Volume XX.—Number 40. $72,000,000 Bond Issue Election Saturday Edenton Tea Party Chapter Will! Be Hostess At District Meeting 'Annual Session Begins In Court House at 10:30 O’clock PROGRAM Mrs. G. A. Kernadle, State Regent, Princi pal Speaker Edenton Tea Party Chapter, N.S.D.A.R., will be hostess for the an nual meeting of the Eighth District which will be held in the Chowan County Court House Friday morning, beginning at 10:30 o’clock. The prin cipal address for the occasion will be made by Mrs. G. A. Kernadle of Bur lington, State Regent. Mrs. William L. Goodwyn of Cedar Lane, Tarboro, district director will preside over the meeting. Mrs. Good wyn is a past regent of the Miles Harvey Chapter at Tarboro, a past State Chairman of Ellis Island, past State Chairman of Transportation, and has served on national committees in Washington, D. C. Mrs. W. J. Eason, also of Tarboro, is secretary and treasurer of the Eighth District. She is at present regent of the Miles Harvey Chapter at Tarboro. Among others expected to attend the meeting are State Regent Mrs. G. A. Kernadle of Burlington; Mrs. J. M. Massey, State vice regent of Charlotte, as well as other State offi cers, State Chairmen, honorary State regents and representatives from chapters at Elizabeth City, Farmville, Goldsboro, Halifax, Mount Olive, Rocky Mount, Scotland Neck, Snow Hill, Tarboro, Washington and Wil son. Mrs. William D. Holmes, Jr., is re gent of the Edenton Tea Party Chap ter and announces the following pro gram: Mrs. W. L. Goodwyn, district direc tor, presiding. Processional. Call to order, Mrs. W. L. Good (Continued on Page Five) Woman’s Club Wins Several High Honors At District Meeting Return Home With Four Awards as Well as Other Honors By Evelyn G. Leary Winning of awards and prizes seem to have become a habit with the Eden ton Woman’s Club. Members of the organization who attended the annual meeting of the 16th District of Wo man’s Club at Moyock, N. C., last week Were very proud to return home with four awards along with other members of the club receiving honors. This is not the first time the local aggregation has brought home the bacon. The Edenton Club won the coveted Corbell Cup, which is presented to the club which did the best work in com munity beautification during the year. (Continued on Page Eight) Cancer Clinic Will Be Held On Friday Registration Begins at 12:45 at Elizabeth City Health Center The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will be Jield Friday, October 2 in Elizabeth City at the Health Center with regis tration beginning at 12:45. The only limitation is one of age women should be 35 or more and men 40 or over unless referred by a doctor or unless one of the "Seven Danger Sig nals” or “Symptoms” is present. The examination is of-4he five areas of the body where cancer is most eas ily found and cured. All attending should bring a wrapper or house coat. POCAHONTAS MEETING f Chowan Council,- No. 54, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet Friday night at 8 o’clock in the Red Men hall. Mrs. Virginia Barfield, Pocahontas, re ouests all members to be Present. THE CHOWAN HERALD / [TOP RANKING DISTRICT D.A.R. OFFICERS] MRS. WILLIAM L. GOODWYN Pictured at left above is Mrs. William L. Goodwyn of Tarboro, director of the Eighth District, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, who will preside over the annual district meet ing to be held in the Court House Friday. At right is Mrs. W. J. Eason, also of Tarboro, who is secretary and treasurer of the Eighth District. State Regent Mrs. G. A. Kernadle of Burlington will make the principal address at the meeting. Plans Progressing For Chowan County Fair October 26-31 Showing This Year on Legion Property on Windsor Highway BIGGER AND BETTER More Room For Fair as Well as Parking Au tomobiles Plans are rapidly shaping up for the American Legion Fair which is scheduled to be held on the Legion property on the Windsor highway two miles from Edenton October 26- 31. Willis McClenney is again serv ing as manager of the fair, while Jor dan Yates is president and R. E. Leary, secretary and treasurer. Mr. McClenney states that prepa rations are in progress for the big gest and most successful fair since the American Legion’s first fair four years ago. A new exhibit building has been erected on the Legion prop erty and a livestock building will also be provided. Plenty of parking space will be available, where several thous and cars can be accommodated. Ample space will be provided for farm machinery exhibits, agricultural exhibits, livestock, merchants’ dis plays and a safety program, with the Legion Post giving prizes. On the midway will be the Penn Premier Shows, which is the largest truck show on earth. The outfit ap peared at the State Fair in Raleigh three successive years and includes shows of various kinds as well as other entertainment. A feature of the midway attraction will be Billy Out ten, who will dive from the top of a 110-foot ladder into a tank of wa ter. The premium list has been print ed and given wide distribution, and applications fores tries will be receiv ed at the office of the manager any time until October 26, with the excep tion of livestock, poultry and booths which must be made before 6 P. M., (■•Continued on Page Eight) $lB7 Raised In County For Relief Os Greeks Dr. A. F. Downum, chairman of the Chowan~County Chapter of the Amer ican Red Cross, reported early this week that $lB7 had been raised in Chowan County for relief of unfortu nate Greeks who were victims in re cent earthquakes. Ernest Kehayes was chairman of the committee to raise funds for the stricken people and he, as well as Dr. Downum, express their thanks and appreciation to all who made contri butions. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 1,1953. f|||||HL \ j|| I rip-' ‘ MRS. W. J. EASON Civic Calendar Eighth District meeting of the DAR will be held in the Court 1 House Friday, October 2, start- • " ing at 10:3) A. M. , Statewide election on $72,000,- i ' 000 bond issue Saturday, October 3rd. BPW Club thrift sale Friday Saturday, October 2 and 3 at j Penelope Barker house. VFW Auxiliary meets tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW hali. “The Old Ship of Zion” pageant at Kadesh A.M.E. Zion Church Friday night at 8 o’clock. “Open House” observed Mon day night, October 5, at James Iredell House at 8 o’clock. Edenton Aces play Chowan Col lege freshmen on Hicks Field Friday night at 8 o’clock. Cancer clinic for district at Elizabeth City Health Center Friday with registrations begin ning at 12:45 P. M. Young Woman’s Bible Class of Baptist Church meets Tuesday night at the church at 8 o’clock. Woman’s Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon, October 5, at 3:30 o’clock at the church. Chowan County Commissioners will meet Monday morning at 10 o’clock in the Court House. VFW square dance in post’s hall Saturday night from 9 to i 12 o’clock. i VFW barbecue chicken dinner at VFW home Saturday afternoon from 5:30 to 8 o’clock. Edenton PTA drive for mem bers* October 5 through October 10th. “Fabulous Follies of Fifty three” in Elementary School au ditorium Friday night, November 6th. ' Lions Club Wltite Cane Sale October 5 through October 10. A week’s revival service will ('Continued on Page Eighlt) Hot Demonstration At Quinn Furniture Co. Quinn Furniture Company announc- : es a hot demonstration by a factory representative at its store today ! (Thursday) and Friday from 9 A. M., 1 to 4:30 P. M. This will be a demon stration on a Siegler oil heater, to 1 which the public is cordially invited. < COMMISSIONERS MEET i Chowan County Commissioners will 1 hold their October meeting Monday 1 morning in the Court House at 10 i a o’clock. c Prospects Brighten For Garment Factory Locating In Edenton New York Owners Sat isfied After Visit Last Week BELL HERE, TOO Group Discusses Manual Training Course In Edenton School Prospects for a northern garment factory locating in Edenton brighten ed last week when the New York owners of the concern visited Edenton. After a survey they were frank in saying they were very favorably im pressed. A visit was made to the employ ment office to survey the labor sit uation, which was satisfactory. They were also taken to the Elementary School, where permission has been given to operate a pilot plant in the basement and a conference was held with Gerald James, principal of the Junior-Senior High School relative to inaugurating manual training in the (Continued On Page Four! “Fabulous Follies” Will Be Presented Friday, November 6 Show Sponsored By Jay cees, BPW Club and Woman’s Club Sponsored by the Edenton Business and Professional Woman’s Club, the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Edenton Woman’s Club, “Fabulous Follies of Fifty-three” will be pre sented in the Edenton Elementary School auditorium Friday night, No vember 6. All local talent will participate in | the entertainment and at the first ! meeting of the east held Monday night about 75 people were in attendance. The show was written and will be directed by Mrs. Frank M. Holmes and the technical staff includes the following: Sets and lighting—J. M. Boyce. Props—Luther Parks and Mrs. Rob ert B. Smith. Choreography—Mrs. John Kramer. Advertising—Miss Evelyn Leary. Tickets—Jaycees. Programs—BPW Club. White Cane Sale WR Be Held October 5-10 3,700 Were Helped Last Year From White Cane Drive Preparations have been completed by the Edenton Lions Club for the White Cane sale to be held in Eden ton and Chowan County from Octo ber 5 the 10th. The lives of 3,700 blind persons were enriched and made more joyous by the success of last year’s White Cane Drive. Each year this communi ty is given an opportunity to cooper ate and participate in the White Cane Drive and to join the North Carolina State Association for the Blind in its efforts to Help the Blind Help Them selves. The White Cane Drive is sponsored by the more than 300 Lions Clubs of the State and their more than 14,000 members. The North Carolina State Association for the Blind was organ ized by Lions of this State in 1934. It is a non-profit, lay group entirely supported by the once-a-year White Cane Drive. The reason for its or ganization and the purpose of its ex istence is work for the blind on a state-wide basis. Jesse L. Harrell, president of the Edenton Lions Club, stated that one third of the collections from the White Cane Sale will be spent right here in Chowan County and that the other part will be sent to the North Carolina State Association to be used in state-wide work. The Lions of Edenton will start their White Cane Drive on October 5, and will give allj an opportunity to join the North Car-j olina State Association for the Blind. 1 Chairman Harless Lists Advantages To County If Favorable | PTA Drive _] —— i Announcement was made this week that October 5 through Oc tober 10 will be observed in Eden ton as membership drive week. Every person interested in open ing the door to a better future for children will certainly be interest ed in joining the Parent-Teacher Association. All are urged to join, participate and observe. “Open House” To Be Observed Oct sth At James Iredell House People of Edenton and Chowan County In vited to Attend Citizens of Edenton and Chowan County, and everyone interested in the historic old James Iredell house are cordially invited to attend an open house to be held at the James Iredell house on the night of October 5, at 8 o’clock. At that time the celebration of the 203rd anniversary of James j Iredell’s birth will be sponsored by the James Iredell Tea Party Chapter, Na tional Society Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution. It is hoped that many who have not seen this beautiful example of co lonial architecture will take the op portunity of visiting the place at this time. The home is of especial im portance to everyone interested in our American heritage. The distinguished career of James Iredell is known to all students of history. The famous Mar cus letters which had so much to do with the signing of the Constitution were written in this house. Another point of historical interest is that As sociate Justice James Wilson, signer of the Declaration of Independence for Pennsylvania, visited the Iredell family and died in the home. Officers of the James Iredell His torical Association are: President, Grayson Harding; vice presidents, Mi's. Inglis Fletcher, Mrs. J. N. Pru den, Mrs. John A. Kramer, and Mrs. S. M. McMullan; secretary, Mrs. P. S. McMullan; corresponding secretary, Mrs. George Mack; treasurer, Mrs. T. B. Smith. The directors of the Asso ciation are the members of the Eden ton Tea Party Chapter, NSDAR. VFW Sells About 100 Garbage Cans In Sale Commander Bill Perry Appreciative For Fine * Cooperation Bill Perry, commander of Wm. H. Coffield Post, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, reported early this week that the garbage can sale has been terminated and that during the campaign in the neighborhood of 200 garbage cans had been sold in Eden ton. The project was for the purpose of raising funds for the post, as well as an effort to help Edenton to be clean er and more attractive. Mr. Perry, on behalf of the VFW, expresses his thanks and appreciation to all who cooperated by purchasing a new garbage can. Revival Begins Monday At Christian Church Revival services will begin in the First Christian Church Monday night and continue through the following Sunday. The visiting preacher will be the Rev. Richard Gardner of Roper. Services will be held each night at 7:30 o’clock, and the pastor, the Rev. E. C. Alexander, extends a cordial in vitation to all to attend. ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet I today (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. President John Kram er urges a 100 per cent attendance. 5 Co t P er •Local Groups and Indi viduals Endorse Sale Os Bonds VOTE 6730~T0 6:30 Without Aid From State Critical Needs Cannot Be Met Chowan County voters, together with those of the State as a whole, will have an opportunity to vote next Saturday to determine if the State of North Carolina will be authorized to issue $72,000,000 in bonds for school plant construction and improvements and improvement of the State’s men tal institutions. If voters favor the bond issue, $50,000,000 will he used j for schools and $22,000,000 for men tal institutions. Polls will open at 6:30 A. M., and close at 6:30 P. M. For this special bond election, the Chowan County Board of Elections has announced the following voting places and election officials: East Edenton Precinct Voting place, Court House. Miss Sarah Jones, registrar; Walter Wilkins and R. W. (Continued on Page Five) Aces Tackle Chowan College Freshmen Bn Hicks Field Friday Hard-Fought Game Ex pected By Edenton Coaches With a record of one victory, one loss with a tie, Edenton’s Aces are scheduled to/ meet the Chowan Col lege fi'eshmon in a home game on Hicks Field Friday night at 8 o’clock. Little is known about the college eleven other than that they were de feated by the Hertford Indians two weeks ago. Hertford is reported to have a strong team, so that Coach es Ben Perry and Alton Brooks are putting the Aces through strenuous practice sessions in preparation for what is expected to he a hard-fought game. The hand, of course, will he on hand to liven up things and entertain spec tators between halves, so that it is hoped a large number will turn out for the game. Bmlbriftlie Friday - Saturday Many Items Will Be For Sale at Penelope Bar ker House Edenton’s Business and Profession al Women’s Club issues a reminder that it will sponsor a thrift sale all day Friday and Saturday at the Penelope Barker house at the foot of Broad Street. Funds secured during the sale will be used to pay on the Barker house hank note. Good bar gains are in store for those who at tend the sale. “Now is the time for the citizenry of Edenton to help in this worthy pro ject in an inexpensive way,” say those in charge. “Look through your closets and attics and see what you can find to donate in the way of gar ments, hats, shoes, bric-a-brac, etc., which you no longer need and which will be a delight to someone. Dis carded clothing from stores will also be appreciated.” Those who will donate articles may leave them at the Barker house to day (Thursday) from 10 A. M., to 7 P. M. Those wishing someone to call for donated articles may phone one of the following: Miss Inez Felton, Mrs. Kate Wozelka, Mrs. Corie White, Mrs. J. J. Long, Mrs. Lala Smith, Miss Mildred Munden, Mrs. Anne Jenkins, Mrs. Margaret Phthisic, Mrs. Annie Mills, Mrs. Captola Jack son, Mrs. Dorothy Phelps, Mrs. Jim mie Wiggins, Miss Lena Jones, Miss Minnie Hollowell or Mrs. Josie Ruth Carr.