Contribute To The March Os Dimes THE CHOWAN HERALD Volume XXL—Number 2. Solution Os Rider’s Lane Problem Now Nearing Realization Report Made at Meeting] Os Town Council Fri day Night BRIEF j Acquisition of 20 Feet Awaiting Return of Lease By F)r. Deese Meeting Friday night of last week i instead of Tuesday night of this vveek ' Town Council was faced with little business at the January meeting. I Though the meeting did not get start- j ed until 9 o'clock due to lack of a quorum until that time, the business at hand was completed by shortly af ter 10 o’clock. ■ Mayor Leroy Haskett reported that the Town, Blades Lumber Company and Coastland Oil Company had en tered into an agreement to pay SSOO each for 15 feet of Dr. L. A. Deese’s property along Rider’s Lane and that Dr. Deese will give an extra five feet for the purpose of constructing a road, capable of handling the traffic. The deed has been sent to Dr. Deese at Fort Bragg and upon its return proper officials will contact the State Highway and Public Works Commission in an effort to have the State take over the road. The narrow lane has for many months been the source of complaint ( and trouble in that it is not wide enough for cars to pass and does not hold up under the traffic of log trucks and gasoline transports. George Alma Byrum reported that a committee met to consider a plan-j ning program, hut that the group was now waiting to secure maps of Eden ton and surrounding area in order to more intelligently consider any plans. J. Edwin Bufflap also reported that a sidewalk on the Court House Green had been changed and that a sun dial had been erected in the center of the Green. Aside from approving the month’s bills and reports from Chief of Po lice George I. Dail and Fire Chief R. K. Hall, little other business was transacted. BANK CLOSED TUESDAY The Bank of Edenton will be closed all day next Tuesday. January 19, in celebration of the birthday anniver sary of Robert E. Lee. Important banking business should, therefore, be transacted accordingly. Double Bed, Mattress, Porch Chair Wanted For Needy Families f The “Help A Home” Committee of the Woman’s Club has been asked to furnish a double bed mattress and a porch chair to two needy families.' Thus far the members of the club have been unable to secure these ar ticles so if any interested citizen has either a used mattress or chair that they no longer need and would be willing to donate to these families, please call Mrs. Ben Perry at 696-J-2 so that they may be picked up and de livered to the homes in need. 1954 MARCH OF DIMES CAMPAIGN IN CHOWAN COUNTY IS NOW UNDER WAY Canvassers Named, a Few of Whom Have Already Made Reports; Co-chairmen Set Goal of at Least $2,000 In Local Contributions Bill Perry, co-chairman of the. March of Dimes in Chowan County, | reported early this week that the campaign has been started and that! already some canvassers are at work. Those who will canvass in the drive are: Industry—W. P. Jones. Business houses—J. H. Conger, Jr., James Bond, Thomas Shepard, J. C. Parks and Joe Swanner. Residential canvassers—Cliff Keet er. Parker Helms, John Parrish, John Oliver, Jr., Hoskins Bass, Mrs. Mar tha Crummey, Mrs. J. Edwin Bufflap, Miss Dorothy Bufflap, Murriell By rum, Bill Crummey. Ed Parker, Mrs. j Elsie Lee, Mrs. Beulah Cale, Mrs. Hil da Bass, Mrs. Virginia Oliver, Curtis Twiddy, J. W. Alexander, Alfred j Wright, George Ward, Mrs. Nellie • Perry, Mrs. Betty Perry, Mrs. Ellie: Mae Parrish, Mrs. Ella Gray Potts, Mrs. Myrtle Hollowell, Mrs. Myrtle Adams, Vic Fordham, Buck Langdale, [| Investigation | Following a letter from the edi j tor of The Herald to Edward Scheldt, Commissioner of Motor Vehicles in connection with the editor’s recent ridiculous arrest and conviction for speeding, Com missioner Scheidt has replied as i follows: i “Dear Mr. Bufflap: I want to i thank you for your letter of De cember 31, 1953, and I am order | ing an investigation of the inci -1 dent described by you. In the meantime I want you to know that I greatly appreciate your in terest and cooperation in promot ing highway safety. “With kind personal regards and best wishes, I am “Sincerely yours, “Edward Scheidt “Com missioner.” Civic Calendar VFW meets in Poet’s home on old Hertford Highway Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. VFW Post meets in VFW home Tuesday night of next week. Edenton Lions Club meets next > Monday night at 7 o’clock. Property must be listed during January for the purpose of 1954 taxation. Edenton Rotary Club will elect officers at the meeting today i (Thursday) at 1 o’clock in the Parish House. Edenton Negro Junior Woman’s Club meets tonight Thursday) at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Sa (Continued on Page Eight) Volunteer Nurses’ mm Will Meet Nsxt Monday Night Mrs. Arlene Jackson Fallis Will Serve as Instructor The Chowan Hospital Auxiliary has been laboring for many years to start a much needed volunteer nurses’ aid class. Application was made to the Nat f ional Red Cross and authorization has been granted the hospital, with com ppliments and praise for the effort. It is most fortunate that the group 1 will have such a well qualified instruc tor as Mrs. Arlene Jackson Fallis. On Monday night at 8 o’clock in the nurses’ home the initial meeting will be held. Anyone interested in infor mation is invited to attend, as well as those who have registered for the course. For further particulars see Miss Katherine Brown or phone Mrs. Martin Wisely at 372-J. .J. L. Baker and Robert Goodwin, j County Agent C. W. Overman and ( | Mrs. Imogene Cochrane will have ( I charge of the drive in the county, while J. B. Small and Mrs. Annie ' Charlton, Negro county and home agents respectively, will handle the drive among the colored people in the 1 county. j Mrs. Mable Collins is chairman for j colored citizens and business houses in Edenton and will name her can vassers to make solicitations. ‘ W. J. Taylor will conduct a drive 1 in the county schools, while Gerald James will give the children in the : i Edenton Junior-Senior High School ( I an opportunity to make contributions.' In the Edenton Elementarv School Er- 1 | nest Swain will head up the drive and j ID. F. Walker will conduct a drive in .the Edenton colored schools. f Marines at the Edenton Marine i Corps Auxiliary Landing Field are i (Continued on Page Eight' \ Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, January 14,1954. Bristoe Perry New President Chowan Farm Bureau For’s4 j Officers Elected at Fish Fry Held Friday Afternoon The Chowan County Farm Bureau held its annual meeting and fish fry at the Chowan High School on Fri day afternoon. The attendance was considerably smaller than was expect ed, but the group appeared to have a very enjoyable time. All 1954 farm bureau members and their families were invited, according to E. M. How ell, secretary-treasurer. Officers were elected for the 1954 year and are as follows: Bristoe Per ry of Advance community, president; Tom Asgell of Center Hill community, vice president, and E. M. Howell of Ryland community secretary-treas urer. The program for the meeting con sisted of an illustrated discussion of two 4-H Club members’ trip to the National Congress at Chicago this Fall. This was under the direction of Robert S. Marsh, assistant county agent. James Monds, State 4-H trac tor maintenance winner, and Vandy Parks, State com winner for 1953, were the fortunate delegates. James and Vandy showed slides illustrating the trip. They told about many of the events and their experiences. It was indeed interesting. Following this a film entitled “Working Together As A Family Unit” was shown illustrat ing how families should work togeth er for the best interest of their fami ly and for better fanrly living. District President Os Women’s Clubs Guest Os Local Club Entertains Members By Telling Several Irish Stories Mrs. T. E. Brown of Murfreesboro, president of the 16th district of Fed erated Women’s Clubs, was guest speaker at the January meeting of the Edenton Woman’s Club held last week. Mrs. Brown is well known by all I Nox’th Carolina club women for hei ' entertaining talks and her keen wit. Her program at the meeting was a ’ pleasant surprise to the group, in that she told several Irish stories in dia lect. Mrs. Brown was at one time a professional story teller. The business session was called to crder by Mrs. Frank Holmes, presi dent, and after reports were submit ted by the standing committees the members, were asked to participate in a nurses’ aid course to be sponsor-j ed by the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary-! The committee in charge of the Court House Green project reported that this work has been completed, i Rotary Club Elects ! New Officers Today Entire Club Membership Placed In Nomination For Election At the meeting of the Edenton Ro tary Club this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parish House offi cers for the Rotary year will be elect ed, but will not be installed until the first meeting in July. The purpose of the early election is to allow the new president and secretary to attend the Rotary Assembly. At last week’s meeting the entire membership was placed in nomination. Hubert Williford was in charge of the meeting and during his remarks he read a number of interesting epi taphs in various parts of the county as well as an article on the death and funeral of Joseph Stalin. President John Kramer urges a full attendance to participate in the elec tion of officers. SIX FIRES IN DECEMBER Fire Chief R. K. Hall reports that; firemen were called out six times dur-; ing December. Two of the fires were in the rural section, but no damage was reported by any of the fires. Ben Douglas Speaks 1 At Meeting Os Lions Club Monday Night Commends Mrs. Inglis Fletcher For Her Valu able Writing Ben E. Douglas, director of the North Carolina Department of Con servation and Development, address ed members of the Edenton Lions Club at their regular meeting Mon day night. Mr. Douglas explained to the club what the Department is and what be hopes the department will do for the Slate. He pointed out that the department is encouraging tour ist trade, commercial fisheries, the erection of new factories, helping the industries that are now here, increase our forestry resources, parks for the State, mineral resources, and water re sources. Mr. Douglas stated that North Carolina now spends $175,000 for advertising and he feels that this amount should be increased because he believes that every dollar spent for advertising brings ten into the State. Mr. Douglas commended Mrs. Inglis Fletcher fo.’ her wonderful books that have done so much for the tourist trade in this section of the State. He concluded by urging every citizen to cooperate with the Department of Conservation and Development in making North Carolina a greater State in which to live our lives and to provide our children with the same things we nave been so fortunate to have West Byrum was in barge of the program and David HoKon 'V reduced Mr. Douglas. 1 Other guests at the :i eer’ng were 1 J. H. Conger, L. K. Thomas and J. M. Thor lit Erlenton’s Per Capita Fire Loss For 1953 Is fibred At 30 Cents Property Involved Was $369,500, But Loss Only $1,571 Although confined to his home by illness, Fire Chief R. K. Hall sent his annual report for the Fire Department I to Town Council Friday night. The report was very encouraging in that 'it contained the information that Edenton’s per capita loss by fire, bas ed on 5,000 population, was only 30 cents during 1953. Other data in the report was that J during the year firemen answered 68 alarms, of which 22 were out of town, t In fighting fires the firemen were out | 41 hours and 30 minutes, laid 4,700 feet of hose, raised ladder 84 feet and j used 30 pounds of chemicals. Property involved in Edenton was! ' $369,500 and damage was held down! to $1,571. 1 Captain Dick, while not present, was i highly praised by the Councilmen for the splendid work he and his firemen have done during the year. Groun 0f Officers For Pocahontas Installed Mrs. Hilda Bass Is Now Pocahontas of Chow anoke Council Officers for Chowanoke Council, Degree of Pocahontas, No. 54, were installed at a meeting held Friday night, with Mrs. Elsie Lee, deputy Great Pocahontas, officiating. Elective officers installed were: Po cahontas, Mrs. Hilda Bass; Wenona, Mrs. Margaret Phthisic; prophetess, Mrs. Virginia Barfield; Powhatan, J. Edwin Bufflap; keeper of records, Mrs. Edith Bufflap, collector of wam pum, Mrs. Naomi Copeland, and keep er of wampum, Miss Dorothy Bufflap. Officers appointed by the new Po cahontas include: Guard of the tepee, Mrs. Myrtle Tynch; guard of the forest, Mrs. Beu lah Cale; scouts. Mrs. Myrtle Hollo well and Mrs. Bommie White; war riors, Mrs. Martha Crummey, Mrs. Ruth Chappell, Mrs. Anne Spruill, | Mrs. Ellie Mae Parrish; runners, Mrs. ; Myrtle Adams and Mrs. Mamie Park -1 or: counsellors, Mrs. Ida Bell Tynch . and Mrs. Virginia Oliver; pianist, Mrs. ! Elsie Lee. 1 [N. Elton Aydlett Os Elizabeth City Seeks Seat In State Senate j Hat In Ring | 0' i i N. ELTON AYDLETT Today (Thursday) N. Elton Aydlett, mayor of Elizabeth City, announced that he will be a can didate for one of the State Sen ate seats for the First Senatorial District in the election to be held in May. Two More Extension F?rm Schools Held i Today And Friday > All Farmers Urged to 1 Take Advantage of i Information Two more Extension farmers’ schools will be held in the Chowan | County Court House, one today (Thursday) ana one Friday. Two j previous schools were held Tuesday and Wednesday. Beginning at 9 o’clock this (Thurs day) morning Extension specialists will explain how to get additional in come out of woods. Thursday afternoon the specialists will discuss chickens and turkeys. A 9 o’clock Friday morning the top ic for discussion will be beekeeping. All farmers are urged to attend the ] remainder of these important inform ative meetings. iFire Consumes Frame I House On Oakum Street i \ Edenton firemen were called to the | home of Maggie Simpson on North 1 i Oakum Street Sunday afternoon about 14 o’clock, when the three-room frame .house and all its contents were con- I sumed by fire. The house, occupied by Maggie Simpson, her daughter and son-in-law, was enveloped in flames when the firemen arrived, so that there was no opportunity to save anything. ! CORPORATION ORGANIZED TO CONSTRUCT MODERN SWIMMING POOL IN EDENTON Board of Directors Represent Various Groups; Cost of Pool Estimated to Be $25,000 Aside Frm Two Bath Houses A special call meeting was held at ; the Municipal Building Monday night for the purpose of organizing a cor poration comprising representatives from local civic organizations, in the interest of the construction and main tenance of a community swimming pool in the Town of Edenton. Elected to serve on the Board of Trustees are the following: Jesse L. Harrell, representing the Lions Club. J. H. Conger, Sr., representing the E & W Board of the Town of Eden ton. A1 Phillips, representing the Varsity Club. E. J. Hobbs, Jr., representing the American Legion. Luther Parks, representing the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. Murray Byrum, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars. 1 Mrs. Cecil Fry, representing the $2.00 Per Year. Elizabeth City Mayor Is First to Announce Candidacy ELECTION IN MAY Active In Public Affairs In Elizabeth City For Many Years N. Elton Aydlett of Elizabeth City this week announced that he -will be a candidate for State Senator for the First Senatorial District in the Demo cratic primary election to be held in May. The two Senators for the dis trict are A. P. Godwin of Gatesville and J. William Copeland of Murfrees boro. In making his announcement as a candidate Mr. Aydlett said: “It is my sincere purpose and desire to represent the people of this entire district in the next General Assembly of North Carolina to tne best of my ability. With 25 years’ experience in public affairs, I feel that I am quali fied to do so.” Mr. Aydlett was bom at Harbinger in Currituck County October 25, 1902, and received his high school education at Poplar Branch. He entered the University of North Carolina in 1921, graduating with an L.L.B. degree in 1 1926, and was admitted to the Bar of North Carolina the same year. He was associated with Judge Walter L. Small in the practice of law until Judge Small’s appointment to the Su perior Court Bench in 1928. He mar -1 ried the former Pantha Houser of ; Rutherford and has one child, Patricia I Ann, who is a graduate of the Uni versity. i Mr. Aydlett was Clerk of Superior Court in Pasquotank County from 1928 to 1946 and is now a partner In the law firm of McMullan & Aydlett, as well as Mayor of Elizabeth City since 1951. He has also been Demo cratic Chairman of Pasquotank Coun ty since 1943. Among his other con (Continued on Page Eight) Mrs. Moore Expresses Thanks For Presents Sent For TB Patients The Rehabilitation Committee of the Chowan County TB Association of which Mrs. J. A. Moore is chairman, i wishes to express to the people of Edenton its due appreciation for the kindly cooperation shown in the send ing of packages for TB patients at Christmas time. j Many people saw these packages | displayed in the Albemarle Case win | dow and know how generous the out -1 pouring of gifts was. 1 With the help and advice of Miss Hulda Wood of the Health Office, these packages were assembled, divid ed and distributed to sick people in sanitoriums and at home awaiting treatment. They brought happiness and the as surance of not being forgotten to some who might otherwise have had llittle of Christmas cheer. Edenton Woman’s Club. Mrs. Lena M. Leary, representing the Business and Professional Wo man’s Club. George Twiddy, representing the Rotary Club. John A. Holmes, representing the city school unit. W. J. Taylor, representing the coun ty school unit. Mayor Leroy Haskett, representing the Town of Edenton. Jesse L. Harrell is president of the corporation, with A1 Phillips as vice president, Mrs. Cecil Fry, secretary treasurer, and Evelyn Leary, publicity chairman. The site committee is com posed of J. H. Conger, Sr., chairman, P. S. McMullan, John A. Holmes, Gra ham Byrum and Jesse L. Harrell, ex officio. On motion of J. H. Conger, Sr., sec onded by Murray Byrum, the certifi (Continued on Page Eight)