I Weekly Devotional I Column B, 6y James Mackenzie , I' God alone knows what will come to miss in your life mid in mine this ioming year. There are many things 3e could tell us, but we cannot bear » know them beforehand. It is bet *r for us to live day by day, hour by tour; trusting Him to lead us and to strengthen us. That is better than mowing what the future holds. I know not what the future hath Os marvel or surprise; Assured alone that life and death Prove FREE /Arikffis HhHMtin\ l hits b«h—■i mm I i \ raw ReiiSKi ■■ms I \ wM *--»--»■ s a » ..r - / Y__ ***" i uvsiHi w V Moke This 24 Hr. Test f\ Enjoy blnsed relief from awollen, Mnng joints. Arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica. lumbago or neuralgia or no eost to you for trying this prescription formula called Muscle-Aid, widely used hy hospitals, massage parlors and gym ssaums; also recommended by doctors, ooacbes and trainers for muscle sore ha**. strained ligaments, painful sprains and bruises. To get safe, quick relief, simply apply tola pleasantly scented liquid EXTER NALLY wherever you feel pain limbs, joints, shoulders, neck, back. Note how much more comfortable you fed all day, now many hours of restful sleep you get ad night. "My patients and I are more than pleased. Warmth supplied soothes and produces circulation to carry off toxins. Nothing compares to Muscle-Aid. for relieving the' suffering from arthritis and kindred pains," states T. T. Connor, Physiotherapist, Philadelphia. Money Back Guarantee _ Get Muscle-Aid today from your Druggist. Use half the bottle. If you are not delighted with results, return for refund. Regular economy or hospital sixe bottle t 2.00. or Special only!” __ SI.OO Muscle-Aid AT YOUR DRUG STORE RHISCLE AID CO., 081 W. JEFFERSON ILVD. LOS ANGELES 7. CALIFORNIA G&W i 1 SEVEN [ STAR 1 90 Proof! \ ♦I f* ! *3-65 Jig* I ♦I _ _ nn-Hw* [♦ .j 4/ - «■“" \ .1 $2.30 Pt. iTtitv> (. S «w 90 PROOF - > ♦ J M BBHHBMMaHHniKUnW | 9Hni *»•»»*■ ■■■ y BLENDED WHISKEY. 62NEUTRAL SPIRITS DISTILLED FROM GRAIN GOODERHAM S WORTS LIMITED. PEORIA. ILLINOIS I "SPEEDY"' T W Yi-.vJNL feEMAfttE G* r WELL, WELU W( WO 1 1~ THE &AR WAS SWEUI MR PECK- EASY RIOIM6- V6RV FAST DO YOU HAVE A JV ANO ECONOMICAL TO Rutsl •• Nice VACATION IN \ WIFE OIOAU. THE , fiLH/ . s fBL ALBEMARLE MDTDRCni V»lS[ NICKS SI spates c?cr\ /tv PNOf.t 26S IT Hia mercy underlies. Yet there is much we can do to make this year a more Christian one both for ourselves and for those with whom we come in contact. To this end I submit the following resolu tions:: 1. I will read my Bible through this year, from Genesis to Revelation. Further, I will read it carefully, pray ' erfully, and daily. If I read about three or four chapters a day (about ! fifteen minutes reading) I shall have read the entire Bible by next Christ | mas. 2. I will be faithful in my daily de votions. I will thank the Lord for His goodness before each meal, and will begin and end my day with pray er. I will set aside a portion of each day for prayer and meditation. “The family that prays together stays to gether.” 3. I will fully support my church with my presence at all its services, and in my prayers. Further, I will return at least one-tenth of all that comes to me to the Lord, for this is God’s way of supporting His work. 4. I will not compromise my testi mony in any way this coming year. I will not tell off-color stories, nor en courage others to do so by listening to them and laughing at them. I will not leave myself open to criticism by anything I do, anything I say, or any place I go. I will live a life that is above reproach. 5. I will witness in kindness and love to all of my unsaved friends and loved ones, and strive to help them see, through the power of the Holy] Spirit, their lost condition, and their desperate need of Christ as Saviour and Lord. 6. I will do my best not to lose my temper. If I do lose my temper, I will not say anything unkind. If I do say something unkind. I will im mediately apologize to all concerned, and do my best to make amends. 7. I will not worry nor fret; trust ing God to work all things together for good to them that love Him, as He has promised (Romans 8:28). 8. I will not bother others with my petty troubles; but I will be willing to listen sympathetically to theirs, and to make a genuine effort to be of help to them. 9. I will criticize no one unfairly, nor behind his back. If I find a fel low Christian in error, I will seek him I ORE AT-THEN ALL YOU y -eR Yes EXCEPT HAD TO DO WAS SIT 7 r HAO TD HOLD 1 / J BACK ANO WHEg^ THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 81, 1953. EDENTON MARINE PROMOTED IN KOREA HBl R iUmBU l of Marine Technical Sergeant Robert S. Bedell (left) is promoted"" to bis present rank by Marine Warrant Officer Ernest W. Needham, adjutant of an observation squadron of the First Marine Aircraft Wing in South Korea. The helicopter specialist joined the Marines in January, 1944. He is the husband of the former Miss Annie L. Lassiter, 301 West Gale Street, Edenton. (Official U. S. Marine Corps Photograph). , ! out privately, and deal with him in < . humility and love. The only person . , I will judge harshly, and without mer- i cy, will be myself. 10. I will let the beauty of Jesus , [ be seen in me by living daily by the Golden Rule: “And as ye would that . men should do to you, do ye also to ' . them likewise” (Luke 6:31). I will ' . meet every problem by asking myself, “What would Jesus do?” 1 New ’54 Ford Trucks : On Display Jan. 6th i Five Lines Will Include 24 Series and Over 220 Models i Ford’s 1954 line of trucks, powered by five new ultra-modem short-stroke, low-friction, high-economy truck en . gines and featuring the first tandem axle unit ever built by Ford, will go on display in dealers’ showrooms across the country Wednesday, Janu ary 6. The five truck lines, including 24 j series and more than 220 models, j range from 4,000 lbs. to 40,000 lbs. | rated gross vehicle weight. They again feature Ford’s famous “driver- j ized” cabs which last year helped bring Ford a record 150 per cent truck sales increase over the previous year. • And Master-Guide power steering now I is available on the Big Jobs with ' Fordomatic fully-automatic transmis sion on all light duty models. New to the line are the Series T-700 and T-800 tandem axle trucks with gross combination weights up to 60,000 lbs. They are factory-built with all components engineered for tandem operation. “The 1954 Ford truck store is one of more power, more economy and more durability, with a Ford truck to meet a MAM., Ml 1.1. I'L ...........-1. Pro motes healing and badr growth to serere mange, bare spots, moist fungi—or money back). • SKIN BALM (for itching fungus, dry rough skin. A clean liquid of fragrant odor). • SPOT BALM (for crusty ears). • PAD KOTE (for sore tender pads, moist or dry fungus around toes and elsewhere). • WORM CAPSULES (for hook, round and whip worms). • TAPE WORM TABLETS (Unlike th* expelling type. These Tablets destroy the head in one easy treatment). • FLEA, TICK. LOUSE POWDER. (Juat one application kills all three and keeps them off for days). • MILKADE—For brood females. (Com bats losses in pups from 3 days to 3 weeks). • None genuine without the Happy Jack Trade Hark. i SOLD IN EDENTON BY Mitchener’s Pharmacy every hauling need,” L. W. Smead, Ford Division general sales manager, said. “America’s rapidly expanding truck market is daily finding new uses for truck transportation, with each new use requiring a special combination of engine, chassis and body. Consequent ly Ford’s line has been expanded in 1954 to include the greatest range of trucks we ever have offered, all pow ered by the most modem line of truck engines on the market.” Wisdom cries out in the street and no man regards it. —Shakespeare. C. H. Jernigan Moving and Hauling Phone 462-W and 312 EDENTON, N. C. if you want to move or have j j anything hauled, let us help j ■- ’ J you. Any job is highly appre ! dated, night or day. r H APPY new I i • ! YEAR! j I'' ■ ■ a il - n,'! r ... . ... ..., .! II |i ♦ jljlj; J jjli /isfoliltlT | f , I j$ of The ,j't ; i>. l'-\ OT P, <1 /j/351** '• ■ a ' ; A1 ; Bank of Edition wish you a New Year of hap • ! ! -*<-£ /i *j t s * * * 1, f,i plness and good fortune. ! h - . v-' S jj j j • I j.l .j I .T',™r b^\r e w fdh; to express our appreciation of j -4 - T . Ttt l',j i jil I fft a *w>!v n T >3 • • j; J ,:;../.".;;.your.confidjgnfce and patronage ini the past, il 1 * and we look forward to new opportunities to l•I i . : I j | . . . , , ! ; ■■ I ! • 7: be of service in meeting your backing re | “llltft'/l <! : } ' V |n, f954/’ I— a Ib- - life. •- ' j — r~. — W i r+rl ' qi; iHe ' ,f j:| .Vjq'.Tq-.'ytitaani? jlifilaHli.6 .■. ■ ->••<» • .!> «! I ■ 0513.1 1 UAII j f >o .li.Jebo' .jab fcnt> ,9<oq « y • < fs* BUY ij> ITE£) STATES BOINDS-* - , r r,v,. ; - , > - j | —ttocp! auiino'.) . , i ocioonsmtui’) ! : « Kqߣ.XS.M.Trr‘.l t |; "aaoa anr* ij i; j - ~r > I ; inV.PTUT i ! kVli 1 THE i .•j y ,/or/nm 1 vil k*. * M j.rton ot h vrfj .o ,y ; ■*/ EDlffTOX* J J ?<T ; --rro-.l ' ? Tt-rrf • I I ,viibiiilurt bflß fiiniTl II j I ..... ~t ,r, or (t liiwna ' j —J h fs&Qp y- -w~ , g , fyTb/l/i v'-b Mi s: ‘'rfj 'vtoY‘wl •!*' <' n I , ' ,r bnß IftnO \ ifii ■ * '/Q Vff l’/ >Mt to ■ I i ni iwbmHß.cnA • 'Hi Ib* j. i Jj.; l i %f.>« ,<i H v "SIXTHS MAW ELIAIL“ \ \ ' I-;! . J -» H3IHHAS FEiPtAI. OSPOisW P | bk»*Q*A'nOT*:i-->rir/ • --t j J * fK- ‘■ : | i nl ST’-'iini: on:art titoy XT soloVl j t .0 • I lofvr.T orH oJ XI ?trh<J .!>« eirlt | • ,■ ■ ' ••>•. J j B *r/t9M !>nn oaillo xod siJaotfT i ■ H. CATHOLIC SERVICES FEAST OF CIRCUMCISION AND SUNDAY January 1, Festival of Circumcision of Our Lord Jesus Christ and New Year’s Day, a Holyday of Obligation, Holy Masses will be celebrated at 7 and 11 A. M., sermon on “Pray For Persecuted,” Holy Communion, Mar ian Year Prayer, Rosary for Persecut ed, in Edenton Church. Sunday, January 3, Feast of Most Holy Name of Jesus, mass in Palace Theatre, Windsor, at 8 A. M., and in St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Edenton, | at 11 A. M., each including sermon on i “The Most Holy Name of Jesus”, fol lowed by Marian Year Prayer, Rosary in Honor of Most Holy Name of Je sus, Sunday School, with confessions for half hour before every service, stated Father Francis J. McCourt, rec tor, v who invites everybody to all ser-‘ vices. Other week-days at 7 A. M., Mass, Rosary in Church. CLASS MEETS TUESDAY NIGHT The Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet Tuesday night at the church at 7:30 o’clock. All members are urged to be present. Born Happy New Year, Little One! X "Happy New C—- X - Year” —Those spoken f \7~'/i ?\ words begin every *^/C l'' New Year with iO/ J \ ,<C_ the hope that it will be one of fruitful accom- AJj, Jj[\\ A* Y plishment. 1954 holds w/' \\ 10 I such promise. If —yv /j, v \ More people are using more \ \ telephones than ever before. \ Continuing improvements and \ / sjV expansion will make your tele- Yil J phone service of even a ul \i/X\l greater value than ever! jJ \\ YWm* Happy New Year! Norfolk & Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co. Elizabeth City Edenton Hertfor Manteo Sunbury -SECTION ONE PERRY COMO TELLS STORY OF HIS LIFE For the first time, Perry Como, one of America’s top singers, tells the in spiring story of his life from early boyhood to his spectacular rise to stardom. Look for this interesting fourpart series beginning January 10th in THE AMERICAN WEEKLY Magazine in Colorgravure with the BALTIMORE SUNDAY AMERICAN | Order From Your Local Newsdealer 0 o O Cf(V° ;! 0 V I i Page Three

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