Volume XX—Number 53, OLD GLORY PRESENTED TO HOME ROOMS IN EDENTON JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ! Here is pictured a committee from the Ladies’ Auxiliary of William H. Coffield Post, No. 9280, Veterans of Foreign Wars, presenting American flags for each home room in the Edenton Junior-Senior High School. Mrs. John Parrish, president of the Auxiliary, is presenting the flags to Marjorie Webb, j president of the Student Council. At left is Mrs. John Oliver, Jr., district p-esident of the VFW Auxiliary, and at right Mrs. Bill Potts. Another mem ber of the Auxiliary committee presenting the flags was Mrs. Murriell Perry, who is not in the picture. Both Mrs. Parrish and Miss Webb made brief i but impressive remarks on behalf of the Auxiliary and student body. U.S. Savings Bonds Sales In Chowan $6,658 In November Combined Sales In North Carolina In Mortth Total $3,610,567 Combined sales of Series E and H United States Savings Bonds in Cho wan County for the month of Novem ber totaled $6,658.25. This sales an nouncement is made by County Sav ings Bonds Chairman A. B. Harless, according to the monthly sales report issued by Allison James, State Direc tor of the U. S. Savings Bonds Di vision in Greensboro. The combined sales of Series E and H Bonds for North Carolina’s 100 counties for the month of November totaled $3,610,567.50. Chairman Harless stated that there had been an increase in the sale of Savings Bonds each month of 1953 over 1952, and sales, both on a nation al and state basis exceeded redemp tions by a good margin during each of the eleven months of 1953. Civic Calendar County offices will be closed all day Friday, January 1, due to the observance of New Year’s Day. Stores in Edenton for the most part will be open for business Friday, New Year’s Day. Extension farm schools sched uled to be held in the Chowan County Court House January 12, 13, 14 and 15. The American Legion hut will be open to the public on New Year’s eve for dancing or parties. The Bank of Edenton will be closed Friday, January 1, in ob servance of New Year’s Day. Most Edenton stores will begin the Wednesday half holiday Wed nesday, January 6. Chowanoke Council, No. 54, De gree of Pocahontas, will elect of ficers at a meeting Friday night, January 8. VFW Post meets in VFW home Tuesday night of nett week. North Carolina 1954 automobile license plates now on sale at the Edenton branch office of the Car olina Motor Club on East Water Street. City automobile tags for 1954 on sale at the Municipal Building. Officers for Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F„ & A. M„ will be in stalled Thursday night, January 7, at 9 o’clock in the Court House. ' New line of 1954 Ford trucks . Sjb go on display Wednesday, Janu- 1 ary 16. I Lions Club meets next , (Continued on Page Seven) < BV WE CHOWAN HERALD VFW Post, Degree ; Of Pocahontas Will .Direct March Dimes Bill Perry and Mrs. J. Edwin Buff lap Named [ Co-chairmen all-oitTeffort > Gamma Globulin Cre ates New Era In Polio Fight l Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap, chairman, • Degree of Pocahontas and Bill Per ' ry, chairman VFW Post, No. 9280, will direct the 1954 March of Dimes > Campaign in Chowan County, it is an ' nounced by Secretary of State Thad ; Eure, State March of Dimes chair . man. In announcing the appointment, Mr. Eure said, “These two organizations are well qualified to do an outstand ing job in mobilizing Chowan County for this most crucial March of Dimes campaign in the history of the Nat ional Foundation for Infantile Paraly sis. Pointing out that during this past summer more than 30.000 boys and girls of Caldwell, Catawba and Avery counties received free inoculations of gamma globulin in a dramatic effort to stem the rising tide of polio in that area. Eure expressed his confi dence that the people of North Caro lina will demonstrate their gratitude by giving more generously than ever before to the fund raising drive which will open January 2 and continue through the month. Basil O’Connor, president of the National Foundation, in a letter to these organizations, emphasized the need for an all-out effort this year. “The Foundation is now in a new era,” writes O’Connor. “Research has given us gamma globulin, a temporary immunizing agent against paralytic i polio. At tremendous cost, we have done all in our power to increase thei supply of this pifecious fluid. And even as demands for gamma globulin have grown by leaps and bounds, comes word that an experimental vac cine is on the way. Such a vaccine may be ready for large-scale field studies before the next polio season. And we must continue to assure fi nancial assistance to the thousands of persons who are now recovering from the disease as well as those who may contact it in the future,” he added. Both organizations call upon every I forward-looking person in Chowan | County to get behind the 1954 March of Dimes drive. “We’ve got to putj this campaign over, and we will put it I over with your help”, they said. * _ Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 31,1953. |_Quiet ChristmasJ Edenton’s observance of the Christmas holidays was one of the quietest in many years. The only - reason for any excitement at all was a fire alarm about 11:30 o’clock Christmas night, when the firemen rushed to a house on Third Street in North Edenton i, where an oil floor furnace flood ed, but caused very little damage, i, Police report very little activity s with no wrecks and only one or two arrests made for drunken -1 ness. ; Cancer Clinic Will i Be Held January 8 Postponed One Week on ! Account of New ) Year’s Day r t The Northeastern Cancer Clinic will i be postponed from its usual time of . the first Friday in each month until . January 8, 1954, because the Health > Department will not be open on Jan • uary 1 as is its custom. The clinic I will be held Friday, January 8, in > Elizabeth City, at the Health Center with registration beginning at 1 , o’clock. ’ A free chest X-ray will be given , anyone who wishes it along with the examination of the five areas of the body where cancer is most easily , found and cured. No appointment is , necessary but a priority may be secur , ed by writing the Cancer Center, II Elizabeth City, for one. Each person ’' attending is requested to bring a robe 1 or housecoat. AI Habit Member Os Championship Team The East Carolina College football team has been officially acclaimed the 1953 championship of the North State Conference, and will be host team in the Elks Bowl football Classic in Col lege Stadium, Greenville, North Caro lina, on January 2. The Pirates’ foes in this classic staged for the benefit of the Eastern North Carolina Elks Boys Camp will be the Morris Harvey j College Golden Eagles of Charleston. Al Habit of Edenton is a member of * the championship team. Raises Less Tfiao One-third Os Its! \4mtmas Seal Qimta> Only 604 of 1,885 Letters Returned Netting $732 According to Mrs. Duke Cropsey, executive secretary of the Pasquotank- Perquimans-Camden-Chowan Tubercu losis Association, Chowan County has i raised only $732 of its $2,400 quota, i The quota for the district is $10,375. Mrs. Cropsey says that 1,885 letters were mailed in Chowan County and J; only 604 have been returned. Mrs. Cropsey points out that Christ- 1 mas Seals are the only source of in come which is used for X-rays for 1 those who cannot pay, X-rays of con- 1 tacts, health education, case-finding, medical research and rehabilitation. 1 With mass X-ray units coming to the]! district in June and July the case load and case-finding will be still heavier. ' Eighty per cent of the money rais ed remains in the county and 94 per 1 cent remains in North Carolina. Both Mrs. Cropsey and John Mitch jener, Chowan County Chairman, urge those who received and others as well ■ !to mail in their contributions at once in the hope that the county’s quota will be realized. New Year’s Service At Presbyterian Church There will he a New Year’s eve ser vice at the Presbvterian Church be ginning at 11:30 Thursday night, and continuing on into 1954. All Chris tians in Edenton are urged to come and begin the new year in the House of God. The service will include con gregational singing, prayer, and spe cial musical selections. Immediately after midnight the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated. All who belong to the Lord, regard less of denominational affiliation, are invited to His table in the Presby terian Church.., The service will be under the direction of the pastor, the Rev. James MacKenzie. EASTERN STAR MEETING The Edenton Chapter of the East ern Star will meet Monday night, Jan uary 4, at 8 o’clock in the Court House. Mrs. E. B. Edwards, worthy 1 matron of the chapter, urges every ! member to be present. LIONS MEET MONDAY NIGHT After an interruption due to the Christmas holidays, the Edenton Lions Club will resume its regular meetings Monday night of next week at 7 o’clock. President Jesse L. Harrell urges every member to attend this, the first meeting of the new year. t • —————— (Taxpayers Required To List All Property For 1954 Taxation [Meeting Changed | Mayor Leroy Haskett on Mon j day of this week announced that the January meeting of Town Council will be held Friday night, January 8, at 8 o’clock instead of the usual second Tuesday night, January 12. Reason for advancing the meet ing is that Mayor Haskett will be in Washington, D. C., on Tues- ! day, January 12. Series Os Extension Farm Schools Will Be Held In Edenton Farmers Urged to At tend and Learn Valu able Information “As a farmer, you have probably ; profited from such fairly recent farm ing developments as high-yielding hy brid com, disease resistant tobacco varieties, and high quality pastures j that are contributing to the income of our county,” says County Agent C. W. Overman. “These things that you grow and j many other practices that you follow ' from day to day are the results of | agricultural research. In the jiast I several months there have been many ; new recommendations based on recent research that probably have not been brought adequately to your attention. I | When you do learn of them and em , ploy them in your farming operations, j we are sure that they will be of great I value to you individually and to the | economy of our county as a whole. | “Extension specialists from State College have agreed to come to our county on January 12, 13, 14 and 15 ' to show us how we can profitably ap ply these new research results. These schools will be held in the County Court House in Edenton. “On Tuesday morning, January 12, 9:00 to 12:00, growing more com and soybeans per acre at less cost per bushel will be the chief discussion. You will be informed of new com hy brids, proper com fertilization and cultivation and using anhydrous am monia as a cheaper source of nitro gen. The specialists will tell you j about new soybean varieties, how to J I fertilize soybeans and how to cut ex penses. “That afternoon, from 1:00 to 4:00 j o’clock, the subjects will he ‘Chemi-, cal Weed Control’ and ‘Com Storage’ I A few farmers are now using chemi caf weed control, but some errors are j being made. The specialists will ex plain thoroughly the use of chemicals in weed control. Each year weevils, rats and mice take a heavy toll of corn stored in our bams. You can (Continued On Page Seven) Edenton Half - holidays Begin Next Wednesday According to a poll of Edenton mer chants, taken in August, a majority of all merchants will start closing for the Wednesday half-holiday Wednes- [jday of next week, January 6. The half-holiday will be observed through Labor Day, September 6. Practically all of the stores in Edenton will remain open Friday, New Year’s Day. PROMOTED TO SERGEANT Van M. Small, 22, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Shack Small, Route 2, Edenton, ' was recently promoted to sergeant ‘ while serving in Korea with the 2d 1 Infantry Division. ' The “Indianhead” division, which captured Heartbreak Ridge and Old 1 Baldy, is now undergoing intensive post-truce training. Small, an ammunition handler in the 1 Service Battery of the 38th Field Ar- 1 tillery Battalion, entered the Army in October, 1952, and joined the 2d Di vision last June. l BANK CLOSED FRIDAY j In order to observe New Year’s Day, The Bank of Edenton will be closed all day Friday, January 1. Im portant banking business should be 1 transacted accordingly. The bank will ( open as usual Saturday morning. COUNTY OFFICES CLOSED JAN. 1 ’ All County offices will be closed on Friday, January 1, in celebration of New Year’s Day. Any important busi- < ness should, therefore, be transacted 1 accordingly. l $2.00 Per Year. ;? i I Law Must Be Complied With During Month Os January PENALTYPROVIDED William P. Jones New Tax Supervisor After January Ist With the arrival of January 1 $n ' Friday of this week and before step- I ping dut of office as Chowan Conntv’s Tax Supervisor, Mrs. P. S'. McMulian calls attention to the law which re quires all property owners and tax payers to list their property' during the month of January in order to de termine their 1954 taxes. On January 1 Mrs. McMullan’s res ignation as tax supervisor goes into , effect and she will be succeeded by j William P. Jones. Mrs. McMulian and her husband, her predecessor, have 'been highly complimented by the County Commissioners for their effi cient work in the tax office, which has put the county on a high plane so far as the tax books are concerned. The Commissioners, too, feel very fortunate in securing Mr. Jones as the new tax supervisor and are confident he will carry on in the same efficient manner as his two immediate prede- I cessors. Tax listers have arranged their schedules for listing property and it is hoped many will attend to this duty as early in January as possible. Pen alties are imposed by law for failure to list during the month of January. Reports must also be made for 1953 crop acreage. Tax listers are requir ed to make records but farm owners and tenants must furnish the facts. This particular information is not used for tax purposes and is consid ered confidential. It includes the acre age of each crop harvested during the calendar year 1953; the ‘'number of cows, sows and hens on a farm Janu ary 1, 1954, and the number of peo ple living on a farm on Januarv 1, 1954. The list takers’ schedule follows: First Township—Mrs. E. B. Jordan and Mrs. P. S. McMulian, list takers. Court House, January 2 to January 30 from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. Second Township Henry Bunch, list taker. January 6, 13 and 27 at Elliott Belch’s office at Center Hill; January 22 at Evans’ Store, Cross Roads; January 8 and 20 at Walter Miller’s store; January 15 at Earl Smith’s store; January 29 at Coke Nixon’s store. | Third Township—T. A. Berryman, | list taker. January 14 at Spivey’s i store at Ryland; January 7 and 28 at I Peele’s store; January 9, 16, 23 and 1 30 at Briggs’ store; January 21 at Ward’s store at Lonesome Pine. Fourth Township—Ward Hoskins, list taker. At Harry Perry’s Store Wednesdays and Saturdays. Other days at home from 9 A. M., to 5 P. M. Walter Bond New Red Men Sachem Officers of Tribe Elect ed at Meeting Mon day Night At a meeting of Chowan Tribe, No. 12, Improved Order of Red Men, Mon day night Walter Bond was elected sachem for a six months term. Other officers elected included L. 0. Cope land, prophet; R. B. Hollowell, senior sagamore; Wm. Barrow, junior saga amore; J. Edwin Bufflap, chief of rec ords; Jack Barrow, collector of wamp um; W. J. Daniels, keeper of wig wam, and L. A. Bunch, trustee for a three-year term. These, and officers appointed by the new Sachem, are scheduled to be in stalled at the meeting of the tribe next Monday night. COMMISSIONERS MEET Chowan County Commissioners will meet in monthly session Monday morning, January 4, at 10 o’clock in the Court House. LEGION HUT OPEN Willis McClenney, manager of the American Legion hut, announces that the hut will be open to the public on New Year’s eve for dancing and par ties. ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet to day (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. President John Kra mer urges a 100 per cent attendance.