Volume XX.—Number 33. Chowan Machinery Set Up For State's Bond Election Oct. 3 . • Registrars and Judges Os Election Appoint ed This Week 72 MILLIONDOLLARS Registration Books Will Be Open on Three Saturdays This week the Chowan County Board of Elections set up machinery for North Carolina's special bond election which will be held Saturday, October 3. On that day voters of the State will vote on the issuance of fif ty million dollars for school plant con struction and improvements and for twenty-two million dollars for state mental institutions. The Chowan County Board of Elec tions has been notified that registra tion books for this special election must be open Saturdays, September 5, 12 and 19 from 9 o’clock in the morning until sunset and that regis trars should be at their respective polling places for registering voters. There will not be a special regis tration for this election, so that all persons who are now registered on the county’s registration books wjll be eligible to cast a ballot. Os course, any who are not on the county’s regis „ tration books will have to register if they desire to vote. On election day polls will be open from 6 A. M., until 6:30 P. M. For the election the Chowan County Board of Elections has appointed the following registrars and judges of election: East Edenton Precinct —Miss Sarah Jones, registrar; W. Jt. Wilkins and K. W. Carden, judges of election. Polling place, Chowan County Court House. West Edenton Precinct—Mrs. Geo. C. Hoskins, registrar; George S. Twid dy and J. L. Chestnutt, judges of elec tion. Polling place, Municipal Build ing. Rocky Hock Precinct —W. 'lft. Pearce, registrar; W. H. Saunders dnd E. C. Bunch, judges of election. Poll ing place, Henry Bunch’s store. Center Hill Precinct—Ralph Good win, registrar; R. H. Hollowell and E. D. Byrum, judges of election. Poll ing place, Elliott Belch’s office. Wardville Precinct—Carey Hollo well, registrar; H. L. Peele and Mel vin Copeland, judges-of election. Poll ing place, H. R. Peele’s store. Yeopim Precinct—T. J. Hoskins, Sr., registrar; T. J. Hoskins, Jr., and J. A. Webb, Jr., judges of election. Polling place, Harry Perry’s store. Revival At Warwick Begins August 16th Rev. Douglas M. Branch Os Rocky Mount Will Be Speaker Revival services will begin in War wick Baptist Church Sunday, August 16, according to the pastor, the Rev. Lee A. Phillips. The speaker for the series of Meet ings will be the Rev. Douglas M. Branch, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Rocky Mount. Services will be held each afternoon at 3 o’clock and at night at 8 o’clock. The general public is cordially invited to attend all services. Captain Bill Whichard Is Sent To Pentagon Friends will be interested to learn that Captain Bill Whichard has been transferred from Fort Bragg to the Pentagon in Washington, D. C. Captain Whichard served 16 months in Korea and upon his return to the Uhited States he was stationed at Fort Bragg until his transfer to the Pentagon. Legion Auxiliary Will Meet Tuesday Night The American Legion Auxiliary will meet at the home of Mrs. J. L. Chest nutt Tuesday nigjit, August 18, at 8 o’clock. At this meeting a report will be presented by Miss Jacquelyn Faye Bunch and Peggy Ann Turner, two Chowan High School students, who attended this year’s session of Girls’ State. Thev were sent by the local Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. R. E. Leary, president of the Auxiliary, urges a full attendance. THE CHOWAN HERALD Quarterly Conference At Methodist Church Next Sunday Night Next Sunday night, August 16, a quarterly conference of the Edenton Methodist Church will be held at 8 o’clock. This will be a very important meeting in that officers will be elect ed for the next church year. Dr. F. S. Love, district superinten dent, will preside at the conference. All groups of the church are request ed to have their reports ready to be presented. Edenton Soldier Is Released By Reds Private William E. Jack son Listed In POW Exchange Thus far one Chowan County pris oner of war has been released in the exchange of prisoners in the Korean war. The prisoner of the Reds who gain ed his freedom was Private William E. Jackson, son of Otelia B. Jackson, 1 300 West Albemarle Street. Jackson was a member of Battery A, 503rd Field Artillery Battalion of the Second Division of the U. .S.. Army. Rocky Hock Revival Begins August 16th The Rev. B. L. Raines Will Preach Revival Sermons The Rev. B. L. Raines, pastor of the ! Rocky Hock Baptist Church announces that revival services will be held in his church beginning Sunday, August 16 and closing Sunday, August 23. Mr. Raines will preach during the revival and W. Jim Daniels will lead the singing. Services will be held each afternoon, except Sunday, at 3 o’clock and the night services will be held at 8 o’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend all of the services. Edenton Police Make 77 Arrests During July Chief of Police George I. Dail re ported to Town Council Tuesday night that during July Edenton police made 77 arrests, of whom 73 were found | guilty as charged. Os those arrest * ed 53 were white males, three white females, 20 colored males and one col ored female. t Fines amounted to $395 and costs $445.35, or a total of $840.35, of which amount $215.20 was turned back to the town in way of officers’ fees. During the month the police an swered 50 calls, investigated two ac ; cidents, worked two funerals, report ed 43 street lights out, extended 61 courtesies, found 21 doors unlocked, made 42 investigations and issued 653 citations. The police made 617 radio ; calls and were on the air 51 minutes and 25 seconds. 1 .... .... [ Miss Elizabeth Elliott Will Teach In Japan Miss Elizabeth Elliott, who has been a member of the Edenton Ele mentary School faculty, left Monday ‘‘for Japan, where she will teach for i at least one term at Nagoya, south of i Yokohama. She will be attached to i the Army Air Force and will teach, children of Air Force personnel sta i tioned in Japan. Miss Elliott stopped in Chicago and ; then proceeded to Seattle, Washing i ton, from where she will sail for her new duties. She has a sister, Mrs. H. L. Turner, who lives in Japan, whose husband is now serving in the armed forces there. Edenton Girls Attend : Tri-Hi-YConference 1 Hazel Elliott and Barbara Dail, s two students of the Edenton Junior* i Senior High School, left Edenton » Sunday to attend the Tri-Hi-Y Con ’ ference which is being held at the I Blue Ridge Assembly this week. The two girls are delegates from the Eden > ton Tri-Hi-Y Club and will return home next Sunday. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 13, 1953. 3.9 Miles Os Reads Resurfaced During July For Chowan 25.8 Miles Completed In First Division Dur ing Month The State Highway Commission completed 3.9 miles of resurfacing in Chowan County during the month of July, Commissioner J. Emmett Wins low of Hertford reports. State Highway maintenance forces widened to 16 feet and resurfaced two roads, and their lengths: From NC 32 at Hancock north to Paradise Road, 1.4 miles; and from NC 37, northeast of Yeopim, west to NC 32, 2.5 miles. Both projects were financed by the $200,000,000 secondary road bond pro gram which is now drawing to a close. The First Highway Division com posed of Chowan, Bertie, Camden, Currituck, Dare, Gates, Hertford, Hyde, Martin, Northampton, Pasquo tank, Perquimans, Tyrrell, and Wash ington counties brought a total of 25.8 miles of road work to completion dur ing July, Commissioner Winslow said. Headquarters for the First remain in Ahoskie. W. N. Spruill is division engineer. Highway Patrolman Speaker At Rotary Van Pierce Tells Rotar ians About Highway Accidents Van Pierce of the State Highway Patrol was the principal speaker - at last week’s Rotary meeting, when he spoke for the most part about the alarming number of accidents on North Carolina’s highways. Mr. Pierce said by far the majority of accidents are- caused by drivers rather than from defective mechanism of automo biles. Mr. Pierce said speeding is the di rect cause of many highway accidents. He pointed out that North Carolina highways are. not practical for a speed over 55 miles per hour, and that a number of violators exceed the speed limit knowingly, while some un consciously travel faster than they should. During his remarks Mr. Pierce said reckless driving is a big problem, es pecially among teenagers, although he said local teenagers are a fine group of young people and are not as reck less as the majority of teen-agers in other parts of the State. Mr. Pierce also commented upon legislation passed by the General As sembly regarding traffic laws and urged the cooperation of citizens in reporting violators of the law. He also told the Rotarians that six more radar units had been purchased for use of the Patrol. The units will be set up on an unmarked car he said. After his address Mr. Pierce an swered a number of questions asked by the Rotarians. He was introduced by Jack Mooney, who had charge of the program. I Albemarle Sound And Its Tributaries I By J. L. WIGGINS | The Indian name for Albemarle Sound was Weapomeiock meaning wide water and prior to 1663 it was so called, but when the Lords Proprie tors took over this area the name was changed to Albemarle Sound in hon or of George Monk, one of the pro prietors—Duke of Albemarle, master of the Kings horse, and Captain Gen eral of all of his forces. The eastern end of Albemarle Sound ends just north of Roanoke Island and Fort Raleigh, where the tawny tides of the Roanoke blend with the silvery waves of the Chowan and the amber hue waters from the lake of the dis mal swamp is undoubtedly the most historic spot in America and there America began. There Amadas and Barlow sent out by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1684 cast anchor and explored the land and car ried back to England such glowing description that Queen Elizabeth call ed it Virginia in honor of herself, the Virgin Queen of England. There the first sacrificial blood of Englishmen was spilled on the Ameri can continent. When the bleaching bones of 16 men left at Fort Raleigh by Sir Richard Greenville in 1584 were found by John White in 1685. They were evidently slain by the In dians. There the first Indian, Manteo, was converted to Christianity and was bap tized August 16, 1687 and then just five days later Virginia Dare was Kitotty Problems Vex OhcHmen hi Long Meet Tuesday Night Riser’s Lane, Salaries And Waterfront Con sume Much Time Faded with several knotty problems, Towrtf Council held a lengthy session Tuesday night. Among the problems undex consideration was the acquisi tion If land to widen Rider’s Lane, clearmg up the waterfront east of Johnson’s bridge and increasing sal aries-of town employees. While each one <|f these problems consumed con siderable time, no definite action was takerfl on any one. Todm Attorney J. N. Pruden read his correspondence regarding the le gality of the Town to purchase a 10- foot "strip of land from Dr. L. A. Deese in order to widen Riders Lane. Mr. fruden’s opinion is that the TownJ may legally purchase the 10- foot ptrip, which is beyond the city limit* However, the attorney gen eral, assistant attorney general and George Franklin of the Institute of Government, wrote letters to the ef fect t|iat the Town cannot legally ac quire title to the strip of land. In one letter Attorney General Harry McMullan frankly admitted that he did not know. At any rate Mr. Pru den again wrote the attorney general, pointing out a certain statute, so that his answer is now awaited. John Graham and Richard Dixon, Jr., appeared at the meeting in order to speed up action on improving the narrow road. They said the Coast land Oil Company will pay $250 to ward purchasing the 10-foot strip, which is approximately 2,000 feet long and for which Dr. Deese is asking SI,OOO. It is believed the Blades Lum ber Company will pay a like amount. However, action was delayed until the legal angle of the Town purchasing | land outside the corporate limits for i a road is cleared up. C. T. Griffin, L. E. Francis and H. A. Campen, members of Unanimi ty Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & A. M., which recently purchased a lot oppo site Johnson’s bridge, attended the meeting to offer the lodge’s coopera tion ip cleaning up the waterfront at that 'pbint. Town Attorney J. N. Pru den was instructed to proceed with the necessary legal steps to have the property vacated. Mr. Pruden, how ever, asked for written instructions from the Council which will allow him to secure additional counsel and proceed along other legal angles if necessary. Another matter which took up some time had to do with increasing sal aries of town employees. As the bud get is set up it provides for increases for all town employees except one po liceman and members of the Fire and Street Departments. W. J. Yates, as sistant fire chief, appeared at the meeting urging an increase for the firemen, and Street Commissioner J. Edwin Buiflap asked for an In crease for Street Department em ployees if all other departments are given a raise. Although quite a discussion followed, it was de cided to take final action at a special meeting. John Holmes, Phillip McMullan and Thomas Chears attended the meet ing and asked for an improved road (Continued on Page Twelve) bom, the first white child to be given birth on the North American Conti nent. And then the mystery and trag edy of the lost colony came. To Sir Walter Raleigh is due large ly not only the settlement of North Carolina but to the whole of North America as well. He may be termed the author of the English Colonizing Movement. This was his greatest ser vice to England and the world. Al though baffled in his efforts to plant the English race upon this continent, he yet called into existence a spirit of enterprise which first gave Virginia and then North America to that race. After the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia by the London Company in 1607, 22 years after the lost colony vanished from Roanoke Island and af ter the burning of Jamestown in 1622 by Opecanough, the Indian Chief, the settlers in the Jamestown area began to migrate. They trekked overland to the headwaters of the Chowan River (The Blackwater and Nottoway) and there built themselves rafts and boats, loaded their familiar household goods and stock on them and drifted down stream with the current to the Cho wan River and Weapomeiock Sound. To these hardy explorers, including Richard Bland, John Pory, Samuel Pricklove, George Durant, and others is largely due the first permanent settlement of North Carolina. They set up trading posts and plantations (Continued on Page Twelve) Citizens Os Chowan Pass County Quota In Blood Donations njwin _ iru - rnn , uinfM M , I, Civic Calendar Quarterly Conference at Meth-- odist Church next Sunday night at 8 o’clock. The Rev. Arnold Robertson, pastor of the Lindley Park Bap tist Church at Greensboro, will preach at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. American Legion Auxiliary will meet Tuesday night, August 18, at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt. Revival services at Yeopim Baptist Church scheduled to end Saturday night of this week. Fall term of Chowan Superior Court begins Monday, September 14 th. Revival services at Rocky Hock Baptist Church Sunday, August 16, through Sunday, August 23. Revival services begin at War wick Baptist Church begin Sun day, August 16. Edenton Lions Club will meet Monday night at 7 o’clock. Edenton Jaycees meet to i night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock at the Triangle Restaurant. Kindergarten opens in Edenton , Elementary School Tuesday, Sep tember 2. > Supervised play at playground 10 to 12 o’clock in the morning and 4 to 6 o’clock in the after , noon. Chowan Tribe, No. 12, Improved Order of Red Men, will meet Mon day night at 8 o’clock. VFW meets in Post’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Edenton Rotary Club meets to day (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the I Parish House. Annual picnic of Chowan Coun ty’s Negro home demonstration clubs Friday, August 28. , Negro home demonstration clubs’ queen contest Friday, Octo t ber 30. ; Rocky Hock Winner ; Os Semi-Final Series ’ In Tidewater League ; Defeat Weeksville First : Three of Five Game j Series > On Hicks Field Tuesday night • Rocky Hock won the semi-finals in . the Tidewater Carolina League, by ■ defeating Weeksville 5 to 4. Rocky I i Hock made a clean sweep of the series • winning the first three of the five ■ game series. They won Friday and [ Monday nights. The Chowan County boys will, 1 therefore, be one of the teams to play ■ for the league championship. The op- I ponent will be either Hobbsville or Gatesville, now engaged in the semi finals playoff. j Rocky Hock 9, Weeksville 5 On Hicks Field Friday night Rocky Hock won the first game of the semi finals 9 to 5. Edgar Rae White start ed on the mound, but gave way to I Hunt. Vernon White started for . Weeksville, but was relieved by Dun . can. Rocky Hock collected nine hits . off the two visiting moundsmen, with Holland leading the attack. He was credited with four of the nine hits. Rocky Hock was considerably weak ened in this game when Douglas i Leary, one of the outstanding players, • had his arm broken near the wrist. , The injury was caused when he was , hit by a pitched ball at the plate. Rocky Hock 5, Weeksville 2 Monday night on Hicks Field Rocky 1 (Continued on Page Seven) HOUSE NUMBERS ARRIVE , House numbers, which are being i sold by the Edenton Jaycees have ar ■ rived and are now being placed on . houses. Quite a few numbers have I been sold and if anybody else desires some thev should contact A1 Wall or i Thomas Shepard. ,* ■ 1 LIONS MEET MONDAY 1 Edenton’s Lions Club will hold a , semi-monthly meeting next Monday ! night at 7 o’clock. Jesse Harrell, i president, urges every member of the . club to make a special effort to be present. r .i ■ .1.!., , . - —— [ ROTARY MEETS TODAY i Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet t this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock r in the Parish House. President John i; Kramer urges every Rotarian to be i present. Year. • 169 Pints Given at Arm ory Thursday of Last Week 61 BY MARINES Chairman Jesse Harrell Praises All Who In Any Way Helped For the first time in many months, Chowan County exceeded its quota of blood donations when the Red Cross bloodmobile appeared at the Edenton armory Thursday of last week. The quota again was 150 pints and at the close of the day 169 pints were do nated, which included 61 Marines. Jesse Harrell, chairman of the blood program, was very enthusiastic in his praise of those who worked so hard to the end that the county once more met its quota. The service chairman was Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, while J. R. Dulaney was recruiting chairman and Wilborne Harrell publicity chair man. Chairman Harrell also direct ed a great deal of praise to five nurs es at the Edenton Marine Corps Au xiliary Landing • Field, who rendered service during the day. These were Mrs. Olga Hunchar, Mrs. May Walsh, Mrs. Doris Hollenbeck, Mrs. Joyce , Bishop and Mrs. Betty Ezyk. He es pecially thanks those who gave blood. Mr. Harrell pointed out that blood administered through the Chowan Hospital from July, 1952, through June 30, 1953, amounted to 602 pints, while blood given by local donors dur ing the same period amounted to 514 pints, thus more blood has been used locally than has been donated. Those who donated blood Thursday were: Marines Sgt. Arnold J. Galati, Pfc. Anthony J. Bemardi, Sgt. Jesse S. Thompkins, Cpl. John W. Wuggazer, Cpl. Walter G. Ragland, Sgt. Roy E. Gannon, Pfc. Elward Desmarais, Pfc. Donald K. Bantner, Sgt. Lawrence Showberger, Sgt. Quincy A. Rehmer, Sgt. Louis T. 1 Rogaski, Sgt. Billy H. Alcheson, Cpl. Torrez Pedro Diaz, Cpl, Roy D. Rey nolds, Sgt. George E. McGowan, Cpl. Frank J. Rocca, Sgt. Glenory G. Blatz, Sgt. Pyle Rienard. Pfc. Michael J. Gargpr, Pfc. Harris Danneeker, Pfc. FranklinO Myers. S-Sgt. William W. Brown, S-Sgt. Michael V. Guerriero, Sgt. John G. Galligan, Sgt. David M. Green, Pfc. Darrell D. Boothby. Pfc. • Ronald R. Roth. Sgt. Samuel H. Rup, | Sgt. Richard P. Irving, Sgt. Carl E. | Fluman, Sgt. William O. Fluman, Cpl. William J. Helton. Pfc. Clair A. Dampman, Pfc. James C. Hall, Cpl. Donald E. Davis, Sgt. Ronald H. Schill. Cpl. John W. Fr. Barrick, Pfc. Billy J. Biven, Cpl. Richard Johnson, Sgt. George Rumelt, Cpl. John G. , Luebbers, Pfc. Gordan A. Charlton, Pfc. Daniel W. Reid. Pfc. Rudolph J. Patete, Pfc. James E. Hilgemann, Cpl.. Charles B. McKim, Sgt. John A. Le (Continued on Page Twelve) 4-H’ers Attending Camp At Manteo Group of 12 Left Eden ■ ton Monday Morning; Return Saturday Accompanied by Assistant County Agent Robert S. Marsh, and Wallace Goodwin, Jr., 4-H Club Leader, twelve ’ Chowan County 4-H Club members left Monday morning to attend the ’ 4-H at Manteo. The group spent the week in camp, planning to return home Saturday. Comprising the group were Ronald Perry, Carlton Perry, Lloyd White, Sidney White, Cheryl Hobbs, Edgar Halsey, Jr., Robert Wayne Halsey, Barbara White, Betty White, Carolyn Tynch, Marcene White and Catherine Perry. While at camp the boys and girls will receive instructions in various , phases of 4-H Club work and recrea , tion, and they will attend a showing of “The Lost Colony”. Fire Chiefs Plan To * Attend Convention > Fire Chief R. K." Hall and Assistant > Fire Chief W. J. Yates will leave Edenton next Monday morning for Carolina Beach to attend the annual North Carolina Firemen’s Convention, t which will last three days, c Both local firemen are very popu i lar among the State firemen, especial ; ly Cap’n Dick, who is the oldest act ive fire chief in the United States.

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