V olunle Nmnber 47. Organization Is Set Up For District 1953 Christmas Seal Sale John A. Mitchener, JrJ Named Chairman For j Chowan County QUOTAS2,4OO Plans For Drive Made At Meeting In Hert ford Thursday The Pasquotank-Perquimans-Cam-1 den-Chowan Tuberculosis Association held its fall dinner meeting at the Ho tel Hertford Thursday of last week at 6:30 P. M. Invocation was given by J. H. Moore. Roland Garrett, presideht, welcomed the members and guests. J. F. Pugh, secretary from- Camden, read the minutes of the last executive meeting. Dr. Allen Bon ner, treasurer, reported a balance of $3,393.00 in the District TB Asso ciation. Mrs. Duke Cropsey, execu tive secretary, reported that 1,727 chest X-rays had been made in the district since April, 1953. A report was made on health edu cation in the form of the PTA pro grams in the schools and the scholas tic press project in the four colored high Schools in the four counties, also some of the activities of the various organizations for the 1953 Christmas Seal Drive. The TB District exhibit in the fair was composed of life sized carolers of the 1953 seal, drawn by Nancy Nunis and painted by T. R. Kamp and decorated by Mary Lou Hatfield, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. Julian Halstead. Mrs. Julian Saunders and Mrs. Sam Wilson, from the Mar cia Home Demonstration Club, also Mrs. Aubrey Turbeville, program chairman of the Woman’s Club in Edenton, and her members stuffed the letters from Chowan County and will see that posters and coin boxes are placed in the business district. Gerald James and George Gelbach and the Stagecraft Boys from the high school, will build and erect the double barred cross in front of the armory. - -The Business and Professional Wo man’s Club in Perquimans County will stuff the letters and Bobbie El liott will put out the posters and coin boxes. Archie Lane and Joe Tunnell and his high school workshop, will build and erect the cross on the Court House lawn in Hertford. * In Pasquotank the Girls Scouts and volunteers stuffed the letters. The posters and coin boxes will be put out by the Boys’ Club. The display on the Court House lawn will be given by Charlie Ward, Jr., and Robert Givens. Camden letters were stuffed by the Junior Woman’s Club and posters dis tributed by the club also. Edward Davenport gave a talk on the work of the district rehabilitation program, that windows will be spon (Contlnued on Page Seven) luniors WiH Present Play Friday Night “Professor, How Could You?” Begins at 8 O’clock Friday night, November 20, the Junior Class of Edenton Junior-Senior High School will present “Professor, How Could You ?”, a three-act comedy, in the Elementary School auditorium at 8 o’clock. The play, directed by Mrs. Mary L. Browning, promises to be a delightful evening’s entertain ment. The story concerns a young college professor’s problems when he «sks a friend to find a wife for him. The professor wants to be dean, bqt must he married to get the job. However,' things don’t work out quite as he had planned, and he finds himself with three 'fiancees. Be sure to see the play and see ho\y his problem is solv- In the cast are Mary Leggett Browning, Mike Malone, Mickey Bar \ vington, Evelyn Bunch, Tay Byrum, Carolyn Ashley, Allison Campon, An na Partin, Bobby Smith and Robert Edenton’s Junior Chamber of Com merce will spongor a big turkey shoot Tuesday and Wednesday, November & -24 and 25. The shoot will be held at fgj&L. Ward’s cotton gin north of Eden and confinuSngu’nti’Twp M ? R M ” THE CHOWAN HERALD t ; ? —~—: ’ | Seal Chairman | y ~ J&a, '} W ' =".* UK i' JOHN A. MITCHENER, JR. At a meeting of the Pasquo tank-Perquimans-Camden-Chowan Tuberculosis Association held in Hertford last week, John A. I Mitchener, Jr., was appointed as > Chairman of the Christmas Seal ; . Sales in Chowan County. , ; : 4-H Achievement ; Day Observed On ; Monday At C. H. S. l j Winners In County An -3 nounced; District Win j ners Also Recognized ' The annual Chowan 4-H Club ' Achievement Day program was held at the Chowan High School audi torium Monday night of this week at ~ 7:30 o’clock. At this time county winners were announced and district j and State winners were recognized, j Jacquelyn Bunch, County Council j president for 1952-53, presided over the meeting. The devotional was con ducted by Sherwood Harrell and Bar j bara Anne White. Shirley Harrell, ; secretary-treasurer for the Council j! for 1952-53, called the roll and read j the minutes of the last meeting, j Evangelyn Copeland gave a very in (. teresting talk on “Girls’ 4-H Club Work In 1953” and Jackie Morris , gave an interesting talk on “Boys’ I 4-H Club Work In 1953.” Special music was furnished by the “Chowan , Ramblers.” i The highlight of the program was -a fashion show in which 4-H girls modeled many dresses and outfits which were furnished by Simplicity Patterns. Kay Francis White played the piano for this event. Mrs. Imogene Cochrane, home i agent, and Robert S. Marsh, assistant r county agent, presented awards to the > various club members who won hon ors in 1953. | The following club members re ceived medals -for recognition of their outstanding 4-H achievements: (Continued on Page Twelve) . Turkey Shoot Planned At Oak Grove Nov. 23 ’ Sponsored by the Oak Grove Home ’ Demonstration Club, a big turkey 1 shoot will be held Monday, November 23', at _ the Oak Grove Community 1 House 'on the. Holley Wharf highway in the Rocky Hock section. The shoot will be in progress from 10 o’clock in the morning until 10 o’clock at night and is expected to attract a large number’of shooters. Refreshments' including hot coffee, sandwiches, cold drinks, etc., will be Sold in the club house which will ac commodate a large crowd. Red Men Fish Fry Next Monday Night Chowan Tribe of Red Men will hold a fish fry next Monday night, No vember 23. at the AmocO Service Sta tion on the Windsor highway near Midway, at 7 o’clock. L. b. Copeland, sachem of the tribe, agreed to furnish the fish for the oc casion, to which members’ wives and members of the Degree of Pocahontas are invited. AUXILIARY MEETS TONIGHT The Ladies’ Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No. 9280, will ursday) at ® oc * oc^ Edenton, Chowan County. North Carolina. Thursday, November 19,19531 |[ PLANNING CHRISTMAS PARADE . | I The Edenton BPW Steering Committee is shown working out plans for the big Santa Claus parade and party to be held in Edenton Friday, December 4. The event is staged annually for the children by the Busi ness and Professional Women’s Club and the merchants of Edenton. Seated are Miss Goldie Layton, left, and Mrs. Annie Mills, general chair man. Standing, left to right, Mrs. Lydia Daniels, Mrs. Adelaide Chesson, Mrs. Virginia Oliver and Mrs. Johnny Parrish. The latter two are mem bers of the VFW Auxiliary, who are helping with the affair this year. —(Evelyn Leary Photo). Farm Machinery Field Day W1 Be Held Next Tuesday Full Day of Activity on American Legion Fair Grounds The American Legion Fair Grounds | on the Windsor highway will be buz zing with activity next Tuesday. The local farm equipment dealers in co ■ operation with the agricultural work ers will stage the show, says C. W. Overman, county agent. ■ The schedule of events will start, promptly at 9:00 o’clock. The first ! hour will be devoted to an adult trac-, tor drivers’ contest. There will be two events, one for white drivers and | b one for colored drivers. Cash prizes, d will be awarded the winning contest- | - ants. During this event a valuable at- , t tendance prize will be awarded the j y lucky number drawn. Be sure to get] t a ticket when you enter the grounds. I. Be on time so you can have a chance j ill at this prize. r| At 10:00 o’clock, the first farm -j equipment dealer will take over to ’- conduct his demonstration. ___ !’ At 11:20 L. Y. Ballentine, North Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture will address the group. ’• At 12:00 o’clock lunch will be ser ' ved. A barbecue dinner will be ser “ ved on the grounds at a nominal s ; cost. The American Legion snack bar I will be open for service. At 12:50, the second farm equip- II (Continued on Page Twelve) • Bata Bros. Co. 1 Announce Intention 1 Go Out Os Business - Operated Store at Same [ Location For 42 Years Coming as quite a surprise was the , announcement early this week that • Badham Bros. Company had decided e to go out of business. The concern 7 is one of the oldest in Edenton, hav r ing operated at the satne site on r Broad Street since 1911. 7 The concern started as a partner t ship when the late Badham brothers, 1 John C. Badham and Richard P. Bad t ham started a general mercantile s business with small capital in a rental store. John Badham was traveling at , the time for Buttrick Patterns, so r that the clerics were Mr* and Mrs. ■ R. P. Badham. A few years later the present site was purchased and John Badham returned to devote his time to the business. The volume of business gradually ’ increased with the peak being during I World War II days. The first real • boost in the business, however, was experienced during World War T, j when it was necessary to. increase the I sales force. Borne of the clerks em , ployed during the years of the con- j cem’s existence included W. H. Gard-1 ner, Mrs. Margaret Jones. Marvin i ■ .Simpson, Henderson Etheridge, Mrs. : Ruth Bell Peake, Mrs. -Bessie Wi!-’< Barns Bristow, Mrs. Willie Etta Smith, I Mrs. Louise Badham Dixon, Mrs < Marv Williams Benyman, Mrs. Mar- < gpret Cates, Miss Agnes Channel!, 1 ] Miss Jessie Bynim. Mrs. Mona Hofler, 1 Mrs. Mattie Speight and a great 1 , (Continued On Page Seven) Itchener Appeals For Prompt Action in Purchasing Seals 1,800 Letters Will Soon Be Sent Out In Cho wan County i John Mitchener, Jr.; chairman of [the Chowan County Christmas Seal Sale, says approximately 1,800 letters will soon be sent out in Chowan Coun ty in an effort to secure money to fight tuberculosis. The money raised on Christmas Seals will be spent to carry on the TB program. ! Mr. Mitchener says that anyone re ceiving duplicate letters should not be offended lor in such a large mailing | list duplications can easily happen. , T Te also points out that 80 per cent j of th» seal sale will remain in Cho , wan. Countv and 94 per cent remains j in the State. Money raised by the Seal Sale is I spent for health education, chest X j rays, case finding and rehabilitation, |so that Chairman Mitchener hopes ' Chowan County people will be prompt and generous, m sending in their con tributions. i Civic Calendar Junior Class of Edenton Junior- Senior High School will present “Professor, How Could You?” in the Elementary School auditorium Friday night, November 20, at 8 o’clock. Chowan’s quota in Christmas Seal Sale is $2,400. Various Circles of the Baptist W. M. U., will meet Monday af ternoon and night and Tuesday might of next week. Ladies’ Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the VFW hall. Turkey shoot Monday, Novem ber 23, from 10 A. M., to 10 P. M.. at Oak Grove community house. Thanksgiving services at Bal lard’s Bridge Baptist Church Sunday morning, November 22, at 11 o’clock. Edenton’s Christmas Party and Parade will be held Friday after noon, December 4, starting at 3 o’clock. Jaycee turkey shoot at E. L. Ward’s cotton gin Tuesday and Wednesday, November 24-25, from 7 to 10 P. M. Chowan Tribe of Red Men will hold a fish fry Monday night, November 23, at the Amoco Ser vice Station on the Windsor high way at 7 o’clock. Edenton Business and Profess ional Women’s Club meets Thurs day night, November 19. at 8 o’clock in the Penelope Barker Community House. Annual Jaycee Thanksgiving dance Thursday night, November 26, in the Edenton armory from (Continued on Page Twelve) Thanksgiving Service At Ballard’s Bridge Church November 22 Thanksgiving services will be ob served' at Ballard’s Bridge Baptist Church on Sunday morning, Novem ber 22. at the 11 o’clock service. The Chowan High School Glee Club, un der the direction of Miss Cecelia Wil loughby, will provide special music for the service. A Thanksgiving of fering ;vjy be taken for the orphan af*.- Christmas Party In Edenton Is Scheduled For Friday, Dec. 4th |_Want Company?] The Herald has been informed that 50 or more Marines stationed at the Edenton base would enjoy being guests of private families in Edenton for Thanksgiving din ner. The Marines will go in pairs, so that anyone who will enter tain them are requested to contact Chaplain William Swets at the base. PTA Is Planning To Beautify Grounds At Edenton Schools i Interesting Meeting of Association Held Last Week . Edenton’s Parent Teacher Associa tion held its November meeting last week in the Elementary School audi torium, at which time an enjoyable ‘ skit was presented by the Kindergar ten pupils under the direction of Mrs. John White and Mrs. J. J. Ross. Nathan Dail, chairman of the beau tification of the school grounds, sub mitted a plan which calls for the ■ spending of SSOO, of which SSO to SIOO ! is to go on the Elementary School and the remaining part to be spent on 1 the High School. J. P. Ricks, on behalf of the pro posed USO, appeared before the group and made a plea for the endorsement | of the PTA for the purpose of in • creasing the possibility of a USO be ' ing established in this community. ' The club voted to sponsor an Ele mentary School float in the annual ' Christmas parade. Miss Marjorie Webb, president of the Student Council, gave an inter ’ esting talk on the functions of the Student Council. Gerald James, prin | cipal of Edenton High School, report ’ ed that it will he December before it - would be known whether or not the Edenton School would be an entrant into the Southern Association Second ary Schools. James said, however, , that the investigating committee seemed favorably impressed, and he added, “T was very proud of our stu dents’ behavior.” With juvenile delinquency reaching an all time high, there doesn’t seem to be a more urgent time to conduct a study course on “Family Relations,” between parent and child than now, so at the request of the PTA, Miss Blanche Haley, field representative for the PTA, consented to conduct the first two hours of a four hour study course to be held December 1. The date for the concluding meeting has not yet been decided. Mrs. Gordon Bennett gave the de votional at the meeting and asked that one more R be added to the R’s, making it “Readin’,” “Ritin,” “Rith metic,” and “Religion.” M. E. Parker Buys Dave Holton’s Interest In Hardware Store David Holton, who was recently ap pointed director of the Division of Purchase and Contract for the State of North Carolina, last week sold his interest in the Hughes-Holton Hard ware Store to M. A. Hughes and M. Edward Parker. Mr. Parker has been associated with the Byrum Hardware Company for several years. Holton said his sale of his interest in the hardware concern did not mean that he contemplated moving his fam ily from Edenton. Thanksgiving Dance Next Thursday Night One of the highlights of the Thanks giving holiday will be a dance in the Edenton armory Thursday night, No vember 26, which will begin at 9 o’clock and continue until 1 o’clock. The dance is sponsored by the Eden ton Junior Chamber of Commerce. Music for the dance will be fur nished by Earl Zirkle and his orches tra from Rocky Mount. BANK CLOSED THANKSGIVING Next Thursday, November 26, the Bank of Edenton will be closed all day jn observance of Thanksgiving Day. Important banking business should, therefore, be transacted ac cordingly. $2.00 Per Year. Planned By BPW Club For Children of En tire County BEGINSAT 3 P. M. Parade Will Move From Hicks Field to Court House Green Plans are shaping up for the big Christmas Parade and Party to be held in Edenton Friday afternoon, De cember 4, sponsored by the Edenton Business and Professional Woman’s Club and the merchants of Edenton. The affair is staged each year for the children of Edenton and Chowan County and the youngsters can hardly wait for Santa Claus to make his ap pearance in his beautifully decorated float. Although plans for the event have not been completed, it is announced that the parade will get underway at 3 o’clock from the ball park at Hicks Field. It will move along Broad Street to East Water Street, where Santa Claus will dismount at the Court House Green to lend an ear to the pleas of the little ones, and where the distribution of the goody bags will be made. A first prize of $15.00 will be given for the best float, and SIO.OO for the second best float. It is hoped a large number of floats will be entered in the parade. - - Mrs. Annie Mills, general chairman, announces the following Committees for the parade and party: Tickets—Miss Mildred Munden. Bags—Miss Beulah Perry. Parade and Floats Mrs. Lena Leary, Mrs. Adelaide Chesson and Mrs. Corie White. Decorating and distribution of bags —Mrs. Virginia Oliver and Mrs. John ny Parrish. Finance—Miss Goldie Layton and Mrs. Myrtle Cuthrell. Clowns—J. D. Elliott. Assisting Santa Claus—Mrs. Lydia Daniels. Hospital in Need Os Vases For Rowers Mrs. J. H. McMullan Speaker at Auxiliary i Meeting Friday t ~r~ ’! Mrs. Martin Wisely, president of - the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary, an - 51 nounces a program of interest when ? the Auxiliary meets in the nurses’ ! home Friday afternoon at 3 o’clock. 7 The program will include an address ; by Mrs. J. H. McMullan, who will 5 speak about the work of the Welfare Department as it relates to the hos ■ pital. Tea will also be served. i As the stock of vases is rapidly de > pleting all who attend the meeting ■ are requested to bring any size flower container from their own shelf or from neighbors and friends. District Superintendent . Preaches At Methodist Church Sunday Night The Rev, E. B. Edwards, pastor of • the Methodist Church, announces that 1 the new district superintendent, the ' Rev. C. Freeman Heath, will preach at the evening service next Sunday night. At the close of the sermon a brief quarterly conference will be held. Wade Jordan Included In ECC “Who’s Who” Twenty-eight students at East Car olina College, Greenville, will repre sent the college in the 1953-1954 edi tion of “Who’s Who In American Uni versities and Colleges”, nationally cir culated yearbook. This annual pub lication lists and gives biographical sketches of student leaders iif educa tional institutions throughout the na tion. Selection of students for this year’s volume was made at East Carolina by a student-faculty committee. Bases determining the choice of represen tatives were excellence in scholarship, leadership and participation in extra curricular and academic activities, citizenship and service to the school, and promise of future usefulness to business and society. Among the students listed in “Who’s Who” is Wade Jordan of Edenton. v *