Volume XX.-NmS^T Strong Possibility County’s Tax Rate Will Remain $1.53 ffr:' • ;■ . •• • . School Budgets Provide For Public Music Teachers VALUATION UP All Day Meeting Mon day Devoted Mostly To Figuring At their June meeting, held Monday, Chowan County Commissioners devot ed the major part of the time to con sidering various budgets for the fiscal year 1953-54. Due to the mass of fig ures, the Commissioners held an af ternoon session and at the dose of the meeting they were hopeful that next year’s tax rate can be maintained at $1.53 per SIOO property valuation, the same as at present. - Although some of the budgets are somewhat higher than last year, the two school units turned in a budget somewhat less than last year. County Superintendent W. J. Taylor’s budget calls for $6,000 less than last year, while Superintendent John A. Holmes’ budget for the Eden ton City Unit is $2,000 below last year. Despite this decrease in the school budget for each unit, provision is made for a public music teacher in the Edenton and Chowan High Schools. This addition, according to the school officials, has been virtually demanded by school patrons at various meetings. It is also necessary in order for the schools to be placed on the accredited list. Both Taylor and Holmes ex plained that the teacher load will not allow doubling up of classes in order to add a music teacher. Mr. Holmes also pointed out that the school must secure a woman to teach physical edu cation to girls and to coach girls’ath letic teams. At first reading of the proposed, budgets the public music teacher an gle aroused the curiosity of the Com missioners, who appeared concerned that the extra teacher at county ex pense would cause an increase in the tax rate. However, when it was point ed out that even with the music teach er included in each unit, this year’s budget will be less than last year, the Commissioners seemed less concerned and went along with the request. Another factor in manipulating the same tax rate is an increase in prop erty valuation. This year’s tax rate will be figured on a valuation of sll,- 000,000 compared with a valuation last year of $10,500,000. , Officers For Jaycees InstaHedJhursday Very Impressive Meet ing Held In VFW Home Officers for the Edenton Junior Chamber of Commerce were installed at an interesting ceremony held on Thursday night in the VFW home, with Edgar (Red) Gurganus of Wil ’ liamston in charge. Scott Harrell, retiring president, pre sided over the meeting with the invo cation by Wesley Chesson. The principal address was made by Elmo Laipb of Spring Hope, who - spoke about the activities of the Jay cees and the important place they fill “in any community. The new officers installed were Thomas Shepard, president; J.' M. Boyce, vice president; A1 Wall, sec retory; Murray Byrum, treasurer; George Alma Byrum, State Director. The board of directors includes Joe, Conger, Jr„ Gilliam Wood, Pete Man-' ning, Ralph Outlaw, Luther Parks, J. HWTe “ honor of boinj elected prosidont find j CT-.J J Ilia 1 i. *nd oiiM L.*’ 5 J-v v ' ir'i ' '"3S9I Tw Chewzn Ootjtiity j . ftt * Wsko Forest Collom tikis week. I THE CHOWAN HERALDi [Wins Second Place] •Miss Linda Downum, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Downum, won second place in the contest for Queen of the Albemarle in the Elizabeth City Potato Festi val held last week. The winner of the contest was Miss Betty Ann Bamham, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Barn ham of Plymouth. The queen was crowned Saturday night in cere monies held on Memorial Field be fore s huge throng of people. She will< reign as queen until next year’s queen is named. Rev. B.L Paines New Rocky Hock Pastor Succeeds the Rev. R. E. Gordon Now In the Philippines The Rev. B. L. Raines has arrived in Chowan County and has taken over the pastorate of the Rocky Hock Church which has been unfilled since the resignation of the Rev. R. E. Gor don, who is now doing missionary work in the Philippines. Mr. Raines preached his first ser mon in the church Sunday and regular services each Sunday will be held from now at 11 o’clock in the morning and 8 o’clock at night. Mr. Raines is a native of South Car olina and graduated at Furman Uni versity later studying at the New Or leans Theological Seminary. He is al so taking special courses at South eastern Theological Seminary at Wake Forest. Before coming to the Rocky Hock Church he was pastor of the Baptist Church at Aynor, S. C. With Mr. Raines is his wife and four children, two sons and two daugh ters. Mrs. Raines is a graduate of Winthrop College at Rock Hill, S. C. Rotary Ugliest Man ContestJnProgress Winner Will Be Crown ed In Taylor Theatre Friday, June 12 Edenton Rotary Club’s “ugliest man contest” is now in progress, with boxes placed in various stores where votes can be cast at a penny each. Names of contestants are on the box es, but as of Wednesday there was no way of knowing who was leading in the race. The contest got under way Monday of this week and will close Friday, June 12, at which time the winner will be crowned on the Taylor Theatre stage at 9 o’clock. The affair was put on by the Rotary Club to raise funds for various club activities, and it is hoped many votes will be cast during the contest. Cancer dime W9l Be HeM Friday Last One to Be Held In District Until Next September The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will 1 hold its clinic until September on Fri day, June 5, in Elizabeth City, at the Health Center with registration be ginning at 1:00 o’clock. A free examination is given oFthe five are» of the body where cancer f4s most easily found and cured to any one who attends. However, there are age requirements—women should be 85 or more; men should be 40 or over unless referred by a doctor or unless ohe of the “Seven Danger Signals” or "Symptoms” is present. No appoint ment is necessary. Please bring a robe < 7 lww Free Buffet Supper i For Masons Tonight ( Members