Volume XX.—Number 18. Mrs. Enoch Ward Faced With Murder Os Young Woman ♦ Mrs. Joyce H. Richard son Victim of Abor tion Operation hearing” MAY 5 Defendant In Chowan County Jail Without Bond * * Mrs. Enoch Ward, 49, is confined in the Chowan (County Jail without bond charged with firalt degree murder in connection with an abortion rite Mrs. Joyce Hudson Richardson, 20, who died Wednesday afternoon of last week in the Ward home. Mrs. Ward denies the charge. Mrs. Richardson, a native of Eden tan, was living with her husband in Perquimans Ooumty, and was reported ho have gone ito the Ward home for the abortion. According (tlo reports, she died shortly after the illegal op eration. An autopsy was performed by Dr. A. M. Stanton and Dr. «. H. Vaughan in the presence of Coroner Hubert Williford. Mrs. Ward is scheduled to be given a preliminary hearing in Chowan Re corder’s Couft Tuesday, May 5. Mrs. RichaTd is survived by her husband, James Richardson; her par. eUts, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hudson; a Son, James Richardson, Jr.; a daugh ter, Betty Jean Richardson; a bro ther, Ernest Hudson; twto sitters, Mrs. Sollie West and Miss Peggy Hudson. Funeral services were held at the parents’ home Friday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Burial was in Beaver Hill Cemetery. Annual Rower Show Proves Big Success Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt Winners of Rotating Silver Bowl The Edeiriton Woman’s Club staged its annual flower show Thursday of last week at the Teen-Age Club. The judges were Mrs. H. H. Addetnibrook of ' Norfolk, and Mrs. George Bal lance and Mrs. J. A. Webb of Suf folk. ,Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt won the rotating silver bowl with her Peace rose and Mrs. S. F. Hicks won as second besft flower in the show with her Indian Chief iris. Mrs. Sidney Campen won honorable mention with her Mcßregor (Sunset rose. Other awards were: Horticulture prises, blue ribbons, Mrs. T. C. By rum, Jr., Mrs. W. J. P. Earnhardt, Mbs. W. H. Cofield, Mrs. Sidney Campen, Muriel Byrum, Mrs. J. C. Deary, Sr., Mrs. M. L. Flynn, Mrs. ,T. C. Cross, Jr., Mrs. John Kramer. Red ribbons, Mrs. (Sidney Campen, Muriel Byrum, Mrs. T. C. Cross, Jr., Mrs. John . Kramer and Anamfnta Hobbs. Arrangements prizes: Blue rib bons, Mrs. M. L. Flynn, Mrs. (Sidney Campen, Mrs. Jimmie Ricks. Red rib bons, Mrs. T. B. Smith and Mrs. Robert Smith. 'Miniature prizes: Blue ribbon, Mrs. Martha Vaughan. Red ribbon, Jackie Ricks. Unusual, arrangement pride: Blue ribboin, Miss Kathryn Brown. Invitational Exhibit prizes: Blue Grade 4, Mrs. Griffin. Red ribbons, Frances West, Jim Fletcher, Becky (Continued on Page Eight) VFW Spring Festival Scheduled May 4-9 i. , ■ Harrison Greater Shows Will Feature Human Cannon Ball if-: • W. W. Perry, Commander of Wm. H. Coffield, Jr., Post, No. 9080, Vet erans of Foreign Wars, announced at the Pori’s meeting Tuesday that the VFW annual spring festival will be hold the week of May 4-9. The festi val will again be held ton M. W. Jack sen’s lot east of Edentata on Riou/te 32. This year’s main attraction will be Harrtoqn’s Greater Shows with various Mods of entertainment and featuring the (human cannon ball, which will be VFW home. THE CHOWAN HERALD I To Record Broadcast | RAY TURNER One of WTAR’s and WTAR TV’s popular announcers, Ray Turner will record a broadcast in the P & Q Super Market Fri day afternoon between 3:30 and 4 o’clock. District Camporee At Camp Perry 400 Boy Scouts From 20 Troops Expected to Attend The camping activities committee of the Boy Scouts* of America under the leadership of T. F. Lowry will con duct a joint District camporee this week-end (May 2 and 3) at Gamp Per ry. All Boy Scout .Trribps in Gates, Chowan, Perqui mains, Pasquotank, Camden, Currituck and Dare Coun ties will participate. This is the annual week-end camp in which patnolis in all troops exhibit their camping skills (bo see if they come up to national Standards. Judges for the camporee will be John Dig gers, Hertford; W. T. Harry, Horace White and C. W. Overman, Edenton; Norman Sharmonihouse, (Ray Collier, Raymond Sheet y, ISanford Aydlett and J. A. Ward, Elizabeth City, and J. W. Tucker, Currituck. ■Troop leaders will check in their troops at one o’clock on (Saturday. After passing an examination and registering, troops will divide into patrols and hike to the camp grounds where they will put up tents, build the proper camping furniture, con struct a kitchen, and prepare for a comfortable night in the open. Special instruction in the new method of ar tificial respiration will he part of s ((Continued on Page Eight) Layman Speaker At Methodist Church C. E. Peckham Will Fill Pulpit In Absence Os Pastor Next Sunday the Rev. E. B Ed wards, pastor of the Methodist Church will begin a week’s service in Co lumbia, S. €., in connection with the Methodist Evangelistic Mission. Last week the Rev. James S. Edwards of Easley, S. C., filled the local pulpit. In Mr. Edwards’ absence next Sun day morning the pulpit will be filled by C. E. Peckham, a layman from Plymouth. Gerald James will be In charge of the service! Tea Planned In Honor Miss Rebecca Colwell The Chowan Council will hold a tea at the Chowan Community Building Wednesday afternoon. May '6, from 3 to 5 o’clock in honor of Miss Rebecca Colwell. Among those invited are the Coun ty Commissi onerß, all club officers and members, (home agents of the 26th district, Chowan High and Rocky Hock Central School faculties, Miss Ruth Tucker, Farm Agent and Assistant, Assistant Agent Miss Biggerstaff, Mre. Verona Langford, Eastern dis trict agent and'Mre. iSadie Hoskins. Class Will Observe Its 25th Anniversary Members of the Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church will celebrate the 25th anni versary of' .the clans at Its meeting to Ibe held at the church Tuesday night, May 6, at 7 o’clock. A buffet supper will be served. All meknberf are especially urged so" attend this nrlchnffm I "Edenton^Chowan County,North Carolina, Thursday, Apri130,1953. Mrs. Evelyn Jackson Is Chosen As New BPW Club President Two Candidates Speak At Meeting Thursday Night Mrs. Evelyn Jackson will head up the Edenton Business and Profession al Women’s Club,as president follow ing the election of new officers Thurs day night in the Hotel Joseph Hewtes clubroom. She will succeed Mrs Annie Mills -at installation of officers in May. Mrs. Corie B. White will con duct the. ceremonies. ( Other officers elected were Mrs. Laura Ferguson, first vice president; Mrs. Nora Boyce, second vice presi dent; Mrs. Bertha Bunch, treasurer; Mrs. Leon Leary, recording secretary, and Mrs. Emma Perkins, correspond ing isecreltary. ■Mrs. Annie Mills, president, presid ed at the meeting and a program on “Health and (Safety,” was conducted by Miss Jessie Byrum, chairman. Two interesting films on safety, “A Closed Book,” and “Losing to Win,” Were shown by Patrolman Mack Rogerson. MrS Nora Boyce read an article on “Chubby Calories”. J. Edwin Bufflap and George Alma Byrum, candidates for councilman-at large, in the forthcoming election, made brief talks before the club. They were introduced by Mis. Josie Ruth Carr, State Chairman of public af fairs. Mrs. Corie B. White, on behalf of the BPW Club, prestented a going away gift to Miss Rebecca Colwell, Chowan County Home Demonstration Agent, as 'a token of “our love and high esteem.” Miss Colwll, who will soon be leaving Edenton to accept a home agent position in Craven County, was instrumental in organizing the Edenton Club and served as its first president. Under her capable guid ance she brought the club through try ing days of inexperience into what is ((Continued on Page Eight) Lions Minstrel Cast dubfinests Monday Non-Members Thanked For Help In Stag ing Event The Edenton Lions Club had as its guests at the regular meeting Mon day night the members of thle minstrel cast who were not members of the Lions Club. J. Clarence Leary, who was chairman of the minstrel, express ed his appreciation to thle guests for their help in staging the event. Mr. Leary introduced the guests as follows: Mrs. Helen Hughes, Mrs. Mary L. Browning, Margery Thigpen, Bill Gardner, Shirley Winslow, Betty Rowell, Madlyn Russell, Frances Boyce, Norman Leonard, Gene (Saun ders, Mike Malone, Francis Hicks, Fred Byrum, Betsy Duncan, Linda Dopnum, Arina Partin', Joan Cobb, Clifford Overman, Evelyn Bunch, Stu art Hollowell, Jack Evans, Britton Byrum, Sammy Byrum and Leon Priv ott. Members of the cast that were (not present were Shirley Keeter, Fran ces Bennett, Juanita Bennett and Grace Hudson. The guests provided a very enter taining program for the Lions. The Three Notes isang “Your Cheating Heart”, Norman 'Leonard sang “Old Kentucky. Homte”, and the Chowan Ramblers delighted the group with several numbers. President A. E. Jenkins called at tention .to the election of officers to be held next Monday night, May 4, and requests that every member be present. John Burroughs was the guests of W. W. 'Byrum. Speakers For Chowan Charge Next Sunday Due to the Methodist United (Evan gelihjtdc Mission, the Rev. O. H. Beale, pastor of the Chowan Charge, will preach next (Sunday in Prosperity, S. C. In his absence the following will speak in his churches: Anderson Church, near Hertford, Johjn Jolly of Belvidere will speak. At Bethany Church, Belvidere, J. Edward Weeks will be the speaker. (Dr. A. F. Downum of Edenton .will speak at-the Center Hill Church and Robert Marsh will speak at Evans Church on High way 32. All services will be held next Sun day morning alt 11 o’clock. ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edenifon’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock Isa the Parish House. The program will be fa charge lot J. Edwtfn (Bufflap. President W. T. Harry urges e*wy 6TU Members WiU Conduct Service At Baptist Church Participants In Recent Contests Will Be ' Presented 1 A program of unique nature and ap peal will be presented during the evening worship hour the Baptist Church, Sunday night, May 3, at 8 o’clock. At this time the Training Union Department of the Church will present its successful participants in both (the Assonational and Regional Hymn Festivals and Junior Memory Work Drills. Other than the reading of the Scrip ture lesson, by Billy Bunch, the en tire service will be conducted by these members of the training union. The girls’ choir of 32 voices will sing four of the outstanding gospel hymns known to Christian faith and by these renditions will show why they have been successful in both the Associa tiolnal and Regional Hymn Festivals and have qualified to participate in the (State Hymn Festivals at the ■ Baptist State Assembly this summer. : The choir is directed by Junior BTU Leader, Mrs. Leon G. Leary, and is . accompanied by Hazel Elliott. The members of the choir are as , follows: Mary Pearl Harrell, Peggy Elliott, Judy Elliott, Jimmy Oozzens, Millie • Willis, Harriet Bond, Judy Israel, Vir ginia Jones, Patricia Bunch, Priscilla ’ Bunch, Yvonne Williams, Beltsy Ash ley, Peggy Halsey, Edna Crummey, Rosa Hollowell, Ruth Stokely, Lfada i Lieary, Beverly Conn, Linda Spencer, Ann Spruill, Maxine Spruill, Janet Bunch, Brenda Mooney, Sandra White, Karen Hollowell, Hobbs, Peggy , Halsey, Ann Taylor, Estelle Ferry, Es i telle Stallings, Barbara Dail. The Junior Memory Work Drill, a very inspiring demonstration, will be presented by Junior BTU Leader Mias i Mildred Munden, who has worked with the participants throughout the period (Continued on Page Eight) Tea Party Chapter ' Host To State Group About 25 Guests at Tea Held at James Ire dell House On Friday, April 17ith, the Eden ! ton Tea Party Chapter, N. S. D. A. R., i as board of directors of the James Ire i dell Association, entertained members ■ of the State Board of Conservation ■ and Development and their wives at a tea at the James Iredell House. Ap i proximately twenty-five members and , their wives attended the tea, driv , ing to Edenton for ithe afternoon from • Elizabeth City where they were hold i ing a three-day Conservation 'and De ■ velopmemt meeting. The house was beautifully decorat . ed with spring flowers, and the Chap , tef members served refreshments ■ from the downsthirs meeting room. . Mrs. IS. M. McMullam and Mrs. J. A. ■ Moore poured punch. The visiting Board members were greatly impressed with the progress that has been made oin the James Iredell House, 'as the following letter from Director Georg® R. Ross dis closes: “Dear Mr. Harding: We are very grateful to you and your lady asso ciates for the nice party given to the members of our board and employees of the Department. “I am so pleased with the interest that you are taking in this project because this is the (testing ground and here we are developing the pattern for State and community cooperation in the restoration and preservation, of our heritage. Nothing speaks with more authority and interest to the oncoming generations than the struc tures and furnishings along with the legends and stores that now make up the folklore of our forebeara.” Brown Concern Gives Library Book Cases Will Be Used Primarily For Stormier Books Giv en as Memorials M. G. Brown Lumber Company re cently presented the Shepard-Pruden Memorial Library two book cases in I memory of Fred P. Wood, former president of the company. The Wok cases to be used particular ly for books given as memorials, were ( specially designed by Leiahd 'Plartt and beautifully executed by the Brown Lumber Company. Two Contests In City Election Scheduled To Be Held Tuesday Civic Calendar Meeting of the official board of the Methodist Church Wednesday night, May 6, at 7:30 o’clock at the church. C. E. Peckham, a layman of Plymouth will speak at the meth- , odist Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. E. B. Edwards. Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church meets Monday afternoon. May 4, at 4 o’clock at the church. Chowan Council of Home Dem onstration Clubs will honor Miss Rebecca Colwell at a tea Wednes day afternoon, May 6, from 3 to 5 o’clock in the Chowan Communi ty Building. BTU members will conduct ser vice at Baptist Church Sunday night at 8 o’clock. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F„ 6 A. M., meets tonight (Thurs. 1 Continued on Page Fouri Rev. John W. Privott Will Preach Twice In Rocky Hock Church Native of Chowan Now Outstanding In Texas Baptist Work The Rev. John W' Privott, a native of Chowan County, will preach at Rocky Hock Baptirt Church Sunday, May 3rd and 10th. Mr. PrivoKtt is a former member of the Rocky Hock Church and ait the present time he is completing his Studies at the South western Baptist Theological Seminary, at Fort Worth, Texas. At the same time, he has been pastor of the Blue Ridge Baptist Church of Hamilton, Texas; secretary of the Executive Board of Hamilton County Baptist Association; Training Union Director of that association; member of the Executive Board of District 16 in Texas; and a member of the Program Committee of the association. Mr. Privott’s parents, Mr. and Mns. Clyde Privott, live on Route one, Edenton. The public is invited ito these ser vices. Seniors On Trip To National Capital Group of About 35 Visit ing Many Points of Interest Wednesday morning bright and early about 35 members of ithe senior class of Edenton Junior-ISbnior High School left by chartered bus for Wash ington, D. C. The- group is expect ed to return (Sunday afternoon. Accompanying (the seniors as chap erones were Mr. and Mrs. West Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hicks, Mrs. Ralph Blades and N. J. George. While on the tour the group will 1 visit Mt. Vernon, National Airport, Glen Echo Amusement Park, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, Pan American Union, ISmiithlsomian Insti tute, National Museum, Supreme Court Building, Capitol Building, Washington Mbnu merit, Zoological Park, cruise down the Ploltomac, Jef ferson Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Lee’s Mansion, Tomb of Unknown Soldier, Washington Cathedral, Pen tagon, and FBI headquarters. Three Edenton Women On European Tour Mrs. Clara Presoon, Mrs. Emily Badham and Mrs. Ernest Leary are now in Europe, where they are en joying a tour which will be climaxed by attending the coronation of Queen : (Elizabeth oh June 3. The loteal trio i left Edenton April 115, going to New York, where they joined about 40 others who comprise the group on the < tour. TB ASSOCIATION MEETS Board members of the Ddstriqt Tu berculosis Association attended the finrt meeting Wdnesday, April 29, at 7:45 P. M., in Ithe cafeteria of the 1 Hertford Grammar (School. After the buafae** (theta KM * dutch coffee hour sponsored by Mrs. W. A. Cherry, president of She PTA fa Hertford. $2.00 Per Year. > ... ■■ i- . Race Develops For Of fice of Treasurer and Councilmen-at-large VOTINGfo3OTO6:3O Two Veteran Officials Competing In Race For Treasurer With Friday of lart week being the deadline for candidates to file in the Town election next Tuesday, May sth two contests have developed. The con tested offices are for Treasurer and Councilmen»at-large. R. E. Leary, for 28% years Town Clerk until he resigned in 1949, filed as a candidate for Treasurer, oppos ing W. H. Gardner, incumbent, who has served in that capacity many years. In the contest for Councilmen-at large there are three candidates for the two 9eats. Incumbents W. J. Yates and J. Edwin Bufflap have fil ed for re-election and a newcomer in the political field is George Alma Byrum, who is the third candidate. There will be no other contests for office in the election, so that U H. Haskett will succeed (himself as May or and the following Councilmen will return to office: First Ward—J. Clarence Leary. Second Ward—Graham Byrum. Third Ward—John Mitchener. Fourth Ward—Clyde Hollowell. The three members of the Board of Public Works, J. H. Conger, Dr. J. A. Powell and Ralph Parrish, will succeed themselves without opposition. Registrars for the four wards are as follows: First Ward, J. J. Long; ISecond Ward, Miss Sallie Jones; Third Ward, Mrs. John Burton Harrison; Fourth Ward, Mrs. W. W. Porter. First Ward voters will cart their ballots at 'the Municipal Building. Voting for the second Ward will be at the Court House. The polling place for the Third Ward is W. H. Parrish’s (Store and for the Fourth Ward at the Edaniton armory. Polls will be open from 6:30 A. M., to 6:30 P. M. Eastern (Standard Time. Chapter Os Eastern Star Is Organized 34 Members Sign Thurs day Night as Charter Members At a meeting held in the Court House Thursday night of last week a Chapter of the (Eastern Star, Woman’s branch of the Masonic Lodge, was or ganized. At the meeting, 24 women and 10 men paid the initiation fee and will be charter members of the or ganization, with several more expect ed to sign. The group voted ,to name the or ganization the Edenton Chapter of the Eastern Star and adopted tentative by-laws which call for meetings to be held the first and third Monday nights in each rriomth. Officers were voted upon by secret ballot aind, isent to iState headquar ters, from where the first list of offi cers will be announced. C. C. Winslow, District Deputy Grand Patron, presided over the meet ing and was very well pleased with the interest shown. Local VFWPosf Installs Officers W. W. Perry Succeeds James Basnight as Commander New officer® of the William H. Cof field, Jr., Prist 9280, Veterans of For eign Wars, were installed Tuesday night, April 7, at the port home by District Commander Elmer Brothers, Jr. Officers installed were W. W. Per ry, Commander; W. D. Harris, Senior Vice Commander; Merrill Perry, Jun ior Vice Commander; Jlohn H. Oliver, Jr., Quarter-master, Hehry Quinn, Advocate; W. C. Keeter, Chaplain; Curtis Twiddy, surgeon; John L. Par rish, Trustee; T. E. Parker, Jr., Ad jutant-Service Officer. After the installation all members were served a buffet supper, which was enjoyed by all.