Is Arranged By School Children In the Elementary 'School auditor ium Friday night at 8 o’clock the (Beta Chib of Edentbon Junior-ISemior High School will present a batten's Bhow, the purpose being to raise funds to pay for printing (the school's paper, "The Spotlight.” An interesting program has been arranged which includes several en tertaining skit® by dtudertts of the Elelmenlbary and Hiflh Schools. Among these will be an afternoon bridge par ty by four (Senior boys, a fashion show by five freshmen boys, as well as cither exhibitions of talent. A small ladmisri'om will be Charged, and it is hoped a large crowd will turn out ibo enjoy an evening of splen did entertainment. Young People Conduct Service At St. Paul’s Parents and Ithe public aire invited to St. Paul’s Church, Sunday, April 26, aft 11:00 A. M. The young people wit conduct Hie entire service, including Ithe Sermon. It is the (annual celebration of Youth Sunday. MBn Betsy Duncan wifi play the new organ. $2.00 Per Year. > Contest Develops For Two Councilmen-at- Large Seats ELECTION MAY 5 Friday Will Be Last Day Candidates Can File For Election Edenton’s political Waters began to bubble early this week when a contest developed for (the two coun oilmen-at-large places on Town Coun cil, George Alma Byrum late last week filed as a candidate with Town Clerk Ernest 'Ward. Since then the two incumbents, W. J. Yates and J. Edwin Buff lap also fileld with the Town Clerk for reelection. Two other candidates filed up to Tuesday, who were J. Clarence Leary, who will seek re-election as council man from ithe First Ward 'and J. H. Conger as a member of (the Board of Public Works. Officials to be chosen in the elec tion include a Mayor, Treasurer, two Counoilmemat-large, a Councilman from each of the four wards, and three members on ithe Board 1 of Public Works. The deadline for candidate® to file is Friday, April 24, land regi strati on books will be open to register up to the day before election, Monday, May 4. In order to vote, it (is necessary for a voter’s name to be-on the town’s registration books which are a sepa rate set of books used for county elections. In moving from one ward to another it is necessary to live in the war’d three months before be ; ng allowed to vote in the new ward a r ,l a voter must be a resident of tfo . state six months before permitted to vote. Up to the time The Herald went to . press Wednesday nine candidates had : filed. These were Leroy Haskett for ■ reelection as Mayor; W. H. Gardner . for reelection as Treasurer; J. H. Con ; ger for reelection on the Bo(ard of Public Works; 'George Alma Byrum, ; W. J. Yates and J. Edwin Bufflap for Counoilmen-at-large, the latter two incumbents; J. Clarence Leary for re election as Fiirdt Ward Councilman; Clyde Hol'lowettl for reelection as Fourth Ward Councilman; Graham By rum for reelection as 'Second Ward Councilman. The election machinery has been set up as follows: First Ward —J. J. Long, registrar. Mrs. Sadie Hoskins and George S. 1 Twiddy, judges of election. Polling (Continued on Page Six) Youth Evangelist At Presbyterian Church On Sunday Morning i Irvine Chambers, director of Salis ! bury (>N. C.) Youth For Christ, will bring the message at the regular morning worship service of Edenton Presbyterian Church Sunday. At 24, Irv is one of America’s leading young 1 musician evangelists, and hag held meetings with such men as the late Dr. Harry A. Ironside, Dr. Norman B. Harrison, and Robert Mignard. He has an unsual way of presenting the Gospel by feats of magic presenting , Bible truth, and hag conducted high school assembly programs throughout the nation. (While a student at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Irv was a Staff member of radio station WMBI and worked with the extension depart ment in special services representing the school. Sunday school at the Presbyterian Church will begin at ten o’clock, Hie usual time. Everyone is invited to attend these and all services. Chowan Music Clubs Will Hold Recitals Student® of Ithe Jumfior Music Cttub of Chowan High (School witttt present their recital Thursday evening, April 30, at 8 o’clock tin the school audi torium. Thursday night, May 7, at 8 o'clock the 'Senrior Music Chib twttll present its rocftal entitled “In a Music Shop.” The public is invited to attend both recitals. Capt. Mildred Smith Promoted To Major Oapt. Mildred E. Smith, R. N., has recently been promoted Bbo Major in 1 the Air Force. Major Smith is at tached to the 363rd Medicall Group at Shaw Air 'Force Base in Sumter, 'S. C-, and ie chief nurse at the station hos pital. She also has her (wings from Flight Nursing School. A native of Chowan County, she is the daughter of the lafte Mr. and Mm John W. Smith.

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