Volume XX.—Number 19. bned Forces Day ' W« Be Observed At Base May tttti Air Show Feature of Celebration; Base to Be Open to Public National Armed Force* Day will be celebrated at the Marine Corps Air Station, Auxiliary Landing Field, Bdesn/bon, Saturday, May 116. An air show, with Marine planes and pilots of ALF, Edenton parWcfipat ing, will be the main event of the day. Panther jet fighter planes and propellor driven lOodaair fighter planes will perform iln the air show In ad dition, an impressive fly-over of sev eral planes' in formation will take place. Several different types and sizes of aircraft will be On display for close observation. Refreshments will be on sale abd#rd the Air Station for the convenience Os the visitors. There will be open-gate /throughout the day for civilian personnel who wish ho take part in celebrating Nat ional Armed Forces Day with other millions of Americans throughout the' nation. Maynard H. Mangum Will Preach Sunday At Baptist Church The Rev. R. N. Carroll At Southern Baptist Convention In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. R. N. Carroll, who is attending the (Southern Baptist Convention in Houston., Texas, the pulpit of the /Bap tist Church will be filled Sunday, May 10, by a seminary stddem/fc, Maynard Henry Mangum. Mr. Mangum will preach .both at the morning and the evening worship hours. Having entered the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Foresit, N. C., at the beginning lof the second semester, Mr. Mangum is pre paring for the ministry Only a few •months ago he returned from Korea j after completing Ris second assign-, menit with the U. S. Marine Corps. Mr. Mangum hails from Hickory, N. 0., where he is a member of the First Baptist Church. Between bis two per iods of dpty with the Marines, he held the position of choir director aind assistant pastor of the East Hickory Baptist Church. Mr. Mangum Is mar ried and has a daughter of 4 year®. . The order of the services for Sun day is: (Sunday >School at 9:46, morn ing worship at 11, training union at 6:45 and evening worship at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited lt)o at tend these services. Earnhardt is Elected Golf Club President Club Decides to Reduce . Monthly Dues From SIO.OO to $6.00 At a meeting lof (the Edenton Golf Club held Tuesday night Jimmy Earn hardt was elected president to succeed J. P. Partin. Other officers elected were Nathan Dail, secretary-treasurer, and directors, Geddes Potter, Hector Lujffou, Gibson Brickie and J. P. Par tin. An encouraging report was present ed by Gibson Brickie, retiring secre tary-treasurer, which showed that for the first tame since its organization the club is out lof defat. * At /the meeting it waia decided to re duce the monthly dues from $lO to $6.00 in order to attract new mem bers into the club.. « . 1 — ■ E. W. SPIRES TO RETURN HOME Friends will be pleased to know that Cleric of Court; E. W, Spires will return home from the Norfolk General Hospital (this week-end.»- Mr Spires was in serious condition, but he il now much improved. '■l ' - r ... : Vs. M. WILKINS IN hospital ; Fiends will regret to learn that Walter M. Wilkins is a patient in Chowan Hdspftal. Mr. Willems’ con dition was more encouraging Wednes day of this week. ROTARY MEETS TODAY EdentwnV Rdtary Club will meet ; ithas i, **’ ’ V • . . 4;:'.;- 'v; .>. THE CHOWAN HERALD Civic Calendar Next vMt ot Red Cross blood, mobile will be Thursday, May 11, at Edenton armory. Quota will be 15* Plata. St. Paul’s Woman’s Auxiliary meets this (Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock in tbe Parish House. Annual open house program at White Oak Consolidated,, School Sunday afternoon, May 10, at 3 o’clock. Band concert tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Elemen tary School auditorium. PTA meets Tuesday night, May 12 in the High School Library at 8 o’clock. Young Men’s Bible Class of the Baptist Church will hold annual fish fry Friday night at the Eden ton armory at 6:30 o’clock. Dog vaccination campaign now in progress and ends June 1- National Armed Forces Day celebrated at Edenton Auxiliary Landing Field Saturday, May 16. Civilians ipvited to attend. i Second tour of State Society of County and Local Historians on Sunday, May 10, includes a num ber of Chowan points of interest. Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & A. M., meets tonight (Thurs day) at 8 o’clock in the Court ; House. , Senior Music Club recital in school auditorium Thursday night, May 7, at 8 o’clock. Lions Club meets Monday night at 7 o’clock. VFW meets in Boat’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Chowan Tribe of Red Men meet Monday night at 8 o’clock. Edenton Rotary Club meets this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Imogens Cochrane New Home Agent For Chowan County Succeeds Miss Rebecca Colwell, Who Will Go -To Graven County (Chowan County Oammissionerg on Monday were introduced Do Mrs. Imo gene Oochran, who will succeed Miss Rebecca Golwell as Chiowam ICouWty’s | homo agent. .Mrs. Cochran will begin her new duties in Chowan July I. Mill Cochran is a native of Pifts boro in Chatham Couirtty. IShe is a graduate lof Appalachian State Teach ers College and taught home econom ics (two years. For the past .three years .she has (been assistant home agenft in Surry County. MHtss Colwell will resign June H, af ter which she will accept "the position as home agent in Graven Ooiunty. She wag present when Mrs. Oochran was introduced to the Commissioners, who wore warm in It3i«ir praise for /the work done by her during her 18 yeans in Chowan County. A representative of the State Extension Service also I highly praised Miss Colwell, as well as Must Ofdhran. Between the time Miss Colwell , leaves, June 1, and Mrs. Cochran takes over, July 1, the Edenton office i will be in charge of .the assistant agenlt Telephone Operators On Program For Rotarians Botarians at their meeting Thurs day had an opportunity fbo have many queStkma answered regarding com plaints quite frequently heard albout local telephone Service. Miss Doro thy Buffiap and Mrs. Van Pierce, two fcefephlome operators, wtee poreseWt at tire meeting, saying they oould en lighten ithe Rotairians better by an swering questions, so .that the entire program, which proved very interest ing,-wag deviated to answering (num erous questions asked by the Roftar ialnis, most: of which had /to do with deflay i|n service. .The club enjoyed an almost perfect attendance, with /three visitors, Fred Howland of Titusville, Pa, W. A. Step ben of Raleigh and R. H. KennaJn of Edenton. i Young Men’s Bible Class Fish Fry Friday Night tV Young Men’s Bible Glass of the Baptist Church will hold fits an imal Hah fry at li» Edenton armory Friday night a* 6:30 o’clock. Lloyd E. Griffin It teacher of thttr class and ,th« (firth fry will be the faarg«St to be All members of the class ahd Jtheir wives are invited Ije attend. MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, NO. 7, A. F., t A. M., will meet tonight (Thursday) in the Court Bouse at « o’clock. C. T. Gatffln. «f the lodge, urges Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, May 7,1953 Edenton’s Vote In Tuesday’s Election"] First Second Thud Fourth Ward Ward Wand Ward Total Mayor: L. H. Haskett 137 118 123 87 465 Treasurer: W.H. Gardner 108 91 103 50 352 R. E. Leary 62 78 68 54 262 COUNCILMEN-AT-LARGE: George Alma Byrum 119 109 126 51 405 J. Edwin Bufflap 90 90 88 65 333 W. J. Yates ..1.1... 78 90 67 71 306 Board oe Public Works: * J. H. Conger 142 115 129 67 453 J. A. Powell 136 106 132 69 443 R. E. Parrish 129 99 132 64 424 Ward Councilmen: J. Clarence Leary 149 Graham Byrum 146 J. A. Mitchener, Jr. 165 i Clyde Hollowell 109 Only One Change In Official Family Os Town For Two Years George Alma Byrum Unseats W. Jordan Yates as Councilman-at-large; W. H. Gardner Wins Over R. E. Leary For Treasurer • Except for one new face, the Town’s official family will he unchanged for the next two years. In Tuesday’s municipal election all incumbents were retume dto office except W. J. Yates, Oouncil-at-llarge. In Ms place will be George Alma Byrum, who was high man in the race of three candidates tor the two Councilman-at-large seats. Mr. Byrum led both J. Edwin Huff lap and Mr. Yates with a vote of 405. Bufflap, second in the race, polled 333 voltes and Yates followed with 306 votes. Mr. By rum, who made his debut in local politics, conducted a powerful campaign and led in every ward ex cept the Fourth Ward, where Yates was high man with 71 vote®. His biggest vote was in toe Third Ward, where he polled 126 votes. (Bufflap and Yates were tied in the Second Ward with 90 votes each. However, E. J. Hobbs Elected New Commander Os Edw. G. Bond Post New Group of Officers Chosen at Meeting Tuesday Night E. J. Hobbs Jr., was elected Com mander of the Ed Bond Post of the American Legion at a meeting held Tuesday night. Mr. Hiobbs succeeds W. J. Yates. Other officers elected were: First vice commander, Edmond Mills; second vice , commander, Clar ence White; third vice commander, Spec Jones; adjutant, W. A. Perry; adjutant, Ervin Griffin; fi nance officer, Roy Leary; historian, Bill Harry; isergeant-ait-arms, Frank Miller; Chaplain, the Rev. James Mac. Kenzie; service officer, John Graham; athletic officer, Carroll Byrum; guar dianship officer, W. J. Yates. Final PTA Meeting Scheduled May 12 Interesting Program Is Arranged By M. A. Hughes Edenlton’s Parent-Teacher Associa tion will meet next Tuesday night. May 12, alt 8 o’clock in the Junior- Sendor High School auditorium. M. A. Hughes will be in charge of (he pro gram and will present an jhferost&ng educational film. Ail parents and other interested persons are especially Urged bo at tend this ipeeting, which trill be the last one for the current school year. BANK CLOSED NEXT MONDAY This Bank of Edentoorwill be dbSed all day next Monday, Way 11, in or der too observe Confederate Memorial Day. May 10,. (Sunday, is tine anni versary, »a that the be«k will observe the holiday on Monday, Important banking affafat should, therefore, be transacted accordingly. ‘IV ' " r A- ':?V Bufflap nosed ahead in the First and Third Wards to gain a lead of 27 votes. In the only other contest (W. H. Gardner, treasurer, defeated (R. E. Leary by 90 votes. Gardner received 352 votes as against 262 Votes for Leary. Mr. Gardner led in every ward except the Fourth, where Mr. Leary led by four votes 54 to 50. Gardner’s biggest majority was piled up in the First and Third Wards. The election attracted a better than average vote, with 639 ppople going to the polls to register their choice for Town officials. Mayor Leroy Has kett was given the highest Vote with 465. Next to him was J. H. Conger. Balloting was orderly despite the keen competition tor contested offices, the only complaint being that the registration books are in a deplorable condition. lesse Harrell New Red Cross Blood ProgramChairinan Next Visit of Bloodmo bile Will Be Thurs day, May 21 Dr. A. F. Dowinum, chairman lof the Chowan County 'Chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross, announced early this week that Jesse L. Harrell has been appointed chairman of the Chowan County blood program. Mr. Harrell succeeds George Alma Byrum who has been chairman for the past two years. Mr. Harrell has already begun his work ajg blood program chairman and states that a bLoodmobile will he in Edenlbon Thursday, May 21. As has been the case in the past, the blood mobdle will be at the Edewbon Armory from 1 A. M., until 4 P. M., on that date. J. R. Dulaney is recruiting chairman for this visit of the bloodnibile and anyone desiring to give blobd 3|a re quested to Contact ham as soon as possible so that appointments can be made for all donors. Mr. Harrell Staten (that the quota for this visit will be 150 pints of blood and 'he is requesting that as many new donors as possible contact Mr. Du laney Iso that the quota can be reach ed. Band Concert Planned Tonight At 8 O’clock Earnest Gentile, director of the Edten ton High (School Bland, announces that a band concert will he held tonight 1 (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the El®- mentary School auditorium. Ajn interesting program has been arranged an dist is hoped many will turn out to hear the youngsters play. Guest Speaker For St. Paul’s Auxiliary St Paul’* Woman’s Auxiliary will meet In the Parish House Thursday ■ afternoon at 4 o’dlock. Mrs. William i Gordon of Spray, N. C. f mother of Bishop Gordon of Alaska, and Josoelyn Gordon, Missionlary Ibo India, will be ; guedt speaker. ! - 1 ' y New Manager | f ■RHi • Ik, R. E. JORDAN Former Nags Head business man and widely known as a TV entertainer, Mr. Jordan is new manager of Paul Green’s sym phonic drama The Lost Colony, which will open for its 13th sea son in Waterside Theatre on Roa noke Island at Manteo June 27. Miss Louise 0. Coke Plans To Resign As Town Tax Collector Served Loyally and Effi ciently For Twenty four Years After 24 years of loyal amd efficient service, Miss Louise Coke, Town Tax Collector, has rtendlered her resigna tion, which will be presented at thei next meeting of the Town Council on) Tuesday night, May 12. Miss Coke’s letter of resignation is as folllows: “I hereby tender my resignation as Collector tor the Town of Edenton to become effective June 30, 1953, the end lof our fiscal year. “I appreciate the cooperation and the courtesies Shown me by the pres ent Board as well as (the other Boards I have served under during the twen ty-four years I have been wilth the Town. “If I can be of any assistance in, getting my successor familiar with ithe duties which go with the Collec tor’s job, I will be glad Ito help in any way I can.” Chowan Included In Tour Os Historians Several Points of Inter est Will Be Visited Sunday, May 10 The second tour of the State So ciety of Counity and Local Historians, which will be held Sunday, May 10, will include points in Chowan County. John E. Tyler of Roxiobel, vice presi dent of the Albemarle District, will be in charge. Those altrtendimg will .be asked to meet 'at the 'Court House in Edenton at 10 A. M. A tour j>f the historic Count House built in 1767 will be made. ~ A stop will be made at tire James Iredell house dating from 1759. This house was saved for posterity .through efforts of the Edenton DAR mem bers, and is now the property of the State. On the itinerary are seven other noted homes Four are on Albemarle Sound. These are IStrawberry Hill, owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Boyce; Mulberry Hill, owned bv Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wood and dating from 1775; Sycamore owned bv Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harding; Greenfield, owned by Mrs. George C. Wood and dating from 1762. Strawberry Hill and Mul berry Hill are bpth Pre-Revolutionary homes. Three places on the Chowan River to be visited are demerit Ha'll, dating from 1786, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Bond; Martinique, 1752, own ed by Mrs. William H. Winbome, and Bandon Plantation, dating from 1790, and owned by Mr. and Mrs. John fleltcher, . Delinauent Taxes Now Go Into General Fund Chowan County Commissioners on Mionday adopted a rriadlution in com pliance with House Bill 241 passed in the recent session of the General As sembly. • 'According to She resolution all de linquent taxes collected hereafter will go into the general fund of Chowan ! County. $2.00 Per Year. Women Appeal For Full Time Assistant County Home Agent Delegation Appears Be fore County Commis sioners Monday Chownji County Oommdssdoners were faced with a delegation kxf women at their meeting Mionday which repre sented home demonstration clubs from every section of the county. The pur pose of the delegation wa*s to impress upon the Commissioners the import ance of having a full time assistant home agent and urging them (to do all they could in order to secure a full time assistant instead of lone working half time. The speaker tor the delegation was Mrs. Wallace Goodwin. (She explain ed to the Commissioners that an as- Idistant agent does not necessarily lighten ithe work of Ithe home agent, saying that the assistant agent de votes her time to 4-H Club work and boys and girls in the rural section. IShe pointed out unsatisfactory condi tions existing under the part time set up when the assistant agent is (obliged to work in Chowan and Perquimans counties. Mrs. Goodwin said Chowan County, though one of the smallest, ig listed among the moat progressive counties in the state. She said a full (time as sistant agent would cause (no hardship on the county in that only about SBOO more Would have to be appropriated frOm county funds. The Oommiasioners informed the ladies that they will give the matter seriouis thought and see what oould be done by the June meeting of the Board. Wbonen included in the delegation were: Mrs. Maebelle P. Winslow Mrs. Art Bush, Mlrs. W. H. Saunders’, Mrs. J. O. Skinner, Mrs. Bristow Per. ry, Mm. George W. Smith, Must I. E. Halsey, J r ., Mrs. R. H. Hollowell, Mrs. 18. P. Monds, Mrs. H. T. Hollowell, Mrs. Wallace Goodwin, Mra. T. L. Ward and Mrs. Herbert H. Lane. Jesse L Harrell Is Elected President EdentonLions Club New Officers Named at Meeting- Held Mon day Night Jesse L. Harrell was elected presi dent of the Edenton Lions Club at the regular meeting of the club Mon day night. Harrell Succeeds A. E. Jenkins and will be installed the last meeting night in June. Other officers elected at the meet ing are: First vice president, Guy O. H'obbs; Second rice president, Carey A. Phillips; Third rice president, Er nest Ward, Jr.; Lion Tamer, John Goodwin; Tail Twtoter, T. B. Willi ford; secretary-treasurer, W. J. Tay lor; pianist, Earl Harrell; chorister, J. Clarence Leary; two year-directors, J. R. Dulaney and Aubrey Turbeville. W. W. Byrum and J. Clarence Leary still have one year of a two-year term to serve as directors. Seniors Return From Trip To Washington Thirty-four members of the Senior Class at the Edenton Junior-Senior High School returned home by char tered bus Saturday afternoon, from Washington, D. €., where they enjoy ed a tour of the nation's capital I.n Ithe group were Lynn Boswell, Bobby Bunch, Freddie By rum, Pete Dail, John Dobson. John Foxwell, Rill Gardner, Allen Harless, Francis Hicks. Jasper H'olrmes, Fred Lassiter, Ted Lassiter, A1 Owens, Ray Tolley, Jua nita Alexander, Vivian Alexander, Helen Boswell, Kitty Campen, Linda Downum, Betsy Duncan, Thomissa Goodin an. Marian Goodwin, Ann Haw kins, Barbara Hollowell, Shirley (Reef er, Barbara Leary, Sharon Lupton, Margaret Miller, Legion Owens, Billie Russell, Charlotte Small, Margery Thigpen and Anne White. The group was accompanied by Mr. and Mm. R. W. Leary, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hick®, Mrs. Ralph Blades and N. J. George. TAX COLLECTIONS Sheriff J. A. Bunch reported to the County Commissioners Monday that 1962 taxes collected in April amount ed to $11,934.40. Total 1952 taxes odllected to date amount to $157,- 507.74, AIKEN GETS CONTRACT Chowan County Commissioners on Mkmday awarded the contract to audit the county’s funds and books for the fiscal year. The .price for the audit will he 1600.