Contribute To The March Os Dimes THE CHOWAN HERALD Volume XXl.—Number 3. Name Is Proposed By Representatives For Swimming Pool Preliminary Plans Are Considered Tuesday Night PLANDRIVE Solicitors Requested to Attend Meeting Mon day Night Preliminary plans for the erection •of a modern swimming pool in Eden ton are shaping up as the result of a meeting Tuesday night of represen tatives of the various civic organiza tions. Now that the ball has final ly started rolling, prospects for the new swimming pool look bright for this project has been one that has attracted considerable interest in Cho wan County for sometime. Representatives attending Tuesday night’s meeting voted to name the pool “Hicks Memorial Swimming Pool, Corp.” It will be of regulation size, 20 feet by 82 feet, 6 inches and will have a wading pool of 25 feet by 18 feet. One end of the pool will meas ure 8 feet deep and will graduate hack to 3 feet in shallow water. Representatives were asked to se lect solicitors from their respective clubs for the forthcoming fund rais ing drive, and to have them attend the meeting to be held next Monday night at 8 o’clock in the Municipal Building. Attending the meeting Tuesday night were Jesse L. Harrell, presi dent of the corporation, Mayor Leroy skett, Murray Byrum. George Twid g% Mrs. Leon y'c Parks, and Evelyn Leary. edenton. with all its surrounding waters, has never had anything to of fer swimmers but dirty beaches and slimy water. Those who have taken their chances may have experienced some relaxation during the hot sum mer months after driving five or six miles from town to 101 l on the beach and catch whatever breeze happens to flit by, but this so-called recreation: is not what one particularly desires. It is just a matter of one accepting the only thing offered and that of making the best of it. The erection of a new swimming pool here will not only be a delight to the younsters, but will indeed be a credit to the town. Mrs. Geo. Hoskins Elected President Hospital Auxiliary! Mrs. William A. Swets Principal Speaker at Meeting At a meeting Friday afternoon of the Chowan Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. George Hoskins was elected president. Mrs. A1 Stanton was elected vice pres ident, Mrs. Frank Elliott, secretary and Mrs. Thomas Byrum, Jr., treas urer. The following chairmen of standing committees were also announced: Sewing—Mrs. W. J. Daniels and Mrs. Emmett Elliott. Grounds —Miss Frances Tillett and Mrs. John Wood, Sr. Finance—Dr. Martha Wood and Mrs. Martin Wisely. Membership—Mrs. Albert Byrum. House—Mrs. A. F. Downum. Publicity—Mrs. Junius Davis. Hospitality— Mrs. W. 0. Elliott. Program—Mrs. J. L. Pettus. During December the Rocky Hock Missionary Society took care of flow ers and magazines. Mrs. Rodney Har rell, Sr., was gratefully thanked for her special attentions to the staff during the holidays. Mrs. Albert By rum and Mrs. Junius Davis told of generous donations of money and ?tions that helped make the staff Jrx on Christmas eve a success. /. William Swets, wife of the -plqin at the Edenton Marine Air Station, gave a most inspiring talk on leprosy. Mrs. Swets is thoroughly familiar with the great mission work done in that field and with the prog- • ress of the treatment in leper colonies. | Her address was very interesting and it is her fervent desire to enlighten the public attitude toward this dread disease. | Baseball Meeting] Palmer Tynch, manager of last season’s Rocky Hock baseball team, has called a meeting of all baseball fans in Edenton and Cho wan County in the Chowan Court House Friday night at 7:30 o’clock. Mr. Tynch said the purpose of the meeting is to consider the possibility of having organized baseball in Edenton this summer. All who are interested in baseball are urged to attend. License Required To Operate Motor Boats To fish Commercially New Law Includes Li cense on Pound Net Boats Cage Hayman has been notified by the Department of Conservation and Development that power boats or mo tor boats used for commercial fishing are subject to a license tax. The instructions are based on an opinion by Attorney General Harry M. McMullan, who states: “There shall be levied annually upon motor | boats a specified tax depending upon the overall length of boat. In view of this statute (G. S. 113-174.7) I am of the opinion that all power boats and motor boats are subject to a license tax when such boats are used for com mercial fishing purposes.” Mr. Hayman was, therefore, advis ed that such boat operators must se cure their licenses by February 1 and that he is expected to arrest any caught without a license and carried in Recorder’s Court for trial. This in cludes boats used for pound net fish ing, just as '-hrimp, oyster and long! haul boats are required to pay. Prior to 1954 there was no law on j pound net boars used exclusively fori pound net fishing, but the new law includes them. J Gilliam Wood New Rotary President Club Officers Elected at Meeting Held Thurs day Afternoon Edenton Rotarians at their meeting Thursday elected Gilliam Wood presi dent to succeed John Kramer. Gerald James was elected vice president and Jimmy Earnhardt, John A. Holmes, Hubert Williford and W. T. Harry as directors. The new officers will not be install ed until the first meeting in July, the election taking place so far in advance in order to allow the incoming presi dent to attend the Rotary Assembly. W. H. Hollowed, Jr, TeenAgePresident Officers For Year Elect ed at Meeting Held Thursday N ight At a meeting of the directors of the Edenton Teen Age Club held Thursday night in the Teen Age Clubroom W. Herbert Hollowell, Jr., was elected president, succeeding Mrs. J. P. Par tin. Other officers elected included W. T. Harry, vice president, and Mrs. T. <. fmll Mj'' ' " if .; _■ ■ if Jißg , gfjj jf wMk Sjß %> ' '//-i v ~ W. Henry Gardner Is Elected President Os The Bank Os Edenton Fourth to Serve In Ca pacity Since Organiza tion In 1894 At a meeting of the directors of ■ the Bank of Edenton held Thursday afternoon William Henry Gardner was elected president to succeed John G. Wood, who resigned due to ill health. Mr. Gardner is the fourth president since the hank was organized in 1894. The late Julien Wood was the first president and served in that capacity for 50 years. In 1943 the late D. M. Warren was elected president, but j served only about a year and a half before his death. John G. Wood suc ceeded Mr. Warren in 1945 and ser- J ved until his resignation last week. I Mr. Gardner, who was executive vice president until his promotion, has been connected with the bank for 40 j years. Mr. Wood will continue as chairman of the board of directors and his son, Gilliam Wood, was elected vice presi- I dent. Chowan Farm Bureau : Invited To Perquimans E. M. Howell, secretary of the Cho wan County Farm Bureau, announces that the Perquimans County Farm Bureau has invited the Chowan Coun ty Farm Bureau to meet jointly in the Perquimans County High School to night (Thursday) at 7 o’clock. R. Flake Shaw, executive secretary of the N. C. Farm Bureau Federation will speak on “Our Farm Program.” Mr. Shaw will bring latest informa tion on the farm program which af fects all farmers. Mr. Howell urges a large number of Chowan County mem-1 bers to attend the meeting. I MAYOR'S PROCLAMATION 1 WHEREAS, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States, a i patriotic organization comprising some 10,000 individual Posts with a million two hundred thousand members, will observe its 55th annivers ary during 1954, and WHEREAS, this organization was Congressionally chartered by, and remains as a group of America’s finest fighting men who have un dergone unusual hardships in every war or expedition in which the Na tion has participated since the Spanish-American war, and WHEREAS, the VFW’s more than half century of service to its disabled Comrades-in-Arms, the widows and orphans of deceased veter ans and service men, and its efforts to keep America strong from within and without to deter foreign aggression, is indicative of its love of fel low man and country, and WHEREAS, this overseas veteran fraternity is today serving its country in peace as it did in war, by sponsoring and successfully con cluding more than 300,000 different community service projects annu ally, all aimed at improving communities, states, and Nation, and WHEREAS, the VFW has in recent years won four consecutive Freedoms Foundations Awards, for its untiring and diligent Loyalty Day and similar Americanism programs, seeking to rid this country of all Communists and other un-American groups and philosophies, now THEREFORE!, I, Leroy H. Haskett, Mayor of the City of Eden ton, ! in the State of North Carolina, do hereby proclaim and designate the 1 entire week of January 24-30, 1954, as National VFW Week, and re spectfully ask the entire citizenry of this community to render a special tribute to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and wish it Godspeed in all its future endeavors. Done at the City Hall of Edenton, N. C., this 24th day of January, , 1954, LEROY H. HASKETT, Mayor. Attest: Ernest J. Ward, Jr., Clerk. Unique Scheme To Get Contributions For March Dimes Roadblock Will Be Sta tioned on Upper Broad Street Saturday Rill Perry, co-chairman of the 1954 March of Dimes in Chowan County, reports that canvassers are now work ing in their respective areas, but that not enough complete returns have been turned in to give any idea of the suc cess of the drive. Mr. Perry will initiate a i.ew stunt in helping to raise funds this year. With permission of the Police Depart ment a road block will be erected on North Broad Street next Saturday, January 23, where VFW members will he stationed with a bucket to solicit contributions from motorists as they pass up and down Broad Street. Arrangements have also been made for members of the VFW Auxiliary j and Degree of Pocahontas to carry a j bucket in the business section Satur day soliciting contributions for the March of Dimes. Mr. Perry is of the opinion that a substantial amount will in this way be secured which other wise would not have been contribut ed during the drive. The plan is rather unique and it is hoped many people who have not oth erwise been solicited will make a con tribution in the fight against infan tile paralysis. ROTARY MEETS TODAY Edenton’s Rotary Club will meet this (Thursday) afternoon at 1 o’clock in the Parjsh House. President John Kramer urges a 100 per cent meet ing. SUNBEAMS TO MEET The Sunbeams of the Edenton Bap- j tist Church, under the direction of i Mrs. Pete Manning, will meet at the |' church Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. | All members are urged to attend and I to bring a friend with them. *- , ii Is Ready To Start On Building 30 Homes [Sun Dial On Green] After a series of delays, the Street Department, together with the services of George K. Mack, / last week erected a sun dial on the Court House Green. Mrs. Julien Wood was the in stigator of the idea of a sun dial and, with contributions from a group of friends, purchased the dial more than a year ago. The sun dial has already caused many favorable comments. W. H. Coffield Post Joins In Celebrating National VFW Week Local Activities Will Ex tend From Sunday to Saturday Members of William H. Cos field Post, No. 9280, are planning to join in the observance of National VFW Week from January 24 to 30. A pro- 1 gram has been arranged for every day next week, starting with an appeal to all VFW members to attend the church of their choice Sunday. Monday is designated Community Service Day, when an all-out effort will be made to complete the March of Dimes drive, sponsored jointly by the VFW Post and the Degree of Po cahontas. Tuesday will be Obligation Meeting, when it is hoped eligible veterans will enrollin the Post. Youth Activities Day will be ob served Wednesday which will be spon sored by the Auxiliary. VFW National Home Day will be observed Thursday. Pictures of the National Home and other interesting material will be on display in the building formerly occupied by Tots & Teens. Friday will be Americanism Day, when all merchants are requested to rContinued on Page Five) Masons Treated To i Free Steak Supper Affair Wilfße Held To night at R. P. Baer’s Barbecue Pit i Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F., & A. M„ will hold a stated communica tion tonight (Thursday) at 8 o’clock in the Court House. Prior to the meeting, at 6:15 o’clock, a free steak supper will be served at the barbecue pit of Richard P. Baer on West Blount | Street. Those attending the supper will have their choice of T-bone or sir loin steak providing they notify Er nest Kehayes in time. A large num ber of Masons are expected to attend the affair, when a complete report j will he presented in connection with the new Masonic temple. Volunteer Nurses’ Aid Class Begins On Monday Night Initial Instruction Ses sion In Nurses’ Home At 8 O’clock Next Monday night, January 25, at 8 o’clock in the nurses’ home instruc tion will begin for the wonderful group of ladies who have volunteered their services as nurses’ aids in Cho wan Hospital. There is urgent need for a few more recruits and anyone interested in in- J formation or an interview is asked to contact anyone of the following: Mrs. Arlene Fallis, instructor; Mrs. George Hoskins, Mrs. Junius Davis, Mrs. Mar tin Wisely or Miss Frances Tillett. 112.00 Per Year. Site Will Be Continua tion of Albemarle Court RENTS6STO $75 Contractor Asks Town To Extend Water and Sewerage Lines Early in November the Office ol Defense Mobilization announced that Chowan County had been designated a critical defense housing area and .'according to information the Richards ! Building Company of Raleigh has been given permission to build 30 new hous es and that the concern is ready to begin work within a week or two. The new houses will be erected next to the group of houses at Albemarle Court, in fact a continuation of the project on land formerly owned by S. E. Morris. R. B. Cauthen, representing the Ra leigh concern, met with members of Town Council and the Board of Pub lic Works in a special meeting Tues day morning. Mr. Cauthen’s visit to Edenton was to learn if the Town ut Edenton will install water, sewerage and electric service in that the project is within the city limits. He stated at the meeting that this service will be the only thing request ed from the town and that the con tractor will provide hard efface streets and proper grading. [ The project will include 30 housing units for rental purposes tc personnel jat the Edenton Marine Corps Air Sta l tion and Mr. Cauthen expressed the opinion that the local base will be a permanent one. The houses will be of asbestos shingle design and will | rent from $65 to $75 per month with an additional $5 per month if electric stove and refrigerator are furnished. Not all of the Town Councilmen nor the Board of Public Works attended Tuesday’s meeting, so before any com mitment was made as to the town bearing the expense of constructing water and sewerage lines, which is | roughly estimated to cost $16,000, it was deemed advisable to have all members present when a decision is made. Mayor Leroy Haskett, there fore, called a special joint meeting of I the town boards for tonight (Thurs day) at 7:30 o’clock in the Municipal I Building to further consider the re quest. Revised Edition Os Milk Ordinance Is Adopted In District Grades A, B and C of Raw Milk Allowed To Be Sold The District Board of Health at a meeting at the Health Center in Eliz abeth City on January 12, adopted the 1953 revised edition of Milk Ordinance and Code as recommended by the United States Public Health Service. ! Prior to this adoption the 1939 Ordi nance and Code was used. Although this revised ordinance was intended to permit the sale of pas teurized products only, the ordinance was amended to permit certified raw and grades A, B, C, raw milk and milk products to be offered for retail sale direct from the producer only to the consumer, provided that persons pro ducing and offering for sale these grades of milk secure a permit from the Health Department and meet the requirements governing these grades of milk and milk products. Civic Calendar Joint meeting of Town Council and Board of Public Works to night (Thursday) in the Munici pal Building at 7:30 to consider new housing project. Annual stockholders’ meeting of the Edenton Building & Loan Association in the Court House Tuesday night, February 2, at 8 o’clock. VFW Post meets In VFW horn* Tuesday night of next week. (Continued on Pag* Eight)